
Identification (Source:EPA,EU)

ID 1608
Name zeta-cypermethrin
CAS 52315-07-8
Inchi InChI=1S/C22H19Cl2NO3/c1-22(2)17(12-19(23)24)20(22)21(26)28-18(13-25)14-7-6-10-16(11-14)27-15-8-4-3-5-9-15/h3-12,17-18,20H,1-2H3/t17?,18-,20?/m1/s1
EPA Code 109702/129064
Formula C22H19Cl2NO3
SMILES Cl/C(Cl)=C/C3C(C(=O)OC(C#N)c2cccc(Oc1ccccc1)c2)C3(C)C
Status Approved


Mode of Action Contact and stomach action. Acts mainly on the nervous system. Sodium channel modulator.
Pesticide Type Insecticide
Chemical Group Pyrethroid
Classification pyrethroid ester insecticides

Properties (Source:PubChem)

Molecular Weight 416.31
Physical State Pale yellow viscous liquid
AlogP 5.304
H-Bond Donor 0
H-Bond Acceptor 4
Surface Area 391.36
Polar Surface Area 59.32


ChemMapper Search Option (Docunmentation of ChemMapper)

3D similarity method

2D similarity method

Compound Database

Bioactivity Database

KEGG (5,928)

PDB (7,072)

Similarity Threshold

Ecotoxicology (Source:PPDB,IPM)

Species Method Study Time Dose Type Value
Algae Acute 72 hour EC50, growth > 1 mg l-1
Aquatic crustaceans Acute 96 hour LC50 0.0128 mg l-1
Aquatic invertebrates Acute 48 hour EC50 0.00014 mg l-1
Birds Acute LD50 > 5124 mg kg-1
Birds Short term dietary LC50/LD50 > 601 mg/kg bw/day
Earthworms Acute 14 day LD50 37.5 mg kg-1
Fish Acute 96 hour LC50 0.00069 mg l-1
Fish Chronic 21 day NOEC 0.000015 mg l-1
Honeybees Acute 48 hour LD50 0.002 μg bee-1
Mammals Acute oral LD50 86 mg kg-1
Sediment dwelling organisms Chronic 28 day NOEC, sediment > 0.001 mg kg-1
Bio-concentration factor BCF 356
Bio-concentration factor CT50 1.2 days
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