Protein Information

Name alkaline phosphatase
Synonyms ALP 1; Alkaline phosphatase; ALPG; ALPPL; ALPPL 2; ALPPL2; GCAP; Germ cell alkaline phosphatase…

Compound Information

Name 1-naphthol
CAS 1-naphthalenol

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
2048722 Conyers SM, Kidwell DA: Chromogenic substrates for horseradish peroxidase. Anal Biochem. 1991 Jan;192(1):207-11.

These systems use dimethyl or diethyl analogues of p-phenylenediamine with 4-chloro-1-naphthol to generate a blue product or 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone with 4-chloro-1-naphthol to generate a red product.
In addition, the incorporation of these substrates increases the sensitivity of HRP labels to be comparable to that of alkaline phosphatase with the 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate + nitro blue tetrazolium substrate.
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2273262 McKimm-Breschkin JL: The use of tetramethylbenzidine for solid phase immunoassays. J Immunol Methods. 1990 Dec 31;135(1-2):277-80.

A rapid, sensitive, solid-phase immunoassay, using horseradish peroxidase and 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine, was found to be more sensitive and the colour developed was more stable compared with HRPO using 4-chloro-1-naphthol or diaminobenzidine.
Assay sensitivity was equal to or greater than that obtained with the alkaline phosphatase reaction.
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15975659 Pemberton RM, Mottram TT, Hart JP: Development of a screen-printed carbon electrochemical immunosensor for picomolar concentrations of estradiol in human serum extracts. J Biochem Biophys Methods. 2005 Jun 30;63(3):201-12.

A competitive immunoassay was then performed using an alkaline-phosphatase (ALP)-labelled E (2) conjugate.
Electrochemical measurements were then performed using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) following the production of 1-naphthol from 1-naphthyl phosphate.
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8304726 Athey D, Ball M, McNeil CJ: Avidin-biotin based electrochemical immunoassay for thyrotropin. Ann Clin Biochem. 1993 Nov;30 ( Pt 6):570-7.

Detection is achieved via avidin labelled with alkaline phosphatase.
The substrate 1-naphthyl phosphate was used and the product 1-naphthol was detected at disposable screen-printed carbon 8-electrode combs using specially designed instrumentation.
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19159092 Pemberton RM, Hart JP: Preparation of screen-printed electrochemical immunosensors for estradiol, and their application in biological fluids. Methods Mol Biol. 2009;504:85-98.

A competitive immunoassay is then performed using an alkaline-phosphatase-labeled E2 conjugate.
Electrochemical measurements are performed using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) to detect the production of 1-naphthol from 1-naphthyl phosphate.
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20174718 Sharma MK, Agarwal GS, Rao VK, Upadhyay S, Merwyn S, Gopalan N, Rai GP, Vijayaraghavan R, Prakash S: Amperometric immunosensor based on gold nanoparticles/alumina sol-gel modified screen-printed electrodes for antibodies to Plasmodium falciparum histidine rich protein-2. Analyst. 2010 Mar;135(3):608-14. Epub 2010 Jan 14.

The bound antibodies were quantified by alkaline phosphatase (AP) enzyme labeled secondary antibodies (anti-rabbit immunoglobulins-AP conjugate).
Enzymatic substrate, 1-naphthyl phosphate was converted to 1-naphthol by AP and an electroactive product was quantified using amperometry.
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11679249 Pemberton RM, Hart JP, Mottram TT: An electrochemical immunosensor for milk progesterone using a continuous flow system. Biosens Bioelectron. 2001 Dec;16(9-12):715-23.

Three operational steps could be identified: (1) Competitive binding of sample/conjugate (alkaline-phosphatase-labelled progesterone, AP-prog) mixture, (2) establishment of a steady-state amperometric baseline current and (3), measurement of an amperometric signal in the presence of enzyme substrate (1-naphthyl phosphate, 1-NP).
In the thin-layer cell, the enzyme product, 1-naphthol, showed electrochemical behaviour consistent with bulk conditions and gave a linear amperometric response under continuous-flow conditions (E (app)=+0.3 V vs.
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12430595 Wang J, Kawde AN, Musameh M, Rivas G: Dual enzyme electrochemical coding for detecting DNA hybridization. Analyst. 2002 Oct;127(10):1279-82.

Two encoding enzymes, alkaline phosphatase and beta-galactosidase, are used to differentiate the signals of two DNA targets in connection to chronopotentiometric measurements of their electroactive phenol and alpha-naphthol products.
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17723455 Volpe G, Fares G, delli Quadri F, Draisci R, Ferretti G, Marchiafava C, Moscone D, Palleschi G: A disposable immunosensor for detection of 17beta-estradiol in non-extracted bovine serum. Anal Chim Acta. 2006 Jul 14;572(1):11-6. Epub 2006 May 9.

After the interaction between anti-rabbit IgG and rabbit anti-17beta-E2 polyclonal antibodies (PAb), the competition was performed using 17beta-estradiol-alkaline phosphatase conjugate (17beta-E2-AP) synthesised in our laboratory.
The enzymatic substrate used for signal generation was 1-naphthylphosphate and its conversion to an electroactive product (1-naphthol) was measured using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV).
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17477503 Miranda-Castro R, de-Los-Santos-Alvarez P, Lobo-Castanon MJ, Miranda-Ordieres AJ, Tunon-Blanco P: Hairpin-DNA probe for enzyme-amplified electrochemical detection of Legionella pneumophila. Anal Chem. 2007 Jun 1;79(11):4050-5. Epub 2007 May 4.

An immobilized thiolated hairpin probe is combined with a sandwich-type hybridization assay, using biotin as a tracer in the signaling probe, and streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase as reporter molecule.
The activity of the immobilized enzyme was voltammetrically determined by measuring the amount of 1-naphthol generated after 2 min of enzymatic dephosphorylation of 1-naphthyl phosphate.
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15161263 Fojta M, Havran L, Vojtiskova M, Palecek E: Electrochemical detection of DNA triplet repeat expansion. J Am Chem Soc. 2004 Jun 2;126(21):6532-3.

The biotin-labeled RP is detected via an enzyme-linked electrochemical assay involving binding of streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase conjugate and transformation of electroinactive 1-naphthyl phosphate to electroactive 1-naphthol.
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7989432 Wagih E, Melouk H, Sherwood J: Mirror image in vivo electroblotting technique, a new technique for visualizing virus particles electrophoretically transferred from infected leaves to nitrocellulose membranes. J Virol Methods. 1994 Jul;48(2-3):145-53.

The virus-bound antibodies were located by protein A-peroxidase or protein A-alkaline phosphatase conjugate followed by the peroxidase substrate mixture, 4-chloro-1-naphthol and H2O2, in the first case or the alkaline phosphatase substrate mixture, 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate and Nitroblue tetrazolium in the second case.
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15518393 Lenihan JS, Gavalas VG, Wang J, Andrews R, Bachas LG: Protein immobilization on carbon nanotubes through a molecular adapter. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 2004 Jul;4(6):600-4.

Electrochemical biosensors were constructed by using carbon nanotubes compacted into pellets. 1-Naphthyl phosphate, which is hydrolyzed by alkaline phosphatase to the electroactive 1-naphthol, was used as a substrate.
33(0,1,1,3) Details
2416713 De Jong AS, Van Kessel-van Vark M, Raap AK: Sensitivity of various visualization methods for peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase activity in immunoenzyme histochemistry. Histochem J. 1985 Oct;17(10):1119-30.

The chromogens included 3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole (AEC), 3, 3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB), p-phenylenediamine-pyrocatechol (PPD-PC) and 4-chloro-1-naphthol (CN) in peroxidase histochemistry, and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate-nitro blue tetrazolium salt (BCIP-NBT), BCIP-tetra nitro blue tetrazolium salt (TNBT) and various combinations of substituted naphthol phosphate-diazonium salt in alkaline phosphatase histochemistry.
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13140689 VANTAGGI COZZARI L: [Effect of 2,5-dinitrophenol, 2,6-dinitrophenol, 2,4-dinitro-1-naphthol and 1,6-dinitro-2-naphthol on alkaline phosphatase.] Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper. 1953 Sep-Nov;29(9-10-11):1724-5.
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3690836 Griffiths J, Black J: Separation and identification of alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes and isoforms in serum of healthy persons by isoelectric focusing. Clin Chem. 1987 Dec;33(12):2171-7.

Sharp, highly resolved zones of enzyme activity are obtained by limiting diffusion; for this we rapidly couple the released product, 1-naphthol, to a diazonium salt, which forms a colored precipitate at the site of activity.
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16501955 Gonzalez-Martinez MA, Penalva J, Rodriguez-Urbis JC, Brunet E, Maquieira A, Puchades R: Immunosensors for pollutants working in organic media. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2006 Apr;384(7-8):1540-7. Epub 2006 Feb 24.

A comparative study of enzymatic and non-enzymatic labels combined with luminescence detection, developed for immunosensing of pesticide residues (carbaryl, 1-naphthol, irgarol 1051) in organic media, is presented.
Peroxidase and alkaline phosphatase enzymes with fluorogenic (3-p-hydroxyphenylpropanoic acid) and luminogenic (AMPPD derivative) substrates, respectively, were assessed as enzymatic markers.
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3196324 Thomas MJ, Strobl JS: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for Z-DNA. Biochem J. 1988 Oct 1;255(1):53-9.

In the alkaline phosphatase dot blot e.l.i.s.a., Z-DNA, Br-poly (dG-dC).poly (dG-dC), or B-DNA, poly (dG-dC).poly (dG-dC), poly (dA-dT).poly (dA-dT), Br-poly (dI-dC).poly (dI-dC), or salmon sperm DNA were spotted onto nitrocellulose discs and baked.
Z-DNA-antibody complexes were detected by the horseradish peroxidase-catalysed conversion of 4-chloro-1-naphthol to a coloured product that was covalently bound to the DPT paper.
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18585301 Preechaworapun A, Dai Z, Xiang Y, Chailapakul O, Wang J: Investigation of the enzyme hydrolysis products of the substrates of alkaline phosphatase in electrochemical immunosensing. Talanta. 2008 Jul 15;76(2):424-31. Epub 2008 Mar 25.

These products (and the corresponding substrates) include indigo carmine (3-indoyl phosphate), hydroquinone (hydroquinone diphosphate), 4-nitrophenol (4-nitrophenol phosphate), 4-aminophenol (p-aminophenyl phosphate), 1-naphthol (1-naphthyl phosphate), phenol (phenyl phosphate), and L-ascorbic acid (2-phospho-L-ascorbic acid).
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15308232 Wilson MS, Rauh RD: Hydroquinone diphosphate: an alkaline phosphatase substrate that does not produce electrode fouling in electrochemical immunoassays. Biosens Bioelectron. 2004 Sep 15;20(2):276-83.

Hydroquinone diphosphate (HQDP) was synthesized and compared to phenyl phosphate (PP) and 1-naphthyl phosphate (NP) as a substrate for alkaline phosphatase (AP) under electrochemical immunoassay (EIA) conditions.
In contrast, phenol and 1-naphthol, the hydrolysis products of PP and NP, respectively, were shown to be irreversibly oxidized on the electrode surfaces, and produced rapid electrode passivation, resulting in complete loss of electrode signal.
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10451917 Pemberton RM, Hart JP, Stoddard P, Foulkes JA: A comparison of 1-naphthyl phosphate and 4 aminophenyl phosphate as enzyme substrates for use with a screen-printed amperometric immunosensor for progesterone in cows' milk. Biosens Bioelectron. 1999 May 31;14(5):495-503.

4-Aminophenyl phosphate (4-APP) and 1-naphthyl phosphate (1-NP) were compared as enzyme substrates for an amperometric milk progesterone biosensor utilising progesterone-conjugated alkaline phosphatase in a competitive immunoassay format.
Cyclic voltammetry of the corresponding hydrolysis products, 4-aminophenol and 1-naphthol, at the surface of screen-printed carbon base transducers, uncoated or coated with anti-progesterone monoclonal antibody (mAb) showed well-defined anodic responses for both species, with the more sensitive being 4-aminophenol.
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