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Borges A, Scotti LV, Siqueira DR, Zanini R, Amaral F, Jurinitz DF, Wassermann GF: Changes in hematological and serum biochemical values in jundia Rhamdia quelen due to sub-lethal toxicity of cypermethrin. Chemosphere. 2007 Oct;69(6):920-6. Epub 2007 Jul 20. Jundia (Rhamdia quelen, Quoy and Gaimard), a South American teleostean fish, was exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of cypermethrin (30% and 45% of the 48-h LC (50) value of 0.265 ppm) for 2, 4 or 8 days. Serum biochemical and hematological values and behavioral changes were studied. The 30% LC (50), 0.08 ppm, produced significant increases in Mg (2+), P, K (+), creatinine, urea, glucose, cholesterol, aspartate aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase levels, and reduction in total proteins and triglycerides in serum. The 45% LC (50), 0.12 ppm, produced significant increase in Na (+), Mg (2+), P, K (+), creatinine, urea, glucose, cholesterol, and alkaline phosphatase, and reduction in triglycerides and alanine aminotransferase levels in serum. At this concentration, the fish showed behavior changes such as hyper-excitability, asphyxia, and widening of mouth and operculum. The hematological values remained normal, except for hemoglobin concentrations and the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, which increased with exposure to 0.08 ppm and 0.12 ppm cypermethrin. Results of the present work show that biochemical analysis of serum can be useful to detect incipient cypermethrin intoxication of the shoal. |
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