Protein Information

Name ATPase
Synonyms ATP7A; MK; ATPase; Cation transporting ATPase; ATP7A protein; ATPase Cu(2+) transporting alpha polypeptide; Copper pump 1; Copper transporting ATPase 1…

Compound Information

Name gibberellic acid
CAS (1α,2β,4aα,4bβ,10β)-2,4a,7-trihydroxy-1-methyl-8-methylenegibb-3-ene-1,10-dicarboxylic acid 1,4a-lactone

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
16666309 Aloni B, Daie J, Wyse RE: Regulation of Apoplastic pH in Source Leaves of Vicia faba by Gibberellic Acid. Plant Physiol. 1988 Oct;88(2):367-369.

Gibberellic acid appeared to modulate the activity of the H (+)-translocating ATPase located at the plasma membrane of the mesophyll cells.
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12520180 Yang S, Maeshima M, Tanaka Y, Komatsu S: Modulation of vacuolar H+ -pumps and aquaporin by phytohormones in rice seedling leaf sheaths. Biol Pharm Bull. 2003 Jan;26(1):88-92.

The effects of exogenously applied gibberellic acid (GA (3)) or brassinolide (BL) on the H (+)-pumps and aquaporin in the vacuolar membrane of rice seedling leaf sheath were investigated.
Antibodies against mung bean H (+)-PPase, the B subunit of V-ATPase, and radish tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP) cross-reacted with the vacuolar membrane proteins of rice seedling leaf sheath.
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16806958 Fukuda A, Tanaka Y: Effects of ABA, auxin, and gibberellin on the expression of genes for vacuolar H+ -inorganic pyrophosphatase, H+ -ATPase subunit A, and Na+/H+ antiporter in barley. Plant Physiol Biochem. 2006 May-Jun;44(5-6):351-8. Epub 2006 Jun 16.

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11828019 Lorenzo O, Nicolas C, Nicolas G, Rodriguez D: GA (3)-induced expression of a new functional AAA-ATPase (FsA1) is correlated with the onset of germination in Fagus sylvatica L. seeds (beechnuts). Plant Cell Physiol. 2002 Jan;43(1):27-34.

Analysis of the expression of FsA1 transcripts during stratification shows an increase in the presence of gibberellic acid (GA (3)), a treatment that proved to be efficient in breaking dormancy and increasing germination percentages of these seeds, while the addition of paclobutrazol, a well-known GA biosynthesis inhibitor, greatly reduces the expression of the clone.
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10594121 Cooley MB, Yang H, Dahal P, Mella RA, Downie AB, Haigh AM, Bradford KJ: Vacuolar H (+)-ATPase is expressed in response to gibberellin during tomato seed germination. Plant Physiol. 1999 Dec;121(4):1339-48.

Among these was a GA-responsive mRNA encoding the 16-kD hydrophobic subunit c of the V (0) membrane sector of vacuolar H (+)-translocating ATPases (V-ATPase), which we termed LVA-P1.
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9257283 Ladyzhenskaya EP, Gumanova IK: Effect of phytohormones on ATP-dependent accumulation of Ca2+ in plasma membrane vesicles from tubers of potato Solanum tuberosum L. Membr Cell Biol. 1997;11(1):77-85.

Under conditions of total inhibition of nitrate-sensitive ATPase of the tonoplast, the vesicles of the fraction obtained exhibited the ATP-dependent accumulation of Ca2+.
It was inhibited to various extents by Na3VO4, dicyclohexyl carbodiimide (DCCD) and phytohormones--gibberellic acid (GA3), abscisic acid (ABA) and indoleacetic acid (IAA), whereas kinetin rendered a stimulating effect.
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15821984 Konishi H, Yamane H, Maeshima M, Komatsu S: Characterization of fructose-bisphosphate aldolase regulated by gibberellin in roots of rice seedling. Plant Mol Biol. 2004 Dec;56(6):839-48. Epub 2005 Apr 7.

Furthermore, aldolase co-immunoprecipitated with antibodies against vacuolar H+ -ATPase in rice roots.
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11497104 Ozolina NV, Pradedova EV, Salyaev RK: Relation between ionic and hormonal regulation of proton pumps in red beet tonoplast. Membr Cell Biol. 2001;14(4):497-501.

Effects of indoleacetic, abscisic, gibberellic acids and kinetin on the hydrolytic activity of the proton pumps H+-ATPase (EC and H+-pyrophosphatase (EC under non-optimal ionic conditions were studied in tonoplasts isolated from stored roots of red beet (Beta vulgaris L. cv.
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10987385 Ladyzhenskaya EP: Effect of phytohormones on the transmembrane translocation of protons in plasma membrane vesicles from tubers of Solanum tuberosum L. Membr Cell Biol. 2000;13(5):617-24.

Effects of phytohormones gibberellic acid (GA) and abscisic acid (ABA) on the ATP-dependent transmembrane transport of protons were studied in plasma membrane vesicles (PMVs) from non-dormant potato tubers.
It is concluded that the ATP-induced quenching of the AO fluorescence resulted from the accumulation of protons in PMVs due to the function of the plasma membrane-bound H+-ATPase.
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16407437 Yu XC, Li MJ, Gao GF, Feng HZ, Geng XQ, Peng CC, Zhu SY, Wang XJ, Shen YY, Zhang DP: Abscisic acid stimulates a calcium-dependent protein kinase in grape berry. Plant Physiol. 2006 Feb;140(2):558-79. Epub 2006 Jan 11.

We further showed that ACPK1 is localized in both plasma membranes and chloroplasts/plastids and positively regulates plasma membrane H+-ATPase in vitro, suggesting that ACPK1 may be involved in the ABA-signaling pathway.
The other phytohormones such as auxin indoleacetic acid, gibberellic acid, synthetic cytokinin N-benzyl-6-aminopurine, and brassinolide are also ineffective in this ACPK1 stimulation.
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16667007 Estruch JJ, Pereto JG, Vercher Y, Beltran JP: Sucrose Loading in Isolated Veins of Pisum sativum: Regulation by Abscisic Acid, Gibberellic Acid, and Cell Turgor. Plant Physiol. 1989 Sep;91(1):259-265.

The abolishment of these responses by p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid and experiments on proton flux suggest that both factors (cell turgor and hormones) are modulating the H (+) ATPase plasmalemma activity.
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16657195 Pollard CJ: A Survey of the Sequence of Some Effects of Gibberellic Acid in the Metabolism of Cereal Grains. Plant Physiol. 1969 Sep;44(9):1227-1232.

This was followed by increased oxygen consumption and increased secretion of ATPase, GTPase, phytase, phosphomonoesterase, phosphodiesterase, inorganic phosphate, carbohydrates other than amylase, peroxidase and amylase.
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15225286 McCubbin AG, Ritchie SM, Swanson SJ, Gilroy S: The calcium-dependent protein kinase HvCDPK1 mediates the gibberellic acid response of the barley aleurone through regulation of vacuolar function. Plant J. 2004 Jul;39(2):206-18.

Additionally, recombinant wild-type HvCDPK1 activated the V-type H (+)-ATPase present in isolated aleurone vacuoles.
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12239377 Swanson SJ, Jones RL: Gibberellic Acid Induces Vacuolar Acidification in Barley Aleurone. Plant Cell. 1996 Dec;8(12):2211-2221.

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