Protein Information

Name cholinesterase
Synonyms Acylcholine acylhydrolase; BCHE; BCHE protein; Butyrylcholine esterase; Butyrylcholinesterase; CHE1; Choline esterase II; Cholinesterase…

Compound Information

Name parathion

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
637620 Robinson CP, Smith PW, Crane CR, McConnell JK, Allen LV, Endecott BR: The protective effects of ethylestrenol against acute poisoning by organophosphorus cholinesterase inhibitors in rats. Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther. 1978 Jan;231(1):168-76.

It decreased by 29% cholinesterase inhibition in plasma following i.p. administration of parathion but caused only a 16% decrease in cholinesterase inhibition following administration of the equitoxic dose of paraoxon.
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19784758 Umbright C, Sellamuthu R, Li S, Kashon M, Luster M, Joseph P: Blood gene expression markers to detect and distinguish target organ toxicity. Mol Cell Biochem. 2010 Feb;335(1-2):223-34. Epub 2009 Sep 26.

Similarly, administration of methyl parathion (MP) resulted in neurotoxicity in the rats as evidenced from the inhibition of acetyl cholinesterase activity in their blood.
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7194975 de Jager AE, van Weerden TW, Houthoff HJ, de Monchy JG: Polyneuropathy after massive exposure to parathion. . Neurology. 1981 May;31(5):603-5.

An exception is parathion, which has been considered the prototype of nonneurotoxic cholinesterase inhibitors.
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2757776 Bordin CI, Fracapani MT, Carricondo C: [Parathion poisoning] . Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex. 1989 May;46(5):339-42.

They were investigated to determine the presence of Parathion in blood and gastric washing with the sodium hydroxide qualitative method, and also cholinesterase was detected in blood with a colorimetric method (the monotest cholinesterase).
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6655779 Zadik Z, Blachar Y, Barak Y, Levin S: Organophosphate poisoning presenting as diabetic ketoacidosis. . J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 1983 Jun;20(4):381-5.

Organophosphorus poisoning was the cause of the coma since he had been in contact with Parathion, serum cholinesterase activity was undetectable and his condition returned to normal under atropine therapy.
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8819500 Rocha ES, Swanson KL, Aracava Y, Goolsby JE, Maelicke A, Albuquerque EX: Paraoxon: cholinesterase-independent stimulation of transmitter release and selective block of ligand-gated ion channels in cultured hippocampal neurons. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1996 Sep;278(3):1175-87.

Paraoxon (O,O-diethyl O-p-nitrophenyl phosphate) is the neurotoxic metabolite of the insecticide parathion (O,O-diethyl O-p-nitrophenyl phosphorothioate).
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7196602 Meiniel R: Neuromuscular blocking agents and axial teratogenesis in the avian embryo. Teratology. 1981 Apr;23(2):259-71.

Gross malformations (contorted posture) were found only with agents which directly (cholinergic agonists) or indirectly (cholinesterase inhibitors) favor muscle membrane depolarization, suggesting that such malformations may be due to muscle contraction following depolarization.
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6483827 Izmirova N, Shalash S, Kaloianova F: [Dynamics of cholinesterase inhibition in methylparathion poisoning] . Probl Khig. 1984;9:42-9.

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6651578 Alonso JL, Atalla A, Cavaliere MJ, Gagioti SM, Lorenti MA: [Polyneuropathy caused by parathion: clinical, electrophysiologic and histologic studies of a case]. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 1983 Sep;41(3):292-308.

Low concentrations of blood cholinesterases confirmed the etiology.
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2593091 Audegond L, Catez D, Foulhoux P, Fournex R, Le Rumeur C, L'Hotellier M, Stepniewski JP: [Potentiation of deltamethrin toxicity by organophosphorus insecticides] . J Toxicol Clin Exp. 1989 May-Jun;9(3):163-76.

Others (methyl-parathion, acephate, phosphamidon, monocrotophos) have no such effects, even if they have a very high intrinsic toxicity.
Cholinesterase inhibitors of the carbamate group are ineffective.
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2430350 Kashyap SK: Health surveillance and biological monitoring of pesticide formulators in India. Toxicol Lett. 1986 Oct;33(1-3):107-14.

Exposure of 160 workers to a combination of pesticides (malathion, parathion, DDT and HCH) resulted in 73% of the workers showing toxic signs and symptoms.
Formulators showed marked inhibition of whole blood, plasma and red blood cell cholinesterase (ChE) activity and slightly higher concentrations of DDT and HCH in serum.
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19778190 Thiermann H, Worek F, Eyer P, Eyer F, Felgenhauer N, Zilker T: Obidoxime in acute organophosphate poisoning: 2 - PK/PD relationships. Clin Toxicol. 2009 Sep;47(8):807-13.

METHODS: We measured the activity of cholinesterase in plasma and AChE in red blood cells (RBC) and related these data with neuromuscular transmission analysis (ulnar nerve stimulation).
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8066970 Shlosberg A, Lublin A, Bahat O, Heymann GD, Hanji V, Bellaiche M, Mechani S, Nyska A: Percutaneous exposure to ethyl parathion in a feral Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus). Vet Hum Toxicol. 1994 Jun;36(3):224-6.

A zero blood cholinesterase activity and a favorable response to treatment with pralidoxime hydrochloride indicated exposure to an anticholinergic pesticide.
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3336055 Wilson BW, Henderson JD, Chow E, Schreider J, Goldman M, Culbertson R, Dacre JC: Toxicity of an acute dose of agent VX and other organophosphorus esters in the chicken. J Toxicol Environ Health. 1988;23(1):103-13.

The neurotoxicities of single doses of a chemical warfare agent VX [phosphonothioic acid, methyl-S-(2-[bis (1-methylethyl) amino/ethyl) O-ethyl ester], a metabolite of the agricultural chemical parathion, paraoxon, PO (phosphonothioic acid, diethyl paranitrophenyl ester), and the known neuropathic agents DFP] phosphorofluoridic acid, bis (1-methylethyl) ester] and TOCP (phosphoric acid, tri-o-tolyl ester) were compared in the chicken.
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3906101 Prevot P, Soyer MO: Action of the organophosphorous insecticide parathion on the free-living marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans Ehrbg. J Protozool. 1985 Nov;32(4):626-33.

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7302984 Cisson CM, Wilson BW: Paraoxon increases the rate of synthesis of acetylcholinesterase in cultured muscle. Toxicol Lett. 1981 Oct;9(2):131-5.

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity of cultured chick embryonic pectoral muscle was significantly increased above control activity during recovery from brief treatments with paraoxon (O, O-diethyl-p-nitrophenyl phosphate), the anticholinesterase metabolite of parathion.
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808881 Reiter LW, Talens GM, Woolley DE: Parathion administration in the monkey: time course of inhibition and recovery of blood cholinesterases and visual discrimination performance. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1975 Jul;33(1):1-13.
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3125818 Tripathy NK, Dey L, Majhi B, Das CC: Genotoxicity of metacid established through the somatic and germ line mosaic assays and the sex-linked recessive lethal test in Drosophila. Arch Toxicol. 1987;61(1):53-7.

The mutagenic potential of metacid (methyl parathion), an anticholinesterase organophosphate pesticide, has been studied in the Drosophila eye, wing and female germ line assays and the sex-linked recessive lethal tests.
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7430041 Nanda Kumar NV, Ramasundari M: Colorimetric determination of methyl parathion and oxygen analog. J Assoc Off Anal Chem. 1980 May;63(3):536-8.

Pig liver acetone powder cholinesterase was found to be sensitive to methyl parathion.
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3703907 Roney PL Jr, Costa LG, Murphy SD: Conditioned taste aversion induced by organophosphate compounds in rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 1986 Mar;24(3):737-42.

Three organophosphate compounds, dichlorvos, parathion and diisopropylfluorophosphate were tested as an unconditioned stimulus in the conditioned taste aversion (CTA) test.
Cholinesterase activity was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner in brain and plasma after administration of the organophosphates and CTA was correlated with the degree of plasma cholinesterase inhibition.
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8326087 Chaturvedi AK: Toxicological evaluation of mixtures of ten widely used pesticides. J Appl Toxicol. 1993 May-Jun;13(3):183-8.

Mice were given four mixtures of alachlor, aldrin, atrazine, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, DDT, dieldrin, endosulfan, lindane, parathion and toxaphene, at 0.01, 0.1, 1.0 and 10 ppm of each of these pesticides, in drinking water for 90 days ad libitum.
The serum cholinesterase activity was inhibited by ca. 50% in the 2.5 and 5 mg kg-1 groups on either one or both of Days 8 and 15; the liver/body weight ratio increased by 24-79% and the pentobarbital-induced sleep time decreased by 80-96%.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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2271146 Tran-Minh C, Pandey PC, Kumaran S: Studies on acetylcholine sensor and its analytical application based on the inhibition of cholinesterase. Biosens Bioelectron. 1990;5(6):461-71.

The detection limits for the nicotine and fluoride ion are found to be 10 (-5) M whereas for paraoxon, methyl parathion and malathion are found to be 10 (-9) M and 10 (-10) M.
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9352214 De La Vega Salazar MY, Tabche LM, Garcia CM: Bioaccumulation of methyl parathion and its toxicology in several species of the freshwater community in Ignacio Ramirez dam in Mexico. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 1997 Oct;38(1):53-62.

The effect of a subchronic exposure to MP in aquatic organisms was evaluated in a natural ecosystem measuring acetyl cholinesterase (AChE) and gamma glutamil transpeptidase (GGT) activity.
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8930503 Puga FR, Rodrigues MA: Evaluation of the role of formulation on parathion toxicity. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 1996 Oct;35(1):38-40.

The assessment of dermal absorption was performed by measuring the inhibition of plasma cholinesterase activity.
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8511793 Veronesi B, Ehrich M: Differential cytotoxic sensitivity in mouse and human cell lines exposed to organophosphate insecticides. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1993 Jun;120(2):240-6.

Baseline activities of the major target esterases, i.e., cholinesterase, carboxylesterase, and neurotoxic esterase, were assayed in mouse and several human neural candidate cell lines.
IC50 data indicated that the tested mouse cell line was consistently more sensitive than the human cell line to equimolar doses of various OP compounds (e.g., mipafox, parathion, paraoxon, DFP, leptophos oxon, fenthion, and fenitrothion).
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6879138 Windler E, Dreyer M, Runge M: [Poisoning caused by the organophosphate parathion (E-605)] . Schweiz Med Wochenschr. 1983 Jun 11;113(23):861-2.

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16292756 Lamango NS: Liver prenylated methylated protein methyl esterase is an organophosphate-sensitive enzyme. J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2005;19(5):347-57.

Organophosphorus pesticides (OPs), which are suspected to be involved in human disorders such as parkinsonism, neuronal, and retinal degeneration, inhibited the liver enzyme with IC (50) values from 4.77 muM for parathion to 0.04 microM for paraoxon, respectively.
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10220078 Lifshitz M, Shahak E, Sofer S: Carbamate and organophosphate poisoning in young children. Pediatr Emerg Care. 1999 Apr;15(2):102-3.

The carbamate agents were identified as methomyl or aldicarb, and the organophosphate as parathion, fenthion, malathion, and diazinon.
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1785615 Osorio AM, Ames RG, Rosenberg J, Mengle DC: Investigation of a fatality among parathion applicators in California. Am J Ind Med. 1991;20(4):533-46.

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6625661 Niethammer KR, Baskett TS: Cholinesterase inhibition of birds inhabiting wheat fields treated with methyl parathion and toxaphene. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 1983 Jul;12(4):471-5.
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940229 Muramatsu M, Kuriyama K: Effect of organophosphorus compounds on acetylcholine synthesis in brain. . Jpn J Pharmacol. 1976 Apr;26(2):249-54.

In addition to well known cholinesterase (ChE) inhibition, parathion showed inhibitory effects on the activity of synaptosomal choline acetyltransferase (ChAc), and on the uptake of [14C-methyl]-choline and ACHh synthesis in subcellular fractions of the brain.
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2590230 Chambers JE, Munson JR, Chambers HW: Activation of the phosphorothionate insecticide parathion by rat brain in situ. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1989 Nov 30;165(1):327-33.

The ability of the rat brain to activate the phosphorothionate insecticide parathion to its potent anticholinesterase metabolite paraoxon in situ was observed by ligating the posterior portion of the circulatory system and thus removing the liver from the circulation.
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2078826 Poch G, Dittrich P, Reiffenstein RJ, Lenk W, Schuster A: Evaluation of experimental combined toxicity by use of dose-frequency curves: comparison with theoretical additivity as well as independence. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 1990 Oct;68(10):1338-45.

The insecticidal action of the cholinesterase inhibitors malathion and parathion appeared additive and significantly different from independent interaction.
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6138207 Yawetz A, Sidis I, Gasith A: Metabolism of parathion and brain cholinesterase inhibition in aroclor 1254-treated and untreated Caspian terrapin (Mauremys caspica rivulata, Emydidae, Chelonia) in comparison with two species of wild birds. Comp Biochem Physiol C. 1983;75(2):377-82.
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12625227 Lee BW, London L, Paulauskis J, Myers J, Christiani DC: Association between human paraoxonase gene polymorphism and chronic symptoms in pesticide-exposed workers. J Occup Environ Med. 2003 Feb;45(2):118-22.

Pesticides, such as parathion, are metabolized by cytochrome p-450 system to paraoxon, which is a potent cholinesterase inhibitor.
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2241428 Gupta RC, Kadel WL: Methyl parathion acute toxicity: prophylaxis and therapy with memantine and atropine. Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther. 1990 May-Jun;305:208-21.

Male rats administered with a single i.p. dose of 5 mg/kg methyl parathion, showed the toxic signs of hypercholinergic (anticholinesterase) activity with maximal severity, including muscle fasciculations and convulsions within 15 to 30 min, persisting for about 2 hr.
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7326920 Svindland HB: Subacute parathion poisoning with erysipeloid-like lesion. Contact Dermatitis. 1981 Jul;7(4):177-9.

Further blood investigations 6 weeks later showed subnormal levels of cholinesterase activity indicating chronic parathion poisoning.
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1200722 Davies JE, Barquet A, Freed VH, Haque R, Morgade C, Sonneborn RE, Vaclavek C: Human pesticide poisonings by a fat-soluble organophosphate insecticide. Arch Environ Health. 1975 Dec;30(12):608-13.

Two patients died, and in the three survivors, cholinesterase symptoms persisted for five to 48 days.
The partition coefficient of dichlofenthion in fat was 20 times greater than parathion, and exceeded only by leptophos.
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17560383 No HY, Kim YA, Lee YT, Lee HS: Cholinesterase-based dipstick assay for the detection of organophosphate and carbamate pesticides. Anal Chim Acta. 2007 Jun 26;594(1):37-43. Epub 2007 May 7.

The sensitivity of the dipstick assay to the oxidized form of parathion (paraoxon) was higher than to parathion.
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7338954 Nishio A, Uyeki EM: Induction of sister chromatid exchanges in Chinese hamster ovary cells by organophosphate insecticides and their oxygen analogs. J Toxicol Environ Health. 1981 Nov-Dec;8(5-6):939-46.

Induction of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in cultures of Chinese hamster ovary cells by 10 anticholinesterase organophosphate insecticides was investigated.
The insecticides were two phosphates (dichlorvos and dicrotophos), four sulfur-containing organophosphates (malathion, parathion, leptophos, and diazinon), and four oxygen analogs of the latter (malaoxon, paraoxon, leptophosoxon, and diazoxon).
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7213290 Richter ED, Gordon M, Halamish M, Gribetz B: Death and injury in aerial spraying: pre-crash, crash, and post-crash prevention strategies. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1981 Jan;52(1):53-6.

Other measures included drainage pits with sodium hydroxide points to neutralize parathion and prevent dispersion of parathion-containing mists.
Pilot pre-crash measures (more fluid intake, biological monitoring--EMG, urinary alkyl phosphate, cholinesterase testing) required special organizational arrangements.
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2234543 Raffaele KC, Rees C: Neurotoxicology dose/response assessment for several cholinesterase inhibitors: use of uncertainty factors. Neurotoxicology. 1990 Summer;11(2):237-56.

Because of the availability of a large neurotoxicity data base which included human exposure data, parathion, diisopropylfluorophosphate, physostigmine and acrylamide were chosen for this analysis.
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19079407 Paudyal BP: Organophosphorus poisoning. JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc. 2008 Oct-Dec;47(172):251-8.

Metacid (Methyl parathion) and Nuvan (Dichlorovos) are commonly ingested OP pesticides; Dimethoate, Profenofos, and Chlorpyrifos are other less frequently ingested compounds in Nepal.
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11749124 Karanth S, Olivier K Jr, Liu J, Pope C: In vivo interaction between chlorpyrifos and parathion in adult rats: sequence of administration can markedly influence toxic outcome. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2001 Dec 15;177(3):247-55.

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20123610 Adigun AA, Wrench N, Seidler FJ, Slotkin TA: Neonatal organophosphorus pesticide exposure alters the developmental trajectory of cell-signaling cascades controlling metabolism: differential effects of diazinon and parathion. Environ Health Perspect. 2010 Feb;118(2):210-5.

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3629599 Wallace KB, Dargan JE: Intrinsic metabolic clearance of parathion and paraoxon by livers from fish and rodents. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1987 Sep 15;90(2):235-42.

The specific activities of hepatic enzymes involved in both the activation and detoxification of the anticholinesterase insecticide parathion were significantly greater in both rats and mice compared to either fathead minnows or rainbow trout.
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6721585 Chattopadhyay DP: Effect of phenobarbitol pretreatment on regeneration of plasma cholinesterase activity inhibited by parathion or dichlorovos. Arch Environ Health. 1984 Mar-Apr;39(2):107-8.
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2000024 Chambers JE, Chambers HW, Snawder JE: Target site bioactivation of the neurotoxic organophosphorus insecticide parathion in partially hepatectomized rats. Life Sci. 1991;48(10):1023-9.

Target organ bioactivation of phosphorothionate insecticides to their potent anticholinesterase oxon metabolites (for example, parathion to paraoxon) may be extremely important in toxicity because liver and blood provide so much potential protection by a variety of mechanisms, such as the aliesterases which serve as alternate phosphorylation sites.
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19616088 Slotkin TA, Wrench N, Ryde IT, Lassiter TL, Levin ED, Seidler FJ: Neonatal parathion exposure disrupts serotonin and dopamine synaptic function in rat brain regions: modulation by a high-fat diet in adulthood. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 2009 Nov-Dec;31(6):390-9. Epub 2009 Jul 16.

Neonatal rats received parathion on postnatal days 1-4 at 0.1 or 0.2 mg/kg/day, straddling the cholinesterase inhibition threshold.
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17666426 Guo-Ross SX, Chambers JE, Meek EC, Carr RL: Altered muscarinic acetylcholine receptor subtype binding in neonatal rat brain following exposure to chlorpyrifos or methyl parathion. Toxicol Sci. 2007 Nov;100(1):118-27. Epub 2007 Jul 31.

The neurodevelopmental effects of two organophosphorus (OP) insecticides, chlorpyrifos (CPS) and methyl parathion (MPS), on cholinesterase (ChE) activity and muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) binding were investigated in neonatal rat brain.
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1987364 Elkner KP, Fenske RA, Gallo M: Effect of systemic exposure to parathion on the dark adapted pupil dilation of cynomolgus monkeys. J Toxicol Environ Health. 1991 Jan;32(1):75-88.

Pupil dilation and blood cholinesterase levels were monitored in 4 cynomolgus monkeys following oral administration of 2.0 mg/kg parathion in corn oil.
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6968357 Hall RJ, Kolbe E: Bioconcentration of organophosphorus pesticides to hazardous levels by amphibians. J Toxicol Environ Health. 1980 Jul;6(4):853-60.

Frogs are resistant to cholinesterase inhibitors; thus it was suspected that they might accumulate the pesticides.
Tadpoles concentrated pesticides from water up to 60 times; those exposed to 1 ppm parathion and 5 ppm fenthion were lethal when they were fed to mallard ducks.
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19926466 Du D, Chen W, Zhang W, Liu D, Li H, Lin Y: Covalent coupling of organophosphorus hydrolase loaded quantum dots to carbon nanotube/Au nanocomposite for enhanced detection of methyl parathion. Biosens Bioelectron. 2010 Feb 15;25(6):1370-5. Epub 2009 Oct 30.

Unlike cholinesterase-based biosensor, the MPDE biosensor can be potentially reused and is suitable for continuous monitoring.
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1139058 Mirer FE, Cheever KL, Murphy SD: A comparison of gas chromatographic and anti-cholinesterase methods for measuring parathion metabolism in vitro. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 1975 Jun;13(6):745-50.
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16479380 Hoffmann U, Papendorf T: Organophosphate poisonings with parathion and dimethoate. Intensive Care Med. 2006 Mar;32(3):464-8. Epub 2006 Feb 15.

The serum pseudo-cholinesterase activity was below the limit of detection at admission and recovered during the following 3weeks.
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954759 Okonek S, Boelcke G, Hollmann H: Therapeutic properties.of haemodialysis and blood exchange transfusion in organophosphate poisoning. Eur J Intensive Care Med. 1976;2(1):13-8.

The influence of blood exchange transfusion on poison elimination as well as on the cholinesterase activity of blood, brain and muscle was studied in rats poisoned with nitrostigmine.
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3710020 Weitman SD, Vodicnik MJ, Lech JJ: Mechanism of enhanced parathion/paraoxon toxicity during pregnancy in the mouse. Fundam Appl Toxicol. 1986 Jan;6(1):155-61.

Enhanced toxicity following exposure to paraoxon in the pregnant mouse as determined by cholinesterase suppression was observed at 0.10 and 0.58 mg/kg after ip administration on Day 19 of gestation.
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18941570 Slotkin TA, Bodwell BE, Ryde IT, Levin ED, Seidler FJ: Exposure of neonatal rats to parathion elicits sex-selective impairment of acetylcholine systems in brain regions during adolescence and adulthood. Environ Health Perspect. 2008 Oct;116(10):1308-14. Epub 2008 May 19.

OBJECTIVES: We gave parathion to neonatal rats [postnatal days (PNDs) 1-4], at daily doses of 0.1 or 0.2 mg/kg, spanning the threshold for barely detectable cholinesterase inhibition and systemic effects.
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17707571 Karanth S, Liu J, Ray A, Pope C: Comparative in vivo effects of parathion on striatal acetylcholine accumulation in adult and aged rats. Toxicology. 2007 Oct 8;239(3):167-79. Epub 2007 Jul 13.

We compared the acute effects of parathion on diaphragm and brain regional cholinesterase activity, muscarinic receptor binding and striatal acetylcholine levels in 3- and 18-month-old male Sprague-Dawley rats.
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3775801 Yasoshima M, Masuda Y: Effect of carbon disulfide on the anticholinesterase action of several organophosphorus insecticides in mice. Toxicol Lett. 1986 Sep;32(3):179-84.

CS2 pretreatment potentiated the anticholinesterase action of parathion and EPN, but suppressed that of dimethoate and diazinon.
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15019311 Santos HR, Cintra WM, Aracava Y, Maciel CM, Castro NG, Albuquerque EX: Spine density and dendritic branching pattern of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons in neonatal rats chronically exposed to the organophosphate paraoxon. Neurotoxicology. 2004 Mar;25(3):481-94.

The organophosphate cholinesterase (ChE) inhibitor paraoxon is the oxidized active metabolite of parathion, a pesticide whose use in agriculture has been matter of increasing concern.
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16289293 Yousefpour M, Bahrami F, Shahsavan Behboodi B, Khoshbaten A, Asgari A: Paraoxon-induced ultrastructural growth changes of rat cultured hippocampal cells in neurobasal/B27. Toxicology. 2006 Jan 16;217(2-3):221-7. Epub 2005 Nov 10.

Since parathion has been observed to be responsible for more cases of poisoning than any other OP insecticides, it is vitally important to investigate other mechanisms, besides cholinesterase inhibition, which can potentially contribute to the neurotoxicity of parathion (or its metabolite, paraoxon).
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705794 Davies DB, Holub BJ: Comparative effects of dietary parathion on the activities of cholinesterase and lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase in rat plasma. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1978 Aug;45(2):641-5.
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6437015 Knaak JB, Yee K, Ackerman CR, Zweig G, Fry DM, Wilson BW: Percutaneous absorption and dermal dose-cholinesterase response studies with parathion and carbaryl in the rat. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1984 Nov;76(2):252-63.
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456553 Rodriguez Garay EA, Rassero JA, Palchik M: Decay of bile flow and serum cholinesterase activity in parathion-intoxicated rats. Farmaco Prat. 1979 Apr;34(4):157-62.
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19674799 Tryfonos M, Papaefthimiou C, Antonopoulou E, Theophilidis G: Comparing the inhibitory effects of five protoxicant organophosphates (azinphos-methyl, parathion-methyl, chlorpyriphos-methyl, methamidophos and diazinon) on the spontaneously beating auricle of Sparus aurata: an in vitro study. Aquat Toxicol. 2009 Sep 14;94(3):211-8. Epub 2009 Jul 16.

In a previous pilot study, the anticholinesterase effects of paraoxon on the heart of Sparus aurata were examined [Tryfonos, M., Antonopoulou, E., Papaefthimiou, C., Chaleplis, G., Theophilidis, G., 2009.
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2800885 De Wilde V, Vandenbogaerde J, Buylaert W: Acute cholinesterase inhibitor poisoning mimicking pulmonary oedema. . Acta Clin Belg. 1989;44(2):133-6.

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15876422 Kiderlen D, Eyer P, Worek F: Formation and disposition of diethylphosphoryl-obidoxime, a potent anticholinesterase that is hydrolyzed by human paraoxonase (PON1). Biochem Pharmacol. 2005 Jun 15;69(12):1853-67.

Two parathion-poisoned patients with high and low POX-hydrolase activity responded well and poorly, respectively, to obidoxime treatment although the former patient had higher plasma paraoxon levels than the poor responder.
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8098250 Humbert R, Adler DA, Disteche CM, Hassett C, Omiecinski CJ, Furlong CE: The molecular basis of the human serum paraoxonase activity polymorphism. Nat Genet. 1993 Jan;3(1):73-6.

The organophosphate cholinesterase inhibitor paraoxon is hydrolysed by serum paraoxonase/arylesterase.
A genetic polymorphism of paraoxonase (PON) activity which determines high versus low paraoxon hydrolysis in human populations, may determine sensitivity to parathion poisoning.
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2579231 Sultatos LG, Minor LD, Murphy SD: Metabolic activation of phosphorothioate pesticides: role of the liver. . J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1985 Mar;232(3):624-8.

Mouse liver perfusion studies in situ revealed that the cholinesterase inhibitor chlorpyrifos oxon produced by the liver from the phosphorothioate pesticide chlorpyrifos was quickly detoxified within the liver, thereby preventing it's exit from the liver in the effluent.
In contrast, when the pesticide parathion was perfused as a substrate a substantial amount of the toxic metabolite paraoxon was found in exiting perfusate.
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739214 Deskin R, Rosenstein L, Rogers N, Westbrook B: Parathion toxicity in perinatal rats born to spontaneously hypertensive dams. J Environ Pathol Toxicol. 1978 Nov-Dec;2(2):291-300.

Male and female SHR perinates exhibited a significant reduction in plasma cholinesterase at the 1.00 mg/kg dose level.
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9988368 Eyer F, Eyer P: Enzyme-based assay for quantification of paraoxon in blood of parathion poisoned patients. Hum Exp Toxicol. 1998 Dec;17(12):645-51.

In human plasma, paraoxon was stabilized by inactivation of paraoxonase with EDTA and aluminon and by inhibition of butyrylcholinesterase with ethopropazine.
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2317787 Gnatt A, Prody CA, Zamir R, Lieman-Hurwitz J, Zakut H, Soreq H: Expression of alternatively terminated unusual human butyrylcholinesterase messenger RNA transcripts, mapping to chromosome 3q26-ter, in nervous system tumors. Cancer Res. 1990 Apr 1;50(7):1983-7.

Chromosomal mapping of the 0.7-kilobase 3' fragment by in situ hybridization localized it to a unique 3q26-ter position, where we recently found an inheritably amplified "silent" defective CHE gene in a family exposed to the cholinesterase inhibitor methyl parathion.
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17178140 Liu J, Gupta RC, Goad JT, Karanth S, Pope C: Modulation of parathion toxicity by glucose feeding: Is nitric oxide involved?. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2007 Mar;219(2-3):106-13. Epub 2006 Nov 11.

Functional signs, plasma glucose and brain cholinesterase, citrulline (an indicator of nitric oxide production) and high-energy phosphates (HEPs) were measured 1-3 days after parathion.
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3764930 Sultatos LG: The effects of phenobarbital pretreatment on the metabolism and acute toxicity of the pesticide parathion in the mouse. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1986 Oct;86(1):105-11.

Single-pass perfusion of mouse livers in situ with the phosphorothioate pesticide parathion resulted in formation of the cholinesterase inhibitor paraoxon (PO), p-nitrophenol (PNP), p-nitrophenyl sulfate (PNPS), and p-nitrophenyl glucuronide (PNPG).
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11401758 Cabello G, Valenzuela M, Vilaxa A, Duran V, Rudolph I, Hrepic N, Calaf G: A rat mammary tumor model induced by the organophosphorous pesticides parathion and malathion, possibly through acetylcholinesterase inhibition. Environ Health Perspect. 2001 May;109(5):471-9.

Eserine, parathion, and malathion are cholinesterase inhibitors responsible for the hydrolysis of body choline esters, including acetylcholine at cholinergic synapses.
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7318795 Hoffman DJ, Eastin WC Jr: Effects of malathion, diazinon, and parathion on mallard embryo development and cholinesterase activity. Environ Res. 1981 Dec;26(2):472-85.
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16193528 Petroianu GA, Hasan MY, Arafat K, Nurulain SM, Schmitt A: Weak inhibitors protect cholinesterases from strong inhibitors (paraoxon): in vitro effect of tiapride. J Appl Toxicol. 2005 Nov-Dec;25(6):562-7.

While the use of parathion (the inactive prodrug which is metabolically converted to POX) has been restricted in most countries, the organophosphate is still responsible for a large number of accidental or suicidal exposures.
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1630402 Faustini A, Arpaia F, Pagliarella P, Forastiere F, Papini P, Perucci CA: [The monitoring of cholinesterases in farm workers and tradesmen exposed to phosphoric esters and carbamates]. Med Lav. 1992 Mar-Apr;83(2):135-45.

The one-way variance analysis showed marked plasma ChE reduction in mixers, loaders and appliers (36%, 95% C.I. = 24%-48%) and in parathion handlers (35%, 95% C.I. = 21%-49%.
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7328701 Kraus JF, Mull R, Kurtz P, Winterlin W, Franti CE, Borhani N, Kilgore W: Epidemiologic study of physiological effects in usual and volunteer citrus workers from organophosphate pesticide residues at reentry. J Toxicol Environ Health. 1981 Jul-Aug;8(1-2):169-84.

Changes in these parameters related to environmental residues of cholinesterase (ChE) inhibiting pesticides were studied.
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7097808 Yamamoto T, Egashira T, Yoshida T, Kuroiwa Y: Comparison of the effect of an equimolar and low dose of fenitrothion and methylparathion on their own metabolism in rat liver. J Toxicol Sci. 1982 Feb;7(1):35-41.

The effects of fenitrothion and methylparathion on the activities of cholinesterase and hepatic microsomal monooxygenases were investigated and compared following a single or repeated oral administration of an equimolar and low dose of the insecticides.
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17189966 Bhattarai N, Rauniyar A, Chaudhary D, Jaiswal S, Banthia P, Rana BB: Patterns of organophosphorous poisoning attending a teaching hospital. JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc. 2006 Apr-Jun;45(162):228-32.

Data collected were: patient's demographics, motive for poisoning, type of OP poison, arrival time, time since ingestion, patient's vitals, predisposing factors, serum cholinesterase levels, treatment given, duration of hospital stay and mortality.
Metacid (methyl-parathion) was the most commonly used OP compounds in 32 (68%) patients.
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3008132 Pawlowska D, Moniuszko-Jakoniuk J, Soltys M: The effect of chronic physical exercise on the activity of hydrolytic enzymes in acute poisoning with parathion-methyl in rats. Pol J Pharmacol Pharm. 1985 Sep-Oct;37(5):639-46.

The activity of cholinesterase (ChE) in the serum, of paraoxonase--in the serum and liver, and of beta-glucuronidase (beta-gluc)--in the serum, liver and intestine were determined 1 h after the treatment.
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9292288 Thiermann H, Mast U, Klimmek R, Eyer P, Hibler A, Pfab R, Felgenhauer N, Zilker T: Cholinesterase status, pharmacokinetics and laboratory findings during obidoxime therapy in organophosphate poisoned patients. Hum Exp Toxicol. 1997 Aug;16(8):473-80.

Obidoxime (Toxogonin) was given as an i.v. bolus (250 mg) followed by continuous infusion of 750 mg/24 h. 3 Intoxication and therapy were monitored by determining erythrocyte AChE (eryAChE) activity, reactivatability of the patient's eryAChE ex vivo, plasma cholinesterase activity, the presence of AChE inhibiting compounds, as well as the concentrations of obidoxime and atropine in plasma. 4 Obidoxime was effective in life-threatening parathion poisoning, in particular when the dose absorbed was comparably low.
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10204315 Montoya-Cabrera MA, Escalante-Galindo P, Rivera-Rebolledo JC, Higuera-Romero F, Hernandez-Gutierrez V: [Acute methyl parathion poisoning with extrapyramidal manifestations not previously reported]. Gac Med Mex. 1999 Jan-Feb;135(1):79-82.

A severe acute poisoning developed with the characteristic symptomatology: muscarinic, nicotinic and neurologic, as well serum cholinesterase activity decreased 88%.
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1375401 Pope CN, Chakraborti TK: Dose-related inhibition of brain and plasma cholinesterase in neonatal and adult rats following sublethal organophosphate exposures. Toxicology. 1992;73(1):35-43.

The present study examined dose-related inhibition of both brain and plasma cholinesterase activity in neonatal and adult rats exposed to sublethal doses of one of three common OP pesticides, methyl parathion, parathion and chlorpyrifos.
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18761328 Mirajkar N, Pope CN: In vitro sensitivity of cholinesterases and [3H] oxotremorine-M binding in heart and brain of adult and aging rats to organophosphorus anticholinesterases. Biochem Pharmacol. 2008 Oct 15;76(8):1047-58. Epub 2008 Aug 12.

We compared the in vitro sensitivity of acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase and [(3) H] oxotremorine-M binding to muscarinic receptors in the cortex and heart of adult (3 months) and aging (18 months) rats to chlorpyrifos, methyl parathion and their active metabolites chlorpyrifos oxon and methyl paraoxon.
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19565633 Arufe MI, Arellano JM, Albendin G, Sarasquete C: Toxicity of parathion on embryo and yolk-sac larvae of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.): Effects on survival, cholinesterase, and carboxylesterase activity. Environ Toxicol. 2009 Jun 29.
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83128 Golbs S, Fuchs V, Leipner E, Huttel I: [The effect of pesticide combinations in laboratory rats. Arch Exp Veterinarmed. 1978;32(4):569-77.

After oral administration of pesticides Parathion-methyl, Carbaryl, Lindane and their combinations were investigated the activities of enzyme SGOT, SGPT, Alkaline Phosphatase and Cholinesterase.
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2371989 Lankisch PG, Muller CH, Niederstadt H, Brand A: Painless acute pancreatitis subsequent to anticholinesterase insecticide (parathion) intoxication. Am J Gastroenterol. 1990 Jul;85(7):872-5.
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2405380 Soreq H, Zakut H: Amplification of butyrylcholinesterase and acetylcholinesterase genes in normal and tumor tissues: putative relationship to organophosphorous poisoning. Pharm Res. 1990 Jan;7(1):1-7.

We have recently found a de novo inheritable amplification of a CHE gene encoding defective butyrylcholinesterase (acylcholine acyl hydrolase; EC in a family under prolonged exposure to the agricultural organophosphorous insecticide methyl parathion.
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8747743 Moser VC: Comparisons of the acute effects of cholinesterase inhibitors using a neurobehavioral screening battery in rats. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 1995 Nov-Dec;17(6):617-25.

The acute effects of two carbamates (carbaryl, aldicarb) and five organophosphates (OP) (chlorpyrifos, diazinon, parathion, fenthion, and diisopropyl fluorophosphate, or DFP) were evaluated on the day of dosing at the time of peak effect, at 1 and 3 days, and 1 week after dosing (oral gavage, in corn oil).
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8027510 Atkinson JE, Bolte HF, Rubin LF, Sonawane M: Assessment of ocular toxicity in dogs during 6 months' exposure to a potent organophosphate. J Appl Toxicol. 1994 Mar-Apr;14(2):145-52.

Exposure to anticholinesterase pesticides has been associated with the development of ocular toxicity in humans and animals, ranging from blurred vision to degeneration of the optic nerve.
This study was designed to determine the effects on the eye of ethyl parathion, a highly toxic organophosphate, when administered orally to 30 beagle dogs (five of each sex per group) at doses of 2.4, 7.9 or 794 micrograms kg-1day-1 for 6 months.
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9890196 Sparks SE, Quistad GB, Casida JE: Organophosphorus pesticide-induced butyrylcholinesterase inhibition and potentiation of succinylcholine toxicity in mice. J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 1999;13(2):113-8.

There are two reported cases of prolonged paralysis from succinylcholine in patients poisoned with the organophosphorus insecticides parathion and chlorpyrifos.
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6510327 Hill EF, Camardese MB: Toxicity of anticholinesterase insecticides to birds: technical grade versus granular formulations. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 1984 Dec;8(6):551-63.

The test chemicals were Amaze 15G (isofenphos), Counter 15G (terbufos), Dasanit 15G (fensulfothion), Diazinon 14G (diazinon), Di-Syston 15G (disulfoton), Dyfonate 20G (fonofos), Furadan 10G (carbofuran), Lorsban 15G (chlorpyrifos), Nemacur 15G (fenamiphos), Parathion 10G (parathion), Tattoo 10G (bendiocarb), Temik 15G (aldicarb), and Thimet 15G (phorate).
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9744565 Amitai G, Moorad D, Adani R, Doctor BP: Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase by chlorpyrifos-oxon. Biochem Pharmacol. 1998 Aug 1;56(3):293-9.

Phosphorothionate insecticides such as parathion (O,O-diethyl O-p-nitrophenyl phosphorothioate) and chlorpyrifos (CPS; O,O-diethyl O-3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyl phosphorothioate; Dursban) are metabolically converted by oxidative desulfuration into paraoxon and chlorpyrifos-oxon (CPO).
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7966439 Gupta RC, Goad JT, Kadel WL: Cholinergic and noncholinergic changes in skeletal muscles by carbofuran and methyl parathion. J Toxicol Environ Health. 1994 Nov;43(3):291-304.

The objective of this investigation was to determine the distribution of cholinergic (acetyl-cholinesterase, AChE) and noncholinergic markers in slow-, fast-, and mixed-fiber containing muscles (soleus, SOL; extensor digitorum longus, EDL; and diaphragm, DIA, respectively).
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753135 Leonardi G, Gazzei G, Zanierato G: [Possible interference between tetanus toxin and organo-phosphorus esters in blocking of cholinesterase]. Ann Sclavo. 1978 Sep-Oct;20(5):664-70.

This behavior seems to be interpreted as the result from the linkage between the true cholinesterase and one toxic (Wassermann-Takaki phenomenon both for the tetanus toxin and the "parathion"), with the following interference for the second toxic, when added, at the enzymatic level, so that the second toxic remains free.
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10918524 Gupta RC, Goad JT, Milatovic D, Dettbarn WD: Cholinergic and noncholinergic brain biomarkers of insecticide exposure and effects. Hum Exp Toxicol. 2000 May;19(5):297-308.

The objective of this investigation was to determine the distribution of cholinergic and noncholinergic biomarkers in discrete brain regions (cortex, stem, striatum, hippocampus, and cerebellum) of rats treated with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, controls), and insecticides such as carbofuran (CARB, 1.5 mg/kg, sc), or methyl parathion (MPTH, 5 mg/kg, ip).
Both insecticides produced characteristic signs of anticholinesterase nature within 5-7 min after injection.
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12972073 Karanth S, Pope C: Age-related effects of chlorpyrifos and parathion on acetylcholine synthesis in rat striatum. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 2003 Sep-Oct;25(5):599-606.

Following high (maximum tolerated dosage) subcutaneous exposure to either insecticide, relatively similar degrees of cholinesterase inhibition were noted, but the time to peak reduction varied among the age groups.
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2051507 Koppel C, Thomsen T, Heinemeyer G, Roots I: Acute poisoning with bromofosmethyl (bromophos). J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 1991;29(2):203-7.

In contrast to poisoning by most organophosphates, red blood cell acetyl cholinesterase was only minimally depressed but the plasma butyryl cholinesterase was initially decreased and normalized within a few days.
Bromophos is relatively less toxic than its phosphate derivative, parathion.
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8658521 Lessire F, Gustin P, Delaunois A, Bloden S, Nemmar A, Vargas M, Ansay M: Relationship between parathion and paraoxon toxicokinetics, lung metabolic activity, and cholinesterase inhibition in guinea pig and rabbit lungs. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1996 Jun;138(2):201-10.
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18617161 Jun D, Musilova L, Kuca K, Kassa J, Bajgar J: Potency of several oximes to reactivate human acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase inhibited by paraoxon in vitro. Chem Biol Interact. 2008 Sep 25;175(1-3):421-4. Epub 2008 May 7.

Organophosphorus pesticides (e.g. chlorpyrifos, malathion, and parathion) and nerve agents (sarin, tabun, and VX) are highly toxic organophosphorus compounds with strong inhibition potency against two key enzymes in the human body-acetylcholinesterase (AChE; EC and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE; EC
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9190843 Van Den Beukel I, Dijcks FA, Vanderheyden P, Vauquelin G, Oortgiesen M: Differential muscarinic receptor binding of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in rat brain, human brain and Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing human receptors. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1997 Jun;281(3):1113-9.

Displacement of muscarinic radioligands by the cholinesterase inhibitors parathion, paraoxon, physostigmine and phenyl saligenin cyclic phosphate was examined in rat cortex and brain stem, human cortex and brain stem, and in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing human M2 or M4 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors.
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9813838 Small MF, Pruett CL, Hewitt DG, Hellgren EC, Perrigo GH, Waggerman GL: Cholinesterase activity in white-winged doves exposed to methyl parathion. . J Wildl Dis. 1998 Oct;34(4):698-703.
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7097797 Skinner CS, Kilgore WW: Application of a dermal self-exposure model to worker reentry. J Toxicol Environ Health. 1982 Mar;9(3):461-81.

The greatest cholinesterase responses for both emulsifiable concentrate and encapsulated formulations were found with diazinon, followed by parathion and methyl parathion.
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11827395 Guerrieri A, Monaci L, Quinto M, Palmisano F: A disposable amperometric biosensor for rapid screening of anticholinesterase activity in soil extracts. Analyst. 2002 Jan;127(1):5-7.

An inhibition percentage of 38 +/- 4% was recorded for soil extracts spiked with 10 ppb of ethyl parathion.
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1690462 Costa LG, McDonald BE, Murphy SD, Omenn GS, Richter RJ, Motulsky AG, Furlong CE: Serum paraoxonase and its influence on paraoxon and chlorpyrifos-oxon toxicity in rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1990 Mar 15;103(1):66-76.

Paraoxon and chlorpyrifos-oxon, the active metabolites of the organophosphorus insecticides parathion and chlorpyrifos, respectively, are hydrolyzed by an "A"-esterase, paraoxonase, which is present in the sera of several mammalian species.
The dose of paraoxon required to produce similar signs of toxicity and similar degrees of cholinesterase inhibition in rats and rabbits (0.5 and 2.0 mg/kg, respectively) differed by 4-fold.
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2911599 Prody CA, Dreyfus P, Zamir R, Zakut H, Soreq H: De novo amplification within a "silent" human cholinesterase gene in a family subjected to prolonged exposure to organophosphorous insecticides. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1989 Jan;86(2):690-4.

Its occurrence in two generations from a family under prolonged exposure to parathion indicates that organophosphorous poisons may be implicated in previously unforeseen long-term ecological effects.
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1801511 Hahn T, Ruhnke M, Luppa H: Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase by the organophosphorus insecticide methylparathion in the central nervous system of the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Acta Histochem. 1991;91(1):13-9.

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3247000 Nagymajtenyi L, Desi I, Lorencz R: Neurophysiological markers as early signs of organophosphate neurotoxicity. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 1988 Sep-Oct;10(5):429-34.

The central and peripheral nervous system effects of acute and subchronic exposure to three organic phosphoro-acid esters (dimethoate, dichlorvos, parathion-methyl) were studied.
Cholinesterase activity was measured in blood, brain and other organs.
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12011491 Carr RL, Richardson JR, Guarisco JA, Kachroo A, Chambers JE, Couch TA, Durunna GC, Meek EC: Effects of PCB exposure on the toxic impact of organophosphorus insecticides. Toxicol Sci. 2002 Jun;67(2):311-21.

Rats were then injected, ip, with corn oil, parathion (P=S), methyl parathion (MP=S), chlorpyrifos (C=S), paraoxon (P=O), methyl paraoxon (MP=O), or chlorpyrifos-oxon (C=O).
Cholinesterase (ChE) activity was determined in the medulla-pons, hippocampus, corpus striatum, cerebral cortex, skeletal muscle, lung, and heart at 2 and 24 h post exposure.
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8448346 Berkman CE, Ryu S, Quinn DA, Thompson CM: Kinetics of the postinhibitory reactions of acetylcholinesterase poisoned by chiral isomalathion: a surprising nonreactivation induced by the RP stereoisomers. Chem Res Toxicol. 1993 Jan-Feb;6(1):28-32.

Inhibitory (ki), spontaneous (k0), and oxime-mediated reactivation (k (oxime)) reaction kinetics for the four stereoisomers of isomalathion (SPRC,SPSC,RPRC, and RPSC) were determined against rat brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE). (SPRC)-Isomalathion was the most potent anticholinesterase agent and RPSC-isomalathion the least potent with racemic material approximately midway in activity.
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8561923 Chakravorty PP, Bose S, Joy VC, Bhattacharya S: Biomonitoring of anticholinesterase pesticides in the soil: usefulness of soil Collembola. Biomed Environ Sci. 1995 Sep;8(3):232-9.

The impact of Methyl parathion and Carbaryl was evaluated on an ecologically important soil Collembola, Cyphoderus sp.
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410517 Meiniel R: [Cholinesterase activity and expression of axial teratogenesis in quail embryo exposed to organophosphates]. C R Acad Sci Hebd Seances Acad Sci D. 1977 Sep 12;285(4):401-4.

The use of graduated concentrations of parathion shows that these axial abnormalities take place with a high level of cholinesterase inhibition.
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7509414 Chaudhuri J, Chakraborti TK, Chanda S, Pope CN: Differential modulation of organophosphate-sensitive muscarinic receptors in rat brain by parathion and chlorpyrifos. J Biochem Toxicol. 1993 Dec;8(4):207-16.

We previously reported similar levels of brain cholinesterase inhibition but marked differences in toxicity following acute maximum tolerated doses of the organophosphate pesticides parathion and chlorpyrifos.
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11729343 Levario-Carrillo M, Feria-Velasco A, De Celis R, Ramos-Martinez E, Cordova-Fierro L, Solis FJ: Parathion, a cholinesterase-inhibiting plaguicide induces changes in tertiary villi of placenta of women exposed: a scanning electron microscopy study. Gynecol Obstet Invest. 2001;52(4):269-75.
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7156940 Larsen KO, Hanel HK: Effect of exposure to organophosphorus compounds on S-cholinesterase in workers removing poisonous depots. Scand J Work Environ Health. 1982 Sep;8(3):222-6.

Biological monitoring and the control of safety precautions against organophosphorus compounds (parathion, malathion, and methylparathion) was performed through the measurement of S-cholinesterase (E.C. in personnel removing poisonous depots.
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10878319 Arufe MI, Romero JL, Gamero JJ, Moreno MJ: Oxidation of cholinesterase-inhibiting pesticides: A simple experiment to illustrate the role of bioactivation in the toxicity of chemicals. Biochem Educ. 2000 May 1;28(3):174-177.

Two separated aliquots of a bovine blood sample are incubated with parathion and paraoxon, its oxygen analog, and compared for cholinesterase activity with "normal" blood.
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4060562 Dellinger JA: Monitoring the chronic effects of anticholinesterase pesticides in aerial applicators. Vet Hum Toxicol. 1985 Oct;27(5):427-30.

Two pilots were controls and two were aerial applicators whose spraying activities included the application of ethyl parathion on more than 85% of their total acreages.
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15170525 van der Schans MJ, Polhuijs M, van Dijk C, Degenhardt CE, Pleijsier K, Langenberg JP, Benschop HP: Retrospective detection of exposure to nerve agents: analysis of phosphofluoridates originating from fluoride-induced reactivation of phosphylated BuChE. Arch Toxicol. 2004 Sep;78(9):508-24. Epub 2004 May 29.

A three-tiered approach was followed involving the five classical nerve agents GA, GB, GF, GD, and VX, as well as the active metabolite of parathion, i.e., paraoxon: in vivo experiments in rhesus monkeys after iv administration of a sign-free dose of agent and concomitant in vitro experiments in plasma of rhesus monkeys and humans should allow an assessment of in vivo retrospectivity in humans.
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8212012 Ward TR, Ferris DJ, Tilson HA, Mundy WR: Correlation of the anticholinesterase activity of a series of organophosphates with their ability to compete with agonist binding to muscarinic receptors. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1993 Oct;122(2):300-7.

Echothiophate and DFP were potent inhibitors of [3H] CD binding, as were the active "oxon" forms of parathion, malathion, and disulfoton.
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17963125 Gulalp B, Gokel Y, Gumurdulu D, Seydaoglu G, Daglioglu K, Dikmen N, Karcioglu O: The effect of parathion-methyl and antidotes on parotid and pancreatic glands: a pilot experimental study. Int J Toxicol. 2007 Sep-Oct;26(5):383-8.

After the administration of the chemicals, blood samples were drawn to test for amylase, lipase, acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), while pancreatic and parotid glands of each rat were removed for light microscopic examination.
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3241808 Izmirova N, Kaloianova F, Kalinova G, Simeonov P: [A new approach to setting hygienic pesticide standards] . Probl Khig. 1988;13:98-109.

The content of pesticides in washes from leaves and hands, as well as inhibitors and cholinesterase activity in serum and erythrocytes is measured.
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2376956 De Wilde V, Vogelaers D, Colardyn F: Prompt recovery from severe cholinesterase-inhibitor poisoning--remarks on classification and therapy of organophosphate poisoning. Klin Wochenschr. 1990 Jun 19;68(12):615-8.

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8292752 Berkman CE, Quinn DA, Thompson CM: Interaction of acetylcholinesterase with the enantiomers of malaoxon and isomalathion. Chem Res Toxicol. 1993 Sep-Oct;6(5):724-30.

The biomolecular reaction constants (ki), dissociation constants (Kd), and phosphorylation constants (kp) were determined for the enantiomers of malaoxon against rat brain acetylcholinesterase, and for the stereoisomers of isomalathion against rat brain acetylcholinesterase and electric eel acetylcholinesterase. (R)-Malaoxon was an 8.6-fold more potent anti-cholinesterase than (S)-malaoxon.
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16242869 Muttray A, Backer G, Jung D, Hill G, Letzel S: External and internal exposure of wine growers spraying methyl parathion. . Toxicol Lett. 2006 Apr 10;162(2-3):219-24. Epub 2005 Oct 20.

Cholinesterase activity in serum and erythrocytes was measured before and after exposure.
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11481665 Abu-Qare AW, Abou-Donia MB: Inhibition and recovery of maternal and fetal cholinesterase enzyme activity following a single cutaneous dose of methyl parathion and diazinon, alone and in combination, in pregnant rats. J Appl Toxicol. 2001 Jul-Aug;21(4):307-16.

Methyl parathion significantly inhibited maternal and fetal brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and plasma butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) activity within 24 h after dosing.
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8896566 Davies HG, Richter RJ, Keifer M, Broomfield CA, Sowalla J, Furlong CE: The effect of the human serum paraoxonase polymorphism is reversed with diazoxon, soman and sarin. Nat Genet. 1996 Nov;14(3):334-6.

The insecticides parathion, chlorpyrifos and diazinon are bioactivated to potent cholinesterase inhibitors by cytochrome P-450 systems.
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14514956 Tang J, Carr RL, Chambers JE: The effects of repeated oral exposures to methyl parathion on rat brain cholinesterase and muscarinic receptors during postnatal development. Toxicol Sci. 2003 Dec;76(2):400-6. Epub 2003 Sep 26.
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10871426 Parker ML, Goldstein MI: Differential toxicities of organophosphate and carbamate insecticides in the nestling European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 2000 Aug;39(2):233-42.

The toxicities of diazinon, methyl parathion, and oxamyl were affected by the removal of butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) using the specific inhibitor tetraisopropylpyrophosphoramide (iso-OMPA).
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18966276 Kumaran S, Morita M: Application of a cholinesterase biosensor to screen for organophosphorus pesticides extracted from soil. Talanta. 1995 Apr;42(4):649-55.

Based on the principle of enzyme inactivation, a butyrylcholinesterase (EC biosensor, to determine some organophosphorus (ORP) pesticides (Fenitrothion, Diazinon, Parathion ethyl, Mevinphos and Heptenophos) in soil extracts, is presented.
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8481105 Willems JL, De Bisschop HC, Verstraete AG, Declerck C, Christiaens Y, Vanscheeuwyck P, Buylaert WA, Vogelaers D, Colardyn F: Cholinesterase reactivation in organophosphorus poisoned patients depends on the plasma concentrations of the oxime pralidoxime methylsulphate and of the organophosphate. Arch Toxicol. 1993;67(2):79-84.

We measured in nine patients, poisoned by organophosphorus agents (ethyl parathion, ethyl and methyl parathion, dimethoate, or bromophos), erythrocyte and serum cholinesterase activities, and plasma concentrations of the organophosphorus agent.
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7204881 Hussain MA, Oloffs PC, Blatherwick FJ, Gaunce AP, MacKenzie CJ: Detection of incipient effects of anticholinesterase insecticides in rats and humans by electromyography and cholinesterase assay. J Environ Sci Health B. 1981;16(1):1-19.

Rats, fed low levels of diazinon (0.5 and 5.0 mg/kg) and parathion (0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/kg) daily for 26 weeks, and agricultural workers chronically exposed to anticholinesterase insecticides, were monitored by electromyographic (EMG) and blood cholinesterase determinations.
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1642791 Bhattacharya S, Ghosh P, Ghosh S, Ghosh N, Bhattacharya B, Halder P: Acetylcholinesterase characteristics of termite queen exposed to anticholinesterase compounds. Biomed Environ Sci. 1992 Jun;5(2):178-83.

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3914075 Xue SZ, Ding XJ, Ding Y: Clinical observation and comparison of the effectiveness of several oxime cholinesterase reactivators. Scand J Work Environ Health. 1985;11 Suppl 4:46-8.

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7114900 Soliman SA, Sovocool GW, Curley A, Ahmed NS, El-Fiki S, El-Sebae AK: Two acute human poisoning cases resulting from exposure to diazinon transformation products in Egypt. Arch Environ Health. 1982 Jul-Aug;37(4):207-12.

Symptomatology was similar to that previously reported for exposure to parathion or other organophosphorus insecticides.
Plasma and red blood cell cholinesterase activity values were determined in blood samples obtained from both individuals at various times after the incident.
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8222687 De Bleecker J, Van den Neucker K, Colardyn F: Intermediate syndrome in organophosphorus poisoning: a prospective study. Crit Care Med. 1993 Nov;21(11):1706-11.

Agents such as methylparathion, fenthion, and dimethoate carry a high risk, but we also noted a prolonged intermediate syndrome in an ethyl-parathion-poisoned patient.
OBJECTIVES: To estimate the frequency of the intermediate syndrome in organophosphorus-poisoned patients, and examine its relationship to cholinesterase inhibition and electromyographic findings.
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3985907 Dellinger JA, Taylor HL: Measuring the effects of neurotoxicants on flight simulator performance. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1985 Mar;56(3):254-7.

A preliminary study examined pilot performance in the simulator and cholinesterase inhibition by insecticides in agricultural pilots.
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12831782 Saleh AM, Vijayasarathy C, Masoud L, Kumar L, Shahin A, Kambal A: Paraoxon induces apoptosis in EL4 cells via activation of mitochondrial pathways. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2003 Jul 1;190(1):47-57.

The toxicity of organophosphorus compounds, such as paraoxon (POX), is due to their anticholinesterase action.
Recently, we have shown that, at noncholinergic doses (1 to 10 nM), POX (the bioactive metabolite of parathion) causes apoptotic cell death in murine EL4 T-lymphocytic leukemia cell line through activation of caspase-3.
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10548430 Cao CJ, Mioduszewski RJ, Menking DE, Valdes JJ, Katz EJ, Eldefrawi ME, Eldefrawi AT: Cytotoxicity of organophosphate anticholinesterases. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 1999 Oct;35(9):493-500.

It is suggested that the former results from their cholinesterase inhibition, while the latter results from action on different targets and requires much higher concentrations.
The insecticides parathion and chlorpyrifos stimulated hepatocyte metabolism but inhibited neuroblastoma cells.
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1459653 Ghosh S, Bhattacharya S: Elevation of C-reactive protein in serum of Channa punctatus as an indicator of water pollution. Indian J Exp Biol. 1992 Aug;30(8):736-7.

The carbamate compound, carbaryl demonstrated a biphasic response to CRP level which may be correlated with the reversible type of anticholinesterase property of this compound while Metacid-50 is an irreversible type of anticholinesterase agent.
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239828 Koning LJ, van der Meer C: The cause of death of Palaemonetes varians (Leach, 1814) treated with cholinesterase inhibitors. Comp Biochem Physiol C. 1975 Jun 1;51(1):73-7.

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7322183 Karcsu S, Toth L, Marosi G, Simon Z: [Analysis of histochemical changes caused by acute Wofatox poisoning in a model experiment]. Morphol Igazsagugyi Orv Sz. 1981 Oct;21(4):289-96.

A single intraperitoneal injection of LD50 of Wofatox resulted in a total inhibition of the activity of histochemically demonstrable acetyl-cholinesterase in the central nervous system.
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11702010 Zhu H, Rockhold RW, Baker RC, Kramer RE, Ho IK: Effects of single or repeated dermal exposure to methyl parathion on behavior and blood cholinesterase activity in rats. J Biomed Sci. 2001 Nov-Dec;8(6):467-74.

The effects of a single or repeated dermal administration of methyl parathion on motor function, learning and memory were investigated in adult female rats and correlated with blood cholinesterase activity.
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11405414 Abu-Qare AW, Abdel-Rahman A, Brownie C, Kishk AM, Abou-Donia MB: Inhibition of cholinesterase enzymes following a single dermal dose of chlorpyrifos and methyl parathion, alone and in combination, in pregnant rats. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2001 Jun 8;63(3):173-89.

Application of methyl parathion or chlorpyrifos alone or in combination significantly inhibited maternal plasma butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) activity.
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11914581 Kramer RE, Wellman SE, Zhu H, Rockhold RW, Baker RC: A comparison of cholinesterase activity after intravenous, oral or dermal administration of methyl parathion. J Biomed Sci. 2002 Mar-Apr;9(2):140-8.

Dermal administration of methyl parathion caused dose-dependent inhibition of cholinesterase activity which developed slowly (> or =6 h) and was prolonged (> or =48 h).
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1455989 De Bleecker J, Vogelaers D, Ceuterick C, Van Den Neucker K, Willems J, De Reuck J: Intermediate syndrome due to prolonged parathion poisoning. Acta Neurol Scand. 1992 Oct;86(4):421-4.

A parathion-poisoned patient with prolonged cholinesterase inhibition due to impaired hepatic metabolism and urinary excretion is reported.
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7309652 Vdaya Bhaskar SU, Nanda Kumar NV: Thin layer chromatographic determination of methyl parathion as paraoxon by cholinesterase inhibition. J Assoc Off Anal Chem. 1981 Nov;64(6):1312-4.
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18773955 Slotkin TA, Levin ED, Seidler FJ: Developmental neurotoxicity of parathion: progressive effects on serotonergic systems in adolescence and adulthood. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 2009 Jan-Feb;31(1):11-7. Epub 2008 Aug 20.

We administered parathion to newborn rats on postnatal days (PN) 1-4 at doses spanning the threshold for detectable cholinesterase inhibition (0.1 mg/kg/day) and the first signs of loss of viability (0.2 mg/kg/day).
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9734325 Guilhermino L, Soares AM, Carvalho AP, Lopes MC: Correlation between whole blood cholinesterase activity and cerebral cortex cholinesterase activity in rats treated with parathion. Chemosphere. 1998 Sep;37(7):1385-93.
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1161453 Rude H, Christensen J, Karlog O: [Parathion poisoning in cattle (author's transl)] . Nord Vet Med. 1975 Jul-Aug;27(7-8):373-7.

The cholinesterase activities were in all the blood samples decreased to about 10 per cent of normal and parathion was found in all hair samples.
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7256362 Areekul S, Srichairat S, Kirdudom P: Serum and red cell cholinesterase activity in people exposed to organophosphate insecticides. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 1981 Mar;12(1):94-8.

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2005669 Sanz P, Rodriguez-Vicente MC, Diaz D, Repetto J, Repetto M: Red blood cell and total blood acetylcholinesterase and plasma pseudocholinesterase in humans: observed variances. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 1991;29(1):81-90.

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19487014 Qiu J, Chen J, Ma Q, Miao Y: Development of square wave voltammetry method for the assessment of organophosphorus compound impact on the cholinesterase of Pheretima with 2,6-dichloroindophenol as a redox indicator. Chemosphere. 2009 Sep;77(1):129-32. Epub 2009 May 31.

The inhibition of ChE was assessed by measuring the enzyme activity before and after incubating with parathion-methyl.
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3952729 Abou-Donia MB, Abdo KM, Timmons PR, Proctor JE: Brain acetylcholinesterase, acid phosphatase, and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide-3'-phosphohydrolase and plasma butyrylcholinesterase activities in hens treated with a single dermal neurotoxic dose of S,S,S-tri-n-butyl phosphorotrithioate. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1986 Mar 15;82(3):461-73.

Three control groups consisted of hens left untreated, given a single, dermal dose of 500 mg/kg tri-o-cresyl phosphate (TOCP, positive control for organophophorous compound-induced delayed neurotoxicity), or 10 mg/kg O,O-diethyl O-4-nitrophenyl phosphorothioate (parathion, negative control).
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11750078 Howard MD, Pope CN: In vitro effects of chlorpyrifos, parathion, methyl parathion and their oxons on cardiac muscarinic receptor binding in neonatal and adult rats. Toxicology. 2002 Jan 15;170(1-2):1-10.

As effective concentrations of the oxons were relatively similar to their anticholinesterase potencies, these findings suggest that direct interaction with cardiac muscarinic receptors by some organophosphorus agents may occur at relevant exposure levels and contribute to cardiac toxicity.
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9102489 Laynez Bretones F, Martinez Garcia L, Tortosa Fernandez I, Lozano Padilla C, Montoya Garcia M, Pimentel Asensio J: [Fatal food poisoning by parathion] . Med Clin. 1997 Feb 15;108(6):224-5.

The clinical diagnosis of poisoning was confirmed by the below-normal levels of plasmatic cholinesterase.
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6510853 Matsubara K, Kagawa M, Fukui Y: In vivo and in vitro studies on cocaine metabolism: ecgonine methyl ester as a major metabolite of cocaine. Forensic Sci Int. 1984 Nov;26(3):169-80.

Parathion and EDTA, however, had no effects on cocaine hydrolysis in vivo.
On the other hand, plasma cholinesterase and liver esterase mediated ecgonine methyl ester formation.
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19293373 Johnson FO, Chambers JE, Nail CA, Givaruangsawat S, Carr RL: Developmental chlorpyrifos and methyl parathion exposure alters radial-arm maze performance in juvenile and adult rats. Toxicol Sci. 2009 May;109(1):132-42. Epub 2009 Mar 17.

Significant hippocampal cholinesterase inhibition was induced in all treatment groups for up to 19 days following exposure.
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16645783 Sun TT, Paul IA, Ho IK: Motor functions but not learning and memory are impaired upon repeated exposure to sub-lethal doses of methyl parathion. J Biomed Sci. 2006 Jul;13(4):515-23. Epub 2006 Apr 28.

To accurately assess the neuro-toxic risk by occupational exposure to sub-lethal doses of MP, novel biomarkers besides in vivo anticholinesterase potency are needed.
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15371233 Padilla S, Sung HJ, Moser VC: Further assessment of an in vitro screen that may help identify organophosphorus pesticides that are more acutely toxic to the young. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2004 Sep 24;67(18):1477-89.

We have now extended these observations to two other pesticides that have already been shown in the literature to be more toxic to the young: parathion (paraoxon) and malathion (malaoxon).
From these results, we predicted that young animals would be more sensitive to diazinon, which, in fact, was the case: When postnatal day (PND) 17 or adult rats were given a dosage of 75 mg/kg diazinon, adult brain cholinesterase (ChE) was only inhibited 38%, while the brain ChE in the PND 17 animals showed much more inhibition (75%).
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19778163 Eyer F, Worek F, Eyer P, Felgenhauer N, Haberkorn M, Zilker T, Thiermann H: Obidoxime in acute organophosphate poisoning: 1 - clinical effectiveness. Clin Toxicol. 2009 Sep;47(8):798-806.

In this article we report clinical findings and activity of cholinesterase in plasma and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in red blood cells.
METHODS: We studied 34 atropinized patients with severe parathion, oxydemeton methyl, and dimethoate self-poisoning who were treated with obidoxime in a standard protocol.
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7059232 Purshottam T, Kaveeshwar U: Effect of phenobarbitol pretreatment on regeneration of plasma cholinesterase activity inhibited by parathion or dichlorovos. Arch Environ Health. 1982 Jan-Feb;37(1):53-8.
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17035140 Slotkin TA, Tate CA, Ryde IT, Levin ED, Seidler FJ: Organophosphate insecticides target the serotonergic system in developing rat brain regions: disparate effects of diazinon and parathion at doses spanning the threshold for cholinesterase inhibition. Environ Health Perspect. 2006 Oct;114(10):1542-6.

In contrast, parathion decreased 5HT1A receptors, again at doses below those required for effects on cholinesterase.
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10996483 Sams C, Mason HJ, Rawbone R: Evidence for the activation of organophosphate pesticides by cytochromes P450 3A4 and 2D6 in human liver microsomes. Toxicol Lett. 2000 Aug 16;116(3):217-21.

The role of specific cytochrome P450 isoforms in catalysing the oxidative biotransformation of the organophosphorothioate pesticides parathion, chlorpyrifos and diazinon into structures that inhibit cholinesterase has been investigated in human liver microsomes using chemical inhibitors.
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8742317 Boone JS, Chambers JE: Time course of inhibition of cholinesterase and aliesterase activities, and nonprotein sulfhydryl levels following exposure to organophosphorus insecticides in mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). Fundam Appl Toxicol. 1996 Feb;29(2):202-7.

Cholinesterase (ChE) in brain and muscle was quickly inhibited during a 48-hr in vivo exposure to chlorpyrifos (0.1 ppm), parathion (0.15 ppm), and methyl parathion (8 ppm) in mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis).
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20074626 Adigun AA, Wrench N, Levin ED, Seidler FJ, Slotkin TA: Neonatal parathion exposure and interactions with a high-fat diet in adulthood: Adenylyl cyclase-mediated cell signaling in heart, liver and cerebellum. Brain Res Bull. 2010 Apr 5;81(6):605-12. Epub 2010 Jan 14.

Here, we administered parathion to neonatal rats (postnatal days 1-4, 0.1 or 0.2 mg/kg/day), straddling the threshold for cholinesterase inhibition, but we extended the studies to much later, 5 months of age.
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539831 Wicker GW, Williams WA, Guthrie FE: Exposure of field workers to organophosphorus insecticides: sweet corn and peaches. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 1979;8(2):175-82.

Workers with extensive contact with mechanically harvested sweet corn (the corn had been treated one or two days before harvest with a combination of ethyl and methyl parathion) exhibited significant depression of cholinesterase.
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15238287 Eskenazi B, Harley K, Bradman A, Weltzien E, Jewell NP, Barr DB, Furlong CE, Holland NT: Association of in utero organophosphate pesticide exposure and fetal growth and length of gestation in an agricultural population. Environ Health Perspect. 2004 Jul;112(10):1116-24.

We measured nonspecific metabolites of organophosphate pesticides (dimethyl and diethyl phosphates) and metabolites specific to malathion (malathion dicarboxylic acid), chlorpyrifos [O,O-diethyl O-(3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinyl) phosphoro-thioate], and parathion (4-nitrophenol) in maternal urine collected twice during pregnancy.
We also measured levels of cholinesterase in whole blood and butyryl cholinesterase in plasma in maternal and umbilical cord blood.
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7814086 Venkataraman BV, Rani MA, Andrade C, Joseph T: Correlation of time course of blood cholinesterase activity and toxic manifestations of acute methylparathion in antidote treated rats. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 1994 Jul;38(3):214-6.

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6506099 Casale GP, Cohen SD, DiCapua RA: Parathion-induced suppression of humoral immunity in inbred mice. Toxicol Lett. 1984 Nov;23(2):239-47.

However, these animals had reduced tissue cholinesterase (ChE) activities and decreased numbers of nucleated spleen cells.
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18817854 Timofeeva OA, Sanders D, Seemann K, Yang L, Hermanson D, Regenbogen S, Agoos S, Kallepalli A, Rastogi A, Braddy D, Wells C, Perraut C, Seidler FJ, Slotkin TA, Levin ED: Persistent behavioral alterations in rats neonatally exposed to low doses of the organophosphate pesticide, parathion. Brain Res Bull. 2008 Dec 16;77(6):404-11. Epub 2008 Sep 24.

Our results reinforce the conclusion that low dose exposure to different OPs can have quite different neurotoxic effects, obviously unconnected to their shared property as cholinesterase inhibitors.
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17893397 Betancourt AM, Filipov NM, Carr RL: Alteration of neurotrophins in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex of young rats exposed to chlorpyrifos and methyl parathion. Toxicol Sci. 2007 Dec;100(2):445-55. Epub 2007 Sep 24.

Exposure induced significant effects on growth and cholinesterase activity.
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15081265 Karanth S, Liu J, Olivier K Jr, Pope C: Interactive toxicity of the organophosphorus insecticides chlorpyrifos and methyl parathion in adult rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2004 Apr 15;196(2):183-90.

Cholinesterase inhibition in plasma, diaphragm, and frontal cortex was generally higher in rats treated sequentially with CPF first than in those treated initially with MPS from 4 to 24 h after dosing.
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7871535 Ronis MJ, Badger TM: Toxic interactions between fungicides that inhibit ergosterol biosynthesis and phosphorothioate insecticides in the male rat and bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus). Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1995 Feb;130(2):221-8.

The potential for toxic interactions between ergosterol biosynthesis-inhibiting fungicides (EBIFs), used in U.S. agriculture or clinically, and phosphorothioate insecticides was assessed in adult male rats and adult male bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) by measuring inhibition of plasma butyryl cholinesterase (BChE) following fungicide and insecticide treatment.
Forty-eight hours following the final dose, a single bolus of parathion (0.4 mg/kg in corn oil) or malathion (150 mg/kg in corn oil) or corn oil alone was given po.
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1793798 Ryu SM, Lin J, Thompson CM: Comparative anticholinesterase potency of chiral isoparathion methyl. Chem Res Toxicol. 1991 Sep-Oct;4(5):517-20.

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17021221 de la Pena Mattozzi M, Tehara SK, Hong T, Keasling JD: Mineralization of paraoxon and its use as a sole C and P source by a rationally designed catabolic pathway in Pseudomonas putida. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2006 Oct;72(10):6699-706.

Organophosphate compounds, which are widely used as pesticides and chemical warfare agents, are cholinesterase inhibitors.
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3028323 Diepgen TL, Geldmacher-von Mallinckrodt M: Interethnic differences in the detoxification of organophosphates: the human serum paraoxonase polymorphism. Arch Toxicol Suppl. 1986;9:154-8.

Paraoxon, 0,0-diethyl-0-p-nitrophenylphosphate is the highly toxic metabolite of parathion.
The serum paraoxonase genotype has a significant influence on the paraoxon clearance and consequently on the toxic action of paraoxon and some related organophosphates and definitively protects the serum cholinesterase.
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16819098 Edwards FL, Tchounwou PB: Environmental toxicology and health effects associated with methyl parathion exposure--a scientific review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2005 Dec;2(3-4):430-41.

The primary targets of toxicity are the hematopoietic system (serum cholinesterase inhibition), the cardiovascular system (cardiovascular lesions, abnormalities in heart rate and increase in heart-to-body ratio), the reproductive system (placental morphology, fibrosis and hemorrhage, and inhibition of DNA synthesis in seminiferous tubules), and the nervous system (headache, muscle weakness, insomnia, dizziness, and impaired memory).
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12166762 Kramer RE, Ho IK: Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of methyl parathion. . Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2002 May;65(5):187-99.

Cholinesterase inhibited by a lower dose (< or = 12 mg/kg) of methyl parathion required up to 21 days to recover fully.
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6636186 Weitman SD, Vodicnik MJ, Lech JJ: Influence of pregnancy on parathion toxicity and disposition. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1983 Nov;71(2):215-24.

Total brain cholinesterase was also suppressed to a greater degree in pregnant mice after treatment with parathion or paraoxon when compared with virgin animals treated similarly.
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15041264 Ferrari A, Venturino A, de D'Angelo AM: Time course of brain cholinesterase inhibition and recovery following acute and subacute azinphosmethyl, parathion and carbaryl exposure in the goldfish (Carassius auratus). Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2004 Mar;57(3):420-5.
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656640 Dieter MP, Ludke JL: Studies on combined effects of organophosphates or carbamates and morsodren in birds. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 1978 Apr;19(4):389-95.

The degree of interaction between mercury and cholinesterase inhibiting pesticides was determined by comparing enzyme responses to sublethal dosages of parathion or carbofuran in quail fed 0.05, 0.5, or 5.0 ppm morsodren for 18 weeks.
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6685263 Abou-Donia MB, Graham DG, Makkawy HA, Abdo KM: Effect of subchronic dermal application of O-ethyl O-4-nitrophenyl phenylphosphonothioate on producing delayed neurotoxicity in hens. Neurotoxicology. 1983 Summer;4(2):247-60.

EPN and TOCP treatments had a more profound effect on the activity of plasma butyrylcholinesterase than that of brain acetylcholinesterase (AchE). by contrast O,O,-diethyl O-4-nitrophenyl phosphorothioate (parathion) was more inhibitory to brain AChE.
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17475919 Evron T, Geyer BC, Cherni I, Muralidharan M, Kilbourne J, Fletcher SP, Soreq H, Mor TS: Plant-derived human acetylcholinesterase-R provides protection from lethal organophosphate poisoning and its chronic aftermath. FASEB J. 2007 Sep;21(11):2961-9. Epub 2007 May 2.

AChE-R shares its active site with the synaptic AChE-S variant, which is the target of poisonous organophosphate anticholinesterase insecticides such as the parathion metabolite paraoxon.
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7338949 Fleming WJ, Bradbury SP: Recovery of cholinesterase activity in mallard ducklings administered organophosphorus pesticides. J Toxicol Environ Health. 1981 Nov-Dec;8(5-6):885-97.

Oral doses of the organophosphorus pesticides acephate, dicrotophos, fensulfothion, fonofos, malathion, and parathion were administered to mallard ducklings (Anas platyrhynchos), and brain and plasma cholinesterase (ChE) activities were determined for up to 17 d after dosing.
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6857660 Casale GP, Cohen SD, DiCapua RA: The effects of organophosphate-induced cholinergic stimulation on the antibody response to sheep erythrocytes in inbred mice. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1983 Apr;68(2):198-205.

The present study evaluated the relationship between the anticholinesterase action of parathion, malathion, and dichlorvos (DDVP) and their effects on the primary humoral response to SRC.
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9352213 Sanchez JC, Fossi MC, Focardi S: Serum "B" esterases as a nondestructive biomarker for monitoring the exposure of reptiles to organophosphorus insecticides. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 1997 Oct;38(1):45-52.

Serum butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) and carboxylesterase (CbE) activities were measured in lizards and four species of birds collected in an area of 0.5 ha sprayed with 0.36 kg a.i./ha of Folidol SE5 (5% parathion).
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16193529 Petroianu GA, Arafat K, Kuca K, Kassa J: Five oximes (K-27, K-33, K-48, BI-6 and methoxime) in comparison with pralidoxime: in vitro reactivation of red blood cell acetylcholinesterase inhibited by paraoxon. J Appl Toxicol. 2006 Jan-Feb;26(1):64-71.

Paraoxon (POX), the active metabolite of parathion (O,O-diethyl-O-p-nitro-phenyl phosphorothioate) is a non-neuropathic organophosphate.
Oximes are cholinesterase reactivators of use in poisoning with organophosphorus compounds.
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3813150 Vedrinne JM, Gaussorgues P, Salord F, Masselot PY, Robert D: [Acute parathion poisoning. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim. 1986;5(5):536-8.

Value of repeated determination of plasma pseudocholinesterases].
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1481637 De Bleecker JL: Transient opsoclonus in organophosphate poisoning. Acta Neurol Scand. 1992 Nov;86(5):529-31.

Opsoclonus transiently occurred in the acute stage of combined parathion and methyl-parathion poisoning.
Despite persistent cholinesterase inhibition this symptom subsided spontaneously.
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1512808 De Bleecker J, Willems J, Van Den Neucker K, De Reuck J, Vogelaers D: Prolonged toxicity with intermediate syndrome after combined parathion and methyl parathion poisoning. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 1992;30(3):333-45; discussion 347-9.

Severe plasma butyrylcholinesterase and erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase inhibition persisted along with the occurrence of Intermediate Syndrome-related symptoms.
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16323786 Lei Y, Mulchandani P, Wang J, Chen W, Mulchandani A: Highly sensitive and selective amperometric microbial biosensor for direct determination of p-nitrophenyl-substituted organophosphate nerve agents. Environ Sci Technol. 2005 Nov 15;39(22):8853-7.

Surface-expressed OPH catalyzed hydrolysis of the p-nitrophenyl substituent organophosphorus pesticides such as paraoxon, parathion, and methyl parathion to release p-nitrophenol, which was subsequently degraded by the enzymatic machinery of P. putida JS444.
These detection limits are comparable to cholinesterase inhibition-based biosensors.
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72085 Bradway DE, Shafik TM, Lores EM: Comparison of cholinesterase activity, residue levels, and urinary metabolite excretion of rats exposed to organophosphorus pesticides. J Agric Food Chem. 1977 Nov-Dec;25(6):1353-8.

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8123995 Villar D, Gonzalez M, Gualda MJ, Schaeffer DJ: Effects of organophosphorus insecticides on Dugesia tigrina: cholinesterase activity and head regeneration. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 1994 Feb;52(2):319-24.

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8854833 Sanchez-Fortun S, Sanz F, Barahona MV: Acute toxicity of several organophosphorous insecticides and protection by cholinergic antagonists and 2-PAM on Artemia salina larvae. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 1996 Oct;31(3):391-8.

The acute toxicity of chlorpyrifos, methylchlorpyrifos, parathion and methylparathion to three age classes of Artemia salina was determined.
The protective effect of the cholinergic antagonists atropine, hexamethonium, pirenzepine and 11-(2-((diethyl-amino) methyl)-1-piperidinylacetyl)-5, 11-dihydro-6H-pyrido (2,3-b)-(1,4)-benzodiazepine-6-one (AF-DX 116) and a cholinesterase-reactivating oxime 2-pyridine aldoxime methochloride (2-PAM) on the mortality due to four selected OPI in Artemia salina 24-h old was investigated.
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8835230 Pei L, Petrikovics I, Way JL: Antagonism of the lethal effects of paraoxon by carrier erythrocytes containing phosphotriesterase. Fundam Appl Toxicol. 1995 Dec;28(2):209-14.

These resealed cells containing a recombinant phosphotriesterase provided striking protection against the lethal effect of paraoxon, an active metabolite of an agricultural pesticide, parathion.
Less serum cholinesterase inhibition also was observed with this enhanced protection.
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11434294 Wogram J, Sturm A, Segner H, Liess M: Effects of parathion on acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase, and carboxylesterase in three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) following short-term exposure. Environ Toxicol Chem. 2001 Jul;20(7):1528-31.

The sensitivity of butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) toward the inhibition by the organophosphorus insecticide (OP) parathion-ethyl was compared with that of other esterases in the fish three-spined stickleback.
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9175510 Chang MJ, Chen YC, Yang HJ: Comparative evaluation on the biological monitoring of exposure to parathion and its methyl analog. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 1997 May;32(4):422-5.

The effects of both parathion and methyl parathion on the inhibition of plasma cholinesterase were elaborated in a rat model employing a modified isocratic reverse-phase HPLC method coupled with UV detection for the determination of the urinary metabolite p-nitrophenol (U-4NP).
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20015457 Levin ED, Timofeeva OA, Yang L, Petro A, Ryde IT, Wrench N, Seidler FJ, Slotkin TA: Early postnatal parathion exposure in rats causes sex-selective cognitive impairment and neurotransmitter defects which emerge in aging. Behav Brain Res. 2010 Apr 2;208(2):319-27. Epub 2009 Dec 17.

We administered parathion to rat pups on postnatal days 1-4, at doses spanning the threshold for the initial signs of systemic toxicity and for barely detectable cholinesterase inhibition (0.1 or 0.2 mg/kg/day).
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10406933 Liu J, Olivier K, Pope CN: Comparative neurochemical effects of repeated methyl parathion or chlorpyrifos exposures in neonatal and adult rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1999 Jul 15;158(2):186-96.

To test this hypothesis, we treated neonatal (7 days of age) and adult (90 days of age) rats with either methyl parathion (MPS) or chlorpyrifos (CPF) daily for 14 days and measured neurochemical endpoints {cholinesterase (ChE) inhibition, total muscarinic receptor ([(3) H] quinuclidinyl benzilate, QNB) and muscarinic M2 subtype-preferential ([(3) H] AF-DX 384) binding} in frontal cortex and striatum at timepoints both during (1 day after the 7 (th) and 14 (th) dose) and after (8 days after the 14 (th) dose) exposures.
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19057696 Lassiter TL, Ryde IT, Mackillop EA, Brown KK, Levin ED, Seidler FJ, Slotkin TA: Exposure of neonatal rats to parathion elicits sex-selective reprogramming of metabolism and alters the response to a high-fat diet in adulthood. Environ Health Perspect. 2008 Nov;116(11):1456-62. Epub 2008 Jun 23.

METHODS: Neonatal rats were given parathion on postnatal days 1-4 using doses (0.1 or 0.2 mg/kg/day) that straddle the threshold for barely detectable cholinesterase inhibition and the first signs of systemic toxicity.
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753132 Leonardi G: [Comparison of the anticholinesterase action in vitro of tetanus toxin and parathion]. Ann Sclavo. 1978 Sep-Oct;20(5):643-6.
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3672530 Pauluhn J, Machemer L, Kimmerle G: Effects of inhaled cholinesterase inhibitors on bronchial tonus and on plasma and erythrocyte acetylcholine esterase activity in rats. Toxicology. 1987 Oct 30;46(2):177-90.

The compounds tested were dichlorvos, fenamiphos, methamidophos, parathion, a pyrimidine thiophosphate and the carbamate propoxur.
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9839157 Ghosh C, Bandyopadhyay S, Medda JN: Protective role of thyroxine in methylparathion intoxicated chick embryos. . Drug Chem Toxicol. 1998 Nov;21(4):495-506.

The mortality rate and survival rate, frequency of abnormalities, growth rate and size of embryos, and also the change in cholinesterase activity were determined to evaluate the protective effect of thyroxine and atropine.
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1714639 Pope CN, Chakraborti TK, Chapman ML, Farrar JD, Arthun D: Comparison of in vivo cholinesterase inhibition in neonatal and adult rats by three organophosphorothioate insecticides. Toxicology. 1991;68(1):51-61.

The time course of ChE inhibition and recovery in whole brain was compared in neonatal (7 days of age) and adult (80-100 days of age) rats after treatment with maximal tolerated doses (MTDs) of either methyl parathion (MPS), parathion (PS) or chlorpyrifos (CPF).
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10472315 Leng G, Lewalter J: Role of individual susceptibility in risk assessment of pesticides. Occup Environ Med. 1999 Jul;56(7):449-53.

After exposure to methylparathion or ethylparathion the methylparathion or ethylparathion and methylparaoxon or ethylparaoxon concentrations in plasma, the p-nitrophenol concentration in urine, and the activities of cholinesterase and acetylcholinesterase were measured.
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2519728 Thompson CM, Frick JA, Natke BC, Hansen LK: Preparation, analysis, and anticholinesterase properties of O,O-dimethyl phosphorothioate isomerides. Chem Res Toxicol. 1989 Nov-Dec;2(6):386-91.

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568924 Mourik J, de Jong LP: Binding of the organophosphates parathion and paraoxon to bovine and human serum albumin. Arch Toxicol. 1978 Oct 13;41(1):43-8.

The concentration of unbound organophosphate was determined from its anticholinesterase activity.
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438909 Popendorf WJ, Spear RC, Leffingwell JT, Yager J, Kahn E: Harvester exposure to Zolone (phosalone) residues in peach orchards. J Occup Med. 1979 Mar;21(3):189-94.

Despite estimated dose rates of up to 14 mg/hr, the RBC cholinesterase in these workers may have been only slightly inhibited (circa 4%) when compared to an unexposed, control population.
Comparisons of these results with earlier studies of parathion residues on citrus indicate a consistent pattern of worker exposure.
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10473783 Hansen ME, Wilson BW: Oxime reactivation of RBC acetylcholinesterases for biomonitoring. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 1999 Oct;37(3):283-9.

A low-variability method to reactivate blood cholinesterases (ChEs) after prior exposure of mammals, including humans, to ChE-inhibiting organophosphate esters (OPs) is presented.
Rabbit RBC AChE was reactivatable for up to 60 h following dermal exposure to ethyl parathion and reactivatable for only 12 to 24 h following exposure to methyl parathion.
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15112752 Knaak JB, Dary CC, Power F, Thompson CB, Blancato JN: Physicochemical and biological data for the development of predictive organophosphorus pesticide QSARs and PBPK/PD models for human risk assessment. Crit Rev Toxicol. 2004 Mar-Apr;34(2):143-207.

Except for work on parathion, chlorpyrifos, and isofenphos, very few modeling data were found on the 31 OPs of interest.
A limited amount of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), and carboxylesterase (CaE) inhibition and recovery data were found in the literature on the 31 OPs.
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3008131 Pawlowska D, Moniuszko-Jakoniuk J, Soltys M: Parathion-methyl effect on the activity of hydrolytic enzymes after single physical exercise in rats. Pol J Pharmacol Pharm. 1985 Sep-Oct;37(5):629-38.

At 1 h after pesticide administration the activity of cholinesterase (ChE) was determined in the serum, of paraoxonase--in the serum and liver, and that of beta-glucuronidase (beta-gluc)--in the serum, liver and intestine.
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20021078 Gosselin NH, Bouchard M, Brunet RC, Dumoulin MJ, Carrier G: Toxicokinetic modeling of parathion and its metabolites in humans for the determination of biological reference values. Toxicol Mech Methods. 2004;15(1):33-52.

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137691 Meiniel R: [Prevention of abnormalities induced by 2 organophosphate insecticides (parathion and bidrin) in quail embryos]. Arch Anat Microsc Morphol Exp. 1976;65(1):1-6.

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7316565 Gordon T, Taylor BF, Amdur MO: Ozone inhibition of tissue cholinesterase in guinea pigs. Arch Environ Health. 1981 Nov-Dec;36(6):284-8.

To determine the degree of involvement of cholinesterase inhibition in bronchial hyperreactivity, parathion pretreated animals were challenged with histamine and the pulmonary function changes monitored.
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16260018 Kacham R, Karanth S, Baireddy P, Liu J, Pope C: Interactive toxicity of chlorpyrifos and parathion in neonatal rats: role of esterases in exposure sequence-dependent toxicity. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2006 Jan 1;210(1-2):142-9. Epub 2005 Nov 2.

Similar sequence-dependent differences in brain cholinesterase inhibition were also noted with lower binary exposures to chlorpyrifos (2 mg/kg) and parathion (0.35 mg/kg).
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9931232 Sturm A, Hansen P: Altered cholinesterase and monooxygenase levels in Daphnia magna and Chironomus riparius exposed to environmental pollutants. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 1999 Jan;42(1):9-15.

Parathion, dichlorvos, and aldicarb caused dose-related inhibition of cholinesterase (ChE) in 24-h bioassays with both species.
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19615431 Lassiter TL, Ryde IT, Levin ED, Seidler FJ, Slotkin TA: Neonatal exposure to parathion alters lipid metabolism in adulthood: Interactions with dietary fat intake and implications for neurodevelopmental deficits. Brain Res Bull. 2010 Jan 15;81(1):85-91. Epub .

Rats were given parathion on postnatal days 1-4 using doses (0.1 or 0.2mg/kg/day) that straddle the threshold for barely detectable cholinesterase inhibition and the first signs of systemic toxicity.
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1270394 Nanda Kumar NV, Visweswariah K, Majumder SK: Thin layer chromatography of parathion as paraoxon with cholinesterase inhibition detection. J Assoc Off Anal Chem. 1976 May;59(3):641-3.
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2891476 Sultatos LG: The role of the liver in mediating the acute toxicity of the pesticide methyl parathion in the mouse. Drug Metab Dispos. 1987 Sep-Oct;15(5):613-7.

Nevertheless, methyl paraoxon was produced intrahepatically during these perfusions since hepatic cholinesterase activities were depressed compared to livers from phenobarbital-pretreated mice perfused without methyl parathion.
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6524963 Purshottam T, Srivastava RK: Effect of high-fat and high-protein diets on toxicity of parathion and dichlorvos. Arch Environ Health. 1984 Nov-Dec;39(6):425-30.

A lower dose of parathion (7.5 mg/kg) and dichlorvos (20 mg/kg) was employed in another set of experiments to compare the spontaneous regeneration of plasma and red blood cell (RBC) cholinesterase (ChE) activity at 2 hr, 1 day, 3 days, and 5 days after administration of parathion or dichlorvos.
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2713520 Herbert GB, Peterle TJ, Grubb TC: Chronic dose effects of methyl parathion on nuthatches: cholinesterase and ptilochronology. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 1989 Apr;42(4):471-5.
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6870354 Baetjer AM: Water deprivation and food restriction on toxicity of parathion and paraoxon. Arch Environ Health. 1983 May-Jun;38(3):168-71.

Injection with paraoxon resulted in an immediate decrease in red cell cholinesterase activity, which remained low for 1 hr, but recovered thereafter.
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3591016 Pfordt J, Magerl H, Vock R: [Fatal poisonings with propoxur] . Z Rechtsmed. 1987;98(1):43-8.

The insecticide propoxur (2-isopropoxyphenyl-N-methylcarbamate) acts by blocking cholinesterase.
The toxicity of propoxur to man is stated to be low compared with that of parathion.
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2391407 Kuntz DJ, Rao NG, Berg IE, Khattree R, Chaturvedi AK: Toxicity of mixtures of parathion, toxaphene and/or 2,4-D in mice. J Appl Toxicol. 1990 Aug;10(4):257-66.

The cholinesterase (ChE) activity in the serum and brain was inhibited in the animals of the groups of PA (1-10 mg kg-1) and PA (5 mg kg-1)-containing mixtures.
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15180375 Printes LB, Callaghan A: A comparative study on the relationship between acetylcholinesterase activity and acute toxicity in Daphnia magna exposed to anticholinesterase insecticides. Environ Toxicol Chem. 2004 May;23(5):1241-7.

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was measured in Daphnia magna that had been exposed to four organophosphates (OPs; parathion, chlorpyrifos, malathion, and acephate) and one carbamate (propoxur) for 48 h.
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637391 Palmer JS: Toxicologic evaluation of a microencapsulated formulation of methyl parathion applied dermally to cattle. Am J Vet Res. 1978 Mar;39(3):429-31.

At all toxic dosages, cholinesterase activities were decreased--that of the calves to 0 and that of the cattle to 50% of base line or less.
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3994623 Galindo JC, Kendall RJ, Driver CJ, Lacher TE Jr: The effect of methyl parathion on susceptibility of bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) to domestic cat predation. Behav Neural Biol. 1985 Jan;43(1):21-36.

The cholinesterase (ChE) activity for each quail on experiment was determined.
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161493 Meiniel R, Quan DQ, Autissier-Navarro C, Caujolle R, Bernadou J: [On the plurifactorial determinism of the organophosphorous-induced teratogenesis on bird embryos; trials of protection by various compounds: oximes, hydroxamic acids and nicotinamide analogs (author's transl)]. Arch Anat Histol Embryol. 1979;62:29-44.

Simple methods were applied to study the teratogenesis in Quail embryos induced by two important organophosphorous compounds: parathion and dicrotophos.
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173478 Kutty KM, Jocob JC, Hutton CJ, Davis PJ, Peterson SC: Serum beta -- lipoproteins: studies in a patient and in guinea pigs after the ingestion of organophosphorus compounds. Clin Biochem. 1975 Dec;8(6):379-83.

A patient admitted to this hospital with Parathion poisoning had a marked reduction in serum cholinesterase activity and concentration of low density lipoprotein.
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12762645 Cabello G, Juarranz A, Botella LM, Calaf GM: Organophosphorous pesticides in breast cancer progression. J Submicrosc Cytol Pathol. 2003 Jan;35(1):1-9.

Parathion and malathion, organophosphorous pesticides are cholinesterase inhibitors responsible for the hydrolysis of body choline esters, including acetylcholine at cholinergic synapses.
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19590683 Slotkin TA, Lassiter TL, Ryde IT, Wrench N, Levin ED, Seidler FJ: Consumption of a high-fat diet in adulthood ameliorates the effects of neonatal parathion exposure on acetylcholine systems in rat brain regions. Environ Health Perspect. 2009 Jun;117(6):916-22. Epub 2009 Feb 3.

METHODS: Neonatal rats received parathion on postnatal days 1-4 at 0.1 or 0.2 mg/kg/day, straddling the cholinesterase inhibition threshold.
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17390078 Calaf GM, Roy D: Gene expression signature of parathion-transformed human breast epithelial cells. Int J Mol Med. 2007 May;19(5):741-50.

Parathion is a cholinesterase inhibitor that induces the hydrolysis of body choline esters, including acetylcholine at cholinergic synapses.
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2872014 Rattner BA, Clarke RN, Ottinger MA: Depression of plasma luteinizing hormone concentration in quail by the anticholinesterase insecticide parathion. Comp Biochem Physiol C. 1986;83(2):451-3.
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3977404 Montz WE Jr, Kirkpatrick RL: Temporal patterns of brain cholinesterase activities of white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) following dosing with diazinon or parathion. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 1985 Jan;14(1):19-24.
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8575360 Ortiz D, Yanez L, Gomez H, Martinez-Salazar JA, Diaz-Barriga F: Acute toxicological effects in rats treated with a mixture of commercially formulated products containing methyl parathion and permethrin. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 1995 Nov;32(2):154-8.

The acute toxicity (LD50 values) and brain cholinesterase activity were investigated as toxicological endpoints.
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10771584 Nigg HN, Knaak JB: Blood cholinesterases as human biomarkers of organophosphorus pesticide exposure. Rev Environ Contam Toxicol. 2000;163:29-111.

In 1949, the death of a parathion mixer-loader dictated blood enzyme monitoring to prevent acute illness from organophosphorus pesticide intoxication.
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20298678 Adigun AA, Ryde IT, Seidler FJ, Slotkin TA: Organophosphate Exposure During a Critical Developmental Stage Reprograms Adenylyl Cyclase Signaling in PC12 Cells. Brain Res. 2010 Mar 15.

Early-life organophosphate (OP) exposures elicit neurobehavioral deficits through mechanisms other than inhibiting cholinesterase.
We exposed PC12 cells to chlorpyrifos, diazinon or parathion in the undifferentiated state and during neurodifferentiation; we then assessed the function of the adenylyl cyclase (AC) signaling cascade, measuring basal AC activity as well as responses to stimulants acting at G-proteins or on the AC molecule itself.
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6149865 Fontan A, Zerba E: Integumental esteratic activity in Triatoma infestans and its contribution to the degradation of organophosphorus insecticides. Comp Biochem Physiol C. 1984;79(1):183-8.

Integumental esterases were characterized as carboxylesterases, butyrylcholinesterases and aryl plus acetylesterases by using eserine and paraoxon as inhibitors and acetylthiocholine, butyrylthiocholine and phenylthioacetate as substrates.
Hydrolysis of the carboxyester linkage by malathion was established and cleavage of the P-S-C bond by parathion.
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8231994 Kok A: REM sleep pathways and anticholinesterase intoxication: a mechanism for nerve agent-induced, central respiratory failure. Med Hypotheses. 1993 Aug;41(2):141-9.

The mechanism of death following exposure to anticholinesterases, such as the highly toxic nerve agents soman and VX, and other organophosphate anticholinesterases such as the insecticide parathion, remains unclear, although evidence from nerve agent research suggests that death occurs by an atropine blockable respiratory failure mediated through mechanisms involving the central nervous system.
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6845361 Cisson CM, Wilson BW: Percutaneous toxicity and delayed neurotoxicity of organophosphates in the scaleless hen. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 1983 Mar 15;67(3):310-21.

Brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was comparable between scaleless and normal hens, but nonspecific cholinesterase (ChE) activities of brain and plasma were significantly higher in scaleless birds.
However, there was no difference in the ID50 for plasma ChE activity between normal and scaleless hens treated sc with the active metabolite of TOCP, 2-(o-cresyl)-4H-1:3:2-benzodioxaphosphoran-2-one, or parathion.
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11097804 Kim YA, Lee HS, Park YC, Lee YT: A convenient method for oxidation of organophosphorus pesticides in organic solvents. Environ Res. 2000 Nov;84(3):303-9.

Since organophosphorus pesticides can be oxidized to oxons in vivo and in the environment and their determination based on inhibition of cholinesterases can be more sensitive after their oxidation to oxons, development of an efficient method for their in vitro oxidation is important for their toxicological and analytical studies.
Inhibition calibration curves for both unoxidized and oxidized forms of fenitrothion and parathion were obtained.
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16189388 von Mach MA, Weilemann LS, von Landenberg P: Pseudocholinesterase activity in organophosphate poisoning after storage of unseparated blood samples at room temperature for 3 weeks. Clin Chem. 2005 Oct;51(10):1907-8.

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16035200 Cox RD, Kolb JC, Galli RL, Carlton FR, Cook AM: Evaluation of potential adverse health effects resulting from chronic domestic exposure to the organophosphate insecticide methyl parathion. Clin Toxicol. 2005;43(4):243-53.

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19575182 Noort D, Hulst AG, van Zuylen A, van Rijssel E, van der Schans MJ: Covalent binding of organophosphorothioates to albumin: a new perspective for OP-pesticide biomonitoring?. Arch Toxicol. 2009 Nov;83(11):1031-6. Epub 2009 Jul 4.

In vitro exposure levels of parathion and chlorpyrifos down to 1 microM could readily be assessed.
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1432697 Hoffman RS, Henry GC, Wax PM, Weisman RS, Howland MA, Goldfrank LR: Decreased plasma cholinesterase activity enhances cocaine toxicity in mice. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1992 Nov;263(2):698-702.

Mice were pretreated s.c. with either parathion [a mixed plasma and red blood cell cholinesterase (RBCCh) inhibitor], tetraisopropyl pyrophosphoramide (a selective PCh inhibitor) or placebo, and cholinesterase activity was determined at 24 hr.
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7097799 Skinner CS, Kilgore WW: Acute dermal toxicities of various organophosphate insecticides in mice. J Toxicol Environ Health. 1982 Mar;9(3):491-7.

Cholinesterase ED50 values roughly agreed with LD50 values for mevinphos, parathion, methyl parathion, and azinphos-methyl, but diazinon appeared much more inhibitory of blood than neuronal cholinesterase.
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6498609 Rattner BA, Franson JC: Methyl parathion and fenvalerate toxicity in American kestrels: acute physiological responses and effects of cold. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 1984 Jul;62(7):787-92.

Methyl parathion was highly toxic (estimated median lethal dose of 3.08 mg/kg, 95% confidence limits of 2.29-4.14 mg/kg), producing dose-dependent inhibition of brain and plasma cholinesterase activity, hyperglycemia, and elevated plasma corticosterone concentration.
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