Protein Information

Name CS 2
Synonyms CS 2; CSH 1; CSH1; Choriomammotropin; Placental lactogen; CSB; CSH 2; CSH2…

Compound Information

Name carbon disulfide
CAS carbon disulfide

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
16247007 Kamboures MA, Blake DR, Cooper DM, Newcomb RL, Barker M, Larson JK, Meinardi S, Nussbaum E, Rowland FS: Breath sulfides and pulmonary function in cystic fibrosis. . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Nov 1;102(44):15762-7. Epub 2005 Oct 24.

We have determined the concentrations of carbonyl sulfide (OCS), dimethylsulfide, and carbon disulfide (CS (2)) in the breath of a group of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients and one of healthy controls.
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17376506 Kazos EA, Stalikas CD, Nanos CG, Konidari CN: Determination of dithiocarbamate fungicide propineb and its main metabolite propylenethiourea in airborne samples. Chemosphere. 2007 Aug;68(11):2104-10. Epub 2007 Mar 21.

The method for the analysis of propineb involves the evolution of carbon disulfide (CS (2)), under acidic conditions in the presence of stannous chloride, extraction of the generated CS (2) into a layer of isooctane which is then analyzed for CS (2) content by GC-MS in SIM mode.
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17188324 Hu H, Mylon SE, Benoit G: Volatile organic sulfur compounds in a stratified lake. Chemosphere. 2007 Mar;67(5):911-9. Epub 2006 Dec 22.

Three volatile organic sulfur compounds (VOSCs), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), carbon disulfide (CS (2)), and dimethyl disulfide (DMDS), were detected in the stratified water column of a lake (Linsley Pond) in Connecticut.
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6007658 Vertin PG: [Dynamics of elastase, cholesterol and phospholipid quotient in persons exposed to CS-2] Int Arch Arbeitsmed. 1966 Jun 13;22(2):167-78.

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4693833 Magos L, Butler WH, White IN: Hepatotoxicity of CS 2 in rats: relation to postexposure liver weight and pre-exposure cytochrome P-450 level. Biochem Pharmacol. 1973 Apr 15;22(8):992-4.

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17461639 Kirschner KN, Hartt GM, Evans TM, Shields GC: In search of CS2 (H2O)(n=1-4) clusters. J Chem Phys. 2007 Apr 21;126(15):154320.

Based on the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ free energies, the concentration of saturated water in the atmosphere and the average amount of CS (2) in the atmosphere, the concentrations of these clusters are predicted to be on the order of 10 (5) CS (2)(H2O) (-3) and 10 (2) CS (2)(H2O)(2) (-3) at 298.15 K.
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10977796 Klemmer PJ, Harris AA: Carbon disulfide nephropathy. Am J Kidney Dis. 2000 Sep;36(3):626-9.

He worked in a rayon manufacturing plant and was exposed to toxic levels of carbon disulfide (CS (2)).
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15492459 Chou TC, Shih TS, Tsai JC, Wu JD, Sheu HM, Chang HY: Effect of occupational exposure to rayon manufacturing chemicals on skin barrier to evaporative water loss. J Occup Health. 2004 Sep;46(5):410-7.

To evaluate the effects of the occupational exposure to rayon manufacturing chemicals (RMC, containing predominantly carbon disulfide (CS (2)) and minor sulfuric acid) in a rayon factory on the basal transepidermal water loss (TEWL), barrier integrity (BI), and sequential increasing TEWL profiles.
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5034474 Glinska D, Kosmider K: [Studies of the effect of carbon disulfide on the metabolism and visceral changes in experimental animals. Patol Pol. 1972 Apr-Jun;23(2):189-97.

Morphologic changes and behavior of acid phosphatase and ATPase of the membranes in livers of rats chronically poisoned with large doses of CS-2 injected intraperitoneally]
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12682857 Pauluhn J, Emura M, Mohr U, Rosenbruch M: Inhalation toxicity of propineb. Inhal Toxicol. 2003 Apr 25;15(5):435-60.

Fifty percent of rats received an oral cysteine supplementation to verify/refute the hypothesis that the incapacitation observed in previous studies is the cause of emaciation and associated impairment of CS (2) detoxification.
These effects were believed to be causally related to the principle decomposition products of this type of dithiocarbamate in the biological milieu and related to zinc and carbon disulfide.
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18376937 Liu WL, Zheng ZR, Dai ZF, Liu ZG, Zhu RB, Wu WZ, Li AH, Yang YQ, Su WH: Effect of solvent on absorption spectra of all-trans-beta-carotene under high pressure. J Chem Phys. 2008 Mar 28;128(12):124501.

The absorption spectra of all-trans-beta-carotene in n-hexane and carbon disulfide (CS (2)) solutions are measured under high pressure at ambient temperature.
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17199310 Ren Y, Mahon D: Evaluation of microwave irradiation for analysis of carbonyl sulfide, carbon disulfide, cyanogen, ethyl formate, methyl bromide, sulfuryl fluoride, propylene oxide, and phosphine in hay. J Agric Food Chem. 2007 Jan 10;55(1):32-7.

Power settings for maximum release of fumigants were determined for carbonyl sulfide (COS), carbon disulfide (CS (2)), cyanogen (C (2) N (2)), ethyl formate (EF), methyl bromide (CH (3) Br), sulfuryl fluoride (SF), propylene oxide (PPO), and phosphine (PH (3)).
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16797628 Tilton F, La Du JK, Vue M, Alzarban N, Tanguay RL: Dithiocarbamates have a common toxic effect on zebrafish body axis formation. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2006 Oct 1;216(1):55-68. Epub 2006 May 16.

Carbon disulfide (CS (2)), a common DTC degradate, also caused distortions at concentrations > 200 times the DTCs.
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12895098 Gandhi T, Nethaji M, Jagirdar BR: Utilization of CS2 as a source of C1 chemistry for the generation of methyldithioformate. Inorg Chem. 2003 Aug 11;42(16):4798-800.

Insertion of CS (2) into the Ru-H bond of cis-[(dppe)(2) Ru (H)(2)] takes place to afford the hydride dithioformate complex trans-[(dppe)(2) Ru (H)(SC (S) H)].
This is a novel case of C (1) chemistry using carbon disulfide.
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7339439 Kieres H, Krajewska B, Hanke J: [Iron metabolism and serum lysozyme as exponents of nonspecific resistance of workers exposed to CS-2]. Med Pr. 1981;32(5):337-41.

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12111006 Schmuck G, Ahr HJ, Mihail F, Stahl B, Kayser M: Effects of the dithiocarbamate fungicide propineb in primary neuronal cell cultures and skeletal muscle cells of the rat. Arch Toxicol. 2002 Jul;76(7):414-22. Epub 2002 May 29.

One mechanism is the degradation to carbon disulfide (CS (2)) and propylenthiourea (PTU) and the other are direct effects of zinc.
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19070609 Sun DQ, Li AW, Li J, Li DG, Li YX, Hao-Feng, Gong MZ: Changes of lipid peroxidation in carbon disulfide-treated rat nerve tissues and serum. Chem Biol Interact. 2009 May 15;179(2-3):110-7. Epub 2008 Nov 25.

To further elucidate the mechanism and determine the biomarker of neuropathy induced by carbon disulfide (CS (2)), we performed a longitudinal observational study of reactive oxygen species (ROS), malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and total antioxidative capacity (T-AOC) in rat cerebral cortex, hippocampus, spinal cord and serum after 0, 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks of CS (2) administration.
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17333241 Jonsson LS, Broberg K, Bergendorf U, Axmon A, Littorin M, Jonsson BA: Levels of 2-thiothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid (TTCA) and effect modification of polymorphisms of glutathione-related genes in vulcanization workers in the southern Sweden rubber industries. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2007 Jul;80(7):589-98. Epub 2007 Feb 28.

One of the toxic compounds in the industry is carbon disulfide (CS (2)), which is biotransformed to 2-thiothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid (TTCA).
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15280891 Chou TC, Sheu HM, Chiu JE, Wu JD, Shih TS, Chang HY: Combined exposure to carbon disulfide and sulfuric acid simultaneously increases the risk of hand dermatitis in rayon industry. J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol. 2004 Nov;14(7):551-7.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between hand dermatitis (HD) and occupational exposure to CS (2) and to determine whether combined exposure to CS (2) and H (2) SO (4) exhibits a higher risk of HD.
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7406873 Obrebska MJ, Kentish P, Parke DV: The effects of carbon disulphide on rat liver microsomal mixed-function oxidases, in vivo and in vitro. Biochem J. 1980 Apr 15;188(1):107-12.

An intraperitoneal dose of CS (2) (500mg/kg) to male rats resulted in loss of liver microsomal mixed-function-oxidase activity (85% loss of biphenyl 4-hydroxylase), followed by denaturation of liver cytochrome P-450 to cytochrome P-420, and degradative loss of both cytochromes (50% loss).
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1214449 Palacz O, Posluszna B, Kolodziej M: [Visual system in persons having chronic personal contact with CS-2 with special reference to the ERG examination] Klin Oczna. 1975 Dec;45(12):1319-25.

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11368570 Royer A, Menand M, Grimault A, Communal PY: Development of automated headspace gas chromatography determination of dithiocarbamates in plant matrixes. J Agric Food Chem. 2001 May;49(5):2152-8.

However, the former method presents a risk of carbon disulfide loss during hydrolysis and distillation and its sensitivity is low, whereas the latter method is time-consuming.
This method offers a good level of accuracy and precision and is specific to the compound determined (CS (2)).
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11856015 Wang D, Li YL, Ho WS, Leung KH, Phillips DL: Transient resonance Raman and density functional theory investigation of the chlorine atom/carbon disulfide molecular complex involved in selective alkane photochlorination reactions. J Org Chem. 2002 Feb 8;67(3):747-52.

The structure and bonding of the chlorine atom/carbon disulfide (CS (2)/Cl) complex involved in selective photochlorination reactions with alkanes was directly probed using transient resonance Raman spectroscopy.
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11860926 Jian L, Chen Q: [Effect of carbon disulfide on pyrogallol- luminol auto-oxidation chemiluminescence system and superoxide anion]. Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2000 May;34(3):162-4.

OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of carbon disulfide (CS (2)) on pyrogallol-luminol auto-oxidation chemiluminescence (PA-L) system and production of superoxide anion.
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17241545 Deng J, Chen GY, Ji JJ, Tan H, Wang S, Hu FX, Chai LH, Liu SH, Liu WD: [Apoptosis and gene FasL expression induced by carbon disulfide in rat steroli cells]. Zhonghua Lao Dong Wei Sheng Zhi Ye Bing Za Zhi. 2006 Dec;24(12):730-3.

METHODS: Steroli cells were exposed to different concentrations of CS (2) (0, 0.36, 0.72, 1.44 micromol/ml) for 24 hours.
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12742364 Tan X, Peng X, Wang Y, Wang F, Joyeux M, Hartemann P: Carbon disulfide cytotoxicity on cultured cardiac myocyte cell of rats. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2003 Jun;55(2):168-72.

Thereafter the myocytes (10 (6) myocytes/culture flask) were incubated with carbon disulfide at (CS (2)) the concentrations of 0, 20, 40, and 80 micromol/mL) for 24h.
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11259012 Sinnecker S, Brauer M, Koch W, Anders E: Cs (2) fixation by carbonic anhydrase model systems-a new substrate in the catalytic cycle. Inorg Chem. 2001 Feb 26;40(5):1006-13.

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19115871 Das SK, Das AR, Guha AK: Adsorption behavior of mercury on functionalized aspergillus versicolor mycelia: atomic force microscopic study. Langmuir. 2009 Jan 6;25(1):360-6.

The mycelia are functionalized by carbon disulfide (CS (2)) treatment under alkaline conditions to examine the enhance uptake capacity and explore its potentiality in pollution control management.
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4802656 Dominiczak K, Makowski J, Olszewska M: [Changes in rat's lungs subjected to chronic action of CS-2] Ann Acad Med Stetin. 1973;0(8):suppl 8:109-10.

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4700996 Herbig C, Richter P, Wienroth G: [Psychodiagnostic testing methods on the early diagnosis of chronic CS 2 poisoning] Z Gesamte Hyg. 1973 Jan;19(1):62-3.

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17498345 Pan GB, Song FY, Zhao XL, Yu LH, Zhou GZ, Xie KQ: [Alterations of microtubule and microfilament expression in spinal cord of carbon disulfide intoxicated rats]. Zhonghua Lao Dong Wei Sheng Zhi Ye Bing Za Zhi. 2007 Mar;25(3):148-51.

In the meantime, the levels of of mRNA expression of beta-tubulin and beta-actin gene were elevated consistently in CS (2)-treated groups (P < 0.01) the levels of mRNA expression of beta-tubulin increased by 207% and 212% respectively, and the levels of mRNA expression of beta-actin increased by 94% and 91% respectively.
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8833779 Yang XF, Lee BL, New AL, Ong HY, Ma L, Zhang Q, Ong CN: Urinary homovanillic acid and vanillylmandelic acid in workers exposed to carbon disulfide. Am J Ind Med. 1996 Mar;29(3):269-74.

Homovanillic acid (HVA) and vanillylmandelic acid (VMA), two end products of dopamine metabolism, were measured in 60 workers exposed to carbon disulfide (CS (2)) in a rayon factory and in 48 unexposed workers.
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11893423 Appaw C, Adewuyi YG: Destruction of carbon disulfide in aqueous solutions by sonochemical oxidation. J Hazard Mater. 2002 Mar 29;90(3):237-49.

Carbon disulfide (CS (2)) is toxic to animals and aquatic organisms, and can also decompose to carbonyl sulfide (OCS) and hydrogen sulfide (H (2) S) in aqueous environment.
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4121443 Wolburg I: [Electroencephalogram (EEG) of rabbits during chronic hexachlorcyclohexane (HCH) and carbon disulfide (CS 2 ) poisoning] Act Nerv Super. 1973 Mar;15(1):12-3.
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11456674 Zmolek PB, Sohn H, Gantzel PK, Trogler WC: Photopolymerization of liquid carbon disulfide produces nanoscale polythiene films. J Am Chem Soc. 2001 Feb 14;123(6):1199-207.

IR spectra for this polymer show some similarities with those obtained for the gas-phase photopolymerized (CS (2))(x) and the high-pressure-phase polymer of CS (2), called Bridgman's Black.
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10563874 Bohrer D, Cicero Do Nascimento P, Gomes HM: Improvement in the determination of mancozeb residues by the carbon disulfide evolution method using flow injection analysis. J Agric Food Chem. 1999 Jan;47(1):212-6.

The determination range was of 0. 01-1.26 microg of CS (2), with a relative standard deviation of 0.06% (n = 10), with a sample throughput of 45 samples/h.
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19771352 Lin YH, Leung NH, Holt KB, Thompson AL, Wilton-Ely JD: Bimetallic complexes based on carboxylate and xanthate ligands: synthesis and electrochemical investigations. Dalton Trans. 2009 Oct 14;(38):7891-901. Epub 2009 May 15.

The unsymmetrical complex [{Ru (CH=CHC (6) H (4) Me-4)(CO)(PPh (3))(2)}(2)(O (2) CC (6) H (4) CH (2) OCS (2))] forms from the sequential treatment of [Ru (CH=CHC (6) H (4) Me-4){O (2) CC (6) H (4)(CH (2) OH)-4}(CO)(PPh (3))(2)] with base, CS (2) and [Ru (CH=CHC (6) H (4) Me-4) Cl (CO)(BTD)(PPh (3))(2)].
The new mixed-donor xanthate-carboxylate ligand, KO (2) CC (6) H (4) CH (2) OCS (2) K is formed by treatment of 4-(hydroxymethyl) benzoic acid with excess KOH and two equivalents of carbon disulfide.
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18226364 Song FY, Pan GB, Zeng T, Yu LH, Xie KQ: [Effect of carbon disulfide on oxidation-antioxidation function of rat nerve tissues.]. Zhonghua Lao Dong Wei Sheng Zhi Ye Bing Za Zhi. 2007 Nov;25(11):641-4.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of carbon disulfide (CS (2)) on oxidation-antioxidation function of rat nerve tissues.
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15792633 Haritos VS, Dojchinov G: Carbonic anhydrase metabolism is a key factor in the toxicity of CO2 and COS but not CS2 toward the flour beetle Tribolium castaneum [Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae]. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. 2005 Jan;140(1):139-47.

The analogues carbon dioxide (CO (2)), carbonyl sulfide (COS) and carbon disulfide (CS (2)) have been useful as substrate probes for enzyme activities.
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17902914 Knappenberger KL, Lerch EB, Wen P, Leone SR: Stark-assisted population control of coherent CS (2) 4f and 5p Rydberg wave packets studied by femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. J Chem Phys. 2007 Sep 28;127(12):124318.

A two-color (3+1 (')) pump-probe scheme is employed to investigate Rydberg wave packet dynamics in carbon disulfide (CS (2) (*)).
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19721685 Idlahcen S, Mees L, Roze C, Girasole T, Blaisot JB: Time gate, optical layout, and wavelength effects on ballistic imaging. J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis. 2009 Sep;26(9):1995-2004.

It consists of a carbon disulfide (CS (2)) cell in which birefringence is optically induced.
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14989902 Chen XQ, Tan XD: [Studies on DNA damage in workers with long-term exposure to lower concentration of carbon disulfide]. Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2004 Jan;38(1):36-8.

OBJECTIVE: DNA damage in human buccal cells of workers occupationally long-term exposed to carbon disulfide (CS (2)) was monitored with comet assay.
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17120161 Song F, Zhao X, Zhou G, Zhu Y, Xie K: Carbon disulfide-induced alterations of neurofilaments and calpains content in rat spinal cord. Neurochem Res. 2006 Dec;31(12):1491-9. Epub 2006 Nov 21.

Furthermore, the levels of mRNA expression of NF-H, NF-M, and NF-L genes were elevated consistently in CS (2)-treated groups.
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4702720 Djuric D, Postic-Grujin A, Graovac-Leposavic L, Delic V: Disulfiram as an indicator of human susceptibility to carbon disulfide. Arch Environ Health. 1973 Jun;26(6):287-9.

Excretion of diethyldithiocarbamate sodium in the urine of workers exposed to CS 2 after oral administration of disulfiram.
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17919679 Wang L, Wang S, Yuan Q: Removal of carbon disulfide via coupled reactions on a bi-functional catalyst: experimental and modeling results. Chemosphere. 2007 Nov;69(11):1689-94. Epub 2007 Oct 4.

A mathematical model describing the rate of carbon disulfide (CS (2)) removal due to coupled reactions has been developed.
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17115761 Heisler IA, Correia RR, Cunha SL: Molecular dynamics investigation with the time resolved optical Kerr effect on the CS2-C6H6 mixtures. J Chem Phys. 2006 Nov 14;125(18):184503.

The samples studied were the mixtures of carbon disulfide (CS (2)) with benzene (C (6) H (6)).
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11599967 Soldatov DV, Diamente PR, Ratcliffe CI, Ripmeester JA: (6,17-Dimethyl-8,15-diphenyldibenzo [b,i][1,4,8,11]-tetra-aza [14] annulenato ) nickel (II) in solids: two guest-free polymorphs and inclusion compounds with methylene chloride and fullerene (C (60))-carbon disulfide. Inorg Chem. 2001 Oct 22;40(22):5660-7.

The inclusion compound with C (60) has a composition 3 [NiL]*(C (60))*2 (CS (2)) and here also the crystal structure is consistent with a van der Waals type of packing.
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609330 Bielecka W, Liniewiecki T, Kucharska E, Buchwald Z, Kucharski R: [Health conditions of workers exposed to CS-2 in xanthate plants] . Med Pr. 1977;28(6):525-30.

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18613069 Deng C, Wu XP, Sun XM, Ren Y, Sheng YH: Neutral hydrolyses of carbon disulfide: An ab initio study of water catalysis. J Comput Chem. 2009 Jan 30;30(2):285-94.

The water-catalyzed hydrolysis reaction of carbon disulfide (CS (2)) has been investigated at the levels of HF and MP2 with the basis set of 6-311++G (d,p) using the combined supramolecular/continuum models, in which up to six water molecules are involved in the hydrolysis and the effect of water bulk solvent is taken into account according to the polarizable continuum model (PCM).
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18371676 Ras MR, Borrull F, Marce RM: Determination of volatile organic sulfur compounds in the air at sewage management areas by thermal desorption and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Talanta. 2008 Jan 15;74(4):562-9. Epub 2007 Jun 19.

The compounds studied were ethyl mercaptan (CH (3) CH (2) SH), dimethyl sulfide ((CH (3))(2) S), carbon disulfide (CS (2)), propyl mercaptan (C (3) H (8) S), butyl mercaptan (C (4) H (10) S), dimethyl disulfide ((CH (3))(2) S (2)) and 1-pentanethiol (C (5) H (12) S).
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15740263 Thiery MM, Rerat C: Calculation of crystal and molecular structures of carbon disulfide CS2. . J Chem Phys. 2005 Jan 22;122(4):44503.

Crystal and molecular structures of carbon disulfide CS (2) were investigated by molecular packing analysis with a computed dynamical model.
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16626196 Kummli DS, Frey HM, Leutwyler S: Femtosecond degenerate four-wave mixing of carbon disulfide: high-accuracy rotational constants. J Chem Phys. 2006 Apr 14;124(14):144307.

Femtosecond degenerate four-wave mixing (fs-DFWM) rotational coherence spectroscopy (RCS) has been used to determine the rotational and centrifugal distortion constants of the 00 (0) 0 ground and 01 (1) 0 vibrationally excited states of gas-phase CS (2).
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16105462 Wang ZP, Xie KQ, Li HQ: [Effect of carbon disulfide exposure at different phases on the embryonic development in mid-pregnancy of female mice]. Zhonghua Lao Dong Wei Sheng Zhi Ye Bing Za Zhi. 2005 Apr;23(2):139-41.

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19743864 Lenington MJ, Wenthold PG: Topological control of spin states in disjoint diradicals. J Phys Chem A. 2010 Jan 28;114(3):1334-7.

Reaction of the ions with carbon disulfide creates CS (2) adducts, which, upon collision-induced dissociation, decompose to regenerate the bis-allylbenzene anion or carbon disulfide radical anion.
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16316103 Cui L, Xuan Y, Li X, Ding Y, Li B, Han Y: Polymer surfaces with reversibly switchable ordered morphology. Langmuir. 2005 Dec 6;21(25):11696-703.

Carbon disulfide (CS (2)), toluene (TOL), and tetrahydrofuran (THF) solvent vapors induced the honeycomb pattern into the ordered islandlike pattern, and ethanol, chloroform, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), and dimethylformamide (DMF) solvent vapors made the islandlike pattern come back to the honeycomb pattern.
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16503300 Godderis L, Braeckman L, Vanhoorne M, Viaene M: Neurobehavioral and clinical effects in workers exposed to CS (2). . Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2006 Mar;209(2):139-50. Epub 2005 Nov 10.

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11860947 Jiang X, Jiann L, Hu D: [A preliminary study on body level of nitric oxide in workers exposed to carbon disulfide]. Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2000 Nov;34(6):348-50.

OBJECTIVE: To study changes in body plasma level of nitric oxide (NO) in workers exposed to carbon disulfide (CS (2)) and its possible mechanism.
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10508086 Hashsham SA, Freedman DL: Enhanced biotransformation of carbon tetrachloride by Acetobacterium woodii upon addition of hydroxocobalamin and fructose. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1999 Oct;65(10):4537-42.

Besides increasing the rate of CT transformation, addition of fructose and OH-Cbl to live cultures increased the percentage of [(14) C] CT transformed to (14) CO (2) (up to 31%) and (14) C-labeled soluble materials (principally L-lactate and acetate), while decreasing the percentage of CT reduced to chloroform and abiotically transformed to carbon disulfide. (14) CS (2) represented more than 35% of the [(14) C] CT in the presence of reduced medium and OH-Cbl.
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12733089 Jhun HJ, Yim SH, Kim R, Paek D: Heart-rate variability of carbon disulfide-poisoned subjects in Korea. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2003 Mar;76(2):156-60. Epub 2002 Oct 17.

OBJECTIVES: Mass poisoning by carbon disulfide (CS (2)) occurred in a viscose-rayon factory in Korea.
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5420143 Magos L: The effects of carbon disulphide exposure on brain catecholamines in rats. Br J Pharmacol. 1970 May;39(1):26-33.

Rats exposed to 2.0 mg/1. carbon disulphide (CS (2)) in the inspired air for 2 days, 4 h a day, showed a 13% decrease in their brain noradrenaline concentration and a 16% increase in their brain dopamine concentration.2.
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10653657 Ryle MJ, Lee HI, Seefeldt LC, Hoffman BM: Nitrogenase reduction of carbon disulfide: freeze-quench EPR and ENDOR evidence for three sequential intermediates with cluster-bound carbon moieties. Biochemistry. 2000 Feb 8;39(5):1114-9.

In the present work, freeze-quench X- and Q-band EPR and Q-band (13) C electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectroscopic studies of nitrogenase during CS (2) reduction disclose the sequential formation of three distinct intermediates with a carbon-containing fragment of CS (2) bound to a metal cluster inferred to be the molybdenum-iron cofactor.
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10552510 Ren Y: Is carbonyl sulfide a precursor for carbon disulfide in vegetation and soil? Interconversion of carbonyl sulfide and carbon disulfide in fresh grain tissues in vitro. J Agric Food Chem. 1999 May;47(5):2141-4.

The interconversion of carbonyl sulfide (COS) and carbon disulfide (CS (2)) was studied in the roots and shoots of barley and chickpeas.
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15606256 Lo WJ, Chen HF, Chou PH, Lee YP: Isomers of OCS2: IR absorption spectra of OSCS and O (CS2) in solid Ar. J Chem Phys. 2004 Dec 22;121(24):12371-8.

The first set of lines are assigned to C=S stretching, O-S stretching, and S-C stretching modes of carbon disulfide S-oxide, OSCS; and the second set of lines are assigned to C=O stretching and OCS bending modes of dithiiranone, O (CS (2)), respectively, based on results of (34) S- and (18) O-isotopic experiments and quantum-chemical calculations.
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12738199 Shih TS, Chou TC, Chang HY, Wu CC, Wang PY: Accumulation of urinary 2-thiothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid (TTCA) among workers occupationally exposed to carbon disulfide for 1 week. Sci Total Environ. 2003 Jun 1;308(1-3):37-47.

OBJECTIVES: To investigate if carbon disulfide (CS (2)) accumulates after a 1-week exposure period, and how the work-shift duration and exposure magnitude affects this accumulation for the workers in viscose rayon industry.
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11463867 Kotseva K, Braeckman L, Duprez D, De Bacquer D, De Buyzere M, Van De Veire N, Vanhoorne M: Decreased carotid artery distensibility as a sign of early atherosclerosis in viscose rayon workers. Occup Med. 2001 Jun;51(4):223-9.

Carbon disulphide (CS (2)) is known to accelerate atherosclerosis and to increase the risk for cardiovascular diseases.
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17386588 Kramer KE, Rose-Pehrsson SL, Hammond MH, Tillett D, Streckert HH: Detection and classification of gaseous sulfur compounds by solid electrolyte cyclic voltammetry of cermet sensor array. Anal Chim Acta. 2007 Feb 12;584(1):78-88. Epub 2006 Nov 12.

Electrochemical sensors composed of a ceramic-metallic (cermet) solid electrolyte are used for the detection of gaseous sulfur compounds SO (2), H (2) S, and CS (2) in a study involving 11 toxic industrial chemical (TIC) compounds.
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14527841 Chang SJ, Shih TS, Chou TC, Chen CJ, Chang HY, Sung FC: Hearing loss in workers exposed to carbon disulfide and noise. Environ Health Perspect. 2003 Oct;111(13):1620-4.

In this study we investigated hearing loss in 131 men with exposure to noise [80-91 A-weighted decibels; dB (A)] and CS (2) (1.6-20.1 ppm) in a viscose rayon plant.
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12070632 Sulsky SI, Hooven FH, Burch MT, Mundt KA: Critical review of the epidemiological literature on the potential cardiovascular effects of occupational carbon disulfide exposure. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2002 Aug;75(6):365-80. Epub 2002 Feb 13.

OBJECTIVES: Occupational carbon disulfide (CS (2)) exposure has been associated with a variety of health effects since its introduction in the mid-19th century.
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17096364 Chang SJ, Chen CJ, Shih TS, Chou TC, Sung FC: Risk for hypertension in workers exposed to carbon disulfide in the viscose rayon industry. Am J Ind Med. 2007 Jan;50(1):22-7.

BACKGROUND: Chronic exposure to carbon disulfide (CS (2)) has been associated with hypertension, elevated cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, ischemic heart disease and related mortality, adverse nervous and reproductive health effects, and hearing impairment.
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15019297 Huang CC, Yen TC, Shih TS, Chang HY, Chu NS: Dopamine transporter binding study in differentiating carbon disulfide induced parkinsonism from idiopathic parkinsonism. Neurotoxicology. 2004 Mar;25(3):341-7.

Long-term exposure to carbon disulfide (CS (2)) may induce parkinsonian features.
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14587075 Chen SL, Jian L, Lang HQ: Optimization of peroxynitrite-luminol chemiluminescence system for detecting peroxynitrite in cell culture solution exposed to carbon disulphide. Luminescence. 2003 Sep-Oct;18(5):249-53.

We established a peroxynitrite-luminol chemiluminescence system for detecting peroxynitrite in cell culture solution exposed to carbon disulphide (CS (2)).
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19425786 Neuefeind J, Fischer HE, Simonson JM, Idrissi A, Schops A, Honkimaki V: The structure of liquid carbon dioxide and carbon disulfide. . J Chem Phys. 2009 May 7;130(17):174503.

We present neutron and x-ray scattering data (a 2N+X experiment) of liquid CO (2) and CS (2) at a density of about 10 molecules/nm (3).
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12592587 Korinth G, Goen T, Ulm K, Hardt R, Hubmann M, Drexler H: Cardiovascular function of workers exposed to carbon disulphide. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2003 Feb;76(1):81-5. Epub 2002 Oct 12.

METHODS: In a cross-sectional study a total of 325 workers exposed to CS (2) in the rayon-producing industry and 179 controls from the same plants were examined.
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14634266 Ku MC, Huang CC, Kuo HC, Yen TC, Chen CJ, Shih TS, Chang HY: Diffuse white matter lesions in carbon disulfide intoxication: microangiopathy or demyelination. Eur Neurol. 2003;50(4):220-4.

Long-term exposure to carbon disulfide (CS (2)) may induce diffuse encephalopathy with parkinsonism, pyramidal signs, cerebellar ataxia, and cognitive impairments, as well as axonal polyneuropathy.
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19187594 Guo XM, Tang RH, Qin XY, Yang J, Chen GY: Effects of carbon disulfide on the expression and activity of nitric oxide synthase in rat hippocampus. Chin Med J. 2008 Dec 20;121(24):2553-6.

BACKGROUND: Carbon disulfide (CS (2)) is a commonly used organic solvent.
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18953562 Jhun HJ, Lee SY, Yim SH, Kim MJ, Park KK, Cho SI: Metabolic syndrome in carbon disulfide-poisoned subjects in Korea: does chemical poisoning induce metabolic syndrome?. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2009 Jul;82(7):827-32. Epub 2008 Oct 25.

OBJECTIVE: Mass carbon disulfide (CS (2)) poisoning was reported at a viscose rayon factory in Korea.
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20066272 Maclean MJ, Walker S, Wang T, Eichinger PC, Sherman PJ, Bowie JH: Diagnostic fragmentations of adducts formed between carbanions and carbon disulfide in the gas phase. Org Biomol Chem. 2010 Jan 21;8(2):371-7. Epub 2009 Oct 23.

For example (i) C (6) H (5)(-) + CS (2)--> C (6) H (5) CS (2)(-)--> C (6) H (5) S (-) + CS, occurs through a 3-membered ring ipso transition state, and (ii) the reaction between C (6) H (5) CH (2)(-) and CS (2) gives an adduct which loses H (2) S, whereas the adduct (s) formed between o-CH (3) C (6) H (5)(-) and CS (2) loses H (2) S and CS.
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11559044 Amarnath V, Amarnath K, Graham DG, Qi Q, Valentine H, Zhang J, Valentine WM: Identification of a new urinary metabolite of carbon disulfide using an improved method for the determination of 2-thioxothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid. Chem Res Toxicol. 2001 Sep;14(9):1277-83.

In addition, during the analysis of urine samples from workers exposed to CS (2), a novel urinary metabolite of CS (2) was recognized.
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15081737 Chou TC, Shih TS, Sheu HM, Chang SJ, Huang CC, Chang HY: The effect of personal factors on the relationship between carbon disulfide exposure and urinary 2-thiothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid levels in rayon manufacturing workers. Sci Total Environ. 2004 Apr 25;322(1-3):51-62.

BACKGROUND: Few studies have been conducted to explore how personal factors-personal hygiene, personal protective equipment, and skin exposure affect the exposure-dose relationship in workers exposed to carbon disulfide (CS (2)).
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12191889 Jian L: Alcohol and urinary 2-thiothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid. Toxicol Lett. 2002 Aug 5;134(1-3):277-83.

The aim of this work was to study the effect of alcohol on the excretion characteristics of urinary 2-thiothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid (TTCA) in people exposed to carbon disulfide (CS (2)) and in non-exposed subjects.
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17165064 Jhun HJ, Cho SI, Kim MJ, Sung J: Electrocardiographic features of Korean carbon disulfide poisoned subjects after discontinuation of exposure. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2007 May;80(6):547-51. Epub 2006 Dec 13.

OBJECTIVE: Mass poisoning by carbon disulfide (CS (2)) was reported at a viscose rayon factory in Korea in the late 1980s; the factory was subsequently closed in 1993.
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20057598 Chenoweth AJ, Gaddy OL, Holshouser DF: Carbon disulfide traveling-wave kerr cells. Appl Opt. 1966 Oct 1;5(10):1652-6. doi: 10.1364/AO.5.001652.

These properties make it possible to construct long travelingwave light modulators at microwave frequencies using the Kerr electrooptic effect induced in CS (2) by an electric field propagating on a TEM transmission line.Several experiments with traveling-wave Kerr cells consisting of resonant strip transmission lines immersed in CS (2) are described.
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20066232 Yeguas V, Campomanes P, Lopez R: Reactivity of a rhenium hydroxo-carbonyl complex toward carbon disulfide: insights from theory. Dalton Trans. 2010 Jan 21;39(3):874-82. Epub 2009 Nov 20.

Besides, our findings permit to explain the assignment of the solution color change to the formation of [Re (SH)(CO)(3)(bipy)] when mixed CS (2) with [Re (OH)(CO)(3)(bipy)].
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17134958 Wronska-Nofer T, Nofer JR, Stetkiewicz J, Wierzbicka M, Bolinska H, Fobker M, Schulte H, Assmann G, von Eckardstein A: Evidence for oxidative stress at elevated plasma thiol levels in chronic exposure to carbon disulfide (CS2) and coronary heart disease. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2007 Sep;17(7):546-53. Epub 2006 Jul 7.

To further investigate whether plasma thiols act as prooxidants or antioxidants, we compared plasma oxidative status in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and in subjects occupationally exposed to carbon disulfide (CS (2)).
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11932040 Huang CC, Chu CC, Wu TN, Shih TS, Chu NS: Clinical course in patients with chronic carbon disulfide polyneuropathy. . Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2002 May;104(2):115-20.

The natural course of clinical manifestations and electrophysiological changes were studied in six patients with carbon disulfide (CS (2)) induced polyneuropathy.
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17100446 Knappenberger KL, Lerch EB, Wen P, Leone SR: Coherent polyatomic dynamics studied by femtosecond time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy: dissociation of vibrationally excited CS2 in the 6s and 4d Rydberg states. J Chem Phys. 2006 Nov 7;125(17):174314.

The dissociation dynamics of the 6s and 4d Rydberg states of carbon disulfide (CS (2)*) are studied by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy.
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18576424 Synowiecki J, Sikorska-Siondalska A, El-Bedawey Ael-F: Adsorption of enzymes on krill chitin modified with carbon disulfide. . Biotechnol Bioeng. 1987 Feb;29(3):352-4.

The dithiocarbamino groups created after reaction of CS (2) with chitinous NH (2) can participate in binding the enzymes without denaturation and loss in activity.
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19826721 Darensbourg DJ, Andreatta JR, Jungman MJ, Reibenspies JH: Investigations into the coupling of cyclohexene oxide and carbon disulfide catalyzed by (salen) CrCl. Dalton Trans. 2009 Nov 7;(41):8891-9. Epub 2009 Aug 18.

Density functional theory calculations were carried out on the possible cyclic materials from the coupling of cyclohexene oxide and CS (2), which revealed cyclohexylene trithiocarbonate to be the most stable cyclic species.
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