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Jena SD, Behera M, Dandapat J, Mohanty N: Non-enzymatic antioxidant status and modulation of lipid peroxidation in the muscles of Labeo rohita by sub lethal exposure of CuSO4. Vet Res Commun. 2009 Jun;33(5):421-9. Epub 2008 Nov 26. Xenobiotics-mediated environmental stress is an important determining factor in the maintenance of fish health as fishes are frequently exposed to such components. Increasing evidences indicate that acute and chronic xenobiotic exposure modulates ROS production, suppresses immune response and increase the incidence of fish diseases. In the present context an attempt has been made to study the in vivo effect of different concentrations of CuSO (4) (0.5, 1.00 or 2.00 ppm) on lipid peroxidation (an index of oxidative stress) and non enzymatic antioxidant status (glutathione and Ascorbic acid), in the muscle of a widely consumed freshwater fish Labeo rohita. From the out come of this study it is concluded that comparatively low dose of copper (0.5 ppm) induce mild oxidative stress in the experimental fish with concomitant elevation of GSH and AsA content of the muscle. However, high concentration of CuSO (4) (2.00 ppm) in the ambient water leads to severe oxidative stress manifested in the form of LPX and morphoanatomical alteration. |
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