Protein Information

Synonyms Vitamin K epoxide reductase; IMAGE3455200; MST134; MST576; MSTP134; MSTP576; Phylloquinone epoxide reductase; UNQ308…

Compound Information

Name warfarin

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
20346414 Watanabe KP, Saengtienchai A, Tanaka KD, Ikenaka Y, Ishizuka M: Comparison of warfarin sensitivity between rat and bird species. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 2010 Mar 24.

In this study, we compared factors determining warfarin sensitivity between bird species and rats based on vitamin K 2,3-epoxide reductase (VKOR) kinetics, VKOR inhibition by warfarin and warfarin metabolism assays.
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18374192 Tie JK, Stafford DW: Structure and function of vitamin K epoxide reductase. . Vitam Horm. 2008;78:103-30.

VKOR is highly sensitive to inhibition by warfarin, the most commonly prescribed oral anticoagulant.
169(2,2,2,9) Details
20018758 Dutton RJ, Wayman A, Wei JR, Rubin EJ, Beckwith J, Boyd D: Inhibition of bacterial disulfide bond formation by the anticoagulant warfarin. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Jan 5;107(1):297-301. Epub 2009 Dec 15.

Blood coagulation in humans requires the activity of vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKOR), the target of the anticoagulant warfarin (Coumadin).
146(1,3,3,6) Details
19679631 Linder MW, Bon Homme M, Reynolds KK, Gage BF, Eby C, Silvestrov N, Valdes R Jr: Interactive modeling for ongoing utility of pharmacogenetic diagnostic testing: application for warfarin therapy. Clin Chem. 2009 Oct;55(10):1861-8. Epub 2009 Aug 13.

RESULTS: The plasma S-warfarin concentration required to yield the target INR response is significantly (P < 0.05) associated with VKORC1 -1639G> A genotype (GG, 0.68 mg/L; AG, 0.48 mg/L; AA, 0.27 mg/L).
125(1,2,4,5) Details
19300499 Takeuchi F, McGinnis R, Bourgeois S, Barnes C, Eriksson N, Soranzo N, Whittaker P, Ranganath V, Kumanduri V, McLaren W, Holm L, Lindh J, Rane A, Wadelius M, Deloukas P: A genome-wide association study confirms VKORC1, CYP2C9, and CYP4F2 as principal genetic determinants of warfarin dose. PLoS Genet. 2009 Mar;5(3):e1000433. Epub 2009 Mar 20.

Prior work established that approximately 30% of the dose variance is explained by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the warfarin drug target VKORC1 and another approximately 12% by two non-synonymous SNPs (*2, *3) in the cytochrome P450 warfarin-metabolizing gene CYP2C9.
99(1,1,4,4) Details
18559094 Haug KB, Sharikabad MN, Kringen MK, Narum S, Sjaatil ST, Johansen PW, Kierulf P, Seljeflot I, Arnesen H, Brors O: Warfarin dose and INR related to genotypes of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 in patients with myocardial infarction. Thromb J. 2008 Jun 17;6:7.

Individual dosage requirement has recently partly been explained by genetic variation of the warfarin metabolizing enzyme CYP2C9 and the Vitamin K-activating enzyme VKORC1.
112(1,1,6,7) Details
19941044 Yuen E, Gueorguieva I, Wise S, Soon D, Aarons L: Ethnic differences in the population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of warfarin. J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn. 2010 Feb;37(1):3-24. Epub 2009 Nov 26.

Since 90% of Chinese subjects had the VKORC1 H1 haplotype and 100% of Indian subjects the H7 haplotype in this study, ethnic differences in warfarin response in this study appear to be linked to differences in VKORC1 haplotypes.
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19069171 Takahashi H: [Warfarin resistance and related pharmacogenetic information] . Brain Nerve. 2008 Nov;60(11):1365-71.

VKORC1 is the target protein of warfarin which recycles the reduced form of vitamin K, an essential cofactor in the formation of the vitamin K-dependent clotting factors.
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19781295 Xie S, Liu H, Tian L, Jiang JJ, Chen GL, Liu LW, Xu L, Li YS: VKORC1 genotypes are associated with response to warfarin but free warfarin concentration during initial anticoagulation in healthy Chinese volunteers. Chin Med J. 2009 Sep 20;122(18):2117-22.

BACKGROUND: The genetic variations in VKORC1 modulate the stable responses to warfarin administration.
95(1,1,3,5) Details
18266023 Ainle FN, Mumford A, Tallon E, McCarthy D, Murphy K: A vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 mutation in an Irish patient with warfarin resistance. Ir J Med Sci. 2008 Jun;177(2):159-61. Epub 2008 Feb 12.

CONCLUSIONS: This is the first documented Irish case of true warfarin resistance as a result of a mutation in VKORC1, a novel gene encoding a component of the epoxide reductase enzyme complex which is an essential component in the recycling pathway of vitamin K and is postulated to be one of the sites of action of warfarin.
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19077919 Kim HS, Lee SS, Oh M, Jang YJ, Kim EY, Han IY, Cho KH, Shin JG: Effect of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotypes on early-phase and steady-state warfarin dosing in Korean patients with mechanical heart valve replacement. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2009 Feb;19(2):103-12.
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19207028 Borgiani P, Ciccacci C, Forte V, Sirianni E, Novelli L, Bramanti P, Novelli G: CYP4F2 genetic variant (rs2108622) significantly contributes to warfarin dosing variability in the Italian population. Pharmacogenomics. 2009 Feb;10(2):261-6.

AIMS: The aim of our work was to replicate this study in the Italian population and to assess the new CYP4F2 variant relative contribution in explaining warfarin dose variability with respect to CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genetic variants together with age and weight.
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18758764 Becquemont L: Evidence for a pharmacogenetic adapted dose of oral anticoagulant in routine medical practice. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2008 Oct;64(10):953-60. Epub 2008 Aug 30.

Several warfarin dosing algorithms have been constructed, adapted on CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotypes and clinical factors, to predict the best dose for each patient.
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18464049 Au N, Rettie AE: Pharmacogenomics of 4-hydroxycoumarin anticoagulants. Drug Metab Rev. 2008;40(2):355-75.

In particular, the discovery of polymorphisms in the VKORC1 gene that strongly impact oral anticoagulant dose has heightened expectations that genetic testing for a relatively small cadre of warfarin-response genes might substantially enhance patient care in this area, especially during the initiation phase of therapy.
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19842940 van Schie RM, Wadelius MI, Kamali F, Daly AK, Manolopoulos VG, de Boer A, Barallon R, Verhoef TI, Kirchheiner J, Haschke-Becher E, Briz M, Rosendaal FR, Redekop WK, Pirmohamed M, van der Zee AH: Genotype-guided dosing of coumarin derivatives: the European pharmacogenetics of anticoagulant therapy (EU-PACT) trial design. Pharmacogenomics. 2009 Oct;10(10):1687-95.

Polymorphisms in VKORC1 and CYP2C9 jointly account for about 40% of the interindividual variability in dose requirements.
To date, several pharmacogenetic-guided dosing algorithms for coumarin derivatives, predominately for warfarin, have been developed.
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19540002 Jonas DE, McLeod HL: Genetic and clinical factors relating to warfarin dosing. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2009 Jul;30(7):375-86. Epub 2009 Jun 17.

The pivotal role of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 is emphasized because polymorphisms of these two genes account for approximately 40% of the variation in dose requirements.
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18698879 Stehle S, Kirchheiner J, Lazar A, Fuhr U: Pharmacogenetics of oral anticoagulants: a basis for dose individualization. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2008;47(9):565-94.

Homozygosity of the vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1) variant C1173T (*2) allele (VKORC1 is the molecular target of anticoagulant action) was related to 2.4-fold, 1.6-fold and 1.9-fold lower dose requirements compared with the wild-type for warfarin, acenocoumarol and phenprocoumon, respectively.
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19233910 Rai AJ, Udar N, Saad R, Fleisher M: A multiplex assay for detecting genetic variations in CYP2C9, VKORC1, and GGCX involved in warfarin metabolism. Clin Chem. 2009 Apr;55(4):823-6. Epub 2009 Feb 20.

Genetic variations in the cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 9 (CYP2C9), vitamin K epoxide reductase complex, subunit 1 (VKORC1), and gamma-glutamyl carboxylase (GGCX) genes have been shown to contribute to impaired metabolism of warfarin.
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20339978 Ozer N, Cam N, Tangurek B, Ozer S, Uyarel H, Oz D, Guney MR, Ciloglu F: The impact of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genetic polymorphism and patient characteristics upon warfarin dose requirements in an adult Turkish population. Heart Vessels. 2010 Mar;25(2):155-62. Epub 2010 Mar 26.
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18542936 Oner Ozgon G, Langaee TY, Feng H, Buyru N, Ulutin T, Hatemi AC, Siva A, Saip S, Johnson JA: VKORC1 and CYP2C9 polymorphisms are associated with warfarin dose requirements in Turkish patients. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2008 Sep;64(9):889-94. Epub 2008 Jun 10.
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18374198 Siguret V, Pautas E, Gouin-Thibault I: Warfarin therapy: influence of pharmacogenetic and environmental factors on the anticoagulant response to warfarin. Vitam Horm. 2008;78:247-64.

The combined analysis of VKORC1, CYP2C9 SNPs, and age may account for more than 50% of the individual variability in the warfarin maintenance dosage.
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19875892 Stepien E, Branicka A, Ciesla-Dul M, Undas A: A vitamin K epoxide reductase-oxidase complex gene polymorphism (-1639G> A) and interindividual variability in the dose-effect of vitamin K antagonists. J Appl Genet. 2009;50(4):399-403.

We studied 57 patients receiving oral anticoagulation, including 50 subjects treated with acenocoumarol (mean dose: 5.7+/-2.3 mg/day) and 7 treated with warfarin (mean dose: 9.6+/-4.2 mg/day).
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19387626 Fuchshuber-Moraes M, Perini JA, Rosskopf D, Suarez-Kurtz G: Exploring warfarin pharmacogenomics with the extreme-discordant-phenotype methodology: impact of FVII polymorphisms on stable anticoagulation with warfarin. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2009 Aug;65(8):789-93. Epub 2009 Apr 23.

RESULTS: Significant differences existed in FVII -402G> A genotype frequency at the 5th percentile with an over-representation of the wildtype GG genotype at low warfarin doses and in VKORC1 3673G> A and CYP2C9 polymorphisms at all cutoff points where the variant alleles were overrepresented at low warfarin doses.
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18305455 Gage BF, Eby C, Johnson JA, Deych E, Rieder MJ, Ridker PM, Milligan PE, Grice G, Lenzini P, Rettie AE, Aquilante CL, Grosso L, Marsh S, Langaee T, Farnett LE, Voora D, Veenstra DL, Glynn RJ, Barrett A, McLeod HL: Use of pharmacogenetic and clinical factors to predict the therapeutic dose of warfarin. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2008 Sep;84(3):326-31. Epub 2008 Feb 27.

In the derivation cohort of 1,015 participants, the independent predictors of therapeutic dose were: VKORC1 polymorphism -1639/3673 G> A (-28% per allele), body surface area (BSA) (+11% per 0.25 m (2)), CYP2C9 (*) 3 (-33% per allele), CYP2C9 (*) 2 (-19% per allele), age (-7% per decade), target international normalized ratio (INR) (+11% per 0.5 unit increase), amiodarone use (-22%), smoker status (+10%), race (-9%), and current thrombosis (+7%).
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19344422 Peoc'h K, Pruvot S, Gourmel C, dit Sollier CB, Drouet L: A new VKORC1 mutation leading to an isolated resistance to fluindione. Br J Haematol. 2009 Jun;145(6):841-3. Epub 2009 Mar 31.

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19436136 Crosier MD, Peter I, Booth SL, Bennett G, Dawson-Hughes B, Ordovas JM: Association of sequence variations in vitamin K epoxide reductase and gamma-glutamyl carboxylase genes with biochemical measures of vitamin K status. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol. 2009 Apr;55(2):112-9.

Genetic factors, specifically the VKORC1 and GGCX genes, have been shown to contribute to the interindividual variability in response to the vitamin K-antagonist, warfarin, which influences the dose required to achieve the desired anticoagulation response.
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18998206 Glurich I, Burmester JK, Caldwell MD: Understanding the pharmacogenetic approach to warfarin dosing. Heart Fail Rev. 2008 Nov 8.

Polymorphic sites in three genes, cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C9, vitamin K 2,3 epoxide reductase complex 1 (VKORC1), and CYP4F2, have been shown to affect stable warfarin dose.
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19177029 Huang SW, Chen HS, Wang XQ, Huang L, Xu DL, Hu XJ, Huang ZH, He Y, Chen KM, Xiang DK, Zou XM, Li Q, Ma LQ, Wang HF, Chen BL, Li L, Jia YK, Xu XM: Validation of VKORC1 and CYP2C9 genotypes on interindividual warfarin maintenance dose: a prospective study in Chinese patients. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2009 Mar;19(3):226-34.
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18763667 LaSala A, Bower B, Windemuth A, White CM, Kocherla M, Seip R, Duconge J, Ruano G: Integrating genomic based information into clinical warfarin (Coumadin) management: an illustrative case report. Conn Med. 2008 Aug;72(7):399-403.

The combination of physiologic factors (30%), CYP2C9 variations (20%) and VKORC1 variants (25%) accounts for approximately 75% of warfarin dose variability.
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18535201 Cooper GM, Johnson JA, Langaee TY, Feng H, Stanaway IB, Schwarz UI, Ritchie MD, Stein CM, Roden DM, Smith JD, Veenstra DL, Rettie AE, Rieder MJ: A genome-wide scan for common genetic variants with a large influence on warfarin maintenance dose. Blood. 2008 Aug 15;112(4):1022-7. Epub 2008 Jun 5.

Warfarin dosing is correlated with polymorphisms in vitamin K epoxide reductase complex 1 (VKORC1) and the cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) genes.
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19918503 Boys JA, Medaugh CJ, Hassouna HI: Assessment of specific risks for the recurrence of deep vein thrombosis: a case report. Cases J. 2009 Aug 24;2:7024.

It is managed by oral anticoagulation with warfarin sodium (Coumadin), a drug that targets the vitamin K epoxide reductase to prevent the recycling of vitamin K epoxide to the reduced form of vitamin K.
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19715737 Zhou SF, Zhou ZW, Huang M: Polymorphisms of human cytochrome P450 2C9 and the functional relevance. Toxicology. 2009 Aug 26.

Human cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) accounts for approximately 20% of hepatic total CYP content and metabolizes approximately 15% clinical drugs such as phenytoin, S-warfarin, tolbutamide, losartan, and many nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs).
The CYP2C9 polymorphisms are relevant for the efficacy and adverse effects of numerous NSAIDs, sulfonylurea antidiabetic drugs and, most critically, oral anticoagulants belonging to the class of vitamin K epoxide reductase inhibitors.
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18466315 Sconce EA, Avery PJ, Wynne HA, Kamali F: Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1 ) polymorphism influences the anticoagulation response subsequent to vitamin K intake: a pilot study. J Thromb Haemost. 2008 Jul;6(7):1226-8. Epub 2008 Jul 1.

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19141161 Weston BW, Monahan PE: Familial deficiency of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors. Haemophilia. 2008 Nov;14(6):1209-13.

Combined deficiency of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors II, VII, IX and X (and proteins C, S, and Z) is usually an acquired clinical problem, often resulting from liver disease, malabsorption, or warfarin overdose.
Biochemical and molecular studies identify two variants of this autosomal recessive disorder: VKCFD1, which is associated with point mutations in the gamma-glutamylcarboxylase gene (GGCX), and VKCFD2, which results from point mutations in the vitamin K epoxide reductase gene (VKOR).
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18776969 Sinxadi P, Blockman M: Warfarin resistance. Cardiovasc J Afr. 2008 Jul-Aug;19(4):215-7.

Genetic polymorphism of the VKORC1 and CYP2C9 genes, as well as clinical factors such as age, gender, body mass index and interacting drugs explain less than 55% of variability in warfarin dose requirements.
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19297519 McDonald MG, Rieder MJ, Nakano M, Hsia CK, Rettie AE: CYP4F2 is a vitamin K1 oxidase: An explanation for altered warfarin dose in carriers of the V433M variant. Mol Pharmacol. 2009 Jun;75(6):1337-46. Epub 2009 Mar 18.

Genetic polymorphisms in VKORC1 and CYP2C9, genes controlling vitamin K (1) (VK1) epoxide reduction and (S)-warfarin metabolism, respectively, are major contributors to interindividual variability in warfarin dose.
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20203262 Limdi NA, Wadelius M, Cavallari L, Eriksson N, Crawford DC, Lee MT, Chen CH, Motsinger-Reif A, Sagreiya H, Liu N, Wu AH, Gage BF, Jorgensen A, Pirmohamed M, Shin JG, Suarez-Kurtz G, Kimmel SE, Johnson JA, Klein TE, Wagner MJ: Warfarin pharmacogenetics: a single VKORC1 polymorphism is predictive of dose across three racial groups. Blood. 2010 Mar 4.
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19752777 Jorgensen AL, Al-Zubiedi S, Zhang JE, Keniry A, Hanson A, Hughes DA, Eker D, Stevens L, Hawkins K, Toh CH, Kamali F, Daly AK, Fitzmaurice D, Coffey A, Williamson PR, Park BK, Deloukas P, Pirmohamed M: Genetic and environmental factors determining clinical outcomes and cost of warfarin therapy: a prospective study. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2009 Oct;19(10):800-12.

BACKGROUND: In this prospective cohort study, we have undertaken a comprehensive evaluation of clinical parameters along with variation in 29 genes (including CYP2C9 and VKORC1) to identify factors determining interindividual variability in warfarin response.
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20350128 Manolopoulos VG, Ragia G, Tavridou A: Pharmacogenetics of coumarinic oral anticoagulants. Pharmacogenomics. 2010 Apr;11(4):493-6.

Several retrospective and a few small prospective clinical studies have shown that polymorphisms in CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genes together account for 35-50% of the variability in warfarin initiation and maintenance dose requirements.
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20211925 Pushpakom SP, Gambhir N, Latif A, Hadfield KD, Campbell S, Newman WG: Exacerbation of Hereditary Warfarin Resistance by Azathioprine. . Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2010 Mar 8.

Mutation analysis identified a Val66Met substitution in vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1), consistent with severe warfarin resistance.
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19059059 Hill CE, Duncan A: Overview of pharmacogenetics in anticoagulation therapy. Clin Lab Med. 2008 Dec;28(4):513-24.

Food and Drug Administration, interest in the pharmacogenetics of warfarin and its clinical application has grown exponentially.
Dosing algorithms have been developed and continue to be refined that incorporate the polymorphisms of P450 2C9 and vitamin K epoxide reductase.
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19884975 Kohn MH, Price RE, Pelz HJ: A cardiovascular phenotype in warfarin-resistant Vkorc1 mutant rats. Artery Res. 2008 Nov;2(4):138-147.

METHODS: We provide histopathological descriptions of a naturally occurring Vkorc1 gene knockdown: wild-derived lab-reared rats that are resistant to the anticoagulant warfarin owing to a non-synonymous mutation in the Vkorc1 gene (Vkorc1 (Y-> C)), which, in vitro, reduces the basal activity of the vitamin K epoxide reductase enzyme complex by ~52%.
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18609070 Enstrom C, Osman A, Lindahl TL: A genotyping method for VKORC1 1173C> T by Pyrosequencing ((R)) technology. Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2007 Dec 21:1-4.

Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1) is the site of inhibition by warfarin and other anti-vitamin K drugs during oral anticoagulant therapy.
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20052755 Lezhava A, Ishidao T, Ishizu Y, Naito K, Hanami T, Katayama A, Kogo Y, Soma T, Ikeda S, Murakami K, Nogawa C, Itoh M, Mitani Y, Harbers M, Okamoto A, Hayashizaki Y: Exciton Primer-mediated SNP detection in SmartAmp2 reactions. Hum Mutat. 2010 Feb;31(2):208-17.

Here we demonstrate the use of Exciton Primers for genotyping a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the VKORC1 locus (-1639G> A) relevant for Warfarin dosing as an example for Exciton Primers mediated genotyping by SmartAmp2.
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18805772 Sipeky C, Melegh B: [Haplogroup analysis of vitamin-K epoxide reductase (VKORC1) gene: novel element in the optimization of anticoagulant therapy]. Orv Hetil. 2008 Sep 28;149(39):1839-44.

Mutations in the VKORC1 gene affect the sensitivity of the epoxy reductase enzyme for warfarin.
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18374188 Garcia AA, Reitsma PH: VKORC1 and the vitamin K cycle. Vitam Horm. 2008;78:23-33.

Mutations in the VKORC1 gene causes generalized defective vitamin K-dependent clotting factors (VKCFD2) and warfarin resistance (WR).
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19662888 Tomek A, Mat'oska V, Kumstyrfova T, Taborsky L: [Application of warfarin pharmacogenetics] . Vnitr Lek. 2009 Jun;55(6):565-9.

The application of pharmacogenetics in testing individual polymorphisms of two genes CYP 2C9 (pharmacokinetics of warfarin) and VKORC1 (sensitivity on warfarin) is promising tactics leading to a safe anticoagulation.
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20075209 Yang S, Xu L, Wu HM: Rapid genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms influencing warfarin drug response by surface-enhanced laser desorption and ionization time-of-flight (SELDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. J Mol Diagn. 2010 Mar;12(2):162-8. Epub 2010 Jan 14.

The turn-around time for genotyping three known warfarin-related SNPs, CYP2C9*2, CYP2C9*3, and VKORC1 3673G> A by SELDI-TOF MS was less than 5 hours.
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19139476 Gulseth MP, Grice GR, Dager WE: Pharmacogenomics of warfarin: uncovering a piece of the warfarin mystery. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2009 Jan 15;66(2):123-33.

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified that clearly influence warfarin metabolism and sensitivity, including SNP variants of CYP2C9 and SNPs in vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1), which influence an individual's sensitivity to a given dose.
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18532998 Bodin L, Perdu J, Diry M, Horellou MH, Loriot MA: Multiple genetic alterations in vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 gene (VKORC1) can explain the high dose requirement during oral anticoagulation in humans. J Thromb Haemost. 2008 Aug;6(8):1436-9. Epub 2008 Jun 4.

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19172700 Enstrom C, Osman A, Lindahl TL: A genotyping method for VKORC1 1173C > T by Pyrosequencing technology. Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2008;68(5):427-30.

Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1) is the site of inhibition by warfarin and other antivitamin K drugs during oral anticoagulant therapy.
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20140106 Li J, Wang S, Barone J, Malone B: Warfarin pharmacogenomics. P T. 2009 Aug;34(8):422-7.

Studies suggest that CYP 2C9 influences warfarin metabolism, whereas VKORC1 plays a role in the pharmacodynamic response in expression of the enzymatic target of warfarin.
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18370846 Wu AH, Wang P, Smith A, Haller C, Drake K, Linder M, Valdes R Jr: Dosing algorithm for warfarin using CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotyping from a multi-ethnic population: comparison with other equations. Pharmacogenomics. 2008 Feb;9(2):169-78.
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20210733 Efrati E, Elkin H, Sprecher E, Krivoy N: Distribution of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 Risk Alleles for Warfarin Sensitivity and Resistance in the Israeli Population. Curr Drug Saf. 2010 Mar 7.

Purpose: This study was designed to delineate the relative frequency of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 polymorphisms known to affect warfarin response in the highly heterogeneous Israeli population.
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19074728 Li C, Schwarz UI, Ritchie MD, Roden DM, Stein CM, Kurnik D: Relative contribution of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotypes and early INR response to the prediction of warfarin sensitivity during initiation of therapy. Blood. 2009 Apr 23;113(17):3925-30. Epub 2008 Dec 12.

Genetic variants in CYP2C9 and VKORC1 strongly affect steady-state warfarin dose.
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19228012 Crews N, Wittwer CT, Montgomery J, Pryor R, Gale B: Spatial DNA melting analysis for genotyping and variant scanning. Anal Chem. 2009 Mar 15;81(6):2053-8.

Human single base variants examined by spatial DNA melting analysis included rs354439, HTR2A 102T > C, and three alleles that affect appropriate warfarin dosage (CYP2C9*2, CYP2C9*3, and VKORC1 1173C > T).
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19153410 Eckman MH, Rosand J, Greenberg SM, Gage BF: Cost-effectiveness of using pharmacogenetic information in warfarin dosing for patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Ann Intern Med. 2009 Jan 20;150(2):73-83.

INTERVENTION: Genotype-guided dosing consisting of genotyping for CYP2C9*2, CYP2C9*3, and/or VKORC1 versus standard warfarin induction.
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18690851 Dumas TE, Hawke RL, Lee CR: Warfarin dosing and the promise of pharmacogenomics. Curr Clin Pharmacol. 2007 Jan;2(1):11-21.

Of these, VKORC1 polymorphisms account for a significant proportion of the inter-individual variability in warfarin dose requirements in all populations evaluated.
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19881396 Salinger DH, Shen DD, Thummel K, Wittkowsky AK, Vicini P, Veenstra DL: Pharmacogenomic trial design: use of a PK/PD model to explore warfarin dosing interventions through clinical trial simulation. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2009 Oct 29.

OBJECTIVE: Variants of two genes, CYP2C9 and VKORC1, explain approximately one third of variability in warfarin maintenance dose requirements.
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19815307 Meckley LM, Neumann PJ: Personalized medicine: factors influencing reimbursement. Health Policy. 2010 Feb;94(2):91-100. Epub 2009 Oct 7.

METHODS: We conducted six case studies of the following paired genetic tests and treatments: HER2/neu with trastuzumab (Herceptin); hepatitis C genotyping with ribavirin/pegylated interferon; Oncotype DX with chemotherapy; UGT1A1 with irinotecan (Camptosar); VKORC1/CYP2C9 with warfarin; BRCA1/2 with prophylactic surgical measures; and Oncotype DX with chemotherapy.
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19799531 Perez-Andreu V, Roldan V, Gonzalez-Conejero R, Hernandez-Romero D, Vicente V, Marin F: Implications of pharmacogenetics for oral anticoagulants metabolism. . Curr Drug Metab. 2009 Jul;10(6):632-42.

Clinically available, warfarin consists of a racemic mixture of two active optical isomers, (R)- and (S)- isoforms, and their pharmacokinetic and pharmaco-dynamic properties differ considerably, because the (S)-enantiomer is three times more potent than the (R)-enantiomer.
The second enzyme that is involved in coumarins metabolism is the vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKORC).
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19270263 Perez-Andreu V, Roldan V, Anton AI, Garcia-Barbera N, Corral J, Vicente V, Gonzalez-Conejero R: Pharmacogenetic relevance of CYP4F2 V433M polymorphism on acenocoumarol therapy. Blood. 2009 May 14;113(20):4977-9. Epub 2009 Mar 6.

VKORC1 and CYP2C9 polymorphisms are used to predict the safe dose of oral anticoagulant therapy.
A new variant of CYP4F2 (V433M) has recently been related to the required warfarin dose.
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18788834 Shen AY, Chen W, Yao JF, Brar SS, Wang X, Go AS: Effect of race/ethnicity on the efficacy of warfarin: potential implications for prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. CNS Drugs. 2008;22(10):815-25.

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19348697 Daly AK: Pharmacogenomics of anticoagulants: steps toward personal dosage. Genome Med. 2009 Jan 21;1(1):10.

Genotype for CYP2C9, which encodes the main cytochrome P450 enzyme that metabolizes warfarin, and VKORC1, the gene encoding the warfarin target vitamin K epoxide reductase, together account for approximately 30% of the variability in dose requirement.
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20110994 Li W, Schulman S, Dutton RJ, Boyd D, Beckwith J, Rapoport TA: Structure of a bacterial homologue of vitamin K epoxide reductase. . Nature. 2010 Jan 28;463(7280):507-12.

Our results have implications for the mechanism of the mammalian VKOR and explain how mutations can cause resistance to the VKOR inhibitor warfarin, the most commonly used oral anticoagulant.
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19663669 Scott SA, Jaremko M, Lubitz SA, Kornreich R, Halperin JL, Desnick RJ: CYP2C9*8 is prevalent among African-Americans: implications for pharmacogenetic dosing. Pharmacogenomics. 2009 Aug;10(8):1243-55.

AIMS: Although the frequencies of pharmacogenetic variants differ among racial groups, most pharmacogenetic algorithms for genotype-guided warfarin dosing only include two CYP2C9 alleles (*2 and *3) and a single VKORC1 allele (g.-1639G> A or g.1173C> T) commonly found among Caucasians.
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18690342 Meckley LM, Wittkowsky AK, Rieder MJ, Rettie AE, Veenstra DL: An analysis of the relative effects of VKORC1 and CYP2C9 variants on anticoagulation related outcomes in warfarin-treated patients. Thromb Haemost. 2008 Aug;100(2):229-39.
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18574025 Wadelius M, Chen LY, Lindh JD, Eriksson N, Ghori MJ, Bumpstead S, Holm L, McGinnis R, Rane A, Deloukas P: The largest prospective warfarin-treated cohort supports genetic forecasting. Blood. 2009 Jan 22;113(4):784-92. Epub 2008 Jun 23.

CYP2C9*2 and *3 explained 12% (P = 6.63 x 10 (-34)) of the variation in warfarin dose, while a single VKORC1 SNP explained 30% (P = 9.82 x 10 (-100)).
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19034590 Gonzalez Della Valle A, Khakharia S, Glueck CJ, Taveras N, Wang P, Fontaine RN, Salvati EA: VKORC1 variant genotypes influence warfarin response in patients undergoing total joint arthroplasty: a pilot study. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2009 Jul;467(7):1773-80. Epub 2008 Nov 26.
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20014877 Meckley LM, Gudgeon JM, Anderson JL, Williams MS, Veenstra DL: A policy model to evaluate the benefits, risks and costs of warfarin pharmacogenomic testing. Pharmacoeconomics. 2010;28(1):61-74. doi: 10.2165/11318240-000000000-00000.

BACKGROUND: In 2007, the US FDA added information about pharmacogenomics to the warfarin label based on the influence of the CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genes on anticoagulation-related outcomes.
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20228265 Roper N, Storer B, Bona R, Fang M: Validation and Comparison of Pharmacogenetics-Based Warfarin Dosing Algorithms for Application of Pharmacogenetic Testing. J Mol Diagn. 2010 Mar 12.

We used two independent datasets totaling 1095 patients to evaluate four published algorithms and a simple prediction algorithm developed in this study based on the CYP2C9*2, CYP2C9*3, and VKORC1 -1639 polymorphisms in 150 patients taking warfarin.
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20354686 Molden E, Okkenhaug C, Ekker Solberg E: Increased frequency of CYP2C9 variant alleles and homozygous VKORC1*2B carriers in warfarin-treated patients with excessive INR response. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2010 Mar 31.

BACKGROUND: Several studies have linked mutations in the genes encoding cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) and vitamin K epoxide reductase complex 1 (VKORC1) to a reduced warfarin dose requirement and an increased risk of bleeding with warfarin treatment, but the implementation of genotyping as routine practice is still controversial.
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19479657 Cavallari LH, Limdi NA: Warfarin pharmacogenomics. Curr Opin Mol Ther. 2009 Jun;11(3):243-51.

The cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C9 and vitamin K epoxide reductase complex 1 (VKORC1) genes have recently been determined to be associated with warfarin dose requirements, with reduced doses of this drug being required in patients with the variant CYP2C9*2, CYP2C9*3, or VKORC1 -1639A allele.
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19958090 Lee MT, Chen CH, Chou CH, Lu LS, Chuang HP, Chen YT, Saleem AN, Wen MS, Chen JJ, Wu JY, Chen YT: Genetic determinants of warfarin dosing in the Han-Chinese population. Pharmacogenomics. 2009 Dec;10(12):1905-13.

Polymorphisms in CYP2C9 and VKORC1 have been shown to be associated with warfarin dose requirements.
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19582440 Ohno M, Yamamoto A, Ono A, Miura G, Funamoto M, Takemoto Y, Otsu K, Kouno Y, Tanabe T, Masunaga Y, Nonen S, Fujio Y, Azuma J: Influence of clinical and genetic factors on warfarin dose requirements among Japanese patients. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2009 Nov;65(11):1097-103. Epub 2009 Jul 7.

PCR-based methods were performed to analyze genetic polymorphisms in the genes pharmacokinetically and pharmacodynamically related to warfarin reactions, including cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C9, vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1), gamma-glutamyl carboxylase (GGCX) and factor VII (FVII).
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19324988 Langley MR, Booker JK, Evans JP, McLeod HL, Weck KE: Validation of clinical testing for warfarin sensitivity: comparison of CYP2C9-VKORC1 genotyping assays and warfarin-dosing algorithms. J Mol Diagn. 2009 May;11(3):216-25. Epub 2009 Mar 26.
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18781859 Schelleman H, Limdi NA, Kimmel SE: Ethnic differences in warfarin maintenance dose requirement and its relationship with genetics. Pharmacogenomics. 2008 Sep;9(9):1331-46.

For example, persons of African descent have lower allele frequencies of the CYP2C9*2 and *3 and VKORC1 1173T allele, which have been associated with lower warfarin dose requirements in Caucasians.
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19389892 Suarez-Kurtz G, Perini JA, Silva-Assuncao E, Struchiner CJ: Relative contribution of VKORC1, CYP2C9, and INR response to warfarin stable dose. Blood. 2009 Apr 23;113(17):4125-6.
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18374193 Berkner KL: Vitamin K-dependent carboxylation. Vitam Horm. 2008;78:131-56.

Vitamin K oxidoreductase (VKOR), the target of warfarin, generates the reduced vitamin K cofactor used by the carboxylase.
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18516070 Mohammed Abdul MI, Jiang X, Williams KM, Day RO, Roufogalis BD, Liauw WS, Xu H, McLachlan AJ: Pharmacodynamic interaction of warfarin with cranberry but not with garlic in healthy subjects. Br J Pharmacol. 2008 Aug;154(8):1691-700. Epub 2008 Jun 2.

Both herbal medicines showed some evidence of VKORC1 (not CYP2C9) genotype-dependent interactions with warfarin, which is worthy of further investigation.
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19074093 Francis CW: New issues in oral anticoagulants. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2008:259-65.

VKORC1 is the enzyme inhibited by warfarin, and its levels are affected by several polymorphisms that can be divided into high or low level haplotypes, and patients with high level haplotypes require higher warfarin doses.
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19567378 Palacio L, Falla D, Tobon I, Mejia F, Lewis JE, Martinez AF, Arcos-Burgos M, Camargo M: Pharmacogenetic impact of VKORC1 and CYP2C9 allelic variants on warfarin dose requirements in a hispanic population isolate. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2010 Feb;16(1):83-90. Epub 2009 Jun 29.
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19135231 Yoshizawa M, Hayashi H, Tashiro Y, Sakawa S, Moriwaki H, Akimoto T, Doi O, Kimura M, Kawarasaki Y, Inoue K, Itoh K: Effect of VKORC1-1639 G> A polymorphism, body weight, age, and serum albumin alterations on warfarin response in Japanese patients. Thromb Res. 2009 Jun;124(2):161-6. Epub 2009 Jan 9.
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19794411 Pautas E, Moreau C, Gouin-Thibault I, Golmard JL, Mahe I, Legendre C, Taillandier-Heriche E, Durand-Gasselin B, Houllier AM, Verrier P, Beaune P, Loriot MA, Siguret V: Genetic factors (VKORC1, CYP2C9, EPHX1, and CYP4F2) are predictor variables for warfarin response in very elderly, frail inpatients. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2010 Jan;87(1):57-64. Epub 2009 Sep 30.
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19453939 Lazo-Langner A, Monkman K, Kovacs MJ: Predicting warfarin maintenance dose in patients with venous thromboembolism based on the response to a standardized warfarin initiation nomogram. J Thromb Haemost. 2009 Aug;7(8):1276-83. Epub 2009 May 12.

BACKGROUND: Polymorphisms in the VKORC1 and CYP2C9 genes influence warfarin requirements.
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19663670 Sasaki T, Tabuchi H, Higuchi S, Ieiri I: Warfarin-dosing algorithm based on a population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model combined with Bayesian forecasting. Pharmacogenomics. 2009 Aug;10(8):1257-66.

MATERIALS & METHODS: Using information on CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotypes, S-warfarin level, dose and international normalized ratio (INR) of prothrombin time, individual PK (apparent clearance of S-warfarin [CLs]) and PD (concentration resulting in 50% of E (max) [EC (50)]) parameters were determined by Bayesian forecasting for 45 Japanese patients.
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18362220 Aklillu E, Leong C, Loebstein R, Halkin H, Gak E: VKORC1 Asp36Tyr warfarin resistance marker is common in Ethiopian individuals. Blood. 2008 Apr 1;111(7):3903-4.
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18466099 Limdi NA, Arnett DK, Goldstein JA, Beasley TM, McGwin G, Adler BK, Acton RT: Influence of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 on warfarin dose, anticoagulation attainment and maintenance among European-Americans and African-Americans. Pharmacogenomics. 2008 May;9(5):511-26.

AIMS: The influence of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 on warfarin dose, time to target International Normalized Ratio (INR), time to stabilization, and risk of over-anticoagulation (INR: > 4) was assessed after adjustment for clinical factors, intraindividual variation in environmental factors and unobserved heterogeneity.
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19099951 Yang J, Miao LY, Huang CR, Shen ZY, Jiang WP: [Association between CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genetic polymorphism and warfarin dose requirements]. Zhonghua Xin Xue Guan Bing Za Zhi. 2008 Feb;36(2):137-40.

CONCLUSION: This study showed that age, weight and VKORC1 and CYP2C9 polymorphism had significant influences on warfarin dose requirements and should be considered on dosing regimens modification to improve the safety of warfarin therapy.
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19942260 Yang L, Ge W, Yu F, Zhu H: Impact of VKORC1 gene polymorphism on interindividual and interethnic warfarin dosage requirement--a systematic review and meta analysis. Thromb Res. 2010 Apr;125(4):e159-66. Epub 2009 Nov 25.

It has been suggested that anticoagulation effect of warfarin is significantly associated with the polymorphism of certain genes, including Cytochrome P450 complex subunit 2C9 (CYP2C9), Vitamin K Epoxide Reductase Complex Subunit 1 (VKORC1), Gamma-Glutamyl Carboxylase (GGCX) and Apolipoprotein E (APOE) etc.
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19538716 Branco CC, Pereirinha T, Cabral R, Pacheco PR, Mota-Vieira L: Thrombotic genetic risk factors and warfarin pharmacogenetic variants in Sao Miguel's healthy population (Azores). Thromb J. 2009 Jun 18;7:9.

We also analysed the CYP2C9 (C430T, A1075C) and VKORC1 (G1639A) variants in fifty-eight individuals with predisposition to thrombosis (possessing at least one variation in F5 or F2 genes and one in MTHFR) to evaluate their warfarin drug response genetic profiles.
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18523153 Wang D, Chen H, Momary KM, Cavallari LH, Johnson JA, Sadee W: Regulatory polymorphism in vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1) affects gene expression and warfarin dose requirement. Blood. 2008 Aug 15;112(4):1013-21. Epub 2008 Jun 3.
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18281915 McClain MR, Palomaki GE, Piper M, Haddow JE: A rapid-ACCE review of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 alleles testing to inform warfarin dosing in adults at elevated risk for thrombotic events to avoid serious bleeding. Genet Med. 2008 Feb;10(2):89-98.
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19290811 Ozdemir V, Suarez-Kurtz G, Stenne R, Somogyi AA, Someya T, Kayaalp SO, Kolker E: Risk assessment and communication tools for genotype associations with multifactorial phenotypes: the concept of "edge effect" and cultivating an ethical bridge between omics innovations and society. OMICS. 2009 Feb;13(1):43-61.

Empirical application of the edge effect concept is illustrated using an original analysis of warfarin pharmacogenomics and the VKORC1 genetic variation in a Brazilian population sample.
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18294321 Kulkarni UP, Swar BD, Karnad DR, Davis S, Patwardhan AM, Kshirsagar NA, Gogtay NJ: A pilot study of the association of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters of warfarin with the dose in patients on long-term anticoagulation. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2008 May;65(5):787-90. Epub 2008 Feb 21.

CYP2C9 and VKORC1 polymorphisms have been shown to affect warfarin dose requirement.
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19686083 Kamali F, Wynne H: Pharmacogenetics of warfarin. . Annu Rev Med. 2010;61:63-75.

Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) and vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKOR) genes have been shown to have a significant effect on warfarin dose requirement.
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18374197 Wallin R, Wajih N, Hutson SM: VKORC1: a warfarin-sensitive enzyme in vitamin K metabolism and biosynthesis of vitamin K-dependent blood coagulation factors. Vitam Horm. 2008;78:227-46.
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18240904 Nakai K, Tsuboi J, Okabayashi H, Fukuhiro Y, Oka T, Habano W, Fukushima N, Nakai K, Obara W, Fujioka T, Suwabe A, Gurwitz D: Ethnic differences in the VKORC1 gene polymorphism and an association with warfarin dosage requirements in cardiovascular surgery patients. Pharmacogenomics. 2007 Jul;8(7):713-9.

OBJECTIVES: Vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKORC1) is the drug target for inhibition by coumarin-based anticoagulant drugs such as warfarin.
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19181737 Aomori T, Yamamoto K, Oguchi-Katayama A, Kawai Y, Ishidao T, Mitani Y, Kogo Y, Lezhava A, Fujita Y, Obayashi K, Nakamura K, Kohnke H, Wadelius M, Ekstrom L, Skogastierna C, Rane A, Kurabayashi M, Murakami M, Cizdziel PE, Hayashizaki Y, Horiuchi R: Rapid single-nucleotide polymorphism detection of cytochrome P450 (CYP2C9) and vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKORC1) genes for the warfarin dose adjustment by the SMart-amplification process version 2. Clin Chem. 2009 Apr;55(4):804-12. Epub 2009 Jan 30.
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19874474 Ferder NS, Eby CS, Deych E, Harris JK, Ridker PM, Milligan PE, Goldhaber SZ, King CR, Giri T, McLeod HL, Glynn RJ, Gage BF: Ability of VKORC1 and CYP2C9 to predict therapeutic warfarin dose during the initial weeks of therapy. J Thromb Haemost. 2010 Jan;8(1):95-100. Epub 2009 Oct 30.
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19018718 Perini JA, Petzl-Erler ML, Tsuneto LT, Suarez-Kurtz G: VKORC1 polymorphisms in Amerindian populations of Brazil. Pharmacogenomics. 2008 Nov;9(11):1623-9.

Noncoding polymorphisms in the VKORC1 gene associate with variation of interindividual dosing requirements of warfarin and other coumarin anticoagulants.
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20128861 Lubitz SA, Scott SA, Rothlauf EB, Agarwal A, Peter I, Doheny D, van der Zee S, Jaremko M, Yoo C, Desnick RJ, Halperin JL: Comparative performance of gene-based warfarin dosing algorithms in a multiethnic population. J Thromb Haemost. 2010 Feb 2.

Patients/methods: In 145 compliant patients on warfarin with a goal INR of 2-3, stable, therapeutic doses were compared to predicted doses using 12 reported algorithms that incorporated CYP2C9 and VKORC1 variants.
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19032008 Lackner TE: Pharmacogenomic dosing of warfarin: ready or not? . Consult Pharm. 2008 Aug;23(8):614-9.

Following completion of the Human Genome Project, several genetic variants of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 have been identified that account for a greater proportion of the variability in patient response to warfarin than is explained by nongenetic factors.
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20031873 Patrick AR, Avorn J, Choudhry NK: Cost-effectiveness of genotype-guided warfarin dosing for patients with atrial fibrillation. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2009 Sep;2(5):429-36. Epub 2009 Jul 21.

BACKGROUND: CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotyping has been advocated as a means of improving the accuracy of warfarin dosing.
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20073138 Duconge J, Cadilla CL, Windemuth A, Kocherla M, Gorowski K, Seip RL, Bogaard K, Renta JY, Piovanetti P, D'Agostino D, Santiago-Borrero PJ, Ruano G: Prevalence of combinatorial CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotypes in Puerto Ricans: implications for warfarin management in Hispanics. Ethn Dis. 2009 Autumn;19(4):390-5.

Combinatorial genotyping of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 can allow for individualized dosing of warfarin among patients with gene polymorphisms, potentially reducing the risk of stroke or bleeding.
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18281922 Flockhart DA, O'Kane D, Williams MS, Watson MS, Flockhart DA, Gage B, Gandolfi R, King R, Lyon E, Nussbaum R, O'Kane D, Schulman K, Veenstra D, Williams MS, Watson MS: Pharmacogenetic testing of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 alleles for warfarin. . Genet Med. 2008 Feb;10(2):139-50.

In an effort to address this situation, a multidisciplinary expert group was organized in November 2006 to evaluate the role of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 testing in altering warfarin-related therapeutic goals and reduction of adverse drug events.
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18682545 Hynicka LM, Cahoon WD Jr, Bukaveckas BL: Genetic testing for warfarin therapy initiation. Ann Pharmacother. 2008 Sep;42(9):1298-303. Epub 2008 Aug 5.

DATA SOURCES: Searches of MEDLINE (1966-May 2008) and Cochrane Database (1993-May 2008) were conducted using the search terms warfarin, anticoagulation, pharmacogenomics, pharmacogenetics, CYP2C9, VKORC1, and interindividual variability.
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19571807 You JH, Tsui KK, Wong RS, Cheng G: Potential clinical and economic outcomes of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotype-guided dosing in patients starting warfarin therapy. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2009 Nov;86(5):540-7. Epub 2009 Jul 1.
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18752379 Limdi NA, Veenstra DL: Warfarin pharmacogenetics. Pharmacotherapy. 2008 Sep;28(9):1084-97.

We review the evidence of the influence of the two key genes of interest, the cytochrome P450 2C9 gene, CYP2C9, and the vitamin K epoxide reductase complex 1 gene, VKORC1, on warfarin response and discuss the implications of current knowledge for clinical practice.
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20204461 Shaw PB, Donovan JL, Tran MT, Lemon SC, Burgwinkle P, Gore J: Accuracy assessment of pharmacogenetically predictive warfarin dosing algorithms in patients of an academic medical center anticoagulation clinic. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2010 Mar 5.

Seventy-one patients of an outpatient anticoagulation clinic at an academic medical center who were age 18 years or older on a stable, therapeutic warfarin dose with international normalized ratio (INR) goal between 2.0 and 3.0, and cytochrome P450 isoenzyme 2C9 (CYP2C9) and vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1) genotypes available between January 1, 2007 and September 30, 2008 were included.
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19530963 Becquemont L: Pharmacogenomics of adverse drug reactions: practical applications and perspectives. Pharmacogenomics. 2009 Jun;10(6):961-9.

Recently published pharmacogenomic randomized, controlled and ongoing trials will progressively make genotyping tests, such as those for HLA-B*5701 (abacavir), TPMT (6-mercaptopurine), CYP2C9 plus VKORC1 (warfarin) and CYP3A5 (tacrolimus), mandatory.
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20020283 Cadamuro J, Dieplinger B, Felder T, Kedenko I, Mueller T, Haltmayer M, Patsch W, Oberkofler H: Genetic determinants of acenocoumarol and phenprocoumon maintenance dose requirements. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2010 Mar;66(3):253-60. Epub 2009 Dec 18.

OBJECTIVE: The variability in warfarin dose requirement is attributable to genetic and environmental factors.
METHODS: Common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the genes encoding cytochrome P450 family member 2C9 (CYP2C9), vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1), gamma-glutamyl carboxylase (GGCX), calumenin (CALU) and apolipoprotein E (APOE) were studied in 206 patients receiving AC or PC.
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18680536 Harrington DJ, Gorska R, Wheeler R, Davidson S, Murden S, Morse C, Shearer MJ, Mumford AD: Pharmacodynamic resistance to warfarin is associated with nucleotide substitutions in VKORC1. J Thromb Haemost. 2008 Oct;6(10):1663-70. Epub 2008 Aug 1.

BACKGROUND: Vitamin K epoxide reductase subunit 1 (VKORC1) is the molecular target of coumarin anticoagulants and mutations in VKORC1 have been identified previously in individuals who required high warfarin doses.
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18855533 Limdi NA, Beasley TM, Crowley MR, Goldstein JA, Rieder MJ, Flockhart DA, Arnett DK, Acton RT, Liu N: VKORC1 polymorphisms, haplotypes and haplotype groups on warfarin dose among African-Americans and European-Americans. Pharmacogenomics. 2008 Oct;9(10):1445-58.
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19179293 Kim MJ, Huang SM, Meyer UA, Rahman A, Lesko LJ: A regulatory science perspective on warfarin therapy: a pharmacogenetic opportunity. J Clin Pharmacol. 2009 Feb;49(2):138-46.

A substantial number of studies demonstrate that common variants of two genes, VKORC1 and CYP2C9, along with other nongenetic factors, correlate significantly with warfarin dosing.
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18754001 Perini JA, Struchiner CJ, Silva-Assuncao E, Santana IS, Rangel F, Ojopi EB, Dias-Neto E, Suarez-Kurtz G: Pharmacogenetics of warfarin: development of a dosing algorithm for brazilian patients. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2008 Dec;84(6):722-8. Epub 2008 Aug 27.

A dosing algorithm including genetic (VKORC1 and CYP2C9 genotypes) and nongenetic factors (age, weight, therapeutic indication, and cotreatment with amiodarone or simvastatin) explained 51% of the variance in stable weekly warfarin doses in 390 patients attending an anticoagulant clinic in a Brazilian public hospital.
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18680736 Wang TL, Li HL, Tjong WY, Chen QS, Wu GS, Zhu HT, Hou ZS, Xu S, Ma SJ, Wu M, Tai S: Genetic factors contribute to patient-specific warfarin dose for Han Chinese. Clin Chim Acta. 2008 Oct;396(1-2):76-9. Epub 2008 Jul 12.

The associations of SNPs rs9934438 and rs9923231 of VKORC1, the 3 (rs1057910) and C (-65) (rs9332127) alleles of CYP2C9, and SNP rs4653436 of EPHXI with the dose of warfarin were significant.
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19578179 Teichert M, Eijgelsheim M, Rivadeneira F, Uitterlinden AG, van Schaik RH, Hofman A, De Smet PA, van Gelder T, Visser LE, Stricker BH: A genome-wide association study of acenocoumarol maintenance dosage. Hum Mol Genet. 2009 Oct 1;18(19):3758-68. Epub 2009 Jul 4.

Several genome-wide association studies have been performed on warfarin.
The SNP with the lowest P-value was rs10871454 on chromosome 16 linked to SNPs within the vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1) (P = 2.0 x 10 (-123)).
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19132230 Beinema M, Brouwers JR, Schalekamp T, Wilffert B: Pharmacogenetic differences between warfarin, acenocoumarol and phenprocoumon. Thromb Haemost. 2008 Dec;100(6):1052-7.

Yet it has been proven that variant alleles of the VKORC1 and CYP2C9 genotypes influence the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of these drugs.
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19845677 Choppin A, Irwin I, Lach L, McDonald MG, Rettie AE, Shao L, Becker C, Palme MP, Paliard X, Bowersox S, Dennis DM, Druzgala P: Effect of tecarfarin, a novel vitamin K epoxide reductase inhibitor, on coagulation in beagle dogs. Br J Pharmacol. 2009 Nov;158(6):1536-47. Epub 2009 Oct 20.

The objective of this study was to test and compare the efficacy of tecarfarin with that of warfarin, when administered either intravenously or once a day orally, to produce stable anticoagulation in beagle dogs.
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19955245 Moyer TP, O'Kane DJ, Baudhuin LM, Wiley CL, Fortini A, Fisher PK, Dupras DM, Chaudhry R, Thapa P, Zinsmeister AR, Heit JA: Warfarin sensitivity genotyping: a review of the literature and summary of patient experience. Mayo Clin Proc. 2009 Dec;84(12):1079-94.

For the 189 Mayo Clinic patients initiating warfarin therapy to achieve a target international normalized ratio (INR) in the range of 2.0 to 3.5, we analyzed the CYP2C9 (cytochrome P450 2C9) and VKORC1 (vitamin K epoxide reductase complex, subunit 1) genetic loci to study the relationship among the initial warfarin dose, steady-state dose, time to achieve steady-state dose, variations in INR, and allelic variance.
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18322281 Schwarz UI, Ritchie MD, Bradford Y, Li C, Dudek SM, Frye-Anderson A, Kim RB, Roden DM, Stein CM: Genetic determinants of response to warfarin during initial anticoagulation. N Engl J Med. 2008 Mar 6;358(10):999-1008.

CONCLUSIONS: Initial variability in the INR response to warfarin was more strongly associated with genetic variability in the pharmacologic target of warfarin, VKORC1, than with CYP2C9.
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20043560 Kuanprasert S, Dettrairat S, Palacajornsuk P, Kunachiwa W, Phrommintikul A: Prevalence of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 mutation in patients with valvular heart disease in northern Thailand. J Med Assoc Thai. 2009 Dec;92(12):1597-601.

Vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKORC1) and cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) enzyme conjointly determine the warfarin maintenance dose.
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19842934 Lee MT, Chen CH, Chuang HP, Lu LS, Chou CH, Chen YT, Liu CY, Wen MS, Lu JJ, Chang CF, Wu JY, Chen YT: VKORC1 haplotypes in five East-Asian populations and Indians. Pharmacogenomics. 2009 Oct;10(10):1609-16.

Several polymorphisms in VKORC1 have been shown to be associated with warfarin dose requirements.
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19200363 Rost S, Pelz HJ, Menzel S, MacNicoll AD, Leon V, Song KJ, Jakel T, Oldenburg J, Muller CR: Novel mutations in the VKORC1 gene of wild rats and mice--a response to 50 years of selection pressure by warfarin?. BMC Genet. 2009 Feb 6;10:4.
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19998810 Cortez-Dias N, Correia MJ, Coutinho A, Fernandes C, Diogo AN, Lopes MG: Pharmacogenetics and anticoagulant therapy: two cases of genetically determined response to warfarin. Rev Port Cardiol. 2009 Sep;28(9):995-1004.

The genetic variants c.430CC and c.1075AA of the CYP2C9 gene were identified, predisposing to rapid warfarin metabolism, as well as the c.-1639GG variant of the VKORC1 gene, associated with low sensitivity to the drug.
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19397481 Lippi G, Franchini M, Favaloro EJ: Pharmacogenetics of vitamin K antagonists: useful or hype? . Clin Chem Lab Med. 2009;47(5):503-15.

Growing evidence indicates that up to 60% of the individual pharmacological response to coumarins might be due to genetic variables and affected by polymorphisms in the genes encoding two enzymes, namely, vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKOR) and cytochrome P450 CYP2C9.
Genetic testing has been proposed as a useful tool for allowing prediction of the dose response during initial anticoagulation therapy, to assess variability in dose maintenance and to identify warfarin 'resistance'.
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19297219 Limdi NA, Wiener H, Goldstein JA, Acton RT, Beasley TM: Influence of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 on warfarin response during initiation of therapy. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2009 Jul-Aug;43(1):119-28. Epub 2009 Mar 17.

BACKGROUND: Although multiple reports have documented the influence of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 variants on warfarin dose, risk of over-anticoagulation and hemorrhage, their influence on anticoagulation maintenance and individual proportion of time spent in target INR range (PPTR) is limited.
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19117406 Huang SW, Li Q, Zhu SY, Li L, Xiong F, Jia YK, Xu XM: SYBR Green-based real-time PCR assay for detection of VKORC1 and CYP2C9 polymorphisms that modulate warfarin dose requirement. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2009;47(1):26-31.
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20017677 Zhu J, Zhang W, Li Y, Zhang W, Wang H, Zheng W, Wang C: ARMS test for diagnosis of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 mutation in patients with pulmonary embolism in Han Chinese. Pharmacogenomics. 2010 Jan;11(1):113-9.

AIMS: VKORC1 and CYP2C9 are important genetic factors affecting warfarin dose requirement.
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19319511 Werner D, Werner U, Wuerfel A, Grosch A, Lestin HG, Eschenhagen T, Rau T: Pharmacogenetic characteristics of patients with complicated phenprocoumon dosing. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2009 Aug;65(8):783-8. Epub 2009 Mar 25.

Whereas the impacts of the cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) and vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKORC1) polymorphisms on warfarin dosing are clearly established, the role of these genetic variants on dosing and the safe use of phenprocoumon are less well investigated and, to a certain degree, controversial.
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18701850 Yasui Y, Nishiguchi T, Yamamoto A, Fujii C, Fujino M, Tsuge M, Ohno M, Azuma J, Matsumura T, Ohsato H, Anami S, Furukawa H: [A case of bleeding tendency due to warfarin in a patient treated with chemotherapy by S-1]. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho. 2008 Aug;35(8):1367-70.

We tried to analyze the genotype of a patient, who had a tendency to bleed by coadministration of WF with S-1, in terms of hepatic cytochrome P-450 (CYP) 2C9 and vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1).
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18480003 King CR, Porche-Sorbet RM, Gage BF, Ridker PM, Renaud Y, Phillips MS, Eby C: Performance of commercial platforms for rapid genotyping of polymorphisms affecting warfarin dose. Am J Clin Pathol. 2008 Jun;129(6):876-83.

Invader and Tag-It were 100% accurate for CYP2C9 SNPs, 99% accurate for VKORC1 -1639/3673 SNP, and required 3 hours and 8 hours, respectively.
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18563532 Cavallari LH, Aston JL, Momary KM, Shapiro NL, Patel SR, Nutescu EA: Predictors of unstable anticoagulation in African Americans. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2009 May;27(4):430-7. Epub 2008 Jun 19.

PATIENTS AND METHODS: Sixty African Americans on warfarin were enrolled.
Cytochrome P450 2C9 and vitamin K epoxide reductase genotypes and vitamin K intake were assessed, and clinical and dietary data during the 12 months prior to enrollment were collected.
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19925388 Wang B, Wang J, Huang SQ, Su HH, Zhou SF: Genetic Polymorphism of the Human Cytochrome P450 2C9 Gene and Its Clinical Significance. Curr Drug Metab. 2009 Sep;10(7):781-834.

Human cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) accounts for approximately 20% of total hepatic CYP content and metabolizes approximately 15% clinically used drugs including S-warfarin, tolbutamide, phenytoin, losartan, diclofenac, and celecoxib.
The CYP2C9 polymorphisms are relevant for the efficacy and adverse effects of numerous nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, sulfonylurea antidiabetic drugs and, most critically, oral anticoagulants belonging to the class of vitamin K epoxide reductase inhibitors.
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19745563 Sandanaraj E, Lal S, Cheung YB, Xiang X, Kong MC, Lee LH, Ooi LL, Chowbay B: VKORC1 diplotype-derived dosing model to explain variability in warfarin dose requirements in Asian patients. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2009;24(4):365-75.
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20200517 Voora D, Koboldt DC, King CR, Lenzini PA, Eby CS, Porche-Sorbet R, Deych E, Crankshaw M, Milligan PE, McLeod HL, Patel SR, Cavallari LH, Ridker PM, Grice GR, Miller RD, Gage BF: A polymorphism in the VKORC1 regulator calumenin predicts higher warfarin dose requirements in African Americans. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2010 Apr;87(4):445-51. Epub 2010 Mar 3.

Warfarin demonstrates a wide interindividual variability in response that is mediated partly by variants in cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9) and vitamin K 2,3-epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1).
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18252229 Scott SA, Edelmann L, Kornreich R, Desnick RJ: Warfarin pharmacogenetics: CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotypes predict different sensitivity and resistance frequencies in the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jewish populations. Am J Hum Genet. 2008 Feb;82(2):495-500. Epub 2008 Jan 17.
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20072124 Cavallari LH, Langaee TY, Momary KM, Shapiro NL, Nutescu EA, Coty WA, Viana MA, Patel SR, Johnson JA: Genetic and clinical predictors of warfarin dose requirements in African Americans. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2010 Apr;87(4):459-64. Epub 2010 Jan 13.

The objective of this study was to determine whether, in African-American patients, additional vitamin K oxidoreductase complex subunit 1 (VKORC1), cytochrome P450 2C9 (CYP2C9), CYP4F2, or apolipoprotein E (APOE) polymorphisms contribute to variability in the warfarin maintenance dose beyond what is attributable to the CYP2C9*2 and *3 alleles and the VKORC1 -1639G> A genotype.
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18975556 Yokota H, Satoh Y, Ono Y, Kaneko M, Ikeda H, Tsuji S, Yatomi Y: [Establishment of a pharmacogenomic testing system for the realization of individual pharmacotherapy]. Rinsho Byori. 2008 Sep;56(9):772-80.

Furthermore, in August 2007, testing for CYP2C9*3, the enzyme involved in the metabolism of Warfarin, and vitamin K epoxidereductase1 (VKORC1) 6484 C> T was started.
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19752778 Grandemange A, Kohn MH, Lasseur R, Longin-Sauvageon C, Berny P, Benoit E: Consequences of the Y139F Vkorc1 mutation on resistance to AVKs: in-vivo investigation in a 7th generation of congenic Y139F strain of rats. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2009 Oct;19(10):742-50.

Moreover, an important question requiring further analyses concerns the role of the Vkorc1 gene in mediating resistance to more recently developed warfarin derivatives (superwarfarins).
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19545555 Babic N, Haverfield EV, Burrus JA, Lozada A, Das S, Yeo KT: Comparison of performance of three commercial platforms for warfarin sensitivity genotyping. Clin Chim Acta. 2009 Aug;406(1-2):143-7. Epub 2009 Jun 21.

BACKGROUND: We performed a 3-way comparison on the Osmetech eSensor, AutoGenomics INFINITI, and a real-time PCR method (Paragonx reagents/Stratagene RT-PCR platform) for their FDA-cleared warfarin panels, and additional polymorphisms (CYP2C9*5, *6, and 11 and extended VKORC1 panels) where available.
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20226775 Maurice CB, Barua PK, Simses D, Smith P, Howe JG, Stack G: Comparison of assay systems for warfarin-related CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotyping. Clin Chim Acta. 2010 Mar 11.
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18670159 Ishizuka M, Tanikawa T, Tanaka KD, Heewon M, Okajima F, Sakamoto KQ, Fujita S: Pesticide resistance in wild mammals--mechanisms of anticoagulant resistance in wild rodents. J Toxicol Sci. 2008 Aug;33(3):283-91.

An amino acid substitution in VKORC1 is one of the supposed mechanisms of warfarin resistance.
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20101557 Rosskopf D, Meyer zu Schwabedissen HE, Kroemer HK, Siegmund W: [Pharmacogenomics in routine medical care] . Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 2010 Jan;135(4):133-44; quiz 145-6. Epub 2010 Jan 25.

Examples include genotyping of CYP2D6 in the context of antidepressant therapy, analysis of TPMT variants for the prediction of mercaptopurine-induced bone marrow depression, VKORC1 and CYP2C9 analyses for a better control of anticoagulant administration and the SLCO1B1 variant in the context of statin-induced myopathies.
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