Protein Information

Name IgE
Synonyms IGHE; Ig epsilon chain C region; IgE; immunoglobulin heavy constant epsilon; Ig epsilon chain C regions; IgEs; immunoglobulin heavy constant epsilons

Compound Information

Name thiabendazole

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
699765 Stumpf J, Kaduk B, Undeutsch K, Landgraf H, Gofferje H: [Trichinosis: epidemiology, clinical features and diagnosis (author's transl)]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1978 Oct 6;103(40):1556-8

In most of the examined cases clinical symptoms and histological results correlated well with the indirect haemagglutination test, the microprecipitation test with living larvae of Trichinella spiralis and evidence of specific antibodies (IgG, IgM, IgE) by indirect immunofluorescence and the ELISA technique. 25 patients were treated with thiabendazole (Minzolum), 19 of them successfully.
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16874812 Elefant GR, Shimizu SH, Sanchez MC, Jacob CM, Ferreira AW: A serological follow-up of toxocariasis patients after chemotherapy based on the detection of IgG, IgA, and IgE antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Parasitol Res. 1993;79(1):63-6.

A serological follow-up study was carried out on 27 children (1-12 years old) with visceral and/or ocular toxocariasis, after treatment with thiabendazole.
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3194370 Santamarina MT, Leiro J, Garrido MJ, Sanmartin Duran ML, Ubeira FM: The effect of the intestinal worms and migrating L1 larvae of Trichinella spiralis on the production of antiparasitic IgE antibodies. Kansenshogaku Zasshi. 1994 Jan;68(1):13-20.

To achieve this, we combined the effect of two anthelminthics: thiabendazole, to produce chemosterilization of adult females, and napthalophos, to expel adult worms from the intestine of infected mice on the desired day.
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9289550 Cremades Romero MJ, Igual Adell R, Ricart Olmos C, Estelles Piera F, Pastor-Guzman A, Menendez Villanueva R: [Infection by Strongyloides stercoralis in the county of Safor, Spain] . Med Clin. 1997 Jul 5;109(6):212-5.

Thiabendazole achieved erradication of the parasite in 35 patients, and the other two died because of disseminated strongyloidiasis.
At diagnosis, besides eosinophilia, 86.5% had raised levels of IgE.
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9376938 Cremades Romero MJ, Pellicer Ciscar C, Menendez Villanueva R, Ricart Olmos C, Pastor-Guzman A, Estelles Piera F, Igual Adell R, Gilabert Bonet MJ: [Strongyloides stercoralis infection in patients with bronchial obstructive pathology]. Bull Soc Pathol Exot Filiales. 1989;82(3):410-21.

The following variables were assessed in both groups at the moment of diagnosis of infection and four months after cure: levels of eosinophils and total serum IgE, respiratory symptoms, steroid doses and spirometric parameters.
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8646984 Birck R, Braun C, Back W, Gottstein T, Rohmeiss P, Manegold BC, Strauch M, Gretz N: [Chronic recurrent subileus due to Strongyloides stercoralis infection under immunosuppressive therapy]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1996 May 31;121(22):723-6.

TREATMENT AND COURSE: With administration of thiabendazole (2 g/d) a rapid recovery was noted.
INVESTIGATIONS: Elevated IgE-levels (1111 IU/ml; normal up to 100 IU/ml) and eosinophilia (8%) lead to the suspicion of a helminthiasis.
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8325052 Lessnau KD, Can S, Talavera W: Disseminated Strongyloides stercoralis in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients. Chest. 1993 Jul;104(1):119-22.

We describe a North American human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patient with Strongyloides stercoralis infection of the gastrointestinal tract, who required repeated "standard" courses of thiabendazole.
This may occur without elevation of IgE or eosinophilia.
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3798532 Simon JW, Riddell NJ, Wong WT, Au AC, Ko RC, Templer MJ: Further observations on the first documented outbreak of trichinosis in Hong Kong. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1986;80(3):394-7.

Thiabendazole alone was used in treatment and all patients recovered.
The value of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for IgM and IgE antibodies is emphasized in that it is 100% specific and sensitive.
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4097489 Rosenberg EB, Whalen GE, Bennich H, Johansson SG: Increased circulating IgE in a new parasitic disease--human intestinal capillariasis. Parasitol Res. 1988;74(6):581-5.

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8851035 Humbert P, Buchet S, Barde T: [Toxocariasis. Allerg Immunol. 1995 Oct;27(8):284-91.

High total IgE is an hallmark of visceral infections by parasites and total IgE level is well correlated with the presence of intra-tissular larva.
The treatment given as early as possible is based on the use of diethylcarbamazine but also of thiabendazole, albendazole and mebendazole.
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10071516 Robinson J, Ahmed Z, Siddiqui A, Roy T, Berk S, Smith JK, Krishnaswamy G: A patient with persistent wheezing, sinusitis, elevated IgE, and eosinophilia. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 1999 Feb;82(2):144-9.

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6531576 Quoix E, Hardy A, Kouao-Bile I, Rempp M, Gerszo I, Petitjean R: [Bronchial asthma associated with anguilluliasis] . Rev Pneumol Clin. 1984;40(6):385-7.

The authors present a case of a 46 year old man without any past history of allergy, who presented with severe asthma of recent onset associated with moderate eosinophilia, a raised total IgE level and a Larva currens type of dermatitis.
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4797283 Jarrett EE, Stewart DC: Potentiation of rat reaginic (IgE) antibody by Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection: effect of modification of life cycle of the parasite in the host. Clin Exp Immunol. 1973 Sep;15(1):79-85.

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7080143 Grove DI: Treatment of strongyloidiasis with thiabendazole: an analysis of toxicity and effectiveness. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1982;76(1):114-8.

Blood eosinophil counts fell dramatically but the falls in serum IgE levels and serum Strongyloides antibody titres were less marked.
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8138669 Shikiya K, Zaha O, Niimura S, Uehara T, Ohshiro J, Kinjo F, Saito A, Asato R: [Clinical study on ivermectin against 125 strongyloidiasis patients] . J Clin Lab Anal. 2006;20(4):164-72.

IgE levels in the resistant group was significantly lower than in the eradicated group.
We would like to conclude that IVM is the best drug for treatment of the patient with Strongyloides stercoralis not only from this results but also our previous reports which had investigated the clinical efficacy on thiabendazole, mebendazole and albendazole.
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7534125 Jelinek T, Maiwald H, Nothdurft HD, Loscher T: Cutaneous larva migrans in travelers: synopsis of histories, symptoms, and treatment of 98 patients. Clin Infect Dis. 1994 Dec;19(6):1062-6.

Only a minority of patients presented with eosinophilia or an elevated serum level of IgE.
Therapy with topical thiabendazole was successful for 98% of the patients.
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1435478 Coulter C, Walker DG, Gunsberg M, Brown IG, Bligh JF, Prociv P: Successful treatment of disseminated strongyloidiasis. . Med J Aust. 1992 Sep 7;157(5):331-2.

The onset of abdominal symptoms, an exacerbation of respiratory symptoms, and a persistent high eosinophil count and serum IgE level, led to the detection of numerous Strongyloides larvae in her faeces and sputum.
INTERVENTION AND OUTCOME: She was treated with thiabendazole for five days, then mebendazole for one month, and the dose of prednisolone was reduced.
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4854266 Radermecker M, Bekhti A, Poncelet E, Salmon J: Serum IgE levels in protozoal and helminthic infections. Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol. 1974;47(2):285-95.

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6114636 Frayha RA: Trichinosis-related polyarteritis nodosa. . Am J Med. 1981 Aug;71(2):307-12.

A sustained remission was achieved by the administration of thiabendazole, prednisone and cyclophosphamide.
Pathogenetic links between the two diseases are presented: (1) deposition of circulating immune complexes in the vessel wall; (2) adjuvant activity with cross reaction between parasitic antigen and human vessel wall; (3) immunoglobulin E (IgE) aggregates and soluble antigen IgE complexes precipitation in vessel wall; and (4) hypereosinophilia-induced tissue damage.
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2766448 Scaglia M, Gatti S, Bruno A, Cevini C, Chichino G, Magnani B, Brustia R: [Visceral and ocular Larva migrans: epidemiologic study, clinical and immunologic findings on 20 cases, adult and child]. N Engl J Med. 1970 Nov 19;283(21):1148-9.

So far as immunology is concerned, serological tests confirmed in all 20 cases the clinico-epidemiological and/or bio-humoral suspicion; in particular the ELISA IgG test showed high titres in 16 cases, while the RAST showed significant levels of specific IgE in 17 cases.
From the therapeutic point of view, the subjects treated were exclusively those presenting a manifest clinical picture: in 5 patients the first choice drug was thiabendazole, with clinical cure in only 2 cases; diethylcarbamazine resolved the clinico-parasitological picture in 1 case; 1 patient is still under treatment with albendazole.
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9555622 Fraj Lazaro J, Remacha Tomey B, Colas Sanz C, Ortega Fernandez de Retana A, Lezaun Alfonso A: Anisakis, anisakiasis and IgE-mediated immunity to Anisakis simplex. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 1998 Jan-Feb;8(1):61-3.

Nevertheless, the clinical pattern, the image of the intestinal tract, the eosinophilic infiltrate in the biopsies and the good response to thiabendazole all lead to the suspected existence of anisakiasis in this patient coexisting with IgE-mediated allergy to this parasite.
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4717095 Biroum-Noerjasin: Serum IgE concentrations in relation to anti-helminthic treatment in a Javanese population with hookworm. Clin Exp Immunol. 1973 Apr;13(4):545-51.

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3270084 Ferraccioli GF, Mercadanti M, Salaffi F, Bruschi F, Melissari M, Pozio E: Prospective rheumatological study of muscle and joint symptoms during Trichinella nelsoni infection. Q J Med. 1988 Dec;69(260):973-84.

Steroids, thiabendazole or mebendazole were not administered.
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8469671 Santamarina MT, Leiro J, Baltar P, Romaris F, Sanmartin ML, Ubeira FM: Requirements for the induction of cross-reactive anti-Trichinella IgE antibodies in mice. 1561-2.

Both the prevention of larvi-position by thiabendazole and the interruption of infection using naphthalophos indicated that the presence of the pre-adult stage alone provided sufficient priming for the induction of detectable levels of cross-reactive IgE by subsequent reinfection.
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7436519 Sakano T, Hamamoto K, Kobayashi Y, Sakata Y, Tsuji M, Usui T: Visceral larva migrans caused by Trichuris vulpis. Arch Dis Child. 1980 Aug;55(8):631-3.

After administration of thiabendazole, the number of eosinophils and serum total IgE levels gradually decreased, and the patients have remained well.
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