Protein Information

Name NPR1
Synonyms A/Guanylate cyclase A; ANP A; ANPRA; ANPa; Atrial natriuretic peptide A type receptor; Atrial natriuretic peptide receptor A precursor (ANP A) (ANPRA) (GC A) (Guanylate cyclase); Atrionatriuretic peptide receptor A; GC A…

Compound Information

Name abscisic acid

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
19200155 Zhang S, Yang X, Sun M, Sun F, Deng S, Dong H: Riboflavin-induced priming for pathogen defense in Arabidopsis thaliana. J Integr Plant Biol. 2009 Feb;51(2):167-74.

The priming process needed NPR1 (essential regulator of systemic acquired resistance) and maintenance of H (2) O (2) burst but was independent of salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, ethylene, and abscisic acid.
6(0,0,1,1) Details
19213807 Bergougnoux V, Hlavackova V, Plotzova R, Novak O, Fellner M: The 7B-1 mutation in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) confers a blue light-specific lower sensitivity to coronatine, a toxin produced by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. J Exp Bot. 2009;60(4):1219-30. Epub 2009 Feb 12.

Treatment of WT and 7B-1 plants with COR induced a strong accumulation of salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), and abscisic acid (ABA) in hypocotyls.
Based on the cross-talk between SA- and JA-signalling pathways, expression analysis of NPR1 and COI1 genes, respectively involved in these pathways, was investigated in COR-stressed plants.
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17158583 Ahn IP, Kim S, Lee YH, Suh SC: Vitamin B1-induced priming is dependent on hydrogen peroxide and the NPR1 gene in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 2007 Feb;143(2):838-48. Epub 2006 Dec 8.

Thiamine treatment and subsequent pathogen invasion triggered hydrogen peroxide accumulation, callose induction, and PR1/PAL1 transcription activation in Arabidopsis mutants insensitive to jasmonic acid (jar1), ethylene (etr1), or abscisic acid (abi3-3), but not in plants expressing bacterial NahG and lacking regulation of SAR (npr1 [nonexpressor of PR genes 1]).
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18586869 Yasuda M, Ishikawa A, Jikumaru Y, Seki M, Umezawa T, Asami T, Maruyama-Nakashita A, Kudo T, Shinozaki K, Yoshida S, Nakashita H: Antagonistic interaction between systemic acquired resistance and the abscisic acid-mediated abiotic stress response in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2008 Jun;20(6):1678-92. Epub 2008 Jun 27.

Conversely, the activation of SAR suppressed the expression of ABA biosynthesis-related and ABA-responsive genes, in which the NPR1 protein or signaling downstream of NPR1 appears to contribute.
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18599656 Goritschnig S, Weihmann T, Zhang Y, Fobert P, McCourt P, Li X: A novel role for protein farnesylation in plant innate immunity. Plant Physiol. 2008 Sep;148(1):348-57. Epub 2008 Jul 3.

ERA1 acts partly independent of abscisic acid and additively with the resistance regulator NON-EXPRESSOR OF PR GENES1 in the signaling network.
A point mutation in SUPPRESSOR OF NPR1 CONSTITUTIVE1 (SNC1), a RESISTANCE TO PERONOSPORA PARASITICA4 R gene homolog, renders plants constitutively resistant to virulent pathogens.
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16039901 Lorenzo O, Solano R: Molecular players regulating the jasmonate signalling network. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2005 Oct;8(5):532-40.

Many plant developmental and stress responses require the coordinated interaction of the jasmonate and other signalling pathways, such as those for ethylene, salicylic acid and abscisic acid.
Genes that are involved in the regulation of protein stability through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway (COI1, AXR1 and SGT1b), signalling proteins (MPK4) and transcription factors (AtMYC2, ERF1, NPR1 and WRKY70) form a regulatory network that allows the plant to fine-tune specific responses to different stimuli.
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