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Synonyms ANX 2; p36; LIP 2; LIP2; ANX2; ANX2L4; ANX2P1; ANX2P2…

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Name abscisic acid

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
17634179 Takahashi Y, Kinoshita T, Shimazaki K: Protein phosphorylation and binding of a 14-3-3 protein in Vicia guard cells in response to ABA. Plant Cell Physiol. 2007 Aug;48(8):1182-91. Epub 2007 Jul 18.

From these results, we conclude that the 61 kDa protein may be a substrate for AAPK and that the 61 kDa protein is located upstream of H (2) O (2) and Ca (2+), or on Ca (2+)-independent signaling pathways in guard cells.
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16152656 Komatsu S, Abbasi F, Kobori E, Fujisawa Y, Kato H, Iwasaki Y: Proteomic analysis of rice embryo: an approach for investigating Galpha protein-regulated proteins. Proteomics. 2005 Oct;5(15):3932-41.

However, the phytohormone abscisic acid promoted the expression level of RACK after imbibition in the wild type as compared with d1 mutant.
In addition to the reduced accumulation of RACK in the d1 mutant, the increase in QL/d1, in which a constitutively active form of the Galpha protein is expressed, was significantly higher as compared with wild type.
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17651369 Frank W, Baar KM, Qudeimat E, Woriedh M, Alawady A, Ratnadewi D, Gremillon L, Grimm B, Reski R: A mitochondrial protein homologous to the mammalian peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor is essential for stress adaptation in plants. Plant J. 2007 Sep;51(6):1004-18. Epub 2007 Jul 25.

Like the mammalian homologue, the PpTSPO1 protein is localized to mitochondria.
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18236009 Zou M, Guan Y, Ren H, Zhang F, Chen F: A bZIP transcription factor, OsABI5, is involved in rice fertility and stress tolerance. Plant Mol Biol. 2008 Apr;66(6):675-83. Epub 2008 Jan 31.

The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) is involved in the adaptive stress response and regulates expression of many stress-responsive genes, including some transcriptional factors.
The N-terminal of the protein is necessary for its activity.
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18941053 Piskurewicz U, Jikumaru Y, Kinoshita N, Nambara E, Kamiya Y, Lopez-Molina L: The gibberellic acid signaling repressor RGL2 inhibits Arabidopsis seed germination by stimulating abscisic acid synthesis and ABI5 activity. Plant Cell. 2008 Oct;20(10):2729-45. Epub 2008 Oct 21.

Increased ABI5 protein is ultimately responsible for preventing seed germination when GA levels are reduced.
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18094993 Ribot C, Wang Y, Poirier Y: Expression analyses of three members of the AtPHO1 family reveal differential interactions between signaling pathways involved in phosphate deficiency and the responses to auxin, cytokinin, and abscisic acid. Planta. 2008 Apr;227(5):1025-36. Epub 2007 Dec 19.

The PHO1 protein is involved in loading inorganic phosphate (Pi) to the root xylem.
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15604723 Kim SH, Hong JK, Lee SC, Sohn KH, Jung HW, Hwang BK: CAZFP1, Cys2/His2-type zinc-finger transcription factor gene functions as a pathogen-induced early-defense gene in Capsicum annuum. Plant Mol Biol. 2004 Aug;55(6):883-904.

The CAZFP1 protein is a nuclear targeting protein, which functions as a transcriptional regulator.
The CAZFP1 transcripts were localized, and confined to the phloem cells of the vascular bundle in the pepper leaf midrib in response to Colletotrichum. coccodes infection, ethylene and abscisic acid.
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19838809 Ben Saad R, Zouari N, Ben Ramdhan W, Azaza J, Meynard D, Guiderdoni E, Hassairi A: Improved drought and salt stress tolerance in transgenic tobacco overexpressing a novel A20/AN1 zinc-finger "AlSAP" gene isolated from the halophyte grass Aeluropus littoralis. Plant Mol Biol. 2010 Jan;72(1-2):171-90. Epub 2009 Oct 17.

Sequence homology analysis showed that the AlSAP protein is characterized by the presence of two conserved zinc-finger domains A20 and AN1.
AlSAP is induced not only by various abiotic stresses such as salt, osmotic, heat and cold but, also by abscisic acid (ABA) and salicylic acid (SA).
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15341629 Fujita M, Fujita Y, Maruyama K, Seki M, Hiratsu K, Ohme-Takagi M, Tran LS, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K, Shinozaki K: A dehydration-induced NAC protein, RD26, is involved in a novel ABA-dependent stress-signaling pathway. Plant J. 2004 Sep;39(6):863-76.

Expression of the RD26 gene was induced not only by drought but also by abscisic acid (ABA) and high salinity.
The RD26 protein is localized in the nucleus and its C terminal has transcriptional activity.
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19838071 Guillaumot D, Guillon S, Morsomme P, Batoko H: ABA, porphyrins and plant TSPO-related protein. Plant Signal Behav. 2009 Nov;4(11):1087-90. Epub 2009 Nov 12.

We have shown that, unexpectedly, AtTSPO (Arabidopsis thaliana TSPO-related protein) is an endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi-localized membrane protein in plant cells.(1) This localization contrasts with that of mammalian 18-kDa translocator protein (at least for the mostly studied isoform, 18-kDa TSPO), a mitochondrial outer membrane protein (reviewed in ref. 2).
AtTSPO is expressed in dry seeds and can be induced in vegetative tissues by osmotic and salt stress or abscisic acid (ABA) treatment.
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16718483 Lee SC, Choi HW, Hwang IS, Choi du S, Hwang BK: Functional roles of the pepper pathogen-induced bZIP transcription factor, CAbZIP1, in enhanced resistance to pathogen infection and environmental stresses. Planta. 2006 Oct;224(5):1209-25. Epub 2006 May 23.

Transient expression analysis of the CAbZIP1-GFP fusion protein in Arabidopsis protoplasts revealed that the CAbZIP1 protein is localized in the nucleus.
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17264065 Ide Y, Nagasaki N, Tomioka R, Suito M, Kamiya T, Maeshima M: Molecular properties of a novel, hydrophilic cation-binding protein associated with the plasma membrane. J Exp Bot. 2007;58(5):1173-83. Epub 2007 Jan 29.

On the other hand, other sugars, abscisic acid, gibberellic acid, dehydration, and low temperature had little or no effect on PCaP1 transcript abundance.
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15504732 Zou X, Seemann JR, Neuman D, Shen QJ: A WRKY gene from creosote bush encodes an activator of the abscisic acid signaling pathway. J Biol Chem. 2004 Dec 31;279(53):55770-9. Epub 2004 Oct 25.

Transient expression studies with the GFP-LtWRKY21 fusion construct indicate that the LtWRKY21 protein is localized in the nucleus and is able to activate the promoter of an abscisic acid (ABA)-inducible gene, HVA22, in a dosage-dependent manner.
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16421562 Razem FA, El-Kereamy A, Abrams SR, Hill RD: The RNA-binding protein FCA is an abscisic acid receptor. . Nature. 2006 Jan 19;439(7074):290-4.
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15958496 Tyagi W, Rajagopal D, Singla-Pareek SL, Reddy MK, Sopory SK: Cloning and regulation of a stress-regulated Pennisetum glaucum vacuolar ATPase c gene and characterization of its promoter that is expressed in shoot hairs and floral organs. Plant Cell Physiol. 2005 Aug;46(8):1411-22. Epub 2005 Jun 15.

Exogenous application of abscisic acid, salicylic acid and calcium stimulated the transcript level in the absence of stress.
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18210155 Takasaki H, Mahmood T, Matsuoka M, Matsumoto H, Komatsu S: Identification and characterization of a gibberellin-regulated protein, which is ASR5, in the basal region of rice leaf sheaths. Mol Genet Genomics. 2008 Apr;279(4):359-70. Epub 2008 Jan 22.

The levels of abscisic acid-stress-ripening-inducible 5 protein (ASR5), elongation factor-1 beta, translationally controlled tumor protein, fructose-bisphosphate aldolase and a novel protein increased; whereas the level of RuBisCO subunit binding-protein decreased by GA (3) treatment.
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17705786 Opassiri R, Pomthong B, Akiyama T, Nakphaichit M, Onkoksoong T, Ketudat Cairns M, Ketudat Cairns JR: A stress-induced rice (Oryza sativa L.) beta-glucosidase represents a new subfamily of glycosyl hydrolase family 5 containing a fascin-like domain. Biochem J. 2007 Dec 1;408(2):241-9.

The GH5BG was up-regulated in response to salt stress, submergence stress, methyl jasmonate and abscisic acid in rice seedlings.
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19548979 Guillaumot D, Guillon S, Deplanque T, Vanhee C, Gumy C, Masquelier D, Morsomme P, Batoko H: The Arabidopsis TSPO-related protein is a stress and abscisic acid-regulated, endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi-localized membrane protein. Plant J. 2009 Oct;60(2):242-56. Epub 2009 Jun 22.
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18441226 Qin X, Yang SH, Kepsel AC, Schwartz SH, Zeevaart JA: Evidence for abscisic acid biosynthesis in Cuscuta reflexa, a parasitic plant lacking neoxanthin. Plant Physiol. 2008 Jun;147(2):816-22. Epub 2008 Apr 25.

In vitro enzyme assays with recombinant CrNCED1 protein showed that the protein is able to cleave both 9-cis-violaxanthin and 9'-cis-neoxanthin to give xanthoxin.
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15545295 Sanchez Mde L, Gurusinghe SH, Bradford KJ, Vazquez-Ramos JM: Differential response of PCNA and Cdk-A proteins and associated kinase activities to benzyladenine and abscisic acid during maize seed germination. J Exp Bot. 2005 Feb;56(412):515-23. Epub 2004 Nov 15.

However, of the two Cdk-A proteins, the 32 kDa protein is strongly reduced after 15 h of imbibition in water while this occurs later when axes are imbibed in BA or ABA.
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18066586 Lee MO, Cho K, Kim SH, Jeong SH, Kim JA, Jung YH, Shim J, Shibato J, Rakwal R, Tamogami S, Kubo A, Agrawal GK, Jwa NS: Novel rice OsSIPK is a multiple stress responsive MAPK family member showing rhythmic expression at mRNA level. Planta. 2008 Apr;227(5):981-90. Epub 2007 Dec 8.

A time course (30-120 min) experiment using a variety of elicitors and stresses revealed that the OsSIPK mRNA is strongly induced by jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA), ethephon, abscisic acid, cycloheximide (CHX), JA/SA + CHX, cantharidin, okadaic acid, hydrogen peroxide, chitosan, sodium chloride, and cold stress (12 degrees C), but not with wounding by cut, gaseous pollutants ozone, and sulfur dioxide, high temperature, ultraviolet C irradiation, sucrose, and drought.
Finally, we showed that the OsSIPK protein is localized to the nucleus.
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18987212 Xin Z, Wang A, Yang G, Gao P, Zheng ZL: The Arabidopsis A4 subfamily of lectin receptor kinases negatively regulates abscisic acid response in seed germination. Plant Physiol. 2009 Jan;149(1):434-44. Epub 2008 Nov 5.

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15466223 Cox MC, Benschop JJ, Vreeburg RA, Wagemaker CA, Moritz T, Peeters AJ, Voesenek LA: The roles of ethylene, auxin, abscisic acid, and gibberellin in the hyponastic growth of submerged Rumex palustris petioles. Plant Physiol. 2004 Oct;136(2):2948-60; discussion 3001. Epub 2004 Oct 1.

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16226403 Wu G, Robertson AJ, Zheng P, Liu X, Gusta LV: Identification and immunogold localization of a novel bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss) peroxisome channel protein induced by ABA, cold and drought stresses, and late embryogenesis. Gene. 2005 Dec 19;363:77-84. Epub 2005 Oct 13.

Data taken together, responsiveness of the PCP to cold and drought stresses, and accumulation during late embryogenesis suggest this novel peroxisomal channel protein is associated with sugar and fatty acid metabolism through fatty acid import or succinate export from peroxisome during desiccation tolerance and energy metabolism.
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16766677 Belin C, de Franco PO, Bourbousse C, Chaignepain S, Schmitter JM, Vavasseur A, Giraudat J, Barbier-Brygoo H, Thomine S: Identification of features regulating OST1 kinase activity and OST1 function in guard cells. Plant Physiol. 2006 Aug;141(4):1316-27. Epub 2006 Jun 9.

The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) mediates drought responses in plants and, in particular, triggers stomatal closure.
Here, we report successful purification of OST1 produced in Escherichia coli: The protein is active and autophosphorylates.
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18713391 Zhu Z, Guo H: Genetic basis of ethylene perception and signal transduction in Arabidopsis. J Integr Plant Biol. 2008 Jul;50(7):808-15.

Ethylene has been shown to also regulate many other hormones' signaling pathways including auxin, abscisic acid and jasmonic acid, implying the existence of complicated signaling networks in the growth, development and defense responses of various plants.
In the absence of ethylene signal, EIN3 protein is degraded by an SCF complex containing one of the two F-box proteins EBF1/EBF2 in a 26S proteasome-dependent manner.
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18305482 Negi J, Matsuda O, Nagasawa T, Oba Y, Takahashi H, Kawai-Yamada M, Uchimiya H, Hashimoto M, Iba K: CO2 regulator SLAC1 and its homologues are essential for anion homeostasis in plant cells. Nature. 2008 Mar 27;452(7186):483-6. Epub 2008 Feb 27.

The SLAC1 protein is a distant homologue of bacterial and fungal C4-dicarboxylate transporters, and is localized specifically to the plasma membrane of guard cells.
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19685160 Parvin S, Kim YJ, Pulla RK, Sathiyamoorthy S, Miah MG, Kim YJ, Wasnik NG, Yang DC: Identification and characterization of spermidine synthase gene from Panax ginseng. Mol Biol Rep. 2010 Feb;37(2):923-32. Epub 2009 Aug 15.

Otherwise, salt, chilling, abscisic acid and jasmonic acid triggered a significant induction (more than tenfold) of PgSPD within 12-24 h post-treatment, especially; PgSPD was prominently induced by salt (41.5-fold).
The calculated molecular mass of the matured protein is approximately 36.38 kDa with a predicated isoelectric point of 5.02.
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18714403 Lesicka-Gorecka J, Szarzynska B, Sawczak M, Bagdiul I, Gorski P, Jarmolowski A, Szweykowska-Kulinska Z: Abscisic acid does not influence the subcellular distribution of the HYL1 protein from Arabidopsis thaliana. Acta Biochim Pol. 2008;55(3):517-24. Epub 2008 Aug 20.

The protein is present in seedlings and mature plants in all organs studied, with the highest amount in inflorescences.
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15656978 Kim HS, Lee JH, Kim JJ, Kim CH, Jun SS, Hong YN: Molecular and functional characterization of CaLEA6, the gene for a hydrophobic LEA protein from Capsicum annuum. Gene. 2005 Jan 3;344:115-23. Epub 2004 Nov 14.

The putative M (r) of CaLEA6 protein is 18 kDa, with a theoretical pI of 4.63.
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16008084 Gonorazky AG, Regente MC, de la Canal L: Stress induction and antimicrobial properties of a lipid transfer protein in germinating sunflower seeds. J Plant Physiol. 2005 Jun;162(6):618-24.

The protein is present during at least the first 5 days of germination, and tissue printing experiments revealed the homogeneous distribution of the protein in the cotyledons.
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17324226 Doyle EA, Lane AM, Sides JM, Mudgett MB, Monroe JD: An alpha-amylase (At4g25000) in Arabidopsis leaves is secreted and induced by biotic and abiotic stress. Plant Cell Environ. 2007 Apr;30(4):388-98.

Native AMY1, fused to a weakly fluorescent form of GFP, was sensitive to proteinase K infiltrated into leaf apoplastic spaces, while a cytosolic form of GFP was unaffected until cell breakage, confirming that the AMY1 protein is secreted.
Amylase A1 was transcriptionally induced in senescing leaves and in leaves exposed to heat stress, treated with abscisic acid or infected with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato expressing avrRpm1.
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16832621 Jayasekaran K, Kim KN, Vivekanandan M, Shin JS, Ok SH: Novel calcium-binding GTPase (AtCBG) involved in ABA-mediated salt stress signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Rep. 2006 Nov;25(11):1255-62. Epub 2006 Jul 11.

These findings suggest that this protein is a novel ABA- and salt stress-related Ca (2+) signal transducer.
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19390821 Lee SJ, Cho DI, Kang JY, Kim SY: An ARIA-interacting AP2 domain protein is a novel component of ABA signaling. Mol Cells. 2009 Apr;27(4):409-16. Epub 2009 Apr 13.

ABF2 regulates various aspects of the abscisic acid (ABA) response by controlling the expression of a subset of ABA-responsive genes.
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17189335 Goldgur Y, Rom S, Ghirlando R, Shkolnik D, Shadrin N, Konrad Z, Bar-Zvi D: Desiccation and zinc binding induce transition of tomato abscisic acid stress ripening 1, a water stress- and salt stress-regulated plant-specific protein, from unfolded to folded state. Plant Physiol. 2007 Feb;143(2):617-28. Epub 2006 Dec 22.

ASR1 protein is presumed to be an intrinsically unstructured protein using a number of prediction algorithms.
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19910530 Jammes F, Song C, Shin D, Munemasa S, Takeda K, Gu D, Cho D, Lee S, Giordo R, Sritubtim S, Leonhardt N, Ellis BE, Murata Y, Kwak JM: MAP kinases MPK9 and MPK12 are preferentially expressed in guard cells and positively regulate ROS-mediated ABA signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2009 Dec 1;106(48):20520-5. Epub 2009 Nov 12.

The MPK12 protein is localized in the cytosol and the nucleus, and ABA and H (2) O (2) treatments enhance the protein kinase activity of MPK12.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) mediate abscisic acid (ABA) signaling in guard cells.
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19880399 Fujita Y, Nakashima K, Yoshida T, Katagiri T, Kidokoro S, Kanamori N, Umezawa T, Fujita M, Maruyama K, Ishiyama K, Kobayashi M, Nakasone S, Yamada K, Ito T, Shinozaki K, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K: Three SnRK2 protein kinases are the main positive regulators of abscisic acid signaling in response to water stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol. 2009 Dec;50(12):2123-32. Epub .

The AREB1 protein is phosphorylated in vitro by ABA-activated SNF1-related protein kinase 2s (SnRK2s) such as SRK2D/SnRK2.2, SRK2E/SnRK2.6 and SRK2I/SnRK2.3 (SRK2D/E/I).
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18305213 Zsigmond L, Rigo G, Szarka A, Szekely G, Otvos K, Darula Z, Medzihradszky KF, Koncz C, Koncz Z, Szabados L: Arabidopsis PPR40 connects abiotic stress responses to mitochondrial electron transport. Plant Physiol. 2008 Apr;146(4):1721-37. Epub 2008 Feb 27.

Insertion mutations inactivating PPR40 result in semidwarf growth habit and enhanced sensitivity to salt, abscisic acid, and oxidative stress.
The PPR40 protein is localized in the mitochondria and found in association with Complex III of the electron transport system.
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18688729 Huang W, Ma X, Wang Q, Gao Y, Xue Y, Niu X, Yu G, Liu Y: Significant improvement of stress tolerance in tobacco plants by overexpressing a stress-responsive aldehyde dehydrogenase gene from maize (Zea mays). Plant Mol Biol. 2008 Nov;68(4-5):451-63. Epub 2008 Aug 9.

Tomato stable transformation of construct expressing the ZmALDH22A1 signal peptide fused with yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) driven by the CaMV35S-promoter reveals that the fusion protein is targeted to plastid.
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16384900 Bethke PC, Hwang YS, Zhu T, Jones RL: Global patterns of gene expression in the aleurone of wild-type and dwarf1 mutant rice. Plant Physiol. 2006 Feb;140(2):484-98. Epub 2005 Dec 29.

The d1 protein is the sole alpha-subunit of heterotrimeric G-proteins in rice.
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19556704 Chen X, Wang Z, Wang X, Dong J, Ren J, Gao H: Isolation and characterization of GoRAV, a novel gene encoding a RAV-type protein in Galegae orientalis. Genes Genet Syst. 2009 Apr;84(2):101-9.

Transient expression analysis using onion epidermal cells indicated that GoRAV protein is localized in the nucleus.
Semi-quantitative RT-PCR (S-Q RT-PCR) analysis indicated that GoRAV is induced by cold, dehydration, high-salinity and abscisic acid, with the strongest induction in G. orientalis leaves during the early response to abiotic elicitors.
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