Protein Information

Name muscles
Synonyms COX 7a M; COX VIIa M; COX7A; COX7A1; COX7A1 protein; COX7AH; COX7AM; Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7a H…

Compound Information

Name dieldrin

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
82249 Sodergren A, Djirsarai R, Gharibzadeh M, Moinpour A: Organochlorine residues in aquatic environments in Iran, 1974. Pestic Monit J. 1978 Sep;12(2):81-6.

Sturgeon collected at different places in the Caspian Sea showed similar accumulations of DDT in the muscles and in the eggs.
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19103455 Kalyoncu L, Agca I, Aktumsek A: Some organochlorine pesticide residues in fish species in Konya, Turkey. Chemosphere. 2009 Feb;74(7):885-9. Epub 2008 Dec 21.

However, dieldrin, endrin, beta endosulfan, p-p' DDT, and p-p' DDD were not found in Salmo trutta.
DDT and its metabolites and HCH were the predominant contaminants in fish muscles.
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15041284 Sapozhnikova Y, Bawardi O, Schlenk D: Pesticides and PCBs in sediments and fish from the Salton Sea, California, USA. Chemosphere. 2004 May;55(6):797-809.

DDE concentrations in fish muscles tissues were above the 50 ng/g concentration threshold for the protection of predatory birds.
Lindane, dieldrin, dichlorodiphenylethane (DDE) and total PCB concentrations detected in sediments exceeded probable effect levels established for freshwater ecosystems, and pp-DDE and total PCB concentrations were higher than effect range-median values developed for marine and estuarine sediments.
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11461840 van Wyk E, Bouwman H, van der Bank H, Verdoorn GH, Hofmann D: Persistent organochlorine pesticides detected in blood and tissue samples of vultures from different localities in South Africa. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 2001 Jul;129(3):243-64.

Five of the organochlorine contaminants displayed significant variations between concentrations detected in the clotted blood, organs and muscles excised from vulture carcasses.
This includes residues of gamma-BHC, alpha-chlordane, dieldrin, beta-endosulfan and heptachlor epoxide.
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2926402 Olsen RW, Szamraj O, Miller T: t-[35S] butylbicyclophosphorothionate binding sites in invertebrate tissues. J Neurochem. 1989 Apr;52(4):1311-8.

Specific high affinity binding of the cage convulsant t-[35S] butylbicyclophosphorothionate (TBPS) was observed in membrane homogenates of housefly heads and crayfish abdominal muscles. [35S] TBPS binding in these two invertebrate tissues was inhibited by biologically active cage convulsants, picrotoxin analogs, and barbiturates.
Approximately 50% of total binding was displaceable by excess (0.1 mM) nonradioactive TBPS, picrotoxinin, ethyl bicyclophosphate, or dieldrin.
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2458634 Matsumoto K, Eldefrawi ME, Eldefrawi AT: Action of polychlorocycloalkane insecticides on binding of [35S] t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate to Torpedo electric organ membranes and stereospecificity of the binding site. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1988 Sep 15;95(2):220-9.

Nevertheless, because of its high affinity for gamma-BHC such a protein in muscles or brain may be an important target for the action of this insecticide.
Endrin was more potent than dieldrin, but endosulfan I and II had similar effects.
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16978684 Verreault J, Norstrom RJ, Ramsay MA, Mulvihill M, Letcher RJ: Composition of chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants among major adipose tissue depots of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from the Canadian high Arctic. Sci Total Environ. 2006 Nov 1;370(2-3):580-7. Epub 2006 Sep 15.

Concentrations and congener patterns of PCBs (20 congeners) and OCs (14 compounds; chlordanes and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes and metabolites, chlorinated benzenes, hexachlorocyclohexane isomers, octachlorostyrene and dieldrin) were found to be relatively uniform throughout the adipose tissue of male polar bears.
In view of this, we conclude that the determination of CHCs in adipose tissue of polar bears from any major depots, with the potential exception of the fat under the neck muscles, would give a representative picture of the overall CHC composition and concentrations in polar bear fat for purpose of trend monitoring.
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100762 Zabik ME, Olson B, Johnson TM: Dieldrin, DDT, PCBs, and mercury levels in freshwater mullet from the upper Great Lakes, 1975-76. Pestic Monit J. 1978 Jun;12(1):36-9.

Whole ground fish, mechanically deboned flesh, head, middle, and tail steaks, and various muscles were analyzed for pesticides and PCBs; only edible flesh was analyzed for mercury.
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880379 Shannon LR: Accumulation and elimination of dieldrin in muscle tissue of channel catfish. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 1977 Jun;17(6):637-44.

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16334280 Saqib TA, Naqvi SN, Siddiqui PA, Azmi MA: Detection of pesticide residues in muscles, liver and fat of 3 species of Labeo found in Kalri and Haleji lakes. J Environ Biol. 2005 Jun;26(2 Suppl):433-8.

The pesticide residues which were detected in fish tissues are DDT, DDE, aldrin, dieldrin and deltamethrin.
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15092796 DouAbul AA, Al-Saad HT, Al-Rekabi HN: Residues of organochlorine pesticides in environmental samples from the Shatt al-Arab River, Iraq. Environ Pollut. 1987;43(3):175-87.

Relatively higher residue levels of sumDDT, endrin and dieldrin were encountered in the muscles of the Indian shad captured from the Shatt al-Arab River (average concentrations were 163, 80 and 28 microg kg (-1) wet weight respectively).
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11757736 Kawar NS, Dagher SM, Chammas GI: Comparison of gas chromatography and immunoassay methods in measuring the distribution of dieldrin in rainbow trout tissues. J Environ Sci Health B. 2001 Nov;36(6):765-74.

The brain, gills, liver, muscles and skin were collected from each fish.
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10846931 Falandysz J, Strandberg L, Mizera T, Kalisinska E: [The contamination of white-tailed sea eagles with organochlorines in Poland]. Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig. 2000;51(1):7-13.

The residues of PCBs, DDTs, HCHs, HCBz, PCBz, CHLs, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, isodrin, endosulfan 1, endosulfan 2, mirex, TCPM-H and TCPM-OH were determined in breast muscles and an egg of white-tailed sea eagles collected in Poland in 1991-1995.
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7189927 Singh GJ, Thornhill RA: Metabolic fate of [14C] dieldrin in Schistocerca gregaria with particular reference to the nervous system. Xenobiotica. 1980 Jan;10(1):57-63.

The uptake of the dose of dieldrin was maximal in nerve cords followed by thoracic muscles and gut.
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