Protein Information

Name protein a
Synonyms A1 activator; PSAP; Protein C; CSAct; Cerebroside sulfatase activator; Cerebroside sulfate activator; Co beta glucosidase; Component C…

Compound Information

Name abscisic acid

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
17549515 Liu K, Wang L, Xu Y, Chen N, Ma Q, Li F, Chong K: Overexpression of OsCOIN, a putative cold inducible zinc finger protein, increased tolerance to chilling, salt and drought, and enhanced proline level in rice. Planta. 2007 Sep;226(4):1007-16. Epub 2007 Jun 5.

Results showed that OsCOIN protein, a RING finger protein, was localized in both nuclear and cytoplasm membrane.
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17041029 Cho SK, Chung HS, Ryu MY, Park MJ, Lee MM, Bahk YY, Kim J, Pai HS, Kim WT: Heterologous expression and molecular and cellular characterization of CaPUB1 encoding a hot pepper U-Box E3 ubiquitin ligase homolog. Plant Physiol. 2006 Dec;142(4):1664-82. Epub 2006 Oct 13.

Comparative proteomic analysis showed that the level of RPN6 protein, a non-ATPase subunit of the 26S proteasome complex, was significantly reduced in 35SCaPUB1 seedlings as compared to the wild type.
RNA gel-blot analysis showed that CaPUB1 mRNA was induced rapidly by a broad spectrum of abiotic stresses, including drought, high salinity, cold temperature, and mechanical wounding, but not in response to ethylene, abscisic acid, or a bacterial pathogen, suggesting its role in the early events in the abiotic-related defense response.
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17357019 Jehnes S, Betz G, Bahnweg G, Haberer K, Sandermann H, Rennenberg H: Tree internal signalling and defence reactions under ozone exposure in sun and shade leaves of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) trees. Plant Biol. 2007 Mar;9(2):253-64.

Quantitative real-time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) was performed on transcripts of genes connected with lignin, salicylic acid, and ethylene formation, the shikimate pathway, abscisic acid biosynthesis as well as with the antioxidative system.
Genes which showed O (3)-dependent increases included FSCOMT (caffeic-acid O-methyltransferase) connected with lignin formation, the stress response genes FSACS2 (ACC synthase) and FSPR1 (PR10 - pathogenesis-related protein), as well as FSNCED1 (9-cis-epoxicarotenoid dioxygenase), the rate-limiting enzyme of the ABA synthesis.
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19176716 Muller AH, Hansson M: The barley magnesium chelatase 150-kd subunit is not an abscisic acid receptor. Plant Physiol. 2009 May;150(1):157-66. Epub 2009 Jan 28.

The study involved analysis of recombinant magnesium chelatase protein as well as several induced chlorophyll-deficient magnesium chelatase mutants with defects identified at the gene and protein levels.
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18835996 Zhang Y, Xu W, Li Z, Deng XW, Wu W, Xue Y: F-box protein DOR functions as a novel inhibitory factor for abscisic acid-induced stomatal closure under drought stress in Arabidopsis,. Plant Physiol. 2008 Dec;148(4):2121-33. Epub 2008 Oct 3.

The DOR gene encodes a putative F-box protein, a member of the S-locus F-box-like family related to AhSLF-S (2) and specifically interacting with ASK14 and CUL1.
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19825533 Wasilewska A, Vlad F, Sirichandra C, Redko Y, Jammes F, Valon C, Frei dit Frey N, Leung J: An update on abscisic acid signaling in plants and more.. . Mol Plant. 2008 Mar;1(2):198-217. Epub 2008 Jan 14.

Surprising candidate ABA receptors were also identified in the form of the Flowering Time Control Protein A (FCA) and the Chloroplastic Magnesium Protoporphyrin-IX Chelatase H subunit (CHLH) in chloroplast-nucleus communication, both of which have been shown to bind ABA in vitro.
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17894782 Gao Y, Zeng Q, Guo J, Cheng J, Ellis BE, Chen JG: Genetic characterization reveals no role for the reported ABA receptor, GCR2, in ABA control of seed germination and early seedling development in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 2007 Dec;52(6):1001-13. Epub 2007 Sep 25.

Abscisic acid (ABA) is perceived by several different types of receptors in plant cells.
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15101820 Kalifa Y, Gilad A, Konrad Z, Zaccai M, Scolnik PA, Bar-Zvi D: The water- and salt-stress-regulated Asr1 (abscisic acid stress ripening) gene encodes a zinc-dependent DNA-binding protein. Biochem J. 2004 Jul 15;381(Pt 2):373-8.

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculantum) ASR1 (abscisic acid stress ripening protein), a small plant-specific protein whose cellular mode of action defies deduction based on its sequence or homology analyses, is one of numerous plant gene products with unknown biological roles that become over-expressed under water- and salt-stress conditions.
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19841654 Chen JG, Ellis BE: GCR2 is a new member of the eukaryotic lanthionine synthetase component C-like protein family. Plant Signal Behav. 2008 May;3(5):307-10.

GCR2 was recently proposed to represent a G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) for the plant hormone, abscisic acid (ABA).
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