Protein Information

Synonyms ACPD; CPD; Cupidin; HOMER 2; HOMER 2A; HOMER 2B; HOMER2; HOMER2A…

Compound Information

Name strychnine
CAS strychnidin-10-one

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
8234367 Sladeczek F, Momiyama A, Takahashi T: Presynaptic inhibitory action of a metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist on excitatory transmission in visual cortical neurons. Proc Biol Sci. 1993 Sep 22;253(1338):297-303.

To study the possible modulatory role of mGluRs in synaptic transmission, we tested the effect of a mGluR agonist, (+/-)-1-aminocyclopentane-trans-1,3-dicarboxylic acid (trans-ACPD), on the excitatory post-synaptic currents (EPSCS) recorded from neurons in thin slices of rat visual cortex, by using the whole-cell patch-clamp method.
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14523604 Taccola G, Marchetti C, Nistri A: Effect of metabotropic glutamate receptor activity on rhythmic discharges of the neonatal rat spinal cord in vitro. Exp Brain Res. 2003 Dec;153(3):388-93. Epub 2003 Oct 2.

Alternating patterns of fictive locomotion (induced by NMDA and 5HT) were slowed down and blocked by the broad spectrum mGluR agonist (+/-)-1-aminocyclopentane-trans-1, 3-dicarboxylic acid (t-ACPD; 5-50 microM) and unaffected by the broad spectrum mGluR antagonist (RS)-alpha-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine (MCPG; 1 mM).
The regular, synchronous bursting emerging in the presence of strychnine and bicuculline was accelerated by t-ACPD with a commensurate decrease in single burst length, an effect antagonized by MCPG which per se did not affect bursting.
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16876205 Wagner J, Luhmann HJ: Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors induces propagating network oscillations in the intact cerebral cortex of the newborn mouse. Neuropharmacology. 2006 Sep;51(4):848-57. Epub 2006 Jul 28.

Activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) with (1S,3R)-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid (ACPD) elicited in the frontal or occipital pole of the intact cerebral cortex preparation of the newborn mouse (P0-P3) a transient oscillatory field potential activity in the frequency range of 11-14Hz.
Blockade of GABA-A receptors with gabazine did not influence the ACPD-induced network activity, but the glycine antagonist strychnine caused a significant decrease in the frequency, amplitude and duration of the oscillations.
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7956307 Lopez-Colome AM, Fragoso G, Wright CE, Sturman JA: Excitatory amino acid receptors in membranes from cultured human retinal pigment epithelium. Curr Eye Res. 1994 Aug;13(8):553-60.

The efficacy profile of agonists and antagonists acting at EAA receptors for displacing [3H] L-Glu was L-Glu = L-Aspartate > 2-amino-4-phosphonovalerate (AP5) > N-methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) > 1-aminocyclopentane-1,3 dicarboxylate (trans-ACPD) > 2-amino-3-phosphonopropionate (AP3).
Stimulation by glycine was dose-dependent, insensitive to strychnine and 80% inhibited by 7-chlorokynurenate.
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11134626 Zhong J, Gerber G, Kojic L, Randic M: Dual modulation of excitatory synaptic transmission by agonists at group I metabotropic glutamate receptors in the rat spinal dorsal horn. Brain Res. 2000 Dec 29;887(2):359-77.

The broad spectrum mGlu receptor agonist (1S,3R)-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid (1S, 3R-ACPD), the group I mGlu receptor selective agonist (S)-3, 5-dihydroxyphenylglycine (DHPG), and the selective mGlu subtype 5 agonist (RS)-2-chloro-5-hydroxyphenylglycine (CHPG), all induce long-lasting depression of A primary afferent fibers-mediated monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP), and long-lasting potentiation of polysynaptic EPSP, and EPSP in cells receiving C-afferent fiber input.
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8728878 Wikinski SI, Acosta GB: [Role of excitatory amino acids in neuropathology] . Medicina (B Aires). 1995;55(4):355-65.

Along with the site for N-methyl-D-aspartate, which binds glutamate and/or aspartate, there have been identified a site for the binding of glycine (which is different from the strychnine sensitive one), a site for poliamines such as spermine and spermidine, and a site for the binding of Zn2+ (Table 1).
There are two metabotropic type receptors: L-AP4 and trans-ACPD.
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10974307 Chen J, Heinke B, Sandkuhler J: Activation of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors induces long-term depression at sensory synapses in superficial spinal dorsal horn. Neuropharmacology. 2000 Sep;39(12):2231-43.

In the presence of bicuculline and strychnine, bath application of (1S,3R)-1-aminocyclopentane-1, 3-dicarboxylic acid ((1S,3R)-ACPD) or the specific group I mGluR agonist (S)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine ((S)-3,5-DHPG) but not the specific group II mGluR agonist (2S,2'R,3'R)-2-(2', 3'-dicarboxycyclopropyl) glycine (DCG-IV) for 20 min produced an acute and a long-term depression of synaptic strength.
After pre-incubation of slices with pertussis toxin, a G-protein inhibitor, (1S,3R)-ACPD still induced acute and long-term depressions.
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10747188 Connaughton VP, Nelson R: Axonal stratification patterns and glutamate-gated conductance mechanisms in zebrafish retinal bipolar cells. J Physiol. 2000 Apr 1;524 Pt 1:135-46.

ON-BCs responded to glutamate via one of three mechanisms: (a) a conductance decrease with Erev approximately 0 mV, mimicked by L-(+)-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid (APB) or trans-1-amino-1, 3-cyclopentanedicarboxylic acid (trans-ACPD), (b) a glutamate-gated chloride conductance increase (IGlu-like) characterized by Erev >= ECl (where ECl is the chloride equilibrium potential) and partial blockade by extracellular Li+/Na+ substitution or (c) the activation of both APB and chloride mechanisms simultaneously to produce a response with outward currents at all holding potentials.
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7538566 Grant GB, Dowling JE: A glutamate-activated chloride current in cone-driven ON bipolar cells of the white perch retina. J Neurosci. 1995 May;15(5 Pt 2):3852-62.

IGlu was not blocked by 100 microM picrotoxin or 1 microM strychnine, indicating that it was not caused by inhibitory input.
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9080374 Russo RE, Nagy F, Hounsgaard J: Modulation of plateau properties in dorsal horn neurones in a slice preparation of the turtle spinal cord. J Physiol. 1997 Mar 1;499 ( Pt 2):459-74.

The tetanic stimulus facilitated wind-up and after-discharges even when fast synaptic transmission was blocked by 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX, 10-20 microM), (+/-)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5, 100 microM), bicuculline (10-20 microM) and strychnine (5-20 microM). 2.
Application of cis-(+/-)-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid (ACPD, 10-50 microM) produced a slow depolarization (5.9 +/- 0.5 mV, n = 21) accompanied by an increase in input resistance (28.8 +/- 5.1%, n = 12). 3.
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8401927 Ishida M, Saitoh T, Shimamoto K, Ohfune Y, Shinozaki H: A novel metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist: marked depression of monosynaptic excitation in the newborn rat isolated spinal cord. Br J Pharmacol. 1993 Aug;109(4):1169-77.

Depression of monosynaptic excitation caused by DCG-IV was not affected by any known pharmacological agents, including 2-amino-3-phosphonopropanoic acid (AP3), diazepam, 2-hydroxysaclofen, picrotoxin and strychnine. 6.
Neuropharmacological actions of a novel metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist, (2S,1'R,2'R,3'R)-2 (2,3-dicarboxycyclopropyl) glycine (DCG-IV), were examined in the isolated spinal cord of the newborn rat, and compared with those of the established agonists of (2S,1'S,2'S)-2-(carboxycyclopropyl) glycine (L-CCG-I) or (1S,3R)-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid ((1S,3R)-ACPD). 2.
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