Protein Information

Name BAK1
Synonyms Apoptosis regulator BAK; BAK; BAK 1; BAK LIKE; BAK1; BCL2 antagonist killer 1; BCL2L7; Bcl 2 homologous antagonist/killer…

Compound Information

Name brassinolide

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
19452453 Chang IF, Curran A, Woolsey R, Quilici D, Cushman JC, Mittler R, Harmon A, Harper JF: Proteomic profiling of tandem affinity purified 14-3-3 protein complexes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proteomics. 2009 Jun;9(11):2967-85.

The identification here of 121 putative clients provides support for in vivo 14-3-3 interactions with a diverse array of proteins, including those involved in: (i) Ion transport, such as a K (+) channel (GORK), a Cl (-) channel (CLCg), Ca (2+) channels belonging to the glutamate receptor family (1.2, 2.1, 2.9, 3.4, 3.7); (ii) hormone signaling, such as ACC synthase (isoforms ACS-6, -7 and -8 involved in ethylene synthesis) and the brassinolide receptors BRI1 and BAK1; (iii) transcription, such as 7 WRKY family transcription factors; (iv) metabolism, such as phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase; and (v) lipid signaling, such as phospholipase D (beta and gamma).
81(1,1,1,1) Details
17583510 Kemmerling B, Schwedt A, Rodriguez P, Mazzotta S, Frank M, Qamar SA, Mengiste T, Betsuyaku S, Parker JE, Mussig C, Thomma BP, Albrecht C, de Vries SC, Hirt H, Nurnberger T: The BRI1-associated kinase 1, BAK1, has a brassinolide-independent role in plant cell-death control. Curr Biol. 2007 Jul 3;17(13):1116-22. Epub 2007 Jun 21.
64(0,2,2,4) Details
20103591 Schulze B, Mentzel T, Jehle AK, Mueller K, Beeler S, Boller T, Felix G, Chinchilla D: Rapid heteromerization and phosphorylation of ligand-activated plant transmembrane receptors and their associated kinase BAK1. J Biol Chem. 2010 Mar 26;285(13):9444-51. Epub 2010 Jan 26.

Similarly, brassinolide induces BAK1 phosphorylation within seconds.
36(0,1,1,6) Details
19704727 Kemmerling B, Nurnberger T: Brassinosteroid-independent functions of the BRI1-associated kinase BAK1/SERK3. Plant Signal Behav. 2008 Feb;3(2):116-8.

BAK1 is known to interact with the brassinosteroid receptor, BRI1, and thereby facilitates plant growth and development in a brassinolide (BL)-dependent manner.4,5 Surprisingly, the cell death-related phenotype in bak1 mutants is brassinolide-independent.
35(0,1,1,5) Details
19532123 Song L, Shi QM, Yang XH, Xu ZH, Xue HW: Membrane steroid-binding protein 1 (MSBP1) negatively regulates brassinosteroid signaling by enhancing the endocytosis of BAK1. Cell Res. 2009 Jul;19(7):864-76.

The transmembrane receptor BRI1 can directly bind to brassinolide (BL), and BAK1 interacts with BRI1 to enhance the BRI1-mediated BR signaling.
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18667726 Albrecht C, Russinova E, Kemmerling B, Kwaaitaal M, de Vries SC: Arabidopsis SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR KINASE proteins serve brassinosteroid-dependent and -independent signaling pathways. Plant Physiol. 2008 Sep;148(1):611-9. Epub 2008 Jul 30.

One member of this family, BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1 (BRI1)-ASSOCIATED KINASE1 (BAK1), also known as SERK3, is the coreceptor of the brassinolide (BR)-perceiving receptor BRI1, a function that is BR dependent and partially redundant with SERK1.
32(0,1,1,2) Details
19400727 Boller T, Felix G: A renaissance of elicitors: perception of microbe-associated molecular patterns and danger signals by pattern-recognition receptors. Annu Rev Plant Biol. 2009;60:379-406.

Upon treatment with flagellin, FLS2 forms a heteromeric complex with BAK1, an LRR-RK that also acts as coreceptor for the brassinolide receptor BRI1.
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19277500 Yun HS, Bae YH, Lee YJ, Chang SC, Kim SK, Li J, Nam KH: Analysis of phosphorylation of the BRI1/BAK1 complex in arabidopsis reveals amino acid residues critical for receptor formation and activation of BR signaling. Mol Cells. 2009 Feb;27(2):183-90. Epub 2009 Feb 20.

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18694562 Wang X, Kota U, He K, Blackburn K, Li J, Goshe MB, Huber SC, Clouse SD: Sequential transphosphorylation of the BRI1/BAK1 receptor kinase complex impacts early events in brassinosteroid signaling. Dev Cell. 2008 Aug;15(2):220-35.

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20108170 Jeong YJ, Shang Y, Kim BH, Kim SY, Song JH, Lee JS, Lee MM, Li J, Nam KH: BAK7 displays unequal genetic redundancy with BAK1 in brassinosteroid signaling and early senescence in arabidopsis. Mol Cells. 2010 Jan 21.

Furthermore, the sensitivity of transgenic plants overexpressing BAK7 to brassinazole, a biosynthetic inhibitor of brassinolide (BL), did not change compared to that of wild-type plants.
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17027118 Wang L, Xu YY, Li J, Powell RA, Xu ZH, Chong K: Transgenic rice plants ectopically expressing AtBAK1 are semi-dwarfed and hypersensitive to 24-epibrassinolide. J Plant Physiol. 2007 May;164(5):655-64. Epub 2006 Oct 4.

Brassinosteroid insensitive1 (BRI1)-assocaiated receptor kinase (BAK1) is one of the key components in the BR signal transduction pathway due to its direct association with the BR receptor, BRI1.
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12150929 Li J, Wen J, Lease KA, Doke JT, Tax FE, Walker JC: BAK1, an Arabidopsis LRR receptor-like protein kinase, interacts with BRI1 and modulates brassinosteroid signaling. Cell. 2002 Jul 26;110(2):213-22.

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16699538 Wang ZY, Wang Q, Chong K, Wang F, Wang L, Bai M, Jia C: The brassinosteroid signal transduction pathway. Cell Res. 2006 May;16(5):427-34.

Recent studies have demonstrated that BR binding to the extracellular domain of BRI1 induces kinase activation and dimerization with another receptor kinase, BAK1.
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17003466 Karlova R, de Vries SC: Advances in understanding brassinosteroid signaling. Sci STKE. 2006 Sep 26;2006(354):pe36.

BR binding to the extracellular domain of the receptor BRI1 induces kinase activation and hetero-oligomerization with the second transmembrane kinase BAK1.
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17470144 Kim TW, Lee SM, Joo SH, Yun HS, Lee Y, Kaufman PB, Kirakosyan A, Kim SH, Nam KH, Lee JS, Chang SC, Kim SK: Elongation and gravitropic responses of Arabidopsis roots are regulated by brassinolide and IAA. Plant Cell Environ. 2007 Jun;30(6):679-89.

Exogenously applied brassinolide (BL) increased both gravitropic curvature and length of primary roots of Arabidopsis at low concentration (10 (-10) M), whereas at higher concentration, BL further increased gravitropic curvature while it inhibited primary root growth.
Interestingly, IAA treatment to the roots of bri1-301 and bak1 plants or of plants pretreated with a BL biosynthetic inhibitor, brassinazole, increased their sensitivity to gravity, while these treatments for the BL-hypersensitive transgenic plants, BRI1-GFP and 35S-BAK1, were less effective.
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16857903 Wang X, Chory J: Brassinosteroids regulate dissociation of BKI1, a negative regulator of BRI1 signaling, from the plasma membrane. Science. 2006 Aug 25;313(5790):1118-22. Epub 2006 Jul 20.

BKI1 is a substrate of BRI1 kinase and limits the interaction of BRI1 with its proposed coreceptor, BAK1, suggesting that BKI1 prevents the activation of BRI1.
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