Protein Information

Name protein phosphatase
Synonyms DUSP17; DUSP19; Dual specificity phosphatase 19; Dual specificity protein phosphatase 19; Dual specificity phosphatase TS DSP1; LMW DSP3; Protein phosphatase; Protein phosphatase SKRP1…

Compound Information

Name jasmonic acid

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
11527396 Jwa NS, Kumar Agrawal G, Rakwal R, Park CH, Prasad Agrawal V: Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel Jasmonate inducible pathogenesis-related class 10 protein gene, JIOsPR10, from rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedling leaves. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2001 Sep 7;286(5):973-83.

A novel rice (Oryza sativa L.) gene, homologous to a sorghum pathogenesis-related class 10 protein gene, was cloned from a cDNA library prepared from 2-week-old jasmonic acid-treated rice seedling leaves, and named as JIOsPR10 (jasmonate inducible).
Interestingly the protein phosphatase (PP) inhibitors, cantharidin, endothall, and okadaic acid, rapidly and potently up-regulated the JIOsPR10 expression, suggesting involvement of the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation events.
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12074577 Agrawal GK, Rakwal R, Iwahashi H: Isolation of novel rice (Oryza sativa L.) multiple stress responsive MAP kinase gene, OsMSRMK2, whose mRNA accumulates rapidly in response to environmental cues. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2002 Jun 28;294(5):1009-16.

Nipponbare), we identified a single copy gene called OsMSRMK2 from jasmonic acid (JA) treated rice seedling leaf cDNA library.
Using in vitro system, we show that the expression of OsMSRMK2 mRNA was potently enhanced within 15 min by signalling molecules, protein phosphatase inhibitors, ultraviolet irradiation, fungal elicitor, heavy metals, high salt and sucrose, and drought.
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14559225 Agrawal GK, Jwa NS, Shibato J, Han O, Iwahashi H, Rakwal R: Diverse environmental cues transiently regulate OsOPR1 of the "octadecanoid pathway" revealing its importance in rice defense/stress and development. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2003 Oct 31;310(4):1073-82.

Here we have isolated a 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid reductase gene, called OsOPR1, encoding the last committed enzymatic step on the octadecanoid pathway leading to jasmonic acid (JA) biosynthesis.
Transcriptional profiling using our established two-week-old rice seedling model system against a variety of environmental factors such as wounding, global signals (including JA), osmotic stresses, heavy metals, UV-C irradiation, fungal elicitor, protein phosphatase inhibitors, and gaseous pollutants indicated that OsOPR1 transcript was rapidly, transiently and differentially up-regulated within 30 min in leaves.
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12559953 Kim JA, Agrawal GK, Rakwal R, Han KS, Kim KN, Yun CH, Heu S, Park SY, Lee YH, Jwa NS: Molecular cloning and mRNA expression analysis of a novel rice (Oryzasativa L.) MAPK kinase kinase, OsEDR1, an ortholog of Arabidopsis AtEDR1, reveal its role in defense/stress signalling pathways and development. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2003 Jan 24;300(4):868-76.

Using our established two-week-old rice seedling in vitro model system, we show that OsEDR1 has a constitutive expression in seedling leaves and is further up-regulated within 15 min upon wounding by cut, treatment with the global signals jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA), ethylene (ethephon, ET), abscisic acid, and hydrogen peroxide.
In addition, protein phosphatase inhibitors, fungal elicitor chitosan, drought, high salt and sugar, and heavy metals also dramatically induce its expression.
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12207666 Agrawal GK, Rakwal R, Jwa NS, Agrawal VP: Characterization of a novel rice gene OsATX and modulation of its expression by components of the stress signalling pathways. Physiol Plant. 2002 Sep;116(1):87-95.

The critical signalling molecules, jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA), abscisic acid (ABA), and hydrogen peroxide, together with protein phosphatase inhibitors, effectively up-regulated the OsATX expression with time, over the excised leaf cut control, whereas ethylene had no affect.
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12507518 Agrawal GK, Agrawal SK, Shibato J, Iwahashi H, Rakwal R: Novel rice MAP kinases OsMSRMK3 and OsWJUMK1 involved in encountering diverse environmental stresses and developmental regulation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2003 Jan 17;300(3):775-83.

Steady state mRNA analyses of these MAPKs with constitutive expression in leaves of two-week-old seedlings revealed that OsMSRMK3 was up-regulated upon wounding (by cut), jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA), ethylene, abscisic acid, hydrogen peroxide (H (2) O (2)), protein phosphatase inhibitors, chitosan, high salt/sugar, and heavy metals, whereas OsWJUMK1 not induced by either wounding, JA or SA, showed up-regulation only by H (2) O (2), heavy metals, and cold stress (12 degrees C).
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14644501 Agrawal GK, Jwa NS, Iwahashi H, Rakwal R: Importance of ascorbate peroxidases OsAPX1 and OsAPX2 in the rice pathogen response pathways and growth and reproduction revealed by their transcriptional profiling. Gene. 2003 Dec 11;322:93-103.

Their transcripts were up-regulated upon wounding (by cut), and diverse signals such as salicylic acid (SA), ethylene (using the ethylene generator, ethephon), abscisic acid (ABA), hydrogen peroxide, copper sulfate, protein phosphatase (PP) inhibitors, cantharidin (CN), endothall (EN) and okadaic acid (OA), and blast pathogen (Magnaporthe grisea) attack, but surprisingly not by jasmonic acid (JA).
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19232772 Kato-Noguchi H, Kobayashi K: Jasmonic acid, protein phosphatase inhibitor, metals and UV-irradiation increased momilactone A and B concentrations in the moss Hypnum plumaeforme. J Plant Physiol. 2009 Jul 1;166(10):1118-22. Epub 2009 Feb 20.
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15293787 Rakwal R, Yang G, Komatsu S: Chitinase induced by jasmonic acid, methyl jasmonate, ethylene and protein phosphatase inhibitors in rice. Mol Biol Rep. 2004 Jun;31(2):113-9.
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11867229 Agrawal GK, Rakwal R, Jwa NS, Agrawal VP: Effects of signaling molecules, protein phosphatase inhibitors and blast pathogen (Magnaporthe grisea) on the mRNA level of a rice (Oryza sativa L.) phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (OsPHGPX) gene in seedling leaves. Gene. 2002 Jan 23;283(1-2):227-36.

With a specific focus on rice self-defense response (s), the effects of global signaling molecules, jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA), abscisic acid (ABA), and ethylene (using the ethylene generator, ethephon), and protein phosphatase (PP) inhibitors, cantharidin and endothall on expression of a rice phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (OsPHGPX) gene in rice seedling leaves were investigated.
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19820317 Kato-Noguchi H: Secretion of momilactone A and B by the moss Hypnum plumaeforme. Plant Signal Behav. 2009 Aug;4(8):737-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jplph.2008.12.012. Epub 2009 Aug 20.

Jasmonic acid and the protein phosphatase inhibitor, cantharidin, also increased the momilactone A and B secretion levels by 12- to 15-fold.
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9161035 Dammann C, Rojo E, Sanchez-Serrano JJ: Abscisic acid and jasmonic acid activate wound-inducible genes in potato through separate, organ-specific signal transduction pathways. Plant J. 1997 Apr;11(4):773-82.

In leaves, a protein phosphatase is required for the JA-induced expression of pin2 and the other genes analysed.
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10903912 Agrawal GK, Jwa NS, Rakwal R: A novel rice (Oryza sativa L.) acidic PR1 gene highly responsive to cut, phytohormones, and protein phosphatase inhibitors. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2000 Jul 21;274(1):157-65.

A novel rice acidic pathogenesis-related (PR) class 1 cDNA (OsPR1a) was isolated from jasmonic acid (JA)-treated rice seedling leaf.
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9680973 Rojo E, Titarenko E, Leon J, Berger S, Vancanneyt G, Sanchez-Serrano JJ: Reversible protein phosphorylation regulates jasmonic acid-dependent and -independent wound signal transduction pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 1998 Jan;13(2):153-65.

This phosphorylation event involved the opposing activities of a staurosporine-sensitive protein kinase, negatively regulating the pathway, and a protein phosphatase, most probably of type 2 A, which activated JA-responsive gene expression.
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12236603 Zhang B, Ramonell K, Somerville S, Stacey G: Characterization of early, chitin-induced gene expression in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 2002 Sep;15(9):963-70.

The level of chitin-induced gene expression of the lectin-like protein and AtMPK3 was not significantly changed in mutants blocked in the jasmonic acid (JA, jar1)-, ethylene (ein2)-, or salicylic acid (SA, pad4, npr1, and eds5)-dependent pathway.
The protein kinase inhibitors staurosporine and K252a effectively suppressed chitin-induced gene expression, while the protein phosphatase inhibitors calyculin A and okadaic acid induced the accumulation of mRNA in the absence of chitin.
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11097833 Agrawal GK, Rakwal R, Jwa NS: Rice (Oryza sativa L.) OsPR1b gene is phytohormonally regulated in close interaction with light signals. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2000 Nov 19;278(2):290-8.

Furthermore, protein phosphatase inhibitors, cantharidin (CN) and endothall (EN) strongly induced the OsPR1b transcript.
Here, we report characterization of a rice basic PR1 (OsPR1b) gene, identified from screening a cDNA library prepared from jasmonic acid (JA)-treated rice seedling leaf, providing detailed and valuable insights into rice PR1 gene expression.
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11874572 Jensen AB, Raventos D, Mundy J: Fusion genetic analysis of jasmonate-signalling mutants in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 2002 Mar;29(5):595-606.

Reporter activity was also induced by the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine and antagonized by the protein phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid.
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14576281 Stepansky A, Galili G: Synthesis of the Arabidopsis bifunctional lysine-ketoglutarate reductase/saccharopine dehydrogenase enzyme of lysine catabolism is concertedly regulated by metabolic and stress-associated signals. Plant Physiol. 2003 Nov;133(3):1407-15. Epub 2003 Oct 23.

The stimulation of LKR/SDH protein expression by ABA is regulated by a signal transduction cascade that contains the ABI1-1 and ABI2-1 protein phosphatases.
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