IMPORTANT: This software end user license agreement (EULA) is a legal agreement between the license (hereinafter "YOU", either an individual or any other legal entity) and the copyright owner(s) of our softwares (hereinafter "SOFTWARE"). Read it carefully before downloading and using the software. It provides a license to use the software and contains warranty information and liability disclaimers. Bu downloading and/or using the program, you agree to become bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to be bounded by these terms, please do not download or use the software and dekete the files from your computer system.
- You are confirming that your use of this software shall not be for commercial purpose.
- You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that Li's Lab have no responsibility to you or to any third party) your use of this software.
- Li' Lab is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.
- Through any use of the Software you acknowledge your acceptance of the conditions of this license.
- There is no fee for the use of the Software, which is provided to you "free of charge" as a public service.
- As is common courtesy, you agree to acknowledge your use of the Software in any reports or publications that include any results obtained with the Software.
- License Grants
- The licensee is granted a non-exclusive license to use the Software in accordance with the terms of this EULA.
- License Restrictions
- You may not distribute copies of the Software.
- You may not alter, merge, modify, adapt or translate the Software, or decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the Software to a human-perceivable form.
- You may not sell, rent, lease, or sublicense the Software.
- You may not modify the Software or create derivative works based upon the Software.
- License Termination
In the event that you fail to comply with this EULA, the Copyright owner(s) may terminate the license. Upon any termination of this EULA, you shall immediately discontinue the use and destroy all copies of the Software.
The COPYRIGHT OWNER(s) provide(s) NO TECHNICAL SUPPORT, WARRANTIES or REMEDIES for the software. The programs are provided "as is" and may contain errors ("bugs"), be based on erroneous assumptions, or have other defects, known and unknown. Consequently, there is no warranty whatsoever for the program, whether EXPRESSED or IMPLIED, including the SUITABILITY of the program for any PARTICULAR PURPOSE or INFRINGEMENT; thus you accept all responsibility with regard to the performance of the program, the results obtained, and the use and interpretation of such results, and any future consequences arising from your use of the program or results derived thereof.
You agree not to hold liable for damages, in any way, shape of form, any COPYRIGHT HOLDER or OTHER PARTY having the right to REDISTRIBUTE or MODIFY the program. Such damages include but are not limited to general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of inability to use the program, loss of data, inaccurate modification of data, or any other losses incurred by you or by a third party as a result of the use of the program or inability to use the program, or inability of the program to work together with other programs. You agree that the COPYRIGHT HOLDERS and OTHER RESPONSIBLE PARTIES may have knowledge of such defects, inaccuracies, lack of operational compatibility with other programs, or the possibility of such damages, among other defects, and that you will not hold these parties liable for any damages resulting to you or to a third party arising from your use of the program.
Copyright 2008 - 2019 East China University of Science & Technology
This program is a free software and distributed "as is" in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.