Protein Information

Name C18
Synonyms B1; D1; BBS 9; BBS9; BBS9 GENE; Bardet Biedl syndrome 9 protein; C18; PTH responsive osteosarcoma B1 protein…

Compound Information

Name diazinon

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
8556144 Lacorte S, Barcelo D: Determination of organophosphorus pesticides and their transformation products in river waters by automated on-line solid-phase extraction followed by thermospray liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A. 1995 Sep 29;712(1):103-12.

The trace-level determination of ten priority organophosphorus (OP) pesticides (e.g., chlorpyrifos-methyl, diazinon, disulfoton, fenthion, fenamiphos) and various transformation products (TPs; e.g., disulfoton sulfoxide, fenthion sulfoxide etc.) using automated on-line solid-phase extraction (SPE) with C18 precolumns followed by LC-MS and thermospray interface with time-scheduled selected-ion monitoring (SIM) was developed.
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14708658 Snyder JC, Thacker RR, Boeniger M, Antonious GF: Potential of solid phase extraction disks to aid determination of dislodgeable foliar residues of chlorpyriphos, malathion, diazinon, and acephate. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 2003 Nov;45(4):429-35.

Reverse phase (C18, octadecyl bonded silica) sorbent in the form of a disk was the SPE medium evaluated.
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11324596 Garcia-Repetto R, Gimenez MP, Repetto M: New method for determination of ten pesticides in human blood. J AOAC Int. 2001 Mar-Apr;84(2):342-9.

The pesticides studied, which have appeared frequently in actual cases, were endosulfan, lindane, parathion, ethyl-azinphos, diazinon, malathion, alachlor, tetradifon, fenthion and dicofol (o-p' and p-p' isomers).
The extraction is performed by solid-phase extraction, with C18 cartridges and 2 internal standards, perthane and triphenylphosphate.
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8694256 Lacorte S, Barcelo D: Determination of parts per trillion levels of organophosphorus pesticides in groundwater by automated on-line liquid-solid extraction followed by liquid chromatography/atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry using positive and negative ion modes of operation. Anal Chem. 1996 Aug 1;68(15):2464-70.

Liquid chromatography/atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry with positive and negative ion modes of operations was used for the trace determination of several organophosphorus pesticides, (E)- and (Z)-mevinphos, dichlorvos, azinphos-methyl, azinphosethyl, parathion-methyl, parathion-ethyl, malathion, fenitrothion, fenthion, chlorfenvinphos, and diazinon, in groundwater.
This method required only 100 mL of water, and it was combined with a prior automated online liquid-solid extraction step using an OSP-2 autosampler containing C18 cartridges.
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18969198 Tan BL, Ali Mohd M: Analysis of selected pesticides and alkylphenols in human cord blood by gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. Talanta. 2003 Nov 4;61(3):385-91.

The pesticides are lindane, diazinon, alpha-endosulfan, beta-endosulfan, endosulfan sulfate, chlorpyrifos and endrin; while the alkylphenols are 4-n-butylphenol, 4-n-pentylphenol, 4-n-hexylphenol, 4-t-octylphenol, 4-n-heptylphenol, nonylphenol, 4-n-octylphenol and bisphenol A.
The pesticides and alkylphenols in the cord blood samples were extracted with solid phase extraction IST C18 cartridges and analyzed by selected ion monitoring mode using quadrapole detector in Shimadzu QP-5000 gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer.
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11348030 Abu-Qare AW, Abou-Donia MB: Determination of diazinon, chlorpyrifos, and their metabolites in rat plasma and urine by high-performance liquid chromatography. J Chromatogr Sci. 2001 May;39(5):200-4.

The method is based on using C18 Sep-Pak cartridges for solid-phase extraction and HPLC with a reversed-phase C18 column and programmed UV detection ranging between 254 and 280 nm.
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9709254 Bushway RJ, Fan Z: Complementation of GC-AED and ELISA for the determination of diazinon and chlorpyrifos in fruits and vegetables. J Food Prot. 1998 Jun;61(6):708-11.

Produce was extracted in methanol by Polytron homogenization and cleaned up and concentrated using Sep-Pak C18 cartridges.
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19118837 Saini G, Wiest LA, Herbert D, Biggs KN, Dadson A, Vail MA, Linford MR: C18, C8, and perfluoro reversed phases on diamond for solid-phase extraction. J Chromatogr A. 2009 Apr 17;1216(16):3587-93. Epub 2008 Dec 13.

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9145509 Cho Y, Matsuoka N, Kamiya A: Determination of organophosphorous pesticides in biological samples of acute poisoning by HPLC with diode-array detector. Chem Pharm Bull. 1997 Apr;45(4):737-40.

We have developed a simple and rapid method for measuring 11 organophosphorous pesticides (dichlorvos, methidathion, salithion, malathion, fenitrothion, fenthion, parathion, diazinon, ethylthiometon, O-ethyl O-(4-nitrophenyl) phenylphosphonothioate (EPN) and chlorpyrifos) and one metabolite (3-methyl-4-nitrophenol) of fenitrothion in serum and urine of acute poisoning patients by HPLC with a diode-array detector.
An aliquot of the biological sample after deproteinization by acetonitrile was injected into C18 column using acetonitrile-water as a mobile phase.
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12187961 Lambropoulou DA, Sakkas VA, Hela DG, Albanis TA: Application of solid-phase microextraction in the monitoring of priority pesticides in the Kalamas River (N.W. J Chromatogr A. 2002 Jul 19;963(1-2):107-16.

A comparison with a well-established solid-phase extraction (C18 disks) procedure was performed for samples of high-season application (May-September) in order to confirm the effectiveness of the SPME technique.
The most frequently detected pesticides were some of the more commonly used herbicides, such as S-ethyl-N,N-di-n-propylthiol carbamate (EPTC), trifluralin, atrazine, deethylatrazine, terbuthylazine and alachlor, and insecticides, such as carbofuran, diazinon, disulfoton, parathion methyl, parathion ethyl, fenthion and ethion.
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19253556 Yang H, Yu Y, Zheng X: [Application of solid-phase extraction and matrix solid-phase dispersion in orange sample preparation for organophosphorous pesticide residues analysis]. Se Pu. 2008 Nov;26(6):744-8.

A solid-phase extraction (SPE) -reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatographic (RP-HPLC) method for the determination of phoxim and diazinon in oranges has been developed.
The analytical procedure involved in the ultrasonic extraction with methanol, the purification using a C18 SPE column, and the separation on a liquid chromatography column by the isocratic elution with acetonitrile-water (85 : 15, v/v) at the flow rate of 0.7 mL/min and the ultraviolet wavelength of 254 nm.
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8997737 Ting KC, Tamashiro GS: Off-line high-performance liquid chromatography and solid-phase extraction clean-up for confirmation of pesticide residues in fresh produce by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A. 1996 Nov 22;754(1-2):455-62.

In this research, a combination of HPLC/C18 and SPE/Florisil clean-up methods were used to reduce matrices in 10 commodities.
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12967120 LeBlanc CJ, Stallard WM, Green PG, Schroeder ED: Passive sampling screening method using thin-layer chromatography plates. Environ Sci Technol. 2003 Sep 1;37(17):3966-71.

Two organophosphorus pesticides, diazinon and chlorpyrifos, were used as a model for the development and as a potential application of the TLC passive sampling method.
In field applications, TLC passive sampling was conducted in natural and engineered systems with two silica gel extraction media, C2 and C18.
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8314934 Seifert J: Assay of tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase using liver slices and high-performance liquid chromatography. J Chromatogr. 1993 May 5;614(2):227-31.

FK and KYN were detected spectrophotometrically at 254 nm after their separation on a reversed-phase C18 column.
The method was applied for TDO assay in mice treated with the organophosphorus acid triester diazinon.
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12137373 Ghassempour A, Mohammadkhah A, Najafi F, Rajabzadeh M: Monitoring of the pesticide diazinon in soil, stem and surface water of rice fields. Anal Sci. 2002 Jul;18(7):779-83.

Also, surface-water samples of the rice fields were extracted by solid phase extraction (SPE) using a C18 disc.
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11495064 Abu-Qare AW, Abou-Donia MB: High performance liquid chromatographic determination of diazinon, permethrin, DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide), and their metabolites in rat plasma and urine. Fresenius J Anal Chem. 2001 Jun;370(4):403-7.

The method is based on using C18 Sep-Pak cartridges (Waters Corporation, Milford, Mass., U.S.A.) for solid phase extraction and high performance liquid chromatography with a reversed phase C18 column, and absorbance detection at 230 nm for compounds A, B, and C, and at 210 nm for compounds D-I.
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