Protein Information

Name AP2
Synonyms AP2; Factor A; GTF3A; General transcription factor 3A; TF3A; TFIIIA; Transcription factor 3A; Transcription factor IIIA…

Compound Information

Name abscisic acid

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
19556704 Chen X, Wang Z, Wang X, Dong J, Ren J, Gao H: Isolation and characterization of GoRAV, a novel gene encoding a RAV-type protein in Galegae orientalis. Genes Genet Syst. 2009 Apr;84(2):101-9.

RAV is a unique transcription factor in higher plants with AP2 and B3-like two distinct DNA-binding domains, but its roles in plant growth and development remains unknown.
Semi-quantitative RT-PCR (S-Q RT-PCR) analysis indicated that GoRAV is induced by cold, dehydration, high-salinity and abscisic acid, with the strongest induction in G. orientalis leaves during the early response to abiotic elicitors.
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16844836 Shukla RK, Raha S, Tripathi V, Chattopadhyay D: Expression of CAP2, an APETALA2-family transcription factor from chickpea, enhances growth and tolerance to dehydration and salt stress in transgenic tobacco. Plant Physiol. 2006 Sep;142(1):113-23. Epub 2006 Jul 14.

The APETALA2 (AP2) domain defines a large family of DNA-binding proteins that play important roles in plant morphology, development, and stress response.
Transcript level of CAP2 increased by dehydration and by treatment with sodium chloride, abscisic acid, and auxin, but not by treatment with low temperature, salicylic acid, and jasmonic acid.
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18410483 Teng S, Rognoni S, Bentsink L, Smeekens S: The Arabidopsis GSQ5/DOG1 Cvi allele is induced by the ABA-mediated sugar signalling pathway, and enhances sugar sensitivity by stimulating ABI4 expression. Plant J. 2008 Aug;55(3):372-81. Epub 2008 Apr 12.

ABI4 encodes an AP2 family transcription factor that is a central regulator in sugar responsive gene expression in plants.
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18230142 Soitamo AJ, Piippo M, Allahverdiyeva Y, Battchikova N, Aro EM: Light has a specific role in modulating Arabidopsis gene expression at low temperature. BMC Plant Biol. 2008 Jan 29;8:13.

Cold/Light-induced genes included both cold-responsive transcription factors and several novel ones containing zinc-finger, MYB, NAC and AP2 domains.
Cold/Light specifically induced genes encoding protective molecules like phenylpropanoids and photosynthesis-related carotenoids also involved in the biosynthesis of hormone abscisic acid (ABA) crucial for cold acclimation.
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17178106 Chen M, Wang QY, Cheng XG, Xu ZS, Li LC, Ye XG, Xia LQ, Ma YZ: GmDREB2, a soybean DRE-binding transcription factor, conferred drought and high-salt tolerance in transgenic plants. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 Feb 9;353(2):299-305. Epub 2006 Dec 13.

Based on its similarity with AP2 domains, GmDREB2 was classified into A-5 subgroup in DREB subfamily in AP2/EREBP family.
Expression of GmDREB2 gene was induced by drought, high salt, and low temperature stresses and abscisic acid treatment.
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18224275 Liu L, Zhu K, Yang Y, Wu J, Chen F, Yu D: Molecular cloning, expression profiling and trans-activation property studies of a DREB2-like gene from chrysanthemum (Dendranthema vestitum). J Plant Res. 2008 Mar;121(2):215-26. Epub 2008 Jan 26.

The predicted protein sequence contained a typical AP2/EREBP DNA-binding domain near the N-terminal region.
Quantitative real-time PCR (QRT-PCR) experiments showed that expression level of DvDREB2A was significantly affected by heat, low temperature, drought, abscisic acid (ABA) and high salinity treatments.
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18829981 Khandelwal A, Elvitigala T, Ghosh B, Quatrano RS: Arabidopsis transcriptome reveals control circuits regulating redox homeostasis and the role of an AP2 transcription factor. Plant Physiol. 2008 Dec;148(4):2050-8. Epub 2008 Oct 1.

Upstream analysis of the promoters of the genes in these clusters revealed different motifs for each subnetwork, including motifs that were previously identified with responses to other stresses, such as light, dehydration, or abscisic acid.
Functional categorization of RRGs demonstrated involvement of genes in many metabolic pathways, including several families of transcription factors, especially those in the AP2 family.
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17516027 Fu XY, Zhang Z, Peng RH, Xiong AS, Liu JG, Wu LJ, Gao F, Zhu H, Guo ZK, Yao QH: Isolation and characterization of a novel cDNA encoding ERF/AP2-type transcription factor OsAP25 from Oryza sativa L. Biotechnol Lett. 2007 Aug;29(8):1293-9. Epub 2007 May 22.

In addition, OsAP25 gene was induced by NaCl, cold, drought, abscisic acid and exogenous ethylene.
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20193749 Zhu Q, Zhang J, Gao X, Tong J, Xiao L, Li W, Zhang H: The Arabidopsis AP2/ERF transcription factor RAP2.6 participates in ABA, salt and osmotic stress responses. Gene. 2010 Feb 26.

AP2/ERF proteins play crucial roles in various biological processes.
In this work, we demonstrate that in wild-type Arabidopsis, the expression of RAP2.6 is responsive to abscisic acid (ABA) and different stress conditions such as high salt, osmotic stress, and cold.
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17395793 Koussevitzky S, Nott A, Mockler TC, Hong F, Sachetto-Martins G, Surpin M, Lim J, Mittler R, Chory J: Signals from chloroplasts converge to regulate nuclear gene expression. Science. 2007 May 4;316(5825):715-9. Epub 2007 Mar 29.

We show here that GUN1, a chloroplast-localized pentatricopeptide-repeat protein, and ABI4, an Apetala 2 (AP2)-type transcription factor, are common to all three pathways.
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18457662 Cong L, Chai TY, Zhang YX: Characterization of the novel gene BjDREB1B encoding a DRE-binding transcription factor from Brassica juncea L. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2008 Jul 11;371(4):702-6. Epub 2008 May 5.

BjDREB1B contains a conserved EREBP/AP2 domain and was classified into the A-1 subgroup of the DREB subfamily based on phylogenetic tree analysis.
RT-PCR showed that BjDREB1B was induced by abiotic stresses and exogenous phytohormones, such as drought, salt, low temperature, heavy metals, abscisic acid, and salicylic acid.
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20139739 Seo PJ, Park CM: A membrane-bound NAC transcription factor as an integrator of biotic and abiotic stress signals. Plant Signal Behav. 2010 May 24;5(5).

We found that NTL6 also mediates abscisic acid (ABA) regulation of abiotic stress responses in Arabidopsis.
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18006323 Kim YH, Yang KS, Ryu SH, Kim KY, Song WK, Kwon SY, Lee HS, Bang JW, Kwak SS: Molecular characterization of a cDNA encoding DRE-binding transcription factor from dehydration-treated fibrous roots of sweetpotato. Plant Physiol Biochem. 2008 Feb;46(2):196-204. Epub 2007 Oct 5.

A new dehydration responsive element-binding (DREB) protein gene encoding for an AP2/EREBP-type transcription factor was isolated by screening of the cDNA library for dehydration-treated fibrous roots of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas).
In fibrous roots, its mRNA accumulation profiles clearly showed strong expression under various abiotic stress conditions such as dehydration, chilling, salt, methyl viologen (MV), and cadmium (Cd) treatment, whereas it did not respond to abscisic acid (ABA) or copper (Cu) treatment.
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18035549 Jin LG, Liu JY: Molecular cloning, expression profile and promoter analysis of a novel ethylene responsive transcription factor gene GhERF4 from cotton (Gossypium hirstum). Plant Physiol Biochem. 2008 Jan;46(1):46-53. Epub 2007 Oct 9.

Sequence alignment shows that GhERF4 contains a 58 amino acid long AP2/ERF domain and a RKRP nuclear localization signal, and belongs to a group II protein in the ERF subfamily as typified by the C-terminal ERF-associated Amphiphilic Repression (EAR) motif.
The transcripts of GhERF4 accumulate highly and rapidly when plants are treated with exogenous ethylene, salt, cold, drought stresses and exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) treatment, suggesting that GhERF4 is regulated by certain components of the stress signaling pathway.
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18441225 Papdi C, Abraham E, Joseph MP, Popescu C, Koncz C, Szabados L: Functional identification of Arabidopsis stress regulatory genes using the controlled cDNA overexpression system. Plant Physiol. 2008 Jun;147(2):528-42. Epub 2008 Apr 25.

Responses to environmental stresses in higher plants are controlled by a complex web of abscisic acid (ABA)-dependent and independent signaling pathways.
Screening for transcriptional activation of stress- and ABA-inducible ADH1-LUC reporter gene has identified the ERF/AP2-type transcription factor RAP2.12, which sustained high-level ADH1-LUC bioluminescence, enhanced ADH1 transcription rate, and increased ADH enzyme activity in the presence of estradiol.
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15753106 Masaki T, Mitsui N, Tsukagoshi H, Nishii T, Morikami A, Nakamura K: ACTIVATOR of Spomin::LUC1/WRINKLED1 of Arabidopsis thaliana transactivates sugar-inducible promoters. Plant Cell Physiol. 2005 Apr;46(4):547-56. Epub 2005 Mar 7.

The activator of Spomin::LUC1 (ASML1) gene located downstream of the enhancer encoded an APETALA2 (AP2)-type AP2 domain protein, and this gene was shown recently to be responsible for the wrinkled1 mutation which causes defective accumulation of seed storage oil.
Expression of ASML1 was high in reproductive organs, and ASML1 mRNA showed transient accumulation in leaves after treatment with 6% sucrose, whereas it did not respond to abscisic acid.
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18433415 Kobayashi F, Maeta E, Terashima A, Takumi S: Positive role of a wheat HvABI5 ortholog in abiotic stress response of seedlings. Physiol Plant. 2008 Sep;134(1):74-86. Epub 2008 Apr 21.

To understand the molecular basis of abiotic stress tolerance through a cereal AREB/ABF-type transcription factor, a wheat HvABI5 ortholog, Wabi5, was isolated and characterized.
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16927203 Sohn KH, Lee SC, Jung HW, Hong JK, Hwang BK: Expression and functional roles of the pepper pathogen-induced transcription factor RAV1 in bacterial disease resistance, and drought and salt stress tolerance. Plant Mol Biol. 2006 Aug;61(6):897-915.

The CARAV1 promoter activation was induced by P. syringae pv. tabaci, salicylic acid and abscisic acid.
CARAV1 contains two distinct DNA-binding domains AP2 and B3 uniquely found in higher plants.
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15841365 Li XP, Tian AG, Luo GZ, Gong ZZ, Zhang JS, Chen SY: Soybean DRE-binding transcription factors that are responsive to abiotic stresses. Theor Appl Genet. 2005 May;110(8):1355-62. Epub 2005 Apr 20.

Each of the deduced proteins contains an AP2 domain of 64 amino acids.
The expression of GmDREBc was not significantly affected in leaves but apparently induced in roots by salt, drought, and abscisic acid treatments.
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15960620 Katagiri T, Ishiyama K, Kato T, Tabata S, Kobayashi M, Shinozaki K: An important role of phosphatidic acid in ABA signaling during germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 2005 Jul;43(1):107-17.

Physiological analysis showed that PA triggers early signal transduction events that lead to responses to abscisic acid (ABA) during seed germination.
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18078841 Qiao ZX, Huang B, Liu JY: Molecular cloning and functional analysis of an ERF gene from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Biochim Biophys Acta. 2008 Feb;1779(2):122-7. Epub 2007 Dec 3.

The deduced amino acid sequence of GhERF1 contained an AP2/ERF domain, which shared high similarity with other reported AP2/ERF domains and was most closely related to the B3 subgroup of the ERF subfamily.
In addition, semi-quantitative RT-PCR revealed that GhERF1 accumulated highly and rapidly when plants were treated with exogenous ethylene, abscisic acid (ABA), high salinity, cold and drought.
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16457823 Liu Y, Zhao TJ, Liu JM, Liu WQ, Liu Q, Yan YB, Zhou HM: The conserved Ala37 in the ERF/AP2 domain is essential for binding with the DRE element and the GCC box. FEBS Lett. 2006 Feb 20;580(5):1303-8. Epub 2006 Jan 26.

Four AP2/EREBP genes encoding putative ethylene-responsive element binding factor (ERF)/AP2 domains were cloned from Brassica napus, and these genes could be induced by low temperature, ethylene, drought, high salinity, abscisic acid and jasmonate treatments.
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19429605 Oh SJ, Kim YS, Kwon CW, Park HK, Jeong JS, Kim JK: Overexpression of the transcription factor AP37 in rice improves grain yield under drought conditions. Plant Physiol. 2009 Jul;150(3):1368-79. Epub 2009 May 8.

Of the 139 AP2 genes predicted in rice (Oryza sativa), we identified 42 genes in our current study that are induced by one or more stress conditions, including drought, high salinity, low temperature, and abscisic acid.
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15994908 Song CP, Agarwal M, Ohta M, Guo Y, Halfter U, Wang P, Zhu JK: Role of an Arabidopsis AP2/EREBP-type transcriptional repressor in abscisic acid and drought stress responses. Plant Cell. 2005 Aug;17(8):2384-96. Epub 2005 Jul 1.
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17136305 Liu JG, Zhang Z, Qin QL, Peng RH, Xiong AS, Chen JM, Xu F, Zhu H, Yao QH: Isolated and characterization of a cDNA encoding ethylene-responsive element binding protein (EREBP)/AP2-type protein, RCBF2, in Oryza sativa L. Biotechnol Lett. 2007 Jan;29(1):165-73. Epub 2006 Nov 29.

The semi-quantitative RT-PCR (s-Q RT-PCR) analysis indicated the expression of RCBF2 gene was induced by cold, dehydration and high-salinity, but not by abscisic acid, and the transcription of RCBF2 gene accumulated primarily in rice immature seeds, growing point and shoots.
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16227468 Pandey GK, Grant JJ, Cheong YH, Kim BG, Li L, Luan S: ABR1, an APETALA2-domain transcription factor that functions as a repressor of ABA response in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 2005 Nov;139(3):1185-93. Epub 2005 Oct 14.

The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) plays an important role in plant development and stress responses.
Here, we have identified an APETALA2 (AP2) domain transcription factor that serves as a repressor of ABA response during seed germination and ABA- and stress-induced gene expression in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana).
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15918883 Zhang JY, Broeckling CD, Blancaflor EB, Sledge MK, Sumner LW, Wang ZY: Overexpression of WXP1, a putative Medicago truncatula AP2 domain-containing transcription factor gene, increases cuticular wax accumulation and enhances drought tolerance in transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Plant J. 2005 Jun;42(5):689-707.

Transcript level of WXP1 is inducible by cold, abscisic acid and drought treatment mainly in shoot tissues in M. truncatula.
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19602544 Zhang G, Chen M, Li L, Xu Z, Chen X, Guo J, Ma Y: Overexpression of the soybean GmERF3 gene, an AP2/ERF type transcription factor for increased tolerances to salt, drought, and diseases in transgenic tobacco. J Exp Bot. 2009;60(13):3781-96. Epub 2009 Jul 14.

Expression of GmERF3 was induced by treatments with high salinity, drought, abscisic acid (ABA), salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), ethylene (ET), and soybean mosaic virus (SMV), whereas there was no significant GmERF3 mRNA accumulation under cold stress treatment.
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19109301 Yamagishi K, Tatematsu K, Yano R, Preston J, Kitamura S, Takahashi H, McCourt P, Kamiya Y, Nambara E: CHOTTO1, a double AP2 domain protein of Arabidopsis thaliana, regulates germination and seedling growth under excess supply of glucose and nitrate. Plant Cell Physiol. 2009 Feb;50(2):330-40. Epub 2008 Dec 24.

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19565189 Dai Y, Qin Q, Dai D, Kong L, Li W, Zha X, Jin Y, Tang K: Isolation and characterization of a novel cDNA encoding methyl jasmonate-responsive transcription factor TcAP2 from Taxus cuspidata. Biotechnol Lett. 2009 Nov;31(11):1801-9. Epub 2009 Jun 30.

Analysis of the deduced TcAP2 amino acid sequence revealed that TcAP2 contained a conserved AP2/ethylene-responsive element binding protein domain that consisted of 268 amino acids in a potential nuclear localization sequence.
This gene showed no response to either abscisic acid or drought treatment.
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16053711 Wei G, Pan Y, Lei J, Zhu YX: Molecular cloning, phylogenetic analysis, expressional profiling and in vitro studies of TINY2 from Arabidopsis thaliana. J Biochem Mol Biol. 2005 Jul 31;38(4):440-6.

A cDNA that was rapidly induced upon abscisic acid, cold, drought, mechanical wounding and to a lesser extent, by high salinity treatment, was isolated from Arabidopsis seedlings.
Since it encoded a protein with a typical ERF/AP2 DNA-binding domain and was closely related to the TINY gene, we named it TINY2.
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15653793 Nanjo T, Futamura N, Nishiguchi M, Igasaki T, Shinozaki K, Shinohara K: Characterization of full-length enriched expressed sequence tags of stress-treated poplar leaves. Plant Cell Physiol. 2004 Dec;45(12):1738-48.

In this study, we have generated a full-length enriched cDNA library from leaves of axenically grown poplar (Populus nigra var. italica) subjected to environmental stress treatments by dehydration, high salinity, chilling, heat, abscisic acid (ABA) and H2O2.
We further analyzed cDNAs encoding an ERF/AP2-domain transcription factor which is specific in plants and plays an important role under stress.
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18368311 Wang C, Wang H, Zhang J, Chen S: A seed-specific AP2-domain transcription factor from soybean plays a certain role in regulation of seed germination. Sci China C Life Sci. 2008 Apr;51(4):336-45. Epub 2008 Mar 27.

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19390821 Lee SJ, Cho DI, Kang JY, Kim SY: An ARIA-interacting AP2 domain protein is a novel component of ABA signaling. Mol Cells. 2009 Apr;27(4):409-16. Epub 2009 Apr 13.

ABF2 regulates various aspects of the abscisic acid (ABA) response by controlling the expression of a subset of ABA-responsive genes.
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