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Proffer TJ, Berardi R, Ma Z, Nugent JE, Ehret GR, McManus PS, Jones AL, Sundin GW: Occurrence, Distribution, and Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Detection of Resistance to Sterol Demethylation Inhibitor Fungicides in Populations of Blumeriella jaapii in Michigan. Phytopathology. 2006 Jul;96(7):709-17.
The species-specific primer pair (Bj-F and Bj-R) based on introns in the CYP51 gene of B. jaapii, and the DMI (R)-specific primer pair (DMI-R-Bj-F and DMI-R-Bj-R) based on an insert found upstream of CYP51 in all DMI (R) isolates, provided an accurate and rapid method for detecting DMI (R) B. jaapii. In 2002, CLS control failed in a Michigan orchard that had used the DMI fenbuconazole exclusively for 8 years. |
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