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Smith CA, Ainsworth DM, Henderson KS, Dempsey JA: The influence of carotid body chemoreceptors on expiratory muscle activity. Respir Physiol. 1990 Oct;82(1):123-36. Respiratory muscle EMG responses to transient, specific carotid body excitation (NaCN, hypoxia) and inhibition (dopamine, hyperoxia) were studied in 7 unanesthetized standing dogs while intact (N = 7) and during bilateral cold block of the vagi (N = 3). In all dogs carotid body excitation augmented the EMG activities of both expiratory muscles (triangularis sterni, TS; transversus abdominis, TA) and the (inspiratory) crural diaphragm (CR); carotid body inhibition significantly reduced phasic EMG activities in all muscles. With vagal blockade the response of the TS to carotid body stimulation was increased; that of the TA was essentially unchanged from the intact state. In all dogs expiratory muscle recruitment in response to carotid body excitation/inhibition could either precede or follow that of the CR. We conclude that in response to specific, transient carotid body excitation or inhibition: (1) Changes in CR, TS and TA EMGs are qualitatively similar. (2) Vagal feedback is strongly inhibitory to TS and excitatory to TA. (3) Changes in expiratory muscle EMGs do not require preceding changes in the CR. Carotid body stimulation contributes significantly to the generation of phasic expiratory activity during eupnea. |
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