Protein Information

Name protein a
Synonyms A1 activator; PSAP; Protein C; CSAct; Cerebroside sulfatase activator; Cerebroside sulfate activator; Co beta glucosidase; Component C…

Compound Information

Name jasmonic acid

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
9530873 Geshi N, Brandt A: Two jasmonate-inducible myrosinase-binding proteins from Brassica napus L. seedlings with homology to jacalin. Planta. 1998 Mar;204(3):295-304.

We provide evidence that the 70-kDa protein binds IgA in vitro, and therefore classify the protein as a jacalin-type lectin.
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17720140 Park SC, Lee JR, Shin SO, Park Y, Lee SY, Hahm KS: Characterization of a heat-stable protein with antimicrobial activity from Arabidopsis thaliana. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 Oct 26;362(3):562-7. Epub 2007 Aug 13.

To determine the exact antimicrobial properties of this protein, a cDNA encoding the protein was isolated from an A. thaliana leaf cDNA library and named AtHS1.
AtHS1 mRNA was induced by exposure to external stresses, such as salicylic acid and jasmonic acid.
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18674644 Lee JR, Lee SS, Park SC, Kang JS, Kim SY, Lee KO, Lee SY: Functional characterization of pathogen-responsive protein AtDabb1 with an antifungal activity from Arabidopsis thaliana. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2008 Dec;1784(12):1918-23. Epub 2008 Jul 12.

We designated the protein as AtDabb1.
After the cDNA encoding the AtDabb1 gene was cloned from an Arabidopsis leaf cDNA library, the recombinant protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and found to significantly inhibit cell growth of various pathogenic fungal strains. mRNA expression of the AtDabb1 gene was induced by pathogen-related signaling molecules including salicylic acid and jasmonic acid.
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19244211 Browse J: Jasmonate: preventing the maize tassel from getting in touch with his feminine side. Sci Signal. 2009 Feb 24;2(59):pe9.

Cloning of ts1 and identification of the TS1 protein as an enzyme involved in jasmonate synthesis have revealed that jasmonate, an oxylipin plant hormone derived from linolenic acid, is an essential signal in determining male identity in the maize tassel.
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10608717 Rakwal R, Agrawal GK, Yonekura M: Separation of proteins from stressed rice (Oryza sativa L.) leaf tissues by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis: induction of pathogenesis-related and cellular protectant proteins by jasmonic acid, UV irradiation and copper chloride. Electrophoresis. 1999 Nov;20(17):3472-8.

These proteins showed high homology to pathogenesis-related (thaumatin-like protein, a PR5 class protein; a beta-1,3-glucanase precursor; an intracellular PR protein encoded by PBZ1 gene, and an antifungal protein) and cellular protectant (glutathione transferase, EC; and ascorbate peroxidase) proteins, from plants, including rice.
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13677466 Mandaokar A, Kumar VD, Amway M, Browse J: Microarray and differential display identify genes involved in jasmonate-dependent anther development. Plant Mol Biol. 2003 Jul;52(4):775-86.

The four late genes encode an extensin-like protein, a peptide transporter and two unknown proteins, which may represent components required later in anther and pollen maturation.
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16549362 Lee Y, Park J, Im K, Kim K, Lee J, Lee K, Park JA, Lee TK, Park DS, Yang JS, Kim D, Lee S: Arabidopsis leaf necrosis caused by simulated acid rain is related to the salicylic acid signaling pathway. Plant Physiol Biochem. 2006 Jan;44(1):38-42. Epub 2006 Feb 6.

However, vegetative storage protein (VSP), a member of the jasmonic acid pathway did not show a significant change in transcript level.
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12777050 Stenzel I, Hause B, Miersch O, Kurz T, Maucher H, Weichert H, Ziegler J, Feussner I, Wasternack C: Jasmonate biosynthesis and the allene oxide cyclase family of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Mol Biol. 2003 Apr;51(6):895-911.

Immunohistochemical analyses revealed abundant occurrence of AOC protein as well as of the preceding enzymes in octadecanoid biosynthesis, lipoxygenase (LOX) and allene oxide synthase (AOS), in fully developed tissues, but much less so in 7-day old leaf tissues.
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18611911 Liang H, Lu Y, Liu H, Wang F, Xin Z, Zhang Z: A novel activator-type ERF of Thinopyrum intermedium, TiERF1, positively regulates defence responses. J Exp Bot. 2008;59(11):3111-20. Epub 2008 Jul 7.

The transcript of TiERF1 in T. intermedium is rapidly induced by infection with Rhizoctonia cerealis, Fusarium graminearum, or Blumeria graminis, and ethylene, jasmonic acid, and salicylic acid treatments.
Taken together, TiERF1 protein as an ERF transcription activator positively regulates defence responses via the activation of some defence-related genes.
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11352460 Maurino VG, Saigo M, Andreo CS, Drincovich MF: Non-photosynthetic 'malic enzyme' from maize: a constituvely expressed enzyme that responds to plant defence inducers. Plant Mol Biol. 2001 Mar;45(4):409-20.

The molecular properties of the purified protein, as well as the kinetic parameters determined, indicate that the NADP-ME isoform present in maize roots differs from the photosynthetic enzyme implicated in the C4 cycle, but is similar, or identical, to the enzyme previously characterized from etiolated maize leaves (Maurino, Drincovich and Andreo, Biochem.
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