Protein Information

Name gephyrin
Synonyms GEPH; GPH; GPHN; GPHRYN; Gephyrin; MLL/GPH fusion gene; Gephyrins; MLL/GPH fusion genes

Compound Information

Name strychnine
CAS strychnidin-10-one

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
9551830 Shefchyk SJ, Espey MJ, Carr P, Nance D, Sawchuk M, Buss R: Evidence for a strychnine-sensitive mechanism and glycine receptors involved in the control of urethral sphincter activity during micturition in the cat. Exp Brain Res. 1998 Apr;119(3):297-306.

To determine whether the changes in sphincter activity could be due to strychnine acting at glycine receptors on EUS motoneurons, sacral spinal tissue was processed for a structural protein (gephyrin) associated with the glycine receptor.
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16449194 Maas C, Tagnaouti N, Loebrich S, Behrend B, Lappe-Siefke C, Kneussel M: Neuronal cotransport of glycine receptor and the scaffold protein gephyrin. J Cell Biol. 2006 Jan 30;172(3):441-51.

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8015346 Miller GW, Schnellmann RG: A putative cytoprotective receptor in the kidney: relation to the neuronal strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor. Life Sci. 1994;55(1):27-34.

Using immunoblot analysis, proteins corresponding to the 58 kDa beta-subunit of the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor and the associated protein gephyrin were identified in rabbit kidney cortical membrane fractions and RPT.
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10460250 Levi S, Chesnoy-Marchais D, Sieghart W, Triller A: Synaptic control of glycine and GABA (A) receptors and gephyrin expression in cultured motoneurons. J Neurosci. 1999 Sep 1;19(17):7434-49.

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19217931 Wang H, Turner JG, Ling L, Parrish JL, Hughes LF, Caspary DM: Age-related changes in glycine receptor subunit composition and binding in dorsal cochlear nucleus. Neuroscience. 2009 Apr 21;160(1):227-39. Epub 2009 Feb 13.

The present study assessed age-related behavioral gap detection changes and neurochemical changes of postsynaptic glycine receptor (GlyRs) subunits and their anchoring protein gephyrin in fusiform cells of young (7-11 months) and aged (28-33 months) Fischer brown Norway (FBN) rats.
The pharmacologic consequences of these age-related subunit changes were assessed using [3H] strychnine binding.
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19699270 Wang H, Brozoski TJ, Turner JG, Ling L, Parrish JL, Hughes LF, Caspary DM: Plasticity at glycinergic synapses in dorsal cochlear nucleus of rats with behavioral evidence of tinnitus. Neuroscience. 2009 Dec 1;164(2):747-59. Epub 2009 Aug 20.

Consistent with decreased alpha (1) subunit protein levels, strychnine binding studies showed significant tinnitus-related decreases in the number of GlyR binding sites, supporting tinnitus-related changes in the number and/or composition of GlyRs.
Message and protein levels of alpha (1-3,) and beta glycine receptor subunits (GlyRs), and the anchoring protein, gephyrin, were measured in DCN fusiform cells 4 months following sound exposure.
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9622242 Danober L, Pape HC: Strychnine-sensitive glycine responses in neurons of the lateral amygdala: an electrophysiological and immunocytochemical characterization. Neuroscience. 1998 Jul;85(2):427-41.

The localization and composition of glycine receptors were examined through the use of monoclonal antisera directed against the binding protein (gephyrin), the alpha1 subunits (mAb2b) and alpha/beta subunits (mAb4a) of glycine receptors.
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11487628 Dumoulin A, Triller A, Dieudonne S: IPSC kinetics at identified GABAergic and mixed GABAergic and glycinergic synapses onto cerebellar Golgi cells. J Neurosci. 2001 Aug 15;21(16):6045-57.

Lugaro cell varicosities are found apposed to glycine receptor (GlyR) clusters that are localized on Golgi cell dendrites and participate in postsynaptic complexes containing GABA (A) receptors (GABA (A) Rs) and the anchoring protein gephyrin.
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15728841 Gonzalez-Forero D, Alvarez FJ: Differential postnatal maturation of GABAA, glycine receptor, and mixed synaptic currents in Renshaw cells and ventral spinal interneurons. J Neurosci. 2005 Feb 23;25(8):2010-23.

Inhibitory synapses on RCs mature postnatally, developing unusually large postsynaptic gephyrin clusters that colocalize glycine and GABA (A) receptors.
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10835046 Lim R, Alvarez FJ, Walmsley B: GABA mediates presynaptic inhibition at glycinergic synapses in a rat auditory brainstem nucleus. J Physiol. 2000 Jun 1;525 Pt 2:447-59.

Our immunohistochemical results show prominent punctate labelling of postsynaptic clusters of glycine receptors and of the receptor clustering protein gephyrin over the surface of bushy cells.
This observation was supported by the effect of strychnine (1 microM), which was to decrease the evoked IPSC (to 10 % of control IPSC amplitude) and to produce a greater than 90 % block of spontaneous miniature IPSCs.
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12401451 Meier J, Juttner R, Kirischuk S, Grantyn R: Synaptic anchoring of glycine receptors in developing collicular neurons under control of metabotropic glutamate receptor activity. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2002 Oct;21(2):324-40.

Two distinct stages of inhibitory synaptogenesis in cultured collicular neurons were defined on the basis of strychnine sensitivity of IPSCs, presence of EPSCs, KCC2 expression, and transmitter-induced Ca (2+) responses.
In the absence of KCC2 and glutamatergic transmission, newborn VIAAT-labeled boutons contained GlyT2, released glycine, and accumulated postsynaptic gephyrin and GlyRs.
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16125853 Deleuze C, Runquist M, Orcel H, Rabie A, Dayanithi G, Alonso G, Hussy N: Structural difference between heteromeric somatic and homomeric axonal glycine receptors in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system. Neuroscience. 2005;135(2):475-83.

This was paralleled by the presence of clusters of the glycine receptor aggregating protein gephyrin in the supraoptic nucleus and its complete absence in the neurohypophysis.
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11738262 Tapia JC, Mentis GZ, Navarrete R, Nualart F, Figueroa E, Sanchez A, Aguayo LG: Early expression of glycine and GABA (A) receptors in developing spinal cord neurons. Neuroscience. 2001;108(3):493-506.

Further evidence for functional synaptic activity was provided by the detection of co-localization of gephyrin and synaptophysin at 5 DIV using confocal microscopy.
The use of various receptor antagonists (strychnine, bicuculline, DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate [APV], 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione [CNQX]) revealed that this activity was predominantly glycinergic, and to a smaller extent, GABAergic.
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10400960 Oleskevich S, Alvarez FJ, Walmsley B: Glycinergic miniature synaptic currents and receptor cluster sizes differ between spinal cord interneurons. J Neurophysiol. 1999 Jul;82(1):312-9.

We have analyzed the structure of glycinergic receptor clusters on rat ventral horn interneurons using antibodies against the glycine receptor clustering protein, gephyrin.
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9145798 Kling C, Koch M, Saul B, Becker CM: The frameshift mutation oscillator (Glra1 (spd-ot)) produces a complete loss of glycine receptor alpha1-polypeptide in mouse central nervous system. Neuroscience. 1997 May;78(2):411-7.

Symptoms of this disorder mimic poisoning by strychnine, the antagonist of the inhibitory glycine receptor.
Moreover, tissue levels of the postsynaptic anchoring protein gephyrin were drastically reduced in the Glra1 (spd-ot)/Glra1 (spd-ot) genotype.
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9614239 Kotak VC, Korada S, Schwartz IR, Sanes DH: A developmental shift from GABAergic to glycinergic transmission in the central auditory system. J Neurosci. 1998 Jun 15;18(12):4646-55.

Consistent with the electrophysiological observations, there was a reduction in staining for the beta2,3-GABAA receptor subunit from P4 to P14, whereas staining for the glycine receptor-associated protein gephyrin increased.
GABAergic and glycinergic components were identified by blocking transmission with bicuculline and strychnine (SN), respectively.
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15555918 Danglot L, Rostaing P, Triller A, Bessis A: Morphologically identified glycinergic synapses in the hippocampus. . Mol Cell Neurosci. 2004 Dec;27(4):394-403.

Inhibitory transmission in the hippocampus is predominantly GABAergic, but electrophysiological data evidenced strychnine-sensitive glycine-induced currents.
Finally, GlyR clusters could be detected at synaptic sites with the GABAA receptor gamma2 subunit and gephyrin, suggesting that mixed GABA/glycine synapses might exist in the hippocampus.
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8032902 Bohlhalter S, Mohler H, Fritschy JM: Inhibitory neurotransmission in rat spinal cord: co-localization of glycine- and GABAA-receptors at GABAergic synaptic contacts demonstrated by triple immunofluorescence staining. Brain Res. 1994 Apr 11;642(1-2):59-69.

Most spinal cord neurons respond to both neurotransmitters, suggesting co-expression of GABAA- and strychnine-sensitive glycine-receptors in individual cells.
Their co-localization with glycine-receptors and their apposition to GABAergic axon terminals were assessed by confocal laser microscopy in sections processed for double- and triple-immunofluorescence staining, using a monoclonal antibody against the 93 kDa glycine-receptor-associated protein, gephyrin, and an antiserum to glutamic acid decarboxylase.
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9565032 Kirsch J, Betz H: Glycine-receptor activation is required for receptor clustering in spinal neurons. Nature. 1998 Apr 16;392(6677):717-20.

Here we show that the competitive GlyR antagonist strychnine and L-type Ca2+-channel blockers inhibit the accumulation of GlyR and gephyrin at postsynaptic membrane areas in cultured rat spinal neurons.
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9605343 Koch U, Sanes DH: Afferent regulation of glycine receptor distribution in the gerbil LSO. Microsc Res Tech. 1998 May 1;41(3):263-9.

Glycine receptors were either labeled with tritiated strychnine (3H-SN) or with an antibody directed against gephyrin, a protein closely associated with the receptor complex.
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14593111 Breitinger U, Breitinger HG, Bauer F, Fahmy K, Glockenhammer D, Becker CM: Conserved high affinity ligand binding and membrane association in the native and refolded extracellular domain of the human glycine receptor alpha1-subunit. J Biol Chem. 2004 Jan 16;279(3):1627-36. Epub 2003 Oct 30.

The strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor (GlyR) is a ligand-gated chloride channel composed of ligand binding alpha- and gephyrin anchoring beta-subunits.
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9427682 Levi S, Vannier C, Triller A: Strychnine-sensitive stabilization of postsynaptic glycine receptor clusters. J Cell Sci. 1998 Feb;111 ( Pt 3):335-45.

The effects of chronic strychnine treatment on the expression and cellular distribution of gephyrin and glycine receptor were therefore tested using primary cultures of spinal cord neurons.
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