Protein Information

Name superoxide dismutases
Synonyms IPO B; Indophenoloxidase B; MNSOD; Manganese superoxide dismutase; Manganese containing superoxide dismutase; Mangano superoxide dismutase; Mn superoxide dismutase; Mn SOD…

Compound Information

Name jasmonic acid

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
19343723 Palma JM, Corpas FJ, del Rio LA: Proteome of plant peroxisomes: new perspectives on the role of these organelles in cell biology. Proteomics. 2009 May;9(9):2301-12.

Thus, the presence of exo- and endo-peptidases, superoxide dismutases, the enzymes of the plant ascorbate-glutathione cycle plus ascorbate and glutathione, several NADP-dehydrogenases, and also L-arginine-dependent nitric oxide synthase activity has evidenced the relevant role of these organelles in cell physiology.
In plants, peroxisomes participate in seed germination, leaf senescence, fruit maturation, response to abiotic and biotic stress, photomorphogenesis, biosynthesis of the plant hormones jasmonic acid and auxin, and in cell signaling by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS and RNS, respectively).
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19279198 Rodriguez-Serrano M, Romero-Puertas MC, Pazmino DM, Testillano PS, Risueno MC, Del Rio LA, Sandalio LM: Cellular response of pea plants to cadmium toxicity: cross talk between reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide, and calcium. Plant Physiol. 2009 May;150(1):229-43. Epub 2009 Mar 11.

The growth of pea plants with 50 mum CdCl (2) affected differentially the expression of superoxide dismutase (SOD) isozymes at both transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels, giving rise to a SOD activity reduction.
The regulation of these proteins could be mediated by jasmonic acid and ethylene, whose contents increased by Cd treatment.
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16898016 Rodriguez-Serrano M, Romero-Puertas MC, Zabalza A, Corpas FJ, Gomez M, Del Rio LA, Sandalio LM: Cadmium effect on oxidative metabolism of pea (Pisum sativum L.) roots. Plant Cell Environ. 2006 Aug;29(8):1532-44.

CuZn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was also diminished by the Cd treatment, although Mn-SOD was slightly increased.
Cadmium also produced an increase in salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene (ET) contents.
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11903962 Clarke SF, Guy PL, Burritt DJ, Jameson PE: Changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes in response to virus infection and hormone treatment. Physiol Plant. 2002 Feb;114(2):157-164.

Activities of enzymes involved in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species (catalase, glutathione reductase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase (SOD)) were examined in the leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. var.
Plants treated with dihydrozeatin, salicylic acid and jasmonic acid prior to WClMV inoculation showed elevated catalase, glutathione reductase, and peroxidase activity, while SOD activities remained the same as in water-treated controls.
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17450287 Heath RL: Alterations of the biochemical pathways of plants by the air pollutant ozone: which are the true gauges of injury?. ScientificWorldJournal. 2007 Mar 21;7 Suppl 1:110-8.

Furthermore, other defensive indicators, such as salicylic acid and jasmonic acid, tend to increase, but more slowly than ethylene, and spread their signaling effects more widely in the plant.
Once the ozone enters the tissue, evidence suggests the first line of defense is a range of antioxidants, such as ascorbate, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase.
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19884250 Ozawa R, Bertea CM, Foti M, Narayana R, Arimura G, Muroi A, Horiuchi J, Nishioka T, Maffei ME, Takabayashi J: Exogenous polyamines elicit herbivore-induced volatiles in lima bean leaves: involvement of calcium, H2O2 and Jasmonic acid. Plant Cell Physiol. 2009 Dec;50(12):2183-99. Epub .

However, induction of calcium influx and ROS production, and increased enzyme activities and gene expression for NADPH oxidase complex, superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase were found after treatment with Spm + JA.
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20304987 Rossard S, Roblin G, Atanassova R: Ergosterol triggers characteristic elicitation steps in Beta vulgaris leaf tissues. J Exp Bot. 2010 Mar 19.

The ergosterol-induced oxidative burst is related to enhanced NADPH-oxidase and superoxide dismutase activities.
The involvement of salicylic acid and/or jasmonic acid signalling in the ergosterol-enhanced plant non-host resistance is also studied.
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20200489 Ozawa R, Bertea CM, Foti M, Narayana R, Arimura GI, Muroi A, Maffei ME, Takabayashi J: Polyamines and jasmonic acid induce plasma membrane potential variations in Lima bean. Plant Signal Behav. 2010 Mar 4;5(3).

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17849714 Godfrey D, Able AJ, Dry IB: Induction of a grapevine germin-like protein (VvGLP3) gene is closely linked to the site of Erysiphe necator infection: a possible role in defense?. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 2007 Sep;20(9):1112-25.

Recombinant VvGLP3 was successfully expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana and the partially purified recombinant protein was demonstrated to have superoxide dismutase activity.
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19526549 Liang Y, Strelkov SE, Kav NN: Oxalic acid-mediated stress responses in Brassica napus L. Proteomics. 2009 Jun;9(11):3156-73.

Investigation of the effect of OA on phytohormone signaling and oxidative responses revealed that jasmonic acid-, ethylene-, and abscisic acid-mediated signaling pathways appear to increase at later time points, whereas those pathways mediated by salicylic acid appear to be suppressed.
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