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Lustgarten MS, Jang YC, Liu Y, Muller FL, Qi W, Steinhelper M, Brooks SV, Larkin L, Shimizu T, Shirasawa T, McManus LM, Bhattacharya A, Richardson A, Van Remmen H: Conditional knockout of Mn-SOD targeted to type IIB skeletal muscle fibers increases oxidative stress and is sufficient to alter aerobic exercise capacity. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2009 Dec;297(6):C1520-32. Epub 2009 Sep 23. In vitro studies of isolated skeletal muscle have shown that oxidative stress is limiting with respect to contractile function. Mitochondria are a potential source of muscle function-limiting oxidants. To test the hypothesis that skeletal muscle-specific mitochondrial oxidative stress is sufficient to limit muscle function, we bred mice expressing Cre recombinase driven by the promoter for the inhibitory subunit of troponin (TnIFast-iCre) with mice containing a floxed Sod2 (Sod2 (fl/fl)) allele. Mn-SOD activity was reduced by 82% in glycolytic (mainly type II) muscle fiber homogenates from young TnIFastCreSod2 (fl/fl) mice. Furthermore, Mn-SOD content was reduced by 70% only in type IIB muscle fibers. Aconitase activity was decreased by 56%, which suggests an increase in mitochondrial matrix superoxide. Mitochondrial superoxide release was elevated more than twofold by mitochondria isolated from glycolytic skeletal muscle in TnIFastCreSod2 (fl/fl) mice. In contrast, the rate of mitochondrial H (2) O (2) production was reduced by 33%, and only during respiration with complex II substrate. F (2)-isoprostanes were increased by 36% in tibialis anterior muscles isolated from TnIFastCreSod2 (fl/fl) mice. Elevated glycolytic muscle-specific mitochondrial oxidative stress and damage in TnIFastCreSod2 (fl/fl) mice were associated with a decreased ability of the extensor digitorum longus and gastrocnemius muscles to produce contractile force as a function of time, whereas force production by the soleus muscle was unaffected. TnIFastCreSod2 (fl/fl) mice ran 55% less distance on a treadmill than wild-type mice. Collectively, these data suggest that elevated mitochondrial oxidative stress and damage in glycolytic muscle fibers are sufficient to reduce contractile muscle function and aerobic exercise capacity. |
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