Protein Information

Name glycine receptors (protein family or complex)
Synonyms Glycine receptor; Glycine receptors

Compound Information

Name strychnine
CAS strychnidin-10-one

Reference List

PubMed Abstract RScore(About this table)
7901329 Becquet D, Hery M, Deprez P, Faudon M, Fache MP, Giraud P, Hery F: N-methyl-D-aspartic acid/glycine interactions on the control of 5-hydroxytryptamine release in raphe primary cultures. Brain Res. 1997 Oct 3;770(1-2):256-60.

Strychnine (50 microM) blocked the inhibitory effect of glycine, indicating an action through strychnine-sensitive inhibitory glycine receptors.
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7675197 Milbrandt JC, Caspary DM: Age-related reduction of [3H] strychnine binding sites in the cochlear nucleus of the Fischer 344 rat. Neuroscience. 2004;124(4):929-44.

The present study used quantitative receptor autoradiography to examine the effects of aging on the binding profile of the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor in the Fischer 344 rat.
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7834198 Kuijpers GA, Vergara LA, Calvo S, Yadid G: Inhibitory effect of strychnine on acetylcholine receptor activation in bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin cells. Life Sci. 2008 Aug 1;83(5-6):149-54. Epub 2008 Jun 15.

Strychnine, which is known as a potent and selective antagonist of the inhibitory glycine receptor in the central nervous system, inhibits the nicotinic stimulation of catecholamine release from bovine cultured adrenal chromaffin cells in a concentration-dependent (1-100 microM) manner.
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7957739 Wamsley JK, Sofia RD, Faull RL, Narang N, Ary T, McCabe RT: Interaction of felbamate with [3H] DCKA-labeled strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors in human postmortem brain. Proc West Pharmacol Soc. 1994;37:81-3.
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12505932 Zhang Y, Laster MJ, Hara K, Harris RA, Eger EI 2nd, Stabernack CR, Sonner JM: Glycine receptors mediate part of the immobility produced by inhaled anesthetics. J Neurophysiol. 1994 Dec;72(6):2903-10.

Then MAC was re-determined during an infusion of 3, 12, 24, or 48 (isoflurane only) micro g/min of strychnine (strychnine blocks glycine receptors) in artificial cerebrospinal fluid.
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9765506 Weaver CD, Partridge JG, Yao TL, Moates JM, Magnuson MA, Verdoorn TA: Activation of glycine and glutamate receptors increases intracellular calcium in cells derived from the endocrine pancreas. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2005 Sep;6(3):280-96.

The glycine receptors were permeable to Cl- and blocked by the selective antagonist strychnine.
118(1,2,3,3) Details
8549613 Kehne JH, Baron BM, Harrison BL, McCloskey TC, Palfreyman MG, Poirot M, Salituro FG, Siegel BW, Slone AL, Van Giersbergen PL, et al.: MDL 100,458 and MDL 102,288: two potent and selective glycine receptor antagonists with different functional profiles. Alcohol Alcohol. 1999 Mar-Apr;34(2):175-82.

Thus, two glycine receptor antagonists which have similar in vitro binding profiles as selective ligands for the strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor, demonstrate different in vitro and in vivo functional profiles.
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19307742 Demir R, Leuwer M, de la Roche J, Krampfl K, Foadi N, Karst M, Dengler R, Haeseler G, Ahrens J: Modulation of glycine receptor function by the synthetic cannabinoid HU210. Eur J Neurosci. 1994 Oct 1;6(10):1544-57.

As we hypothesized that non-CB receptor mechanisms of HU210 might contribute to its anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive effects we investigated the interaction of HU210 with strychnine-sensitive alpha (1 ) glycine receptors by using the whole-cell patch clamp technique.
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15342271 Xu H, Zhou KQ, Huang YN, Chen L, Xu TL: Taurine activates strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in neurons of the rat inferior colliculus. Hear Res. 2008 Mar;237(1-2):32-48. Epub 2007 Dec 28.
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18985319 Ahrens J, Leuwer M, Demir R, Krampfl K, de la Roche J, Foadi N, Karst M, Haeseler G: Positive allosteric modulatory effects of ajulemic acid at strychnine-sensitive glycine alpha1- and alpha1beta-receptors. Exp Neurol. 1994 Oct;129(2):244-50.

These in vitro results demonstrate that ajulemic acid modulates strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in clinically relevant concentrations.
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9334935 Duggan S, Milne B, Loomis C: Use of differential normal pulse voltammetry for the measurement of locus coeruleus catecholaminergic metabolism in an acute anaesthetized rodent model of allodynia: effect of mexiletine. Pharmacol Toxicol. 1994 Aug;75(2):73-81.

Results of this study indicate that LC CAOC, an index of LC neuronal activity: (a) is a sensitive biochemical index of strychnine-allodynia; (b) is temporally correlated with the cardiovascular and motor responses evoked by hair deflection during glycine receptor blockade; and (c) can be used to quantitate allodynia in the strychnine model.
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7816200 Spanswick D, Pickering AE, Gibson IC, Logan SD: Inhibition of sympathetic preganglionic neurons by spinal glycinergic interneurons. Protein Sci. 1997 May;6(5):983-98.

Strychnine antagonized all inhibitory postsynaptic potentials suggesting that they were mediated via glycine receptors.
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11860273 Rasmussen H, Rasmussen T, Triller A, Vannier C: Strychnine-blocked glycine receptor is removed from synapses by a shift in insertion/degradation equilibrium. Brain Res Dev Brain Res. 2003 Aug 12;144(1):73-82.
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16375888 Philippe G, Nguyen L, Angenot L, Frederich M, Moonen G, Tits M, Rigo JM: Study of the interaction of antiplasmodial strychnine derivatives with the glycine receptor. Anesthesiology. 1996 May;84(5):1215-22.
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7713059 White HS, Harmsworth WL, Sofia RD, Wolf HH: Felbamate modulates the strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor. . Eur J Pharmacol. 2006 Jun 6;539(1-2):27-33. Epub 2006 May 9.
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8383742 McCabe RT, Wasterlain CG, Kucharczyk N, Sofia RD, Vogel JR: Evidence for anticonvulsant and neuroprotectant action of felbamate mediated by strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors. Neuroscience. 2003;122(2):449-57.

Because glycinergic mechanisms have been demonstrated to be involved with seizure disorders and neuroprotection, we investigated the binding interaction of felbamate with strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors and compared these findings with brain and plasma levels of felbamate after drug treatment.
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17900376 Renna JM, Strang CE, Amthor FR, Keyser KT: Strychnine, but not PMBA, inhibits neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed by rabbit retinal ganglion cells. J Neurosci Res. 1995 Jun 1;41(2):259-69.

Thus, the effects of strychnine application may be to inhibit glycine receptors expressed by ganglion cell or to inhibit amacrine cell alpha7 nAChRs, both of which would result in an increase in the ganglion cell responses.
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7808436 Bloomenthal AB, Goldwater E, Pritchett DB, Harrison NL: Biphasic modulation of the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor by Zn2+. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1993 Jun;265(3):1380-6.
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19564396 Duan L, Yang J, Slaughter MM: Caffeine inhibition of ionotropic glycine receptors. . Mol Reprod Dev. 2001 Feb;58(2):205-15.

We found that caffeine is a structural analogue of strychnine and a competitive antagonist at ionotropic glycine receptors (GlyRs).
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12612034 Chattipakorn SC, McMahon LL: Strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors depress hyperexcitability in rat dentate gyrus. Pharmacol Rev. 1993 Sep;45(3):309-79.
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8908245 Gopal KV, Gross GW: Auditory cortical neurons in vitro: initial pharmacological studies. Eur J Pharmacol. 1998 May 8;348(2-3):271-7.

Strychnine also changed the burst activity to a simpler pattern and enhanced the burst amplitude, indicating presence of glycine receptors in cortical tissue.
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11457589 Sergeeva OA, Haas HL: Expression and function of glycine receptors in striatal cholinergic interneurons from rat and mouse. Neuroscience. 2001;103(3):799-810.

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17331993 Veruki ML, Gill SB, Hartveit E: Spontaneous IPSCs and glycine receptors with slow kinetics in wide-field amacrine cells in the mature rat retina. Neurosci Behav Physiol. 2007 Mar;37(3):271-6.

Glycinergic spIPSCs were blocked reversibly by strychnine (300 nM).
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11850512 Mori M, Gahwiler BH, Gerber U: Beta-alanine and taurine as endogenous agonists at glycine receptors in rat hippocampus in vitro. Brain Res. 2003 Feb 14;963(1-2):165-77.

In the presence of ionotropic glutamate and GABA (B) receptor antagonists, pressure-application of glycine onto CA3 pyramidal cells induced a current associated with increased chloride conductance, which was inhibited by strychnine.
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12909685 Iizuka M: GABAA and glycine receptors in regulation of intercostal and abdominal expiratory activity in vitro in neonatal rat. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2010 Jan;34(1):39-45. Epub 2009 Oct 23.

Under normal pH conditions, application of strychnine (0.2- 2.0 microM; a glycine receptor antagonist) to the brainstem did not evoke expiratory bursts.
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7650761 Aprison MH, Galvez-Ruano E, Lipkowitz KB: On a molecular comparison of strong and weak antagonists at the glycinergic receptor. Pharmacology. 2009;83(4):217-22. Epub 2009 Feb 10.

Using molecular modeling techniques, we studied nine glycine antagonists in order to try to identify the molecular descriptors that characterize strychnine as a strong antagonist and N,N-dimethyl-muscimol, iso-THIA, THIA, N-methyl-THIP, iso-THAZ, THAZ, iso-THPO, and iso-THAO (see Experimental for chemical names) as weak glycine antagonists.
Published molecular biological data show that such an amino acid is present in the portion of the polypeptides identified in the glycine receptor.
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15728841 Gonzalez-Forero D, Alvarez FJ: Differential postnatal maturation of GABAA, glycine receptor, and mixed synaptic currents in Renshaw cells and ventral spinal interneurons. J Neurophysiol. 1996 Aug;76(2):1224-35.

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16905250 Wang W, Xu TL: Chloride homeostasis differentially affects GABA (A) receptor- and glycine receptor-mediated effects on spontaneous circuit activity in hippocampal cell culture. Eur J Neurosci. 1997 Nov;9(11):2340-7.

Moreover, inhibition of KCC2 did not change the depressive effect of strychnine on neuronal circuits.
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18355923 Akay T, Fouad K, Pearson KG: New technique for drug application to the spinal cord of walking mice. J Biol Chem. 2004 May 28;279(22):22983-91. Epub 2004 Mar 18.

We then describe the influence of applying a glycine-receptor antagonist onto the lumbar segments of the spinal cord to demonstrate that the method is effective in modifying the functioning of neuronal systems in the spinal cord.
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18632940 Keck T, Lillis KP, Zhou YD, White JA: Frequency-dependent glycinergic inhibition modulates plasticity in hippocampus. J Neurosci. 2008 Jul 16;28(29):7359-69.

Previous studies have demonstrated the presence of functional glycine receptors (GlyRs) in hippocampus.
We find that strychnine-sensitive GlyRs are open in the resting CA1 pyramidal cell, creating a state of tonic inhibition that "shunts" the magnitude of EPSPs evoked by electrical stimulation of the Schaffer collateral inputs.
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16093340 Chen X, Shu S, Bayliss DA: Suppression of ih contributes to propofol-induced inhibition of mouse cortical pyramidal neurons. J Neurosci Methods. 2008 Jun 15;171(1):39-47. Epub 2008 Feb 12.

With GABA (A) and glycine receptor channels blocked, propofol caused membrane hyperpolarization and suppressed action potential discharge in cortical neurons; these effects were occluded by the I (h) blocker, ZD-7288.
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9660894 Dutschmann M, Herbert H: NMDA and GABAA receptors in the rat Kolliker-Fuse area control cardiorespiratory responses evoked by trigeminal ethmoidal nerve stimulation. Br J Pharmacol. 2003 Mar;138(6):1021-5.

Unilateral injections (n = 5) of the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine into the KF area did not produce any significant effects on EN5-evoked autonomic responses. 6.
In the present study, we examined the involvement of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), AMPA/kainate, (gamma-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) and glycine receptors in the Kolliker-Fuse (KF) nucleus in the mediation of the nasotrigeminal reflex responses. 2.
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11050110 Kulik A, Nishimaru H, Ballanyi K: Role of bicarbonate and chloride in GABA- and glycine-induced depolarization and [Ca2+] i rise in fetal rat motoneurons in situ. Eur J Pharmacol. 1994 Aug 22;261(3):295-301.

Our findings show that HCO (3)(-) efflux has a major contribution to depolarizations mediated by GABA (A) and glycine receptor-coupled anion channels in prenatal neurons.
The GABA- and glycine-evoked [Ca (2+)](i) transients were suppressed by bicuculline and strychnine, respectively.
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18768681 Xu Y, Sulaiman P, Feddersen RM, Liu J, Smith RG, Vardi N: Retinal ON bipolar cells express a new PCP2 splice variant that accelerates the light response. Auton Neurosci. 2007 Oct 30;136(1-2):69-81. Epub 2007 May 29.

Whole-cell recordings from rod bipolar cells showed, both under Ames medium and after blocking GABA (A/C) and glycine receptors, that PCP2-null rod bipolar cells were more depolarized than wild-type cells with greater inward current when clamped to -60 mV.
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8624015 Mason P, Owens CA, Hammond DL: Antagonism of the antinocifensive action of halothane by intrathecal administration of GABAA receptor antagonists. Int J Dev Neurosci. 1998 Aug;16(5):413-21.

In contrast, the antinocifensive effect of the increase in halothane concentration was not attenuated by the GABAB receptor antagonist CGP 35348 or the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine.
Saline, a GABAA, a GABAB, or glycine receptor antagonist was then injected intrathecally.
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8858931 Wood PL, Hawkinson JE, Goodnough DB: Formation of D-serine from L-phosphoserine in brain synaptosomes. J Neurophysiol. 2000 Oct;84(4):2171-4.

D-Serine is a stereospecific agonist of the NMDA-associated glycine receptor, with an affinity equal to or greater than that of glycine but with no affinity for the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor.
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10322093 Nakayama K, Nishimaru H, Iizuka M, Ozaki S, Kudo N: Rostrocaudal progression in the development of periodic spontaneous activity in fetal rat spinal motor circuits in vitro. J Neurosci. 1996 Mar 1;16(5):1836-43.

Concomitant application of kynurenate and strychnine (5 microM), a glycine receptor antagonist, abolished all spontaneous bursts, suggesting that the major transmitter mediating the spontaneous bursts changes from glycine to glutamate in the cervical region by E16.5, but not in the lumbar region during this period.
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17386936 Wang GH, Jiang ZL, Fan XJ, Zhang L, Li X, Ke KF: Neuroprotective effect of taurine against focal cerebral ischemia in rats possibly mediated by activation of both GABAA and glycine receptors. J Biol Chem. 2010 Feb 5;285(6):3730-9. Epub 2009 Dec 3.

Such effect is possibly mediated by the activation of both GABA (A) receptors and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors.
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12878709 Jiang Z, Krnjevic K, Wang F, Ye JH: Taurine activates strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in neurons freshly isolated from nucleus accumbens of young rats. Neurochem Int. 1996 Oct;29(4):423-34.
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7687278 St John PA, Stephens SL: Adult-type glycine receptors form clusters on embryonic rat spinal cord neurons developing in vitro. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2000 Dec;295(3):1051-60.

The time course of development and the cellular and subcellular distributions of adult-type, strychnine-binding glycine receptors (GlyRs) were examined on rat spinal cord neurons in vitro using both the GlyR antagonist strychnine and a specific antibody against the receptor.
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7472357 Biella G, Sotgiu ML: Evidence that inhibitory mechanisms mask inappropriate somatotopic connections in the spinal cord of normal rat. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 1995 Jul;352(1):11-6.

The drugs used were: strychnine, as a selective antagonist at glycine receptors; sodium glutamate and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), as agonists at excitatory glutamatergic receptors; glycine, as an agonist at the inhibitory glycine receptor; and the local anesthetic lidocaine, as a reversible local conduction blocker both in the periphery and in the spinal cord. 3.
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8041498 Paton JF, Ramirez JM, Richter DW: Mechanisms of respiratory rhythm generation change profoundly during early life in mice and rats. Neuroscience. 2001;106(1):183-91.

Our findings demonstrate that during the first two weeks of life there are profound changes in both the motor pattern of rhythmic XII neurons and sensitivity of the respiratory rhythm to strychnine blockade of glycine receptors.
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16171972 Garcia-Alcocer G, Martinez-Torres A, Miledi R: Strychnine induces embryotoxicity in rat neurulation. Brain Res. 2007 Aug 3;1161:11-20. Epub 2007 Jun 12.

Administering strychnine, a potent antagonist of glycine receptors, to pregnant rats caused marked toxic effects on the ensuing embryos.
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7813551 Long JB, Skolnick P: 1-Aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid protects against dynorphin A-induced spinal injury. Br J Pharmacol. 1993 Sep;110(1):50-3.

The protective effects of a variety of competitive and non-competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists indicate that activation of the NMDA receptor complex is essential for dynorphin A-induced spinal cord injury. 1-Aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid (ACPC) is a high affinity, partial agonist at strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors associated with the NMDA receptor complex.
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12354281 Beckstead MJ, Phelan R, Trudell JR, Bianchini MJ, Mihic SJ: Anesthetic and ethanol effects on spontaneously opening glycine receptor channels. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2005 Nov;315(2):696-703. Epub 2005 Jul 20.

Strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors mediate inhibitory neurotransmission occurring in the brain stem and spinal cord.
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7812607 Saitoh T, Ishida M, Maruyama M, Shinozaki H: A novel antagonist, phenylbenzene omega-phosphono-alpha-amino acid, for strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in the rat spinal cord. Exp Brain Res. 1998 Apr;119(3):297-306.
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10218807 Rozzo A, Ballerini L, Nistri A: Antagonism by (1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridine-4-yl) methylphosphinic acid of synaptic transmission in the neonatal rat spinal cord in vitro: an electrophysiological study. Neurosci Lett. 2006 Oct 2;406(1-2):11-6. Epub 2006 Aug 14.

Following block of GABA (A) receptors by bicuculline (20 microM) and of glycine receptors by strychnine (1 microM), regular bursting activity recorded from ventral roots developed spontaneously and persisted unchanged for many hours.
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12151932 Yamauchi M, Sekiyama H, Shimada SG, Collins JG: Halothane suppression of spinal sensory neuronal responses to noxious peripheral stimuli is mediated, in part, by both GABA (A) and glycine receptor systems. J Physiol. 2002 Oct 1;544(Pt 1):97-106.

The authors tested the hypothesis that gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor type A (GABA (A)) and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor systems mediate halothane depression of spinal sensory neuronal responses to noxious stimuli.
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17145135 Kanda T, Iwamoto Y, Yoshida K, Shimazu H: Glycinergic inputs cause the pause of pontine omnipause neurons during saccades. Neuropharmacology. 2007 Apr;52(5):1199-209. Epub 2007 Mar 26.

To reveal functions of glycinergic and GABAergic inputs, we investigated effects of iontophoretic application of strychnine, a glycine receptor antagonist, and bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist, on discharge patterns of OPNs in alert cats.
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9851655 Rodriguez-Ithurralde D, Maruri A, Rodriguez X: Motor neurone acetylcholinesterase release precedes neurotoxicity caused by systemic administration of excitatory amino acids and strychnine. J Biol Chem. 2004 Jan 9;279(2):876-83. Epub 2003 Oct 16.

We investigated histochemical and histopathological changes in cell populations of the mouse spinal ventral horn upon in vivo stimulation of glutamate receptors with L-aspartate (ASP, 10-50 mg/kg, intraperitoneal: i.p.), or blockade of glycine receptors with strychnine (STRY, 2 mg/kg, i.p.).
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16033910 Chen YP, Chen SR, Pan HL: Effect of morphine on deep dorsal horn projection neurons depends on spinal GABAergic and glycinergic tone: implications for reduced opioid effect in neuropathic pain. Neuroscience. 1995 Jan;64(2):525-35.

On the other hand, the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (4 microM) significantly decreased the effect of morphine in both nerve-injured and control animals.
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8989406 Klug A, Park TJ, Pollak GD: Glycine and GABA influence binaural processing in the inferior colliculus of the mustache bat. J Neurosci Methods. 2008 Sep 15;174(1):97-102. Epub 2008 Jul 23.

To study these questions, we recorded from 61 EI neurons in the inferior colliculus of the mustache bat before and during the iontophoretic application of the glycine receptor antagonist, strychnine.
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12213259 Wong JY, Ross SA, McColl C, Massalas JS, Powney E, Finkelstein DI, Clark M, Horne MK, Berkovic SF, Drago J: Proconvulsant-induced seizures in alpha (4) nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit knockout mice. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2007 Aug;293(2):R901-10. Epub 2007 May 23.

We investigated the response of alpha (4) nAChR subunit knockout mice to the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor antagonists; pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) and bicuculline (BIC), the glutamate receptor agonist kainic acid (KA), the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine and the K (+) channel blocker 4-aminopyridine (4-AP).
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17982916 Lee MC, Hwang JC, Lin JT, Tung LC: Characteristics of GABA receptors on the ocellar L-neurons of American cockroach Periplaneta americana. J Neurophysiol. 1995 Oct;74(4):1701-13.

More interestingly, administration of strychnine, glycine receptor antagonist, largely attenuated the depolarization response of the L-neurons to cercal stimulation.
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12663257 Chen Z, Travers JB: Inactivation of amino acid receptors in medullary reticular formation modulates and suppresses ingestion and rejection responses in the awake rat. Neuroscience. 2004;123(3):715-24.

Bilateral infusions of the GABA (A) receptor antagonist bicuculline or the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine enhanced the amplitude of IO stimulation-induced oral responses.
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16493648 Gdovin MJ, Jackson VV, Zamora DA, Leiter JC: Effect of prevention of lung inflation on metamorphosis and respiration in the developing bullfrog tadpole, Rana catesbeiana. Epilepsy Res. 1995 Jan;20(1):41-8.

Bath application of the GABA (A) and glycine receptor antagonists, bicuculline and strychnine, had greater effects on control tadpole gill burst activity and produced a similar large-amplitude bursting pattern in both control and barrier tadpoles, that was insensitive to CO (2) chemoreceptor stimulation.
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15601738 Protti DA, Flores-Herr N, Li W, Massey SC, Wassle H: Light signaling in scotopic conditions in the rabbit, mouse and rat retina: a physiological and anatomical study. J Neurosci. 2006 Feb 8;26(6):1787-94.

Consistent with this result, strychnine, a glycine receptor antagonist, was unable to abolish these off responses.
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9754925 Tapia JC, Aguilar LF, Sotomayor CP, Aguayo LG: Ethanol affects the function of a neurotransmitter receptor protein without altering the membrane lipid phase. J Neurophysiol. 2007 Dec;98(6):3666-76. Epub 2007 Oct 3.

Using patch-clamp and fluorescence techniques we found that ethanol (10-200 mM) potentiated strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors without having detectable effects on lipid order parameters in mouse spinal cord neurons.
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9786497 Mascia MP, Wick MJ, Martinez LD, Harris RA: Enhancement of glycine receptor function by ethanol: role of phosphorylation. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2001 May-Jun;28(5-6):451-8.

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9622242 Danober L, Pape HC: Strychnine-sensitive glycine responses in neurons of the lateral amygdala: an electrophysiological and immunocytochemical characterization. J Physiol. 1996 Nov 15;497 ( Pt 1):131-43.

Electrophysiological and staining techniques in the in vitro slice preparation of the rat and guinea-pig lateral amygdala were combined with immunocytochemical approaches, in order to characterize the neuronal substrate, the ionic basis and the pharmacological properties of glycine-mediated responses, and to map the distribution and composition of the mediating glycine receptors.
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11178872 Pierce KD, Handford CA, Morris R, Vafa B, Dennis JA, Healy PJ, Schofield PR: A nonsense mutation in the alpha1 subunit of the inhibitory glycine receptor associated with bovine myoclonus. Proteins. 2007 Jun 1;67(4):950-60.

Binding studies have previously shown that myoclonus is associated with specific loss of [(3) H] strychnine-binding sites from spinal cord and brain stem in affected calves.
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19860810 Chau P, Stomberg R, Fagerberg A, Soderpalm B, Ericson M: Glycine receptors involved in acamprosate's modulation of accumbal dopamine levels: an in vivo microdialysis study. J Comp Physiol A. 1999 Jan;184(1):85-98.

Pretreatment either with 10 microM strychnine in the nAc or 100 microM mecamylamine in the VTA, completely antagonized the acamprosate-induced elevation of accumbal dopamine levels.
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19619564 Zhang HX, Lyons-Warren A, Thio LL: The glycine transport inhibitor sarcosine is an inhibitory glycine receptor agonist. Neurosci Lett. 2001 Mar 2;300(1):5-8.

We examined this possibility using whole-cell recordings from cultured embryonic mouse hippocampal neurons and found that sarcosine evoked a dose-dependent, strychnine sensitive, Cl (-) current that cross-inhibited glycine currents.
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9614239 Kotak VC, Korada S, Schwartz IR, Sanes DH: A developmental shift from GABAergic to glycinergic transmission in the central auditory system. Eur J Pharmacol. 1997 Aug 13;332(3):321-6.

Consistent with the electrophysiological observations, there was a reduction in staining for the beta2,3-GABAA receptor subunit from P4 to P14, whereas staining for the glycine receptor-associated protein gephyrin increased.
GABAergic and glycinergic components were identified by blocking transmission with bicuculline and strychnine (SN), respectively.
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10381800 Wang MY, Rampil IJ, Kendig JJ: Ethanol directly depresses AMPA and NMDA glutamate currents in spinal cord motor neurons independent of actions on GABAA or glycine receptors. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1999 Jul;290(1):362-7.

Block of inhibitory gamma-aminobutyric acidA and glycine receptors by bicuculline (50 microM) and strychnine (5 microM), respectively, did not significantly reduce the effects of ethanol on glutamate currents.
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9867632 Froehner SC: Gathering glycine receptors at synapses. Pain. 1994 May;57(2):217-23.

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11701143 Zheng F, Johnson SW: Glycine receptor-mediated inhibition of dopamine and non-dopamine neurons of the rat ventral tegmental area in vitro. Anesthesiology. 2002 Aug;97(2):412-7.

Glycine (0.1-3 mM) caused a strychnine-sensitive and chloride-dependent reduction in membrane input resistance in both types of neuron.
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8713182 Chiba C, Saito T: Development of responses to excitatory and inhibitory amino acids in spiking cells during retinal regeneration in the adult newt. J Auton Nerv Syst. 1996 Jun 10;59(1-2):17-26.

AMPA/KA, NMDA, GABAA, and glycine receptors, each of which were electrophysiologically and pharmacologically similar to those in the normal retina, appeared in spiking cells before regenerating retina had segregated into two synaptic layers.
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17920294 Weiss J, O'Sullivan GA, Heinze L, Chen HX, Betz H, Wassle H: Glycinergic input of small-field amacrine cells in the retinas of wildtype and glycine receptor deficient mice. Pharmacology. 2008;81(3):195. Epub 2008 Jan 9.

Amacrine cells are known to express strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors (GlyRs), however, it is not known which of the four GlyRalpha subunits (alpha1-4) are expressed in this diverse group of cells.
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18692523 Lavrov I, Cheng J: Methodological optimization of applying neuroactive agents for the study of locomotor-like activity in the mudpuppies (Necturus maculatus). Brain Res. 1993 May 21;611(2):300-12.

Superfusion of strychnine, a glycine receptor antagonist, blocked the walking-like activity at concentrations of 3-5 microM, while its bolus application altered NMDA-induced, but not glutamate-induced, walking-like activity to a synchronized pattern.
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7912632 Shuker MA, Bowser-Riley F, Davies SN: Possible NMDA antagonist properties of drugs that affect high pressure neurological syndrome. Ann Nutr Metab. 2007;51(4):379-86. Epub 2007 Aug 29.

Previous studies have suggested that a series of drugs modelled on part of the strychnine molecule interfere with the development of high pressure neurological syndrome (HPNS) and it was presumed that this effect was via an action on inhibitory glycinergic transmission.
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11465553 Wong SM, Cheng G, Homanics GE, Kendig JJ: Enflurane actions on spinal cords from mice that lack the beta3 subunit of the GABA (A) receptor. Neuroreport. 2002 Sep 16;13(13):1667-73.

The glycine antagonist strychnine elevated the pEPSP to a significantly greater extent in -/- than in +/+ cords, but the interactions between strychnine and enflurane did not differ between -/- and +/+ cords.
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9671104 Garcia MC, Celuch SM, Adler-Graschinsky E: Involvement of GABA and glutamate receptors in the blood pressure responses to intrathecally injected sodium nitroprusside in anesthetized rats. Exp Neurol. 2007 Feb;203(2):493-501. Epub 2006 Oct 13.

The blood pressure responses to sodium nitroprusside were not modified by blockade of muscarinic receptors with methyl atropine (164 nmol, i.t.), or of nicotinic receptors with hexamethonium (211 nmol, i.t.), of alpha1-adrenoceptors with prazosin (3.1 nmol, i.t.), of alpha2-adrenoceptors with yohimbine (2.8 micromol/kg, i.v.), of 5-HT receptors with methysergide (5.1 micromol/kg, i.v.), or of glycine receptors with strychnine (65 nmol, i.t.).
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12804573 Llanos MN, Ronco AM, Aguirre MC: Specific strychnine binding sites on acrosome-associated membranes of golden hamster spermatozoa. J Neurochem. 1996 Oct;67(4):1485-90.

Glycine receptor agonists beta-alanine and taurine inhibited strychnine binding by 20-30%.
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12803134 Wang DS, Zhu HL, Li JS: Beta-alanine acts on glycine receptors in the rat sacral dorsal commissural neurons. J Neurochem. 1998 Nov;71(5):2159-68.

The results indicate that beta-ALA activates the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in the SDCN neurons, and suggest that beta-ALA may act as a functional neurotransmitter in the mammalian SDCN.
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17217420 Carrasco MA, Castro PA, Sepulveda FJ, Cuevas M, Tapia JC, Izaurieta P, van Zundert B, Aguayo LG: Anti-homeostatic synaptic plasticity of glycine receptor function after chronic strychnine in developing cultured mouse spinal neurons. J Physiol. 2002 Aug 1;542(Pt 3):685-97.
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12932897 Jansen M, Dannhardt G: Antagonists and agonists at the glycine site of the NMDA receptor for therapeutic interventions. J Exp Zool A Comp Exp Biol. 2006 Apr 1;305(4):335-47.

Contrary to the inhibitory glycine receptor (glycine (A)) the glycine binding site on the NMDA receptor (glycine (B)) is strychnine-insensitive.
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9384243 Mennini T, Mancini L, Reggiani A, Trist D: GV 150526A, 7-Cl-kynurenic acid and HA 966 antagonize the glycine enhancement of N-methyl-D-aspartate-induced [3H] noradrenaline and [3H] dopamine release. J Neurophysiol. 2009 Dec;102(6):3169-79. Epub 2009 Sep 23.

In addition HA 966 shows regional differences in its interaction with the strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor, being about six times more potent on striatal than on hippocampal synaptosomes, suggesting a possible heterogeneity of glycine sites recognized by HA 966 or different intrinsic activity in the two brain regions.
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8028768 Berger P, Farrel K, Sharp F, Skolnick P: Drugs acting at the strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor do not induce HSP-70 protein in the cingulate cortex. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2003 Jul;75(4):831-5.

These findings indicate that even after very high doses, drugs acting at the strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor are less likely to injure cingulate cortical neurons than other classes of NMDA antagonists.
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15862540 Hilgier W, Oja SS, Saransaari P, Albrecht J: Taurine prevents ammonia-induced accumulation of cyclic GMP in rat striatum by interaction with GABAA and glycine receptors. Brain Res. 2001 Nov 23;919(2):313-7.

In this study, coinfusion with taurine of a GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline or a glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (100 microM each), separately, restored ammonia-induced release of cGMP to the extracellular fluid to approximately 29% and 18% of the level measured in the absence of taurine, respectively.
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12867529 Kawa K: Glycine receptors and glycinergic synaptic transmission in the deep cerebellar nuclei of the rat: a patch-clamp study. J Pharm Belg. 1995 Mar-Jun;50(2-3):194-203.

Thus this study has revealed that strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors are expressed in neurons of the DCN of rats and that glycinergic transmission mediated by these receptors is functional in these neurons from stages immediately after birth.
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17110030 Han SK, Park JR, Park SA, Chun SW, Lee JC, Lee SY, Ryu PD, Park SJ: Noradrenaline inhibits substantia gelatinosa neurons in mice trigeminal subnucleus caudalis via alpha (2) and beta adrenoceptors. Neuropharmacology. 1999 Feb;38(2):243-51.

NA-induced hyperpolarizing effects were maintained in the presence of tetrodotoxin (TTX), 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX), d,l-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5), picrotoxin and strychnine, a Na (+) channel, ionotropic glutamate receptor, GABA (A) and glycine receptor antagonists, respectively, indicating that the effects of NA are direct on the postsynaptic SG neurons.
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16376148 Lechner SM: Glutamate-based therapeutic approaches: inhibitors of glycine transport. . Eur J Neurosci. 2002 Oct;16(8):1523-30.

In addition, recent electrophysiological findings and data from transgenic mouse models suggest that GlyT1 might also play a role in terminating the actions of glycine at strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors, and therefore GlyT1 antagonists also have potential for the treatment of conditions where activation of inhibitory pathways in the central nervous system might be beneficial.
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8018849 Lambert DM, Poupaert JH, Maloteaux JM, Dumont P: Anticonvulsant activities of N-benzyloxycarbonylglycine after parenteral administration. J Physiol. 1998 May 15;509 ( Pt 1):245-54.

The lack of Z-glycine affinity for the strychnine sensitive glycine receptor and the strychnine insensitive glycine receptor associated with the NMDA receptor may indicate that Z-glycine acts either via a prodrug mechanism or per se via an alternative mechanism.
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16950410 Abdin MJ, Morioka N, Morita K, Kitayama T, Kitayama S, Nakashima T, Dohi T: Analgesic action of nicotine on tibial nerve transection (TNT)-induced mechanical allodynia through enhancement of the glycinergic inhibitory system in spinal cord. Neurochem Res. 1993 Oct;18(10):1051-5.

Furthermore, pretreatment with strychnine, a glycine receptor antagonist, blocked the antinociception induced by nicotine, RJR-2403, and choline.
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7931498 Yang L, Pollak GD: The roles of GABAergic and glycinergic inhibition on binaural processing in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus of the mustache bat. J Neurophysiol. 2005 Jun;93(6):3479-88. Epub 2004 Dec 15.

We studied the monaural and binaural response properties of 99 neurons in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) of the mustache bat before and during the iontophoretic application of antagonists that blocked gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptors (bicuculline) or glycine receptors (strychnine).
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7796124 Nowak G, Ordway GA, Paul IA: Alterations in the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor complex in the frontal cortex of suicide victims. J Neurophysiol. 1994 Jun;71(6):1999-2013.

This adaptation consists of a reduction in the potency of glycine to displace [3H] 5,7-dichlorokynurenic acid from strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors and a reduction in high affinity, glycine-displaceable [3H] CGP-39653 binding to glutamate receptors.
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17534125 Chen Y, Dai TJ, Zeng YM: Strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors mediate the analgesic but not hypnotic effects of emulsified volatile anesthetics. J Neurol Sci. 1998 Oct;160 Suppl 1:S80-6.

The present study was designed to investigate the role of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in hypnosis and analgesia induced by emulsified volatile anesthetics.
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17462677 Igartua I, Solis JM, Bustamante J: Glycine-induced long-term synaptic potentiation is mediated by the glycine transporter GLYT1. J Physiol. 2004 Aug 15;559(Pt 1):35-40. Epub 2004 Jul 8.

This LTP-GLY is independent of both strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors and nifedipine-sensitive calcium channels.
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12618352 Su CK, Phoon SL, Yen CT: Identification of active thoracic spinal segments responsible for tonic and bursting sympathetic discharge in neonatal rats. Life Sci. 1994;55(1):27-34.

Bath application of bicuculline and strychnine, which removes endogenous GABA (A) and glycine receptor activities, transforms the quasi-periodic tonic SND into synchronized bursts (bSND).
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7674119 Lambert DM, Geurts M, Scriba GK, Poupaert JH, Dumont P: [Simple derivatives of amino acid neurotransmitters. Br J Pharmacol. 1999 Mar;126(5):1230-6.

They act mainly in the spinal cord and in the brain stem via the strychnine sensitive glycine receptor.
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12356883 Gentet LJ, Clements JD: Binding site stoichiometry and the effects of phosphorylation on human alpha1 homomeric glycine receptors. J Neurophysiol. 2002 Jan;87(1):640-4.

The unbinding of three strychnine molecules and the cooperative binding of two glycine molecules were required to activate the channel.
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8408073 Cascio M, Schoppa NE, Grodzicki RL, Sigworth FJ, Fox RO: Functional expression and purification of a homomeric human alpha 1 glycine receptor in baculovirus-infected insect cells. Eur J Pharmacol. 1996 Dec 19;317(2-3):191-6.

These channels were gated by glycine, but not in the presence of strychnine.
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7700595 Martin H, Warner DS, Todd MM: Effects of glycine receptor antagonism on spreading depression in the rat. J Biol Chem. 1993 Oct 15;268(29):22135-42.

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14622922 Muller F, Heinke B, Sandkuhler J: Reduction of glycine receptor-mediated miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents in rat spinal lamina I neurons after peripheral inflammation. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1998 May;22(3):704-9.

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11784780 van Zundert B, Alvarez FJ, Yevenes GE, Carcamo JG, Vera JC, Aguayo LG: Glycine receptors involved in synaptic transmission are selectively regulated by the cytoskeleton in mouse spinal neurons. Neuroscience. 1999 Mar;90(3):1085-92.

Application of colchicine via the culture media or the patch-pipette, however, did not affect the whole cell current rundown (73 +/- 6% of control after 1 h), the sensitivity of the GlyR to glycine (EC (50) = 29 +/- 1 microM), or strychnine inhibition (47 +/- 5% of control after 100 nM strychnine).
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15893641 Deleuze C, Alonso G, Lefevre IA, Duvoid-Guillou A, Hussy N: Extrasynaptic localization of glycine receptors in the rat supraoptic nucleus: further evidence for their involvement in glia-to-neuron communication. J Pharmacol Sci. 2010 Mar 19;112(3):352-60. Epub 2010 Feb 20.

First, we show that blockade of GlyRs with strychnine has no effect on either the amplitude or frequency of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents recorded in SON neurons, whereas they were all suppressed by the GABA (A) antagonist gabazine.
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9766836 Sorkin LS, Puig S, Jones DL: Spinal bicuculline produces hypersensitivity of dorsal horn neurons: effects of excitatory amino acid antagonists. Pain. 1998 Aug;77(2):181-90.

This is in contrast to our previous work with glycine receptor antagonism where only the evoked response to hair follicle activation was significantly enhanced.
The inability of AP-7 to reverse the bicuculline-associated hyperreactivity also contrasts with the AP-7 reversal of the strychnine-associated hyperreactivity.
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7500379 Galvez-Ruano E, Lipkowitz KB, Aprison MH: On identifying a second molecular antagonistic mechanism operative at the glycine receptor. Neuropharmacology. 1997 Aug;36(8):1057-64.

We used molecular modeling techniques to examine six reported antagonists of glycine with varying Ki values against strychnine.
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12766618 Davies DL, Trudell JR, Mihic SJ, Crawford DK, Alkana RL: Ethanol potentiation of glycine receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes antagonized by increased atmospheric pressure. J Physiol. 1998 Mar 1;507 ( Pt 2):473-83.

Glycine concentration response curves, strychnine/glycine interactions, and zinc (Zn2+) modulation of GlyR function was also tested.
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7531579 Legendre P, Korn H: Glycinergic inhibitory synaptic currents and related receptor channels in the zebrafish brain. Jpn J Physiol. 1995;45(5):869-87.

Applications of 0.5-1 microM strychnine in the presence of tetrodotoxin eliminated > 90% of the inhibitory currents in the preparation.
Outside-out recordings showed at least two classes of glycine receptor channels, one having multiple conductance levels with a main state of 81-86 pS and another displaying only one opening level of 41-43 pS.
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7506752 Thoreson WB, Miller RF: Membrane currents evoked by excitatory amino acid agonists in ON bipolar cells of the mudpuppy retina. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2002 Apr;282(4):R999-R1005.

AMPA-evoked currents exhibited a significant chloride dependence and were suppressed by gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) antagonists bicuculline and picrotoxin; a GABA uptake blocker, nipecotic acid; and a glycine antagonist, strychnine.
These results indicate that the conductance increase induced by AMPA in the presence of 2 mM cobalt is largely the result of calcium-dependent synaptic inputs onto GABAA and glycine receptors of ON bipolar cells. 4.
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15817633 Wang F, Xiao C, Ye JH: Taurine activates excitatory non-synaptic glycine receptors on dopamine neurones in ventral tegmental area of young rats. Brain Res. 2005 May 10;1043(1-2):242-6.

In voltage-clamped neurones, taurine induced a current which was antagonized by strychnine and by picrotoxin, but not by bicuculline.
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10908659 Mascia MP, Trudell JR, Harris RA: Specific binding sites for alcohols and anesthetics on ligand-gated ion channels. Amino Acids. 2009 Jan;36(1):21-7. Epub 2008 Jan 15.

The inhibitory strychnine-sensitive glycine and gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors are positively modulated by anesthetics and alcohols, and site-directed mutagenesis techniques have identified amino acid residues important for the action of volatile anesthetics and alcohols in these receptors.
We demonstrated that the anesthetic propanethiol, or alternatively, propyl methanethiosulfonate, covalently binds to cysteine residues introduced into a specific second transmembrane site in glycine receptor and gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor subunits and irreversibly enhances receptor function.
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9570802 Protti DA, Llano I: Calcium currents and calcium signaling in rod bipolar cells of rat retinal slices. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Aug 1;97(16):9305-10.

Concomitant with Ca2+ entry, depolarization induced the appearance of transient outward currents that resembled IPSCs and were blocked by GABA and glycine receptor antagonists, suggesting that they arise from activation of amacrine feedback synapses.
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8393521 Vandenberg RJ, Rajendra S, French CR, Barry PH, Schofield PR: The extracellular disulfide loop motif of the inhibitory glycine receptor does not form the agonist binding site. Mol Pharmacol. 1996 Aug;50(2):402-6.

Mutation of the lysine at position 143 to alanine resulted in essentially unaltered GlyRs, showing only modest decreases in strychnine affinity (Kd, 8.1 +/- 1.4 nM versus 13.4 +/- 1.3 nM), glycine displacement of strychnine binding (Ki, 25 +/- 5 microM versus 49 +/- 9 microM), and glycine activation of chloride currents (EC50, 27 +/- 6 microM versus 114 +/- 14 microM).
Using site-directed mutagenesis of the inhibitory glycine receptor (GlyR), we have specifically tested this hypothesis.
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11600626 Frech MJ, Perez-Leon J, Wassle H, Backus KH: Characterization of the spontaneous synaptic activity of amacrine cells in the mouse retina. Pain. 1998 Jul;77(1):87-95.

Only four amacrine cells showed glycinergic sIPSCs that were inhibited by strychnine (1 microM).
In addition to ionotropic glutamate receptors, amacrine cells express two types of inhibitory receptors, GABA (A) receptors (GABA (A) Rs) and glycine receptors (GlyRs).
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8527722 Wannier T, Orlovsky G, Grillner S: Reticulospinal neurones provide monosynaptic glycinergic inhibition of spinal neurones in lamprey. Endocrinology. 2005 Oct;146(10):4302-11. Epub 2005 Jun 23.

The present study demonstrates that a group of reticulospinal neurones inhibit their target neurones by an action on glycine receptors.
IPSPs elicited from single reticulospinal neurones or from electrical stimulation of the reticular formation are suppressed by administration of strychnine, suggesting that glycine is the neurotransmitter of these inhibitory reticulospinal neurones.
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16551908 Yang CX, Xu H, Zhou KQ, Wang MY, Xu TL: Modulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid A receptor function by thiopental in the rat spinal dorsal horn neurons. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2002 Feb;300(2):526-34.

I (Thio) was sensitive to bicuculline, a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor antagonist, but not to strychnine, a glycine receptor antagonist.
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10824678 Bieda MC, Copenhagen DR: Inhibition is not required for the production of transient spiking responses from retinal ganglion cells. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 1995 Nov;52(3):621-7.

We found that picrotoxin (a GABA (A) and GABA (C) receptor antagonist), bicuculline (a GABA (A) receptor antagonist), and strychnine (a glycine receptor antagonist), applied either singly or in combination, always failed to convert transient responses to sustained responses.
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12123749 Maksay G, Biro T, Laube B: Hyperekplexia mutation of glycine receptors: decreased gating efficacy with altered binding thermodynamics. Eur J Neurosci. 2002 Apr;15(8):1299-305.

[(3) H] Strychnine binding was studied to recombinant human alpha (1) and the hyperekplexia mutant alpha (1) R271L glycine receptors (GlyRs) transiently expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 cell cultures at 0, 18 and 37 degrees.
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18690053 Grudzinska J, Schumann T, Schemm R, Betz H, Laube B: Mutations within the agonist-binding site convert the homomeric alpha1 glycine receptor into a Zn2+-activated chloride channel. J Neurosci. 2009 Jul 1;29(26):8372-87.

The divalent cation Zn2+ has been shown to regulate inhibitory neurotransmission in the mammalian CNS by affecting the activation of the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor (GlyR).
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12352621 Du JL, Xu LY, Yang XL: Glycine receptors and transporters on bullfrog retinal Muller cells. J Physiol. 2007 Sep 15;583(Pt 3):1021-40. Epub 2007 Jul 26.

The glycine-induced current was partially suppressed by strychnine, and the remaining strychnine-resistant component was sacrosine-sensititve, suggesting that these two components may be mediated by glycine receptors and glycine transporters, respectively.
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8922750 Wu J, Harata N, Akaike N: Potentiation by sevoflurane of the gamma-aminobutyric acid-induced chloride current in acutely dissociated CA1 pyramidal neurones from rat hippocampus. Eur J Neurosci. 1995 Jun 1;7(6):1188-98.

But ISev was insensitive to strychnine (Str), an antagonist of the glycine receptor. 4.
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10698677 Kamijima M, Casida JE: Regional modification of [(3) H] Ethynylbicycloorthobenzoate binding in mouse brain GABA (A) receptor by endosulfan, fipronil, and avermectin B (1a). Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 1997 Aug;57(4):909-13.

AVM increased [(3) H] EBOB binding in most regions and was the only one of the three agents inhibiting in vitro [(3) H] strychnine binding to the glycine receptor.
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16317347 Racz I, Schutz B, Abo-Salem OM, Zimmer A: Visceral, inflammatory and neuropathic pain in glycine receptor alpha 3-deficient mice. Neuropharmacology. 2002 Jul;43(1):55-64.

Mice deficient for alpha3-subunit of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors lack the prostaglandin E (2)-induced inhibition of glycinergic neurotransmission and recover faster from inflammation-induced hyperalgesia.
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14706783 Okabe A, Kilb W, Shimizu-Okabe C, Hanganu IL, Fukuda A, Luhmann HJ: Homogenous glycine receptor expression in cortical plate neurons and Cajal-Retzius cells of neonatal rat cerebral cortex. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2002 Sep 4;132(3):265-77.

The glycinergic responses of both cells were blocked by the glycinergic antagonist strychnine and were unaffected by the GABAergic antagonist bicuculline (100 microM), the N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor antagonist (+/-)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentatonic acid (60 microM) and by picrotoxin (30 microM), an antagonist of alpha homomeric glycine receptors.
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15555633 Ran I, Mathers DA, Puil E: Pentobarbital induces thalamic oscillations in brain slices, modulated by GABA and glycine receptors. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2003 Jul;285(1):R68-83. Epub 2003 Mar 27.

GABA (B) antagonism (CGP 35348, 100 nM), or antagonism of glycine receptors (strychnine, 1 microM) suppressed oscillations at 1-4 and 11-15 Hz.
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18806798 Miller PS, Topf M, Smart TG: Mapping a molecular link between allosteric inhibition and activation of the glycine receptor. J Neurophysiol. 2005 Aug;94(2):1606-22. Epub 2005 May 4.

Using strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors, we identified a scaffold of hydrophobic residues enabling allosteric communication between glycine-agonist binding loops A and D, and the Zn (2+)-inhibition site.
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19394327 Muth-Selbach U, Hermanns H, Stegmann JU, Kollosche K, Freynhagen R, Bauer I, Lipfert P: Antinociceptive effects of systemic lidocaine: involvement of the spinal glycinergic system. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2002 Feb;19(2):201-15.

Additionally, since in our study lidocaine-induced antinociception was antagonized by both glycineB-site modulators and strychnine our results may favor the hypothesis of a general glycine-like action of lidocaine or some of its metabolites on inhibitory strychnine-sensitive receptors and on strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors.
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11731563 Ressot C, Collado V, Molat JL, Dallel R: Strychnine alters response properties of trigeminal nociceptive neurons in the rat. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2006 Feb;6(1):75-81. Epub 2005 Dec 22.

We evaluated the effect of intravenous administration of strychnine, a glycine receptor antagonist, on the responses of Sp5O convergent neurons evoked by innocuous peripheral electrical and mechanical stimuli in halothane-anesthetized rats.
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7472446 Kandler K, Friauf E: Development of glycinergic and glutamatergic synaptic transmission in the auditory brainstem of perinatal rats. J Neurophysiol. 1996 Jun;75(6):2300-11.

Regardless of their polarity, contralaterally elicited PSPs were reversibly blocked by the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine.
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18691329 Chapman RJ, Issberner JP, Sillar KT: Group I mGluRs increase locomotor network excitability in Xenopus tadpoles via presynaptic inhibition of glycinergic neurotransmission. Brain Res. 2003 Nov 21;991(1-2):171-9.

Applications of the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine occluded the effects of DHPG, providing preliminary evidence that group I receptors affect motor network output by reducing glycinergic transmission.
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8871232 Vinay L, Barthe JY, Grillner S: Central modulation of stretch receptor neurons during fictive locomotion in lamprey. Eur J Neurosci. 2008 Sep;28(5):903-13. Epub 2008 Aug 8.

If the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (1 microM) was applied in one pool, the phasic hyperpolarizing phase disappeared without affecting the excitatory phase. 4.
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15026133 Belluzzi O, Puopolo M, Benedusi M, Kratskin I: Selective neuroinhibitory effects of taurine in slices of rat main olfactory bulb. Neuropharmacology. 1999 Jun;38(6):785-92.

GABA (A) antagonists, bicuculline and picrotoxin, blocked the taurine actions, whereas the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine and GABA (B) antagonists, CGP 55845A and CGP 35348, were ineffective.
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18840508 Kopp-Scheinpflug C, Dehmel S, Tolnai S, Dietz B, Milenkovic I, Rubsamen R: Glycine-mediated changes of onset reliability at a mammalian central synapse. Hear Res. 2006 Oct;220(1-2):95-105. Epub 2006 Sep 1.

Iontophoretic application of the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine caused a significant decrease in spontaneous and sound-evoked firing rates throughout the neurons' excitatory response areas, with the largest changes at the respective characteristic frequency (CF).
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9351519 Green MA, Halliwell RF: Selective antagonism of the GABA (A) receptor by ciprofloxacin and biphenylacetic acid. Pain. 1996 Dec;68(2-3):283-92.

Responses mediated by 5-HT3, nicotinic ACh and P2X receptors in the vagus nerve and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in the optic nerve were little or unaffected by ciprofloxacin (100 microM), BPAA (100 microM) or the combination of these drugs (both at 100 microM). 6.
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15687375 Yuan Y, Atchison WD: Methylmercury induces a spontaneous, transient slow inward chloride current in Purkinje cells of rat cerebellar slices. Eur J Pharmacol. 1997 Oct 8;336(2-3):275-81.

However, it was insensitive to the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine.
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8714663 Le Beau FE, Rees A, Malmierca MS: Contribution of GABA- and glycine-mediated inhibition to the monaural temporal response properties of neurons in the inferior colliculus. Brain Res. 1995 Mar 27;675(1-2):157-64.

To determine the contribution of inhibition to the generation of the temporal response patterns of neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC), the effects of iontophoretically applied gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glycine, and the GABAA and glycine receptor antagonists, bicuculline and strychnine were studied on 121 neurons in the IC of urethan-anesthetised guinea pig. 2.
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9622453 Darstein M, Albrecht C, Lopez-Francos L, Knorle R, Holter SM, Spanagel R, Feuerstein TJ: Release and accumulation of neurotransmitters in the rat brain: acute effects of ethanol in vitro and effects of long-term voluntary ethanol intake. J Physiol. 1996 Mar 15;491 ( Pt 3):799-812.

Slices of the rat caudatoputamen were prelabeled with [3H] choline and release of [3H] acetylcholine was stimulated through either N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors or strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors.
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17728537 Zhang CG, Kim SJ: Taurine induces anti-anxiety by activating strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor in vivo. Neuroreport. 2003 Aug 6;14(11):1507-10.
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12957506 Miyazato M, Sugaya K, Nishijima S, Ashitomi K, Hatano T, Ogawa Y: Inhibitory effect of intrathecal glycine on the micturition reflex in normal and spinal cord injury rats. Neurochem Res. 1996 Oct;21(10):1221-6.

Expression of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor alpha-1 (GlyR alpha1) mRNA in the lumbosacral cord was also assessed in both rats.
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8223947 Wu FS, Gibbs TT, Farb DH: Dual activation of GABAA and glycine receptors by beta-alanine: inverse modulation by progesterone and 5 alpha-pregnan-3 alpha-ol-20-one. Neuroreport. 2005 Dec 19;16(18):2025-8.

The response to beta-alanine resembles the glycine response as it is inhibited by strychnine (a competitive glycine antagonist) or progesterone (a negative modulator of the glycine response).
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11133613 Zhang Y, Wu S, Eger EI 2nd, Sonner JM: Neither GABA (A) nor strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors are the sole mediators of MAC for isoflurane. Exp Neurol. 2003 Sep;183(1):232-40.

Inhaled anesthetics produce immobility (a cardinal aspect of general anesthesia) by an action on the spinal cord, possibly by potentiating the responses of gamma-amino-n-butyric acid (GABA (A)) and glycine receptors to GABA and glycine.
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15505453 Grasshoff C, Antkowiak B: Propofol and sevoflurane depress spinal neurons in vitro via different molecular targets. Brain Res Bull. 2002 Sep 15;58(5):461-8.

Recently, compelling evidence has been provided that the spinal actions of propofol involve gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors, whereas the contribution of glycine receptors remains uncertain.
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10630206 Chen Q, Moulder K, Tenkova T, Hardy K, Olney JW, Romano C: Excitotoxic cell death dependent on inhibitory receptor activation. . J Physiol. 1997 Nov 1;504 ( Pt 3):683-94.

We have shown (in isolated chick embryo retina) that at least some of the lethal Cl- entry is through GABA and glycine receptors.
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10762330 Harvey RJ, Schmieden V, Von Holst A, Laube B, Rohrer H, Betz H: Glycine receptors containing the alpha4 subunit in the embryonic sympathetic nervous system, spinal cord and male genital ridge. J Neurophysiol. 1996 Nov;76(5):3087-101.

We show that a mouse GlyR alpha4 subunit full-length cDNA directs the formation of functional homo-oligomeric strychnine-sensitive GlyRs in Xenopus laevis oocytes and mammalian cells, and that these resemble GlyRs composed of the alpha1 subunit in pharmacological profile and single-channel properties.
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9535100 Sergeeva OA: Comparison of glycine- and GABA-evoked currents in two types of neurons isolated from the rat striatum. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2008 Feb;33(3):701-11. Epub 2007 May 23.

Strychnine-sensitive glycine-activated currents and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-activated currents were compared in two types of neurons acutely isolated from striatal slices by vibrodissociation: large cells, presumably cholinergic giant aspiny neurons (GAN) and medium sized cells, presumed medium spiny neurons (MSN).
These results predict the presence of alpha- and beta-subunits of the glycine receptor in the striatum.
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10835046 Lim R, Alvarez FJ, Walmsley B: GABA mediates presynaptic inhibition at glycinergic synapses in a rat auditory brainstem nucleus. Biochemistry. 2002 Feb;67(2):233-9.

Our immunohistochemical results show prominent punctate labelling of postsynaptic clusters of glycine receptors and of the receptor clustering protein gephyrin over the surface of bushy cells.
This observation was supported by the effect of strychnine (1 microM), which was to decrease the evoked IPSC (to 10 % of control IPSC amplitude) and to produce a greater than 90 % block of spontaneous miniature IPSCs.
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15872071 Momose-Sato Y, Honda Y, Sasaki H, Sato K: Optical imaging of large-scale correlated wave activity in the developing rat CNS. BMC Pharmacol. 2004 Aug 9;4:16.

This wave activity was inhibited by glutamate-, acetylcholine-, GABA- and glycine-receptor antagonists in addition to gap junction blockers such as octanol and 18beta-glycyrrhetinic acid.
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8635460 Hartenstein B, Schenkel J, Kuhse J, Besenbeck B, Kling C, Becker CM, Betz H, Weiher H: Low level expression of glycine receptor beta subunit transgene is sufficient for phenotype correction in spastic mice. J Physiol. 1998 Feb 1;506 ( Pt 3):795-808.

Mutations in inhibitory glycine receptor (GlyR) subunit genes are associated with neuromotor diseases in man and mouse.
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20186763 Wang GH, Jiang ZL, Chen ZQ, Li X, Peng LL: Neuroprotective effect of L-serine against temporary cerebral ischemia in rats. Anesthesiology. 1996 May;84(5):1205-14.

These effects were blocked by strychnine in both MCAO rats and cultured hippocampal neurons.
It is suggested that L-serine could exert a neuroprotective effect on the ischemic-reperfused brain and on the hypoxia- or glutamate-exposed hippocampal neurons, which may be mediated by activating glycine receptors. (c) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
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10515985 Ikeda H, Asai T, Randic M, Murase K: Robust suppression of afferent-induced excitation in the rat spinal dorsal horn after conditioning low-frequency stimulation. J Neurophysiol. 1999 Oct;82(4):1957-64.

However, treatments with the GABA (A) receptor antagonist bicuculline (1 microM) and the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (0.3 microM) did not affect suppression induction and maintenance.
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7855218 Ginski MJ, Witkin JM: Sensitive and rapid behavioral differentiation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists. Psychopharmacology. 1994 May;114(4):573-82.

An antagonist of the strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor (7-chlorokynurenic acid) did not affect performance on either test.
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18762389 Faingold CL: Electrical stimulation therapies for CNS disorders and pain are mediated by competition between different neuronal networks in the brain. Eur J Pharmacol. 1999 Jul 2;376(1-2):149-57.

Many studies indicate that treatment of unanesthetized animals with antagonists (bicuculline or strychnine) of inhibitory neurotransmitter (GABA or glycine) receptors can cause CMR neurons to become consistently responsive to external inputs (e.g., peripheral nerve, sensory, or electrical stimuli in the brain) to which these neurons did not previously respond.
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10344778 Biala G, Kotlinska J: Blockade of the acquisition of ethanol-induced conditioned place preference by N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists. Eur J Pharmacol. 1999 Feb 12;367(1):125-30.

Both dizocilpine (0.1 mg/kg, i.p.), a non-competitive antagonist of the NMDA receptor, and L-701,324 (5 mg/kg, per os), an antagonist acting at the strychnine-insensitive glycine site of NMDA receptor complex, when co-administered repeatedly with ethanol, prevented the acquisition of ethanol-induced CPP.
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10367956 Jensen RJ: Responses of directionally selective retinal ganglion cells to activation of AMPA glutamate receptors. J Biol Chem. 2009 Jun 5;284(23):15847-56. Epub 2009 Mar 13.

Pretreatment of retinas with the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (1-2 microM) did not alter the effects of AMPA.
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12430956 Paton JF, Dutschmann M: Central control of upper airway resistance regulating respiratory airflow in mammals. J Physiol. 2004 Feb 1;554(Pt 3):649-58. Epub 2003 Nov 28.

Our findings show that strychnine blockade of glycine receptors within the brainstem changes the eupneic three-phase respiratory pattern into two phases.
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9886686 Maksay G: Bidirectional allosteric modulation of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors by tropeines and 5-HT3 serotonin receptor ligands. Neuropharmacology. 1998 Dec;37(12):1633-41.
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14575889 Li GL, Yang XL: Glycinergic input to carp retinal ganglion cells may be mediated by glycine receptors with homologous kinetics. Eur J Pharmacol. 1995 Nov 30;291(3):221-7.

Strychnine (1 microM), a glycine receptor antagonist, completely blocked the response to 100 microM glycine.
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17207866 McCool BA, Chappell A: Strychnine and taurine modulation of amygdala-associated anxiety-like behavior is 'state' dependent. Pol J Pharmacol. 2003 Jul-Aug;55(4):649-53.

Strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors are expressed in many adult forebrain regions, yet the biological function of these receptors outside the spinal cord/brainstem is poorly understood.
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8062927 Saul B, Schmieden V, Kling C, Mulhardt C, Gass P, Kuhse J, Becker CM: Point mutation of glycine receptor alpha 1 subunit in the spasmodic mouse affects agonist responses. Biochem Pharmacol. 2002 Jul 15;64(2):285-8.

Homozygotic spasmodic (spd/spd) mice suffer from a motor disorder resembling poisoning by the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine.
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14622925 Busselberg D, Bischoff AM, Richter DW: A combined blockade of glycine and calcium-dependent potassium channels abolishes the respiratory rhythm. Biochem J. 2005 Sep 1;390(Pt 2):447-53.

In wild type mice, selective blockade of glycine receptors with low concentrations of strychnine (0.03-0.3 microM) provoked considerable changes in neuronal discharge characteristics: The cycle phase relationship of inspiratory, post-inspiratory and expiratory specific patterns of membrane potential changes was altered profoundly.
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7874121 Buckwalter MS, Cook SA, Davisson MT, White WF, Camper SA: A frameshift mutation in the mouse alpha 1 glycine receptor gene (Glra1) results in progressive neurological symptoms and juvenile death. Neurochem Res. 2003 Jun;28(6):893-901.

This receptor is the major adult glycine receptor, and the site of action of the poison strychnine.
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11962256 Yamashina S, Konno A, Wheeler MD, Rusyn I, Rusyn EV, Cox AD, Thurman RG: Endothelial cells contain a glycine-gated chloride channel. . Brain Res. 1993 Oct 15;625(1):38-44.

Furthermore, the inhibitory effects of glycine were prevented by 1 microM strychnine, a glycine receptor antagonist, or when cells were incubated in Cl (-)-free buffer.
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12661758 Noh JH, Choi S, Lee JH, Betz H, Kim JI, Park CS, Lee SM, Nah SY: Effects of ginsenosides on glycine receptor alpha1 channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Mol Pain. 2006 Nov 27;2:36.

Glycine receptor antagonist strychnine completely blocked the inward current elicited by glycine plus ginsenoside Rf.
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12352624 Miyakawa N, Uchino S, Yamashita T, Okada H, Nakamura T, Kaminogawa S, Miyamoto Y, Hisatsune T: A glycine receptor antagonist, strychnine, blocked NMDA receptor activation in the neonatal mouse neocortex. J Neurochem. 1997 Jul;69(1):399-405.
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9464928 Kotak VC, Sanes DH: Deafferentation weakens excitatory synapses in the developing central auditory system. J Neurosci. 2001 Sep 15;21(18):7303-12.

The glycine receptor antagonist strychnine did eliminate the IPSP-associated depolarization in these neurons.
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20060035 Gemba-Nishimura A, Inoue T, Nakamura S, Nakayama K, Mochizuki A, Shintani S, Yoshimura S: Properties of synaptic transmission from the reticular formation dorsal to the facial nucleus to trigeminal motoneurons during early postnatal development in rats. J Neurosci. 2005 Feb 23;25(8):2010-23.

Combined bath application of the non-N-methyl-d-aspartate (non-NMDA) receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX), and the NMDA receptor antagonist DL-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (APV) reduced these optical responses, and addition of the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine and the GABA (A) receptor antagonist bicuculline further reduced the remaining responses.
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8099620 Nowak G, Trullas R, Layer RT, Skolnick P, Paul IA: Adaptive changes in the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor complex after chronic treatment with imipramine and 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid. Anesthesiology. 2001 Feb;94(2):333-9.

These effects were compared to a chronic regimen of 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid, a high-affinity partial agonist at strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors which mimics the effects of imipramine in preclinical models predictive of antidepressant action.
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8923484 Simpson RK Jr, Gondo M, Robertson CS, Goodman JC: Reduction in the mechanonociceptive response by intrathecal administration of glycine and related compounds. Br J Pharmacol. 1994 Mar;111(3):951-5.

Force required to produce the pain response was significantly increased after glycine administration and reduced using strychnine, a specific glycine receptor (Gly l) antagonist.
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8146214 Peterson SL: Diazepam potentiation by glycine in pentylenetetrazol seizures is antagonized by 7-chlorokynurenic acid. J Pharm Sci. 2000 Jul;89(7):867-75.

These results provide evidence that the glycine potentiation of the anticonvulsant activity of DZP in clonic seizures induced by PTZ may be mediated by the strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor.
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19359371 Chapman RJ, Cilia La Corte PF, Asghar AU, King AE: Network-based activity induced by 4-aminopyridine in rat dorsal horn in vitro is mediated by both chemical and electrical synapses. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2007 Aug;322(2):739-48. Epub 2007 May 14.

The glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (4 microM) and the GABA (A) receptor antagonist bicuculline (10 microM) diminished and abolished, respectively, field population spiking and both antagonists reduced the power of 4-12 Hz oscillations.
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9259023 Furuya Y, Ogura H: Competitive NMDA and strychnine-insensitive glycine-site antagonists disrupt prepulse inhibition. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1997 Jan;280(1):46-52.

PPI was also disrupted by bilateral intracerebroventricular administration of 5,7-dichlorokyn urenate (10 and 20 micrograms/side X 2), an antagonist at the strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor, which is an allosteric binding site in the NMDA receptor-channel complex.
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17411024 Gelmi ML, Fontana G, Pocar D, Pontremoli G, Pellegrino S, Bombardelli E, Riva A, Balduini W, Carloni S, Cimino M: Novel 3-O-glycosyl-3-demethylthiocolchicines as ligands for glycine and gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors. Neuroscience. 1996 Jun;72(3):833-46.

New 3-O-glycosyl-3-demethylthiocolchicines containing natural and unnatural sugar moieties were prepared and tested on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors present in rat brain and spinal cord.
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11805213 Findlay GS, Wick MJ, Mascia MP, Wallace D, Miller GW, Harris RA, Blednov YA: Transgenic expression of a mutant glycine receptor decreases alcohol sensitivity of mice. J Physiol. 2003 Oct 1;552(Pt 1):73-87. Epub 2003 Jul 10.

Under the control of synapsin I regulatory sequences, transgenic expression of S267Q mutant GlyR alpha (1) subunits in the nervous system was demonstrated using [(3) H] strychnine binding and immunoblotting.
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7925268 Langosch D, Laube B, Rundstrom N, Schmieden V, Bormann J, Betz H: Decreased agonist affinity and chloride conductance of mutant glycine receptors associated with human hereditary hyperekplexia. J Biol Chem. 2003 Oct 3;278(40):38637-45. Epub 2003 Jul 28.

In contrast, the ability of the competitive antagonist strychnine to block glycine-induced currents was similar in all cases.
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10400960 Oleskevich S, Alvarez FJ, Walmsley B: Glycinergic miniature synaptic currents and receptor cluster sizes differ between spinal cord interneurons. J Neurosci. 2006 May 3;26(18):4880-90.

We have analyzed the structure of glycinergic receptor clusters on rat ventral horn interneurons using antibodies against the glycine receptor clustering protein, gephyrin.
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11487628 Dumoulin A, Triller A, Dieudonne S: IPSC kinetics at identified GABAergic and mixed GABAergic and glycinergic synapses onto cerebellar Golgi cells. J Neurophysiol. 1995 Sep;74(3):1324-34.

Corelease of the two transmitters at Lugaro cell synapses is suggested by the fact that both GABA (A) and glycine receptors open during individual L-IPSCs.
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11994124 Nguyen L, Malgrange B, Belachew S, Rogister B, Rocher V, Moonen G, Rigo JM: Functional glycine receptors are expressed by postnatal nestin-positive neural stem/progenitor cells. Brain Res Bull. 1994;35(3):205-9.

Whole-cell patch-clamp experiments further demonstrated that glycine triggers in 33.5% of these cells currents that can be reversibly blocked by strychnine and picrotoxin.
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11549721 Hussy N, Bres V, Rochette M, Duvoid A, Alonso G, Dayanithi G, Moos FC: Osmoregulation of vasopressin secretion via activation of neurohypophysial nerve terminals glycine receptors by glial taurine. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2008 Oct;15(10):1084-93. Epub 2008 Sep 21.

On purified neurohypophysial nerve endings, activation of strychnine-sensitive GlyRs by taurine or glycine primarily inhibits the high K (+)-induced rise in [Ca (2+)](i) and subsequent release of vasopressin.
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11226317 Garcia-Alcocer G, Garcia-Colunga J, Martinez-Torres A, Miledi R: Characteristics of glycine receptors expressed by embryonic rat brain mRNAs. Neurosci Lett. 1998 Feb 27;243(1-3):9-12.

Strychnine inhibited all of the Gly-currents, with an IC (50) of 56 +/- 3 nM for encephalon, 97 +/- 4 nM for midbrain, and 72 +/- 4 nM for brainstem mRNAs.
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11152721 Aoki F, Wannier T, Grillner S: Slow dorsal-ventral rhythm generator in the lamprey spinal cord. . Eur J Neurosci. 2008 Apr;27(8):2076-88.

In the isolated lamprey spinal cord, a very slow rhythm (0.03-0.11 Hz), superimposed on fast N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-induced locomotor activity (0.26-2.98 Hz), could be induced by a blockade of GABA (A) or glycine receptors or by administration of (1 s, 3 s)-l-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid a metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist.
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15275654 Ruggieri RD, Pierobon P, Kass-Simon G: Pacemaker activity in hydra is modulated by glycine receptor ligands. . J Neurophysiol. 2001 Jan;85(1):211-8.

In the mammalian central nervous system, the neurotransmitter, glycine, acts both on an inhibitory, strychnine-sensitive receptor (GlyR) and an excitatory, strychnine-insensitive site at the NMDA receptor.
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18440992 Hou M, Duan L, Slaughter MM: Synaptic inhibition by glycine acting at a metabotropic receptor in tiger salamander retina. J Neurophysiol. 1998 Oct;80(4):1686-701.

In retina, we found a strychnine-insensitive glycine response in bipolar and ganglion cells.
The EC (50) of the metabotropic glycine response is 3 mum, an order of magnitude lower than the ionotropic glycine receptor in the same retina.
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15483115 Ye JH, Wang F, Krnjevic K, Wang W, Xiong ZG, Zhang J: Presynaptic glycine receptors on GABAergic terminals facilitate discharge of dopaminergic neurons in ventral tegmental area. J Physiol. 2008 Jun 15;586(Pt 12):2913-26. Epub 2008 Apr 25.

Strychnine (1 microm) blocked the action of glycine; when applied alone, it reduced the amplitude of eIPSCs and the frequency of sIPSCs, indicating a tonic facilitation of GABAergic excitation by some endogenous glycine agonist (s).
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12873928 Yamauchi M, Shimada SG, Sekiyama H, Collins JG: Neither spinal gamma-aminobutyric acid-A nor strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor systems are the sole mediators of halothane depression of spinal dorsal horn sensory neurons. Neuroscience. 2003;117(2):397-403.

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9021766 Simpson RK Jr, Gondo M, Robertson CS, Goodman JC: Reduction in thermal hyperalgesia by intrathecal administration of glycine and related compounds. J Neurosci. 2003 Sep 3;23(22):8051-9.

Neuropathic rats created by unilateral partial ligation of the sciatic nerve were treated with intrathecal infusion of glycine, strychnine, MK-801, or 5-7 DKA at 0.1 mumol for 2 hours at a rate of 10 microliters/min.
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9154344 Nolan MF, Gibson IC, Logan SD: Actions of the anaesthetic Saffan on rat sympathetic preganglionic neurones in vitro. Neurochem Res. 1997 Jan;22(1):75-9.

Responses to Saffan were blocked by the GABAA receptor antagonists bicuculline (5-20 microM) and picrotoxin (20 microM), but not by the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (20 microM) indicating that they were mediated by GABAA receptors. 4.
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12742643 Singh JN, Deshpande SB: Involvement of the GABAergic system for Ptychodiscus brevis toxin-induced depression of synaptic transmission elicited in isolated spinal cord from neonatal rats. J Comp Neurol. 1996 May 20;369(1):83-92.

A glycine receptor antagonist, strychnine (1 microM), failed to block the depression by the toxin up to 28 microM; however, the depression was attenuated significantly at 84 microM of the toxin.
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7971741 Bartlett SE, Dodd PR, Smith MT: Pharmacology of morphine and morphine-3-glucuronide at opioid, excitatory amino acid, GABA and glycine binding sites. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 1999 Dec;19(6):506-12.

In addition, morphine-3-glucuronide and morphine did not inhibit the binding of 3H-strychnine (glycine receptor antagonist) to synaptic membranes prepared from bovine spinal cord.
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17655979 Maksay G, Biro T, Laube B, Nemes P: Hyperekplexia mutation R271L of alpha1 glycine receptors potentiates allosteric interactions of nortropeines, propofol and glycine with [3H] strychnine binding. J Neurosci Res. 1996 Feb 1;43(3):346-54.
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8096422 Biella G, Sotgiu ML: Central effects of systemic lidocaine mediated by glycine spinal receptors: an iontophoretic study in the rat spinal cord. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 1994 Feb;47(2):241-6.

The effects of systemic lido on the drug-induced frequency changes and the interaction with the glycine receptors, using strychnine as a probe, were studied.
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16018586 Salceda R, Aguirre-Ramirez M: Characterization of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor in the intact frog retina: modulation by protein kinases. J Neurophysiol. 1999 Jul;82(1):312-9.

We studied 3H-glycine and 3H-strychnine specific binding to glycine receptor (GlyR) in intact isolated frog retinas.
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17234181 Mascia MP, Bachis E, Obili N, Maciocco E, Cocco GA, Sechi GP, Biggio G: Thiocolchicoside inhibits the activity of various subtypes of recombinant GABA (A) receptors expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Brain Res. 2009 Jun 30;1278:27-33. Epub 2009 May 3.

Thiocolchicoside inhibited the function of recombinant human strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors composed of the alpha1 subunit with a potency (median inhibitory concentration of 47 microM) lower than that apparent with recombinant GABA (A) receptors.
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8821829 Venkatachalam MA, Weinberg JM, Patel Y, Saikumar P, Dong Z: Cytoprotection of kidney epithelial cells by compounds that target amino acid gated chloride channels. Anesth Analg. 2003 Aug;97(2):417-23

Two classes of compounds showed cytoprotective activity in this system: (1) ligands at chloride channel receptors, such as glycine, strychnine and avermectin B1a; (2) chloride channel blockers, including cyanotriphenylboron and niflumic acid, both of which are known to bind to channel domains of CNS glycine receptors.
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19194159 Nguyen HT, Li KY, daGraca RL, Delphin E, Xiong M, Ye JH: Behavior and cellular evidence for propofol-induced hypnosis involving brain glycine receptors. J Neurosci. 1995 Oct;15(10):6890-904.

Propofol-induced LORR was examined in the presence and absence of strychnine (a glycine receptor antagonist), GABAzine (a gamma-aminobutyric acid A receptor antagonist), as well as ketamine (an antagonist of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid subtype of glutamate receptors).
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7516705 Walstrom KM, Hess GP: Mechanism for the channel-opening reaction of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors on cultured embryonic mouse spinal cord cells. J Neurophysiol. 1998 Jun;79(6):3189-96.
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19204413 Ahrens J, Demir R, Leuwer M, de la Roche J, Krampfl K, Foadi N, Karst M, Haeseler G: The nonpsychotropic cannabinoid cannabidiol modulates and directly activates alpha-1 and alpha-1-Beta glycine receptor function. Laryngoscope. 1998 Jan;108(1 Pt 1):26-31.

As we hypothesized that non-CB receptor mechanisms of cannabidiol might contribute to its anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects, we investigated the interaction of cannabidiol with strychnine-sensitive alpha (1 ) and alpha (1) beta glycine receptors by using the whole-cell patch clamp technique.
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9539222 Elster L, Banke T, Kristiansen U, Schousboe A, Wahl P: Functional properties of glycine receptors expressed in primary cultures of mouse cerebellar granule cells. Hepatology. 2000 Sep;32(3):542-6.

Expression of the glycine receptor was investigated in membranes prepared from primary cultures of mouse cerebellar granule cells and postnatal mouse cerebellum using the antagonist [3H] strychnine for ligand binding.
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9490812 Lewis TM, Sivilotti LG, Colquhoun D, Gardiner RM, Schoepfer R, Rees M: Properties of human glycine receptors containing the hyperekplexia mutation alpha1 (K276E), expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Neurochem Int. 2004 Jun;44(7):521-7.

The maximum response to glycine also appeared much reduced, whereas the equilibrium constant for the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine was unchanged. 3.
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12404628 Breitinger HG, Becker CM: The inhibitory glycine receptor-simple views of a complicated channel. Pharmacology. 2007;80(2-3):151-7. Epub 2007 May 29.

The strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor is the principal mediator of fast inhibitory synaptic transmission in the mammalian spinal cord and brain stem.
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10861587 Lian H, Steiner SS, Sofia RD, Woodhead JH, Wolf HH, White HS, Shen GS, Rhodes CA, McCabe RT: A self-complementary, self-assembling microsphere system: application for intravenous delivery of the antiepileptic and neuroprotectant compound felbamate. Amino Acids. 2010 Jan;38(1):57-64. Epub 2008 Nov 21.

Felbamate (FBM) is a novel antiepileptic drug (AED) and neuroprotectant (NP) compound that interacts with strychnine-insensitive (SI) glycine receptors in brain (IC (50) = 374 microM).
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9925021 Nakayama M, Caspary DM, Konrad HR, Milbrandt JC, Helfert RH: Age-related changes in [3H] strychnine binding in the vestibular nuclei of rats. Neuroscience. 2002;112(2):299-307.

Glycine receptors were localized using [3H] strychnine binding.
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19861413 Vogel N, Kluck CJ, Melzer N, Schwarzinger S, Breitinger U, Seeber S, Becker CM: Mapping of disulfide bonds within the amino-terminal extracellular domain of the inhibitory glycine receptor. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2009 Apr;379(4):371-8. Epub 2008 Nov 5.

The strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor (GlyR) is a ligand-gated chloride channel and a member of the superfamily of cysteine loop (Cys-loop) neurotransmitter receptors, which also comprises the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR).
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8890920 Wang H, Cui WY, Liu CG: Regulatory effects of acutely repeated nicotine treatment towards central muscarinic receptors. Neuroscience. 2001;103(2):561-79.

In conscious rats, the dose-response curves of muscarinic agonists arecoline and pilocarpine, cholinesterase inhibitors soman and physostigmine rather than GABA receptor antagonist pentylenetetrazol or glycine receptor antagonist strychnine for producing EEG seizures were shifted leftwards by acutely repeated injections of nicotine.
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7948829 Mettens P, Cheron G, Godaux E: Role of the vestibular commissure in gaze-holding in the cat: a pharmacological evaluation. Hear Res. 1999 Jan;127(1-2):103-7.

In order to test this hypothesis, we injected either bicuculline, a GABA receptor antagonist, or strychnine, a glycine receptor antagonist, into the medial vestibular nucleus of alert cats.
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14980391 Yang Z, Smith L, Coote JH: Paraventricular nucleus activation of renal sympathetic neurones is synaptically depressed by nitric oxide and glycine acting at a spinal level. Brain Res Brain Res Rev. 2004 Dec;47(1-3):33-45.

Enhancement of synaptically induced renal nerve activity was also observed following intrathecal glycine receptor inhibitor strychnine.
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9214458 Carini R, Bellomo G, Grazia De Cesaris M, Albano E: Glycine protects against hepatocyte killing by KCN or hypoxia by preventing intracellular Na+ overload in the rat. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2008 Jan;37(1):40-55. Epub 2007 Aug 23.

Pretreating hepatocytes with the glycine-receptor antagonist, strychnine (1 mmol/L), similarly prevented Na+ overload and cell killing.
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12429224 Wu HQ, Lee SC, Scharfman HE, Schwarcz R: L-4-chlorokynurenine attenuates kainate-induced seizures and lesions in the rat. J Neurosci. 2005 Mar 2;25(9):2267-76.

Blockade of the strychnine-insensitive glycine site of the NMDA receptor is considered an attractive strategy for the development of novel neuroprotective and anticonvulsive agents. 7-Cl-kynurenic acid (7-Cl-KYNA) is a potent, selective antagonist of the NMDA/glycine receptor but penetrates poorly through the blood-brain barrier.
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9409718 Straub H, Kohling R, Speckmann EJ: Strychnine-induced epileptiform activity in hippocampal and neocortical slice preparations: suppression by the organic calcium antagonists verapamil and flunarizine. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2005 Jan;29(1):17-26.

Application of the glycine receptor blocker strychnine is known to evoke epileptiform phenomena.
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19776366 Palazzo E, Guida F, Migliozzi A, Gatta L, Marabese I, Luongo L, Rossi C, de Novellis V, Fernandez-Sanchez E, Soukupova M, Zafra F, Maione S: Intraperiaqueductal gray glycine and D-serine exert dual effects on rostral ventromedial medulla ON- and OFF-cell activity and thermoceptive threshold in the rat. J Neurosci. 1997 Aug 15;17(16):6483-91.

We have studied the involvement of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) glycine site and the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor (GlyR) in the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (VL-PAG) on nociceptive behavior (tail flick) and pain-related changes on neuronal activity in the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM).
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7887983 Forray MI, Andres ME, Bustos G, Gysling K: Regulation of endogenous noradrenaline release from the bed nucleus of stria terminalis. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2003 Sep;368(3):181-7. Epub 2003 Aug 16.

However, glycine exhibited a significant effect by itself, suggesting the existence of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in vBNST.
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7708201 Pan ZH, Slaughter MM: Comparison of the actions of glycine and related amino acids on isolated third order neurons from the tiger salamander retina. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2005 Jan;29(1):38-45.

Using cross desensitization, the structure-function relationship of short chain amino acids on the glycine receptor were examined.
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12351266 Dong XP, Xu TL: The actions of propofol on gamma-aminobutyric acid-A and glycine receptors in acutely dissociated spinal dorsal horn neurons of the rat. Neurochem Res. 2005 Mar;30(3):411-6.

Propofol induced Cl (-) currents (I (Cl)), which were sensitive to bicuculline and, to a lesser extent, to strychnine.
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7717569 McFarlane C, Warner DS, Nader A, Dexter F: Glycine receptor antagonism. Eur J Med Chem. 2003 Jul-Aug;38(7-8):661-70.

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9331923 Heppenstall PA, Fleetwood-Walker SM: Glycine receptor regulation of neurokinin1 receptor function in rat dorsal horn neurones. J Neurosci. 2008 Sep 3;28(36):8873-84.

However, in the presence of the glycine antagonists, strychnine or phenylbenzene-omega-phosphono-alpha-amino acid (PMBA), GR82334 displayed inhibitory properties.
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19217931 Wang H, Turner JG, Ling L, Parrish JL, Hughes LF, Caspary DM: Age-related changes in glycine receptor subunit composition and binding in dorsal cochlear nucleus. J Neurophysiol. 1994 Jun;71(6):2014-24.

The pharmacologic consequences of these age-related subunit changes were assessed using [3H] strychnine binding.
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10465682 David-Watine B, Shorte SL, Fucile S, de Saint Jan D, Korn H, Bregestovski P: Functional integrity of green fluorescent protein conjugated glycine receptor channels. J Neurophysiol. 1999 May;81(5):2592-5.

The apparent affinities of this receptor for agonists (glycine, taurine and GABA), and the antagonist (strychnine) are unchanged, and single channel kinetics are not altered.
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16949227 Xu H, Wang W, Tang ZQ, Xu TL, Chen L: Taurine acts as a glycine receptor agonist in slices of rat inferior colliculus. Epilepsy Behav. 2008 Jan;12(1):25-9. Epub 2007 Nov 5.

All these effects were reversible after washout and could be blocked by 3 microM strychnine, an antagonist of glycine receptors, but not by 10 microM bicuculline, an antagonist of GABA (A) receptors.
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9246463 Schofield PR, Lynch JW, Rajendra S, Pierce KD, Handford CA, Barry PH: Molecular and genetic insights into ligand binding and signal transduction at the inhibitory glycine receptor. Exp Brain Res. 1999 Nov;129(2):172-84.

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8558472 Zhang ZW, Berg DK: Patch-clamp analysis of glycine-induced currents in chick ciliary ganglion neurons. Biosens Bioelectron. 2006 Jan 15;21(7):1272-82. Epub 2005 Jul 11.

Expression of functional glycine receptors during development was examined at embryonic day 8 (E8), 11, 14, and 18.
Strychnine reversibly inhibited the glycine-induced responses.
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10631757 Pandeya SN, Ponnilavarasan I, Pandey A, Lakhan R, Stables JP: Evaluation of p-nitrophenyl substituted semicarbazones for anticonvulsant properties. Eur J Neurosci. 1994 Aug 1;6(8):1275-80.

Presumably these compounds could further act on glycine receptors.
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8899663 Rodriguez-Ithurralde D, Olivera S, La Paz A, Vincent O, Rondeau A: Glycine effects on glutamate-receptor elicited acetylcholinesterase release from slices and synaptosomes of the spinal ventral horn. J Neurophysiol. 2009 Jun;101(6):3135-46. Epub 2009 Apr 15.

To study the mechanisms by which glutamate-elicited acetylcholinesterase release (GEAR) might play a part in the pathogenesis of excitotoxically triggered motor neurone disease, and to investigate the interaction of GEAR with spinal glycinergic mechanisms, we measured acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and cholinergic markers, after stimulating ventral horn slices and synaptosomes from the mouse spinal cord, with both glutamate- and glycine-receptor agonists.
GLY potentiated the GEAR response in the presence of strychnine, suggesting N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor involvement, and was also able to evoke a strychnine-sensitive AChE release in the absence of exogenous GLU.
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10460250 Levi S, Chesnoy-Marchais D, Sieghart W, Triller A: Synaptic control of glycine and GABA (A) receptors and gephyrin expression in cultured motoneurons. Neuroreport. 1994 Dec 30;6(1):77-80.

We have evaluated the influence of the secretory phenotype of presynaptic boutons on the accumulation of postsynaptic glycine receptors (GlyRs), type A GABA receptors (GABA (A) Rs), and gephyrin clusters.
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9547397 Pierrefiche O, Schwarzacher SW, Bischoff AM, Richter DW: Blockade of synaptic inhibition within the pre-Botzinger complex in the cat suppresses respiratory rhythm generation in vivo. Chin J Physiol. 2007 Aug 31;50(4):178-86.

The role of synaptic inhibition in respiratory rhythm generation was analysed by microinjections of GABAA and glycine receptor antagonists into the bilateral pre-Botzinger complex (PBC) of anaesthetized cats.
Bilateral injections of strychnine (50 or 100 microM) greatly reduced phrenic burst amplitudes leading to increased burst frequency or irreversibly blocked rhythmic phrenic discharges.
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8169857 Paul IA, Nowak G, Layer RT, Popik P, Skolnick P: Adaptation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor complex following chronic antidepressant treatments. Brain Res Dev Brain Res. 2003 Aug 12;144(1):57-71.

Chronic (14 day) but not acute (1 day) treatment of mice with clinically active antidepressants produces a significant (approximately 1.8-4.3 fold) reduction in the potency of glycine to inhibit [3H]-5,7-dichlorkynurenic acid (5,7-DCKA) binding to strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors in neocortical membranes.
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11952420 Menzikov SA, Menzikova OV: Effect of activators and blockers of ligand-regulated ion channels on the activity of the Cl-stimulated Mg2+-ATPase of the plasma membrane fraction from bream (Abramis brama L.) brain. EMBO J. 1994 Mar 15;13(6):1318-24.

The activation of "basal" Mg (2+)-ATPase by neuromediators was decreased by blockers of the corresponding receptors (picrotoxin, strychnine, benztropine mesylate, and D-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid).
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12468442 Pimentel FF, Bonagamba LG, Machado BH: Pressor response to chemoreflex activation before and after microinjection of glycine into the NTS of awake rats. J Neurophysiol. 1996 Jul;76(1):227-41.

Strychnine, a glycine receptor antagonist, attenuated the increase in MAP, and in this new experimental condition (n = 5) the pressor response to chemoreflex activation was not altered.
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19571128 Crook JD, Davenport CM, Peterson BB, Packer OS, Detwiler PB, Dacey DM: Parallel ON and OFF cone bipolar inputs establish spatially coextensive receptive field structure of blue-yellow ganglion cells in primate retina. Neuron. 1995 Jan;14(1):169-75.

The GABAa/c receptor antagonist picrotoxin and the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine did not affect chromatic balance or the basic coextensive receptive field structure, suggesting that the LM-OFF field is not generated by an inner retinal inhibitory pathway.
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9051309 Takahama K, Fukushima H, Isohama Y, Kai H, Miyata T: Inhibition of glycine currents by dextromethorphan in neurones dissociated from the guinea-pig nucleus tractus solitarii. Anesth Analg. 2002 Oct;95(4):907-14

The half-maximum inhibitory concentration (IC50) of DM was 3.3 microM, about 85 times higher than that of strychnine. 3.
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9427682 Levi S, Vannier C, Triller A: Strychnine-sensitive stabilization of postsynaptic glycine receptor clusters. J Neurophysiol. 1998 Sep;80(3):1327-40.

The glycine receptor is inhibited by strychnine.
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15301692 Farroni JS, McCool BA: Extrinsic factors regulate partial agonist efficacy of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors. Life Sci. 1999;65(9):879-87.
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10719083 McCool BA, Botting SK: Characterization of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in acutely isolated adult rat basolateral amygdala neurons. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2010 Mar 19;393(4):587-91. Epub 2010 Feb 10.

In addition to its cytoprotective and osmoregulatory roles, taurine may also serve as an agonist at GABA (A)- and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors.
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7812798 Wamsley JK, Sofia RD, Faull RL, Ary T, Narang N, McCabe RT: Use of [3H] 5,7 dichlorokynurenic acid to identify strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors in human postmortem brain. J Neurosci. 2008 Apr 16;28(16):4136-50.

[3H] 5,7 Dichlorokynurenic acid ([3H] DCKA) was used to define conditions for obtaining selective binding to strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors.
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8970606 Currin RT, Caldwell-Kenkel JC, Lichtman SN, Bachmann S, Takei Y, Kawano S, Thurman RG, Lemasters JJ: Protection by Carolina rinse solution, acidotic pH, and glycine against lethal reperfusion injury to sinusoidal endothelial cells of rat livers stored for transplantation. Neurol Res. 1998 Mar;20(2):161-8.

Strychnine, which binds to glycine receptors in the central nervous system, protected equally well.
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8587649 Perez-Leon JA, Salceda R: Different specific binding sites of [3H] glycine and [3H] strychnine in synaptosomal membranes isolated from frog retina. Brain Res. 2000 Mar 24;859(2):341-51.

The pharmacological binding pattern indicates the presence of the strychnine sensitive glycine receptor as well as other sites.
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16723477 Margalit E, Thoreson WB: Inner retinal mechanisms engaged by retinal electrical stimulation. Brain Res. 2002 Aug 23;947(1):25-33.

These synaptic currents reversed around ECl and were blocked by picrotoxin, strychnine, or both, suggesting they were mediated by GABAa/c and glycine receptors.
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12044448 Kilb W, Ikeda M, Uchida K, Okabe A, Fukuda A, Luhmann HJ: Depolarizing glycine responses in Cajal-Retzius cells of neonatal rat cerebral cortex. Brain Res. 1993 Feb 19;603(2):201-6.

The membrane depolarization was abolished in the presence of the glycinergic antagonists strychnine (30 microM) and phenylbenzene-omega-phosphono-alpha-amino acid (100 microM), while the GABA (A) receptor antagonist bicuculline (100 microM) and the glutamatergic antagonist (+/-)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentatonic acid (60 microM) were without effect, suggesting that the glycine-induced membrane responses were mediated exclusively by the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor.
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15993440 Ghavanini AA, Mathers DA, Puil E: Glycinergic inhibition in thalamus revealed by synaptic receptor blockade. . Brain Res. 1996 Mar 11;712(1):74-83.

Exogenously applied glycine, taurine and beta-alanine increased membrane conductance, effects antagonized by strychnine, indicative of functional glycine receptors.
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17707353 Hernandes MS, de Magalhaes L, Troncone LR: Glycine stimulates the release of labeled acetylcholine but not dopamine nor glutamate from superfused rat striatal tissue. J Neurophysiol. 2001 Dec;86(6):3069-72.

The prototypical glycine receptor antagonist strychnine at 10 microM completely abolished (3) H-ACh release.
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10205013 Hosie AM, Akagi H, Ishida M, Shinozaki H: Actions of 3-[2-phosphonomethyl [1,1-biphenyl]-3-yl] alanine (PMBA) on cloned glycine receptors. J Physiol. 2005 Jun 1;565(Pt 2):503-16. Epub 2005 Apr 7.

PMBA is a novel antagonist of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in the rat spinal cord, however, its mode of action is unknown.
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19445923 Cheng W, Yin Q, Cheng MY, Chen HS, Wang S, Feng T, Zeng YM, Liu GJ: Intracerebroventricular or intrathecal injection of glycine produces analgesia in thermal nociception and chemical nociception via glycine receptors. J Biol Chem. 1994 Jul 22;269(29):18739-42.

Glycine was injected intracerebroventricularly or intrathecally and strychnine, a glycine receptor antagonist, was injected intracerebroventricularly or intrathecally before glycine injection.
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8003681 Chiba C, Saito T: APB (2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid) activates a chloride conductance in ganglion cells isolated from newt retina. Science. 1998 Jul 17;281(5375):419-24.

Strychnine, a glycine receptor blocker, inhibited the APB response.
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9798943 Lynch JW, Jacques P, Pierce KD, Schofield PR: Zinc potentiation of the glycine receptor chloride channel is mediated by allosteric pathways. Eur J Pharmacol. 1993 Nov 15;247(3):305-11.

Molecular mechanisms of zinc potentiation were investigated in recombinant human alpha1 glycine receptors (GlyRs) by whole-cell patch-clamp recording and [3H] strychnine binding assays.
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7965003 Sivilotti L, Woolf CJ: The contribution of GABAA and glycine receptors to central sensitization: disinhibition and touch-evoked allodynia in the spinal cord. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1999 Apr 30;868:667-76.

Intrathecal injections of subconvulsant doses of the glycine receptor antagonist, strychnine (7 nmol) or the gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptor antagonist, bicuculline (8 nmol) produced similar but longer lasting changes.
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18353913 Taepavarapruk N, Taepavarapruk P, John J, Lai YY, Siegel JM, Phillips AG, McErlane SA, Soja PJ: State-dependent changes in glutamate, glycine, GABA, and dopamine levels in cat lumbar spinal cord. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Mar 30;96(7):4113-8.

Recent studies have indicated that the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine and the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA A) receptor antagonist bicuculline reduced the rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep-specific inhibition of sensory inflow via the dorsal spinocerebellar tract (DSCT).
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12171579 Johnston GA: Medicinal chemistry and molecular pharmacology of GABA (C) receptors. . Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2010 Jan;34(1):32-8. Epub 2009 Oct 23.

GABA (C) receptors belong to the nicotinicoid superfamily of ionotropic receptors that include nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, bicuculline-sensitive GABA (A) receptors, strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors and 5HT3 serotonin receptors.
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14767347 Miyazato M, Sugaya K, Nishijima S, Ashitomi K, Ohyama C, Ogawa Y: Rectal distention inhibits bladder activity via glycinergic and GABAergic mechanisms in rats. Anesth Analg. 2006 Apr;102(4):1114-20.

Using urethane anesthesia isovolumetric cystometry was performed before and after distention of the rectum by inflation of a rectal balloon (0 to 3 cm3), followed by the intrathecal injection of strychnine (a glycine receptor antagonist, 0.001 to 10 microg) and/or bicuculline (a gamma-aminobutyric acid (A) receptor antagonist, 0.001 to 1 microg) at the lumbosacral level of the spinal cord.
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9007533 Cimino M, Marini P, Cattabeni F: Interaction of thiocolchicoside with [3H] strychnine binding sites in rat spinal cord and brainstem. J Urol. 2004 Mar;171(3):1353-6.

The results suggest that thiocolchicoside behaves as an allosteric compound acting on the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor in rat brainstem and spinal cord, and that this may provide a possible mechanism for the myorelaxant activity of this colchicoside derivative, the first clinically useful drug acting on this receptor.
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15031290 Ju P, Aubrey KR, Vandenberg RJ: Zn2+ inhibits glycine transport by glycine transporter subtype 1b. Hepatology. 1997 Jul;26(1):107-12.

In the central nervous system, glycine is a co-agonist with glutamate at the N-methyl-D-aspartate subtype of glutamate receptors and also an agonist at inhibitory, strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors.
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11683900 McCool BA, Farroni JS: Subunit composition of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors expressed by adult rat basolateral amygdala neurons. Bioorg Med Chem. 2009 Oct 1;17(19):6872-8. Epub 2009 Aug 20.
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12923611 Dudeck O, Lubben S, Eipper S, Knorle R, Kirsch M, Honegger J, Zentner J, Feuerstein TJ: Evidence for strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in human amygdala. . Brain Res. 2006 Jul 12;1099(1):64-72. Epub 2006 Jun 15.
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8700149 Mascia MP, Mihic SJ, Valenzuela CF, Schofield PR, Harris RA: A single amino acid determines differences in ethanol actions on strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors. J Neurosci. 1998 May 15;18(10):3715-24.
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16144831 Miller PS, Da Silva HM, Smart TG: Molecular basis for zinc potentiation at strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors. J Neurophysiol. 2010 Feb;103(2):924-33. Epub 2009 Dec 16.
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16820013 Ericson M, Molander A, Stomberg R, Soderpalm B: Taurine elevates dopamine levels in the rat nucleus accumbens; antagonism by strychnine. Brain Res. 2007 Jan 26;1130(1):95-102. Epub 2006 Dec 14.

It was recently suggested that strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors (GlyR) in the nAcc regulate both basal and ethanol-induced mesolimbic DA activity via a neuronal loop involving endogenous activation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) in the VTA.
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9228730 Gross GW, Harsch A, Rhoades BK, Gopel W: Odor, drug and toxin analysis with neuronal networks in vitro: extracellular array recording of network responses. Vis Neurosci. 2003 Jul-Aug;20(4):373-84.

The glycine receptor blocker strychnine reliably generated increased multichannel bursting at 5-20 nM and regular, coordinated bursting above 5 microM.
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17309519 Chen Y, Dai TJ, Zeng YM: Strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors mediate analgesia induced by emulsified inhalation anaesthetics in thermal nociception but not in chemical nociception. J Biol Chem. 2004 Jun 11;279(24):25598-604. Epub 2004 Apr 5.

The present study was designed to investigate the role of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in analgesia induced by emulsified inhalation anaesthetics.
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9300267 Leewanich P, Tohda M, Matsumoto K, Subhadhirasakul S, Takayama H, Aimi N, Watanabe H: Inhibitory effects of corymine, an alkaloidal component from the leaves of Hunteria zeylanica, on glycine receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes. J Neurophysiol. 2005 Dec;94(6):3872-83. Epub 2005 Aug 10.

We previously reported that corymine, an alkaloidal compound extracted from the leaves of Hunteria zeylanica native to Thailand, potentiated convulsions induced by either picrotoxin or strychnine.
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16262635 Ruscheweyh R, Sandkuhler J: Long-range oscillatory Ca2+ waves in rat spinal dorsal horn. Eur J Neurosci. 2005 Oct;22(8):1967-76.

However, increasing neuronal excitability by application of 4-aminopyridine after pretreatment of the slice with blockers of (RS)-alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)/kainate, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)(A) and glycine receptors evoked repetitive Ca2+ waves in dorsal horn.
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7621814 Rajendra S, Vandenberg RJ, Pierce KD, Cunningham AM, French PW, Barry PH, Schofield PR: The unique extracellular disulfide loop of the glycine receptor is a principal ligand binding element. EMBO J. 1995 Jul 3;14(13):2987-98.

Disruption of the loop's tertiary structure by Ser mutations of these Cys residues either prevented receptor assembly on the cell surface, or created receptors unable to be activated by agonists or to bind the competitive antagonist, strychnine.
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18710260 Liu Z, Ramanoudjame G, Liu D, Fox RO, Jayaraman V, Kurnikova M, Cascio M: Overexpression and functional characterization of the extracellular domain of the human alpha1 glycine receptor. Biochemistry. 2008 Sep 16;47(37):9803-10. Epub 2008 Aug 19.

The mutant GlyR ECD, named GlyBP, was present in both soluble and membrane-associated fractions after cell lysis, though only the latter appeared to be in a native-like conformation capable of binding strychnine, a GlyR specific antagonist.
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7518444 Rajendra S, Lynch JW, Pierce KD, French CR, Barry PH, Schofield PR: Startle disease mutations reduce the agonist sensitivity of the human inhibitory glycine receptor. Eur J Pharmacol. 1993 Aug 15;246(3):239-46.

Additionally, we report corresponding 56- and 120-fold reductions in the apparent binding affinity (Ki) of glycine to the mutant GlyRs, but no change in the binding affinity of the competitive antagonist, strychnine.
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15572161 Aguayo LG, van Zundert B, Tapia JC, Carrasco MA, Alvarez FJ: Changes on the properties of glycine receptors during neuronal development. Neuroreport. 1994 Jul 21;5(12):1421-4.

Parallel to these modifications, the apparent receptor affinity to glycine and strychnine, as well as that of Zn (2+) and ethanol increases with time.
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18255245 Yin S, Chen Z, Yu D, Feng Y, Wang J: Local inhibition shapes duration tuning in the inferior colliculus of guinea pigs. J Comp Neurol. 1997 Aug 18;385(1):117-34.

In the inferior colliculus (IC) of these mammals, it is recognized that the excitatory responses to sounds are mediated through AMPA and NMDA receptors while the inhibitory input is mediated through gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine receptors.
It was found that the application of bicuculline (BIC, a GABA A blocker) and/or strychnine (STRY, a glycine blocker) eliminated or reduced duration tuning in most units that were duration tuned (32 out of 39 for BIC, 50 out of 64 for STRY, respectively).
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16611622 Stehr CM, Linbo TL, Incardona JP, Scholz NL: The developmental neurotoxicity of fipronil: notochord degeneration and locomotor defects in zebrafish embryos and larvae. Neurosci Lett. 1996 Apr 19;208(2):125-8.

Although specifically developed to target insect GABA receptors with low vertebrate toxicity, our results suggest that fipronil impairs the development of spinal locomotor pathways in fish by inhibiting a structurally related glycine receptor subtype.
The notochord effects of fipronil were phenocopied by exposure to 70 microM strychnine, a glycinergic receptor antagonist.
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17068103 Vignes JR, Deloire MS, Petry KG, Nagy F: Characterization and restoration of altered inhibitory and excitatory control of micturition reflex in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in rats. Life Sci. 2006 Dec 3;80(1):9-16. Epub 2006 Aug 17.

Blockade of glycine receptors in the lumbosacral spinal cord suppressed the stimulation-induced inhibitory effect.
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9202334 Matoba M, Tomita U, Nishikawa T: Characterization of 5,7-dichlorokynurenate-insensitive D-[3H] serine binding to synaptosomal fraction isolated from rat brain tissues. Mol Cells. 2003 Feb 28;15(1):34-9.

Strychnine and 7-chlorokynurenate failed to inhibit the binding at 10 microM.
The profiles of displacement of the DCK-insensitive D-[3H] serine binding by various amino acids and glutamate and glycine receptor-related compounds differ from those of any other defined recognition sites.
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12855675 Li YF, Wu LJ, Li Y, Xu L, Xu TL: Mechanisms of H+ modulation of glycinergic response in rat sacral dorsal commissural neurons. Neuroscience. 2004;124(2):421-8.

H+ shifted the EC50 of the glycine concentration-response curve from 49.3 +/- 5.7 microM at external pH 7.4 to 131.5 +/- 8.1 microM at pH 5.5, without altering the Cl- selectivity of the glycine receptor (GlyR), the Hill coefficient and the maximal IGly, suggesting a competitive inhibition of IGly by H+.
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16075189 Davis KA: Contralateral effects and binaural interactions in dorsal cochlear nucleus. Br J Anaesth. 2004 May;92(5):704-11. Epub 2004 Mar 19.

This inhibition is abolished and excitation is revealed when strychnine, a glycine-receptor antagonist, is applied to the DCN; application of bicuculline, a GABAA-receptor antagonist, has similar effects but does not block the onset of inhibition.
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8248282 Stone TW: Neuropharmacology of quinolinic and kynurenic acids. Neuron. 2004 Mar 25;41(6):867-79.

The pathway includes two compounds, quinolinic acid and kynurenic acid, which are remarkably specific in their pharmacological profiles: one is a selective agonist at receptors sensitive to NMDA, whereas the other is a selective antagonist at low concentrations at the strychnine-resistant glycine modulatory site associated with the NMDA receptor.
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11849303 Merrywest SD, Fischer H, Sillar KT: Alpha-adrenoreceptor activation modulates swimming via glycinergic and GABAergic inhibitory pathways in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. J Physiol. 2000 Jun 1;525 Pt 2:447-59.

We show that NA could still modulate aspects of swimming after blocking either glycine or GABA (A) receptors with strychnine and bicuculline, respectively.
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8930293 Valeyev AY, Hackman JC, Wood PM, Davidoff RA: Pharmacologically novel GABA receptor in human dorsal root ganglion neurons. J Neurochem. 2004 Aug;90(4):962-9.

The glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (100 microM) did not alter GABA currents in human DRG cells. 5.
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9200726 Aroniadou-Anderjaska V, Ennis M, Shipley MT: Glomerular synaptic responses to olfactory nerve input in rat olfactory bulb slices. Epilepsia. 2003 Sep;44(9):1145-52.

Strychnine, an antagonist of glycine receptors, had similar effects to those of bicuculline, but only at high concentrations that have been previously shown to block GABA (A) receptors; at low concentrations strychnine had no effect.
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8265681 Namba T, Morimoto K, Yamada N, Otsuki S: Antiepileptogenic action of 7-chlorokynurenic acid on amygdala kindling of rats. J Neurosci Methods. 1999 Feb 1;87(1):97-103.

These results demonstrate that this selective strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor antagonist has antiepileptogenic activity and suggest a role for the glycine receptors in the contribution of the NMDA receptor complex to epileptogenic events.
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16687139 Jensen AA, Gharagozloo P, Birdsall NJ, Zlotos DP: Pharmacological characterisation of strychnine and brucine analogues at glycine and alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Neurotoxicol Teratol. 2005 Nov-Dec;27(6):855-9. Epub 2005 Sep 19.

In this study, we have characterised the pharmacological properties of tertiary and quaternary analogues as well as bisquaternary dimers of strychnine and brucine at human alpha1 and alpha1beta glycine receptors and at a chimera consisting of the amino-terminal domain of the alpha7 nicotinic receptor (containing the orthosteric ligand binding site) and the ion channel domain of the 5-HT3A serotonin receptor.
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8996180 Witkin JM, Steele TD, Sharpe LG: Effects of strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor ligands in rats discriminating dizocilpine or phencyclidine from saline. Biosens Bioelectron. 1997;12(5):373-93.
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10960447 Zhang Y, Ikejima K, Honda H, Kitamura T, Takei Y, Sato N: Glycine prevents apoptosis of rat sinusoidal endothelial cells caused by deprivation of vascular endothelial growth factor. J Physiol. 2002 Apr 15;540(Pt 2):435-46.

Furthermore, strychnine (1 micromol/L), a glycine receptor antagonist, inhibited this effect of glycine, suggesting the possible involvement of the glycine receptor/chloride channel in the mechanism.
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18929557 Shigemi K, Tsuneyoshi Y, Hamasu K, Han L, Hayamizu K, Denbow DM, Furuse M: l-Serine induces sedative and hypnotic effects acting at GABA (A) receptors in neonatal chicks. Addict Biol. 2010 Mar 10.

Glycine similarly induced sedative and hypnotic effects in chicks, but its effect was attenuated by the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine.
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11176099 Kontinen VK, Stanfa LC, Basu A, Dickenson AH: Electrophysiologic evidence for increased endogenous gabaergic but not glycinergic inhibitory tone in the rat spinal nerve ligation model of neuropathy. Neuroscience. 2008 Nov 19;157(2):432-45. Epub 2008 Sep 11.

BACKGROUND: Changes in the inhibitory activity mediated by gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine, acting at spinal GABAA receptors and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors, are of interest in the development of neuropathic pain.
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17346892 Ge LH, Lee SC, Liu J, Yang XL: Glycine receptors are functionally expressed on bullfrog retinal cone photoreceptors. Anesthesiology. 1995 Apr;82(4):963-8.

These results suggest that strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors are functionally expressed in bullfrog cones, which may mediate signal feedback from glycinergic interplexiform cells to cones in the outer retina.
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8899617 Nabekura J, Omura T, Akaike N: Alpha 2 adrenoceptor potentiates glycine receptor-mediated taurine response through protein kinase A in rat substantia nigra neurons. Eur J Neurosci. 2002 Jan;15(2):375-83.

Both currents were antagonized by 10 (-6) M strychnine, thus indicating that taurine acts on strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor on the SN neurons. 3.
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18554813 Cervetto C, Taccola G: GABAA and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors modulate N-methyl-D-aspartate-evoked acetylcholine release from rat spinal motoneurons: a possible role in neuroprotection. J Neurophysiol. 2009 Mar;101(3):1211-21. Epub 2008 Dec 17.
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12504915 Maksay G, Biro T: Dual cooperative allosteric modulation of binding to ionotropic glycine receptors. J Neurophysiol. 1993 Jul;70(1):8-19.

Glycine receptors (GlyRs) were studied via [(3) H] strychnine binding to synaptosomal membranes of rat spinal cord.
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11740501 Ahmadi S, Lippross S, Neuhuber WL, Zeilhofer HU: PGE (2) selectively blocks inhibitory glycinergic neurotransmission onto rat superficial dorsal horn neurons. Neuroreport. 1997 Sep 29;8(14):3109-12.

We identified the inhibitory (strychnine-sensitive) glycine receptor as a specific target of PGE (2).
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9755023 Khandwala H, Loomis CW: Milacemide, a glycine pro-drug, inhibits strychnine-allodynia without affecting normal nociception in the rat. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 1996 Jan;35(1-2):211-9.

The blockade of spinal glycine receptors with intrathecal (i.t.) strychnine (STR) produces reversible, segmentally localized allodynia in the rat.
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9356383 Sherman SE, Luo L, Dostrovsky JO: Altered receptive fields and sensory modalities of rat VPL thalamic neurons during spinal strychnine-induced allodynia. Brain Res. 2003 Mar 21;966(2):288-99.

This condition may be modeled experimentally in animals by the intrathecal (i.t.) administration of strychnine, a glycine receptor antagonist.
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17383967 Vandenberg RJ, Shaddick K, Ju P: Molecular basis for substrate discrimination by glycine transporters. Exp Brain Res. 2005 Mar;161(3):351-7. Epub 2004 Oct 14.

Glycine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the spinal cord and brain stem, where it acts on strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors, and is also an excitatory neurotransmitter throughout the brain and spinal cord, where it acts on the N-methyl-d-aspartate family of receptors.
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7725349 Miller GW, Schnellmann RG: Inhibitors of renal chloride transport do not block toxicant-induced chloride influx in the proximal tubule. Anesthesiology. 2001 Jul;95(1):154-64.

Further, we propose that toxicant-induced chloride influx is mediated by a novel receptor related to the neuronal strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor and that chloride influx is a key step in cell swelling and lysis.
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7897498 Araki I: Inhibitory postsynaptic currents and the effects of GABA on visually identified sacral parasympathetic preganglionic neurons in neonatal rats. Med Hypotheses. 2008 Nov;71(5):668-81. Epub 2008 Aug 30.

The IPSCs were substantially reduced by strychnine (1 microM), a glycine receptor antagonist.
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9307100 Sherman SE, Luo L, Dostrovsky JO: Spinal strychnine alters response properties of nociceptive-specific neurons in rat medial thalamus. Eur J Pharmacol. 2009 Jul 1;614(1-3):44-9. Epub 2009 May 13.

Experiments in both conscious and anesthetized animals indicate that intrathecal (i.t.) strychnine (STR; glycine receptor antagonist) produces acute, reversible allodynia, as evidenced by inappropriate behavioral and autonomic responses to cutaneous tactile stimuli.
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15654288 Molander A, Soderpalm B: Accumbal strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors: an access point for ethanol to the brain reward system. J Neurophysiol. 1997 Aug;78(2):628-37.
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18593588 Park EJ, Choi IS, Cho JH, Nakamura M, Lee JJ, Lee MG, Choi BJ, Moorhouse AJ, Jang IS: Zinc modulation of glycine receptors in acutely isolated rat CA3 neurons. . Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 1995 Dec;73(12):1698-705.

These pharmacological properties strongly suggest that CA3 neurons express functional strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors containing alpha2 subunits.
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8217939 Zucker CL, Ehinger B: Synaptic connections involving immunoreactive glycine receptors in the turtle retina. EMBO J. 1994 Sep 15;13(18):4223-8.

The distribution of glycine receptors in the turtle retina was studied with the aid of a monoclonal antibody that detects the 93-kD protein associated with the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor.
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10992010 van Zundert B, Albarran FA, Aguayo LG: Effects of chronic ethanol treatment on gamma-aminobutyric acid (A) and glycine receptors in mouse glycinergic spinal neurons. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2000 Oct;295(1):423-9.

Strychnine inhibited the glycine current with smaller potency (29%) in treated neurons, thus the IC (50) increased from 14 +/- 2 nM in control to 18 +/- 6 nM in treated neurons.
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14514876 Cui J, Ma YP, Lipton SA, Pan ZH: Glycine receptors and glycinergic synaptic input at the axon terminals of mammalian retinal rod bipolar cells. Eur J Pharmacol. 1996 Dec 5;316(2-3):145-51.

In the presence of GABAA and GABAC antagonists, strychnine-sensitive chloride currents were evoked in RBCs in retinal slices by puffing kainate onto the inner plexiform layer.
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8912198 Blednov YA, Bleck V, Harris RA: Measurement of glycine receptor function by radioactive chloride uptake. Mol Membr Biol. 2001 Jan-Mar;18(1):13-20.

Strychnine inhibited the glycine-stimulated uptake with an IC50 of 0.4 microM.
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9279812 Hussy N, Deleuze C, Pantaloni A, Desarmenien MG, Moos F: Agonist action of taurine on glycine receptors in rat supraoptic magnocellular neurones: possible role in osmoregulation. Neuroscience. 2005;131(3):745-58.

To evaluate the implication of taurine in the physiology of supraoptic neurones, we (i) investigated the agonist properties of taurine on glycine and GABAA receptors of supraoptic magnocellular neurones acutely dissociated from adult rats, using whole-cell voltage clamp, (ii) studied the effects of taurine and strychnine in vivo by extracellular recordings of supraoptic vasopressin neurones in anaesthetized rats, and (iii) measured the osmolarity-dependent release of endogenous taurine from isolated supraoptic nuclei by HPLC. 2.
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19225173 Marchenko V, Rogers RF: GABAAergic and glycinergic inhibition in the phrenic nucleus organizes and couples fast oscillations in motor output. Pain. 1997 Sep;72(3):299-308.

To test this, the phrenic nuclei (C (4)) of 14 unanesthetized, decerebrate adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were microinjected unilaterally with either 4 mM strychnine (n = 7) or GABAzine (n = 7) to block glycine or GABA (A) receptors, respectively.
Power spectral analysis of inspiratory phrenic bursts showed that blockade of inhibition caused significant reduction in the relative power of MFO (GABA (A) and glycine receptors) and HFO (GABA (A) receptors only).
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20152805 Kubota H, Alle H, Betz H, Geiger JR: Presynaptic glycine receptors on hippocampal mossy fibers. J Neurosci. 1994 Mar;14(3 Pt 2):1701-9.

In MFBs, focal puff-application of glycine-evoked chloride currents that were blocked by the GlyR antagonist strychnine.
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17046753 Zimmer MB, Goshgarian HG: GABA, not glycine, mediates inhibition of latent respiratory motor pathways after spinal cord injury. Eur J Pharmacol. 1993 Apr 15;245(2):183-5.

The present study investigated whether spinal GABA-A and/or glycine receptors are involved in the inhibition of the crossed phrenic pathways after a C2 spinal cord hemisection injury.
GABA-A receptor (bicuculline and Gabazine) and glycine receptor (strychnine) antagonists were applied directly to the cervical spinal cord (C3-C7), while bilateral phrenic nerve motor output was recorded.
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15266648 Yoshida M, Fukuda S, Tozuka Y, Miyamoto Y, Hisatsune T: Developmental shift in bidirectional functions of taurine-sensitive chloride channels during cortical circuit formation in postnatal mouse brain. table of contents.

An antagonist blocking analysis also demonstrated a developmental shift in the receptor target of taurine, from glycine receptors to GABAA receptors.
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11020764 Cheng G, Kendig JJ: Enflurane directly depresses glutamate AMPA and NMDA currents in mouse spinal cord motor neurons independent of actions on GABAA or glycine receptors. table of contents.

Block of inhibitory gamma-aminobutyric acid A and glycine receptors by bicuculline (20 micrometer) or strychnine (2 micrometer) or both did not significantly reduce the effects of enflurane on glutamate-evoked currents.
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10460241 Chery N, de Koninck Y: Junctional versus extrajunctional glycine and GABA (A) receptor-mediated IPSCs in identified lamina I neurons of the adult rat spinal cord. J Physiol. 1999 Oct 1;520 Pt 1:293-302.

To address this issue, miniature IPSCs (mIPSCs) mediated via GABA (A) receptors (GABA (A) Rs) and glycine receptors (GlyRs) were recorded from identified laminae I-II neurons in adult rat spinal cord slices.
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10200197 Singer JH, Berger AJ: Contribution of single-channel properties to the time course and amplitude variance of quantal glycine currents recorded in rat motoneurons. Anesth Analg. 2001 Jan;92(1):123-7.

We wished to ascertain the contribution of glycine receptor (GlyR)-channel properties to this change in quantal amplitude and to the amplitude variability and time course of mIPSCs.
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10082275 Ren J, Ye JH, Liu PL, Krnjevic K, McArdle JJ: Cocaine decreases the glycine-induced Cl- current of acutely dissociated rat hippocampal neurons. Toxicol Lett. 1995 Mar;76(2):179-84.

Because the depression of I (GLY) was noncompetitive, cocaine may act on the glycine receptor-chloride ionophore complex at a site distinct from that to which glycine binds.
The cocaine suppression of I (GLY) was unaffected by 1 microM tetrodotoxin and 1 microM strychnine.
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7984680 Wamsley JK, Sofia RD, Faull RL, Narang N, Ary T, Gan XD, McCabe RT: Felbamate: interaction with glycine receptors in human cerebral cortex. Anesth Analg. 2003 Jan;96(1):97-101

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11956334 Zhang W, Barnbrock A, Gajic S, Pfeiffer A, Ritter B: Differential ontogeny of GABA (B)-receptor-mediated pre- and postsynaptic modulation of GABA and glycine transmission in respiratory rhythm-generating network in mouse. Neuroscience. 2008 Jul 17;154(4):1517-24. Epub 2008 May 3.

The effect of CGP on respiratory frequency was diminished in the presence of bicuculline and strychnine in older but not in younger animals.
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8705310 Engblom AC, Eriksson KS, Akerman KE: Glycine and GABAA receptor-mediated chloride fluxes in synaptoneurosomes from different parts of the rat brain. Brain Res. 2003 Jan 17;960(1-2):25-35.

Strychnine-sensitive, inhibitory glycine receptors have not until lately been considered to play a significant role in neurotransmission in mammalian forebrain regions.
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9652343 Leewanich P, Tohda M, Matsumoto K, Subhadhirasakul S, Takayama H, Aimi N, Watanabe H: A possible mechanism underlying corymine inhibition of glycine-induced Cl- current in Xenopus oocytes. Urol Int. 2005;74(2):160-5.

Co-application with strychnine, a competitive glycine receptor antagonist, or 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS), a Cl- channel blocker, corymine decreased the ED50 value of strychnine, but did not change that of DIDS.
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12957225 Matsumoto K, Nomura H, Murakami Y, Taki K, Takahata H, Watanabe H: Long-term social isolation enhances picrotoxin seizure susceptibility in mice: up-regulatory role of endogenous brain allopregnanolone in GABAergic systems. J Neurochem. 1995 Mar;64(3):1026-33.

Social isolation of mice for 7 weeks prior to the experiments caused a significant increase of seizure susceptibility to the GABA (A) receptor antagonist picrotoxin but not to the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine or the glutamate receptor agonist kainic acid.
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12208085 St-John WM, Paton JF: Neurogenesis of gasping does not require inhibitory transmission using GABA (A) or glycine receptors. J Physiol. 1995 Jan 1;482 ( Pt 1):29-38.

Strychnine was used to block transmission by glycine.
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9453458 Darstein M, Loschmann PA, Knorle R, Feuerstein TJ: Strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors inducing [3H]-acetylcholine release in rat caudatoputamen: a new site of action of ethanol?. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 1997 Dec;356(6):738-45.

In the present study acute effects of ethanol on [3H]-acetylcholine ([3H]-ACh) release induced by activation of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in superfused slices of rat caudatoputamen were investigated.
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8719405 Popik P, Lewin A, Berrang B, Nowak G, Layer R, Skolnick P: [3H] 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid, a novel probe for strychnine- insensitive glycine receptors. J Neurosci. 1997 May 15;17(10):3392-400.

[3H] 1-Aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid (ACPC) exhibits high affinity, specific binding to strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors.
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8096423 Boje KM, Wong G, Skolnick P: Desensitization of the NMDA receptor complex by glycinergic ligands in cerebellar granule cell cultures. J Physiol. 1995 Sep 1;487 ( Pt 2):395-405.

These effects may represent homologous desensitization of the NMDA receptor complex at its strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor induced by prolonged exposure to glycinergic agonists and partial agonists.
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8907320 Currie SN, Lee S: Glycinergic inhibition in the turtle spinal cord regulates the intensity and pattern of fictive flexion reflex motor output. Neuroscience. 1998 May;84(2):519-28.

Our observations are consistent with the hypothesis that intraspinal inhibition mediated by strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors regulates the amplitude of fictive flexion reflex motor output and confines the response to the appropriate neural pathways.
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7981869 Wang J, Reichling DB, Kyrozis A, MacDermott AB: Developmental loss of GABA- and glycine-induced depolarization and Ca2+ transients in embryonic rat dorsal horn neurons in culture. Hear Res. 2000 Feb;140(1-2):126-36.

This [Ca2+] i response has previously been shown to be due to depolarization and subsequent Ca2+ entry through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels following activation of bicuculline-sensitive GABAA receptors and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors.
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19023642 Hamasu K, Shigemi K, Tsuneyoshi Y, Yamane H, Sato H, Denbow DM, Furuse M: Intracerebroventricular injection of L-proline and D-proline induces sedative and hypnotic effects by different mechanisms under an acute stressful condition in chicks. Neuropharmacology. 2008 Oct;55(5):793-802. Epub 2008 Jun 21.

To clarify the mechanism by which L-proline and D-proline induce sedative and hypnotic effects, the contribution of the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor (glycine receptor) and N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor (NMDA receptor) were further investigated.
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19085882 Gimenez C, Zafra F, Lopez-Corcuera B, Aragon C: [Molecular bases of hereditary hyperekplexia] . Neuroscience. 2009 Apr 21;160(1):227-39. Epub 2009 Feb 13.

This gene encodes the alpha subunit of the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor, which plays a crucial role in inhibitory glycinergic neurotransmission that process sensory and motor information.
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9144639 Przegalinski E, Tatarczynska E, Deren-Wesolek A, Chojnacka-Wojcik E: Antidepressant-like effects of a partial agonist at strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors and a competitive NMDA receptor antagonist. Microsc Res Tech. 1998 May 1;41(3):263-9.
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12505654 Yu K, Ge SY, Ruan DY: Fe2+ decreases the taurine-induced Cl- current in acutely dissociated rat hippocampal neurons. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1996;61:333-42.

Using standard pharmacological approaches, we found that the currents gated by concentrations of taurine (neurons tested, were predominantly mediated by strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors.
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16784797 Fodor L, Boros A, Dezso P, Maksay G: Expression of heteromeric glycine receptor-channels in rat spinal cultures and inhibition by neuroactive steroids. Eur J Neurosci. 2000 Jun;12(6):1924-30.

Glycine receptors of 3-17 days in vitro were characterized via subtype-specific channel blockade by micromolar picrotoxin and cyanotriphenylborate, as well as nanomolar strychnine.
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9760138 Li P, Yang XL: Strong synergism between GABA (A) and glycine receptors on isolated carp third-order neurons. Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao. 2010 Jan;30(1):51-3.

A strong synergistic interaction between the bicuculline-sensitive GABA receptor (GABA (A) receptor) and the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor was observed in third-order neurons acutely isolated from crucian carp retina, with the use of the whole-cell patch-clamp recording technique.
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7931499 Yang L, Pollak GD: GABA and glycine have different effects on monaural response properties in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus of the mustache bat. J Neurochem. 2009 Apr;109(1):275-86. Epub 2009 Feb 5.

We studied the monaural response properties of 81 neurons in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) of the mustache bat before and during the iontophoretic application of antagonists that blocked gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptors (bicuculline) or glycine receptors (strychnine).
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14622582 Gomeza J, Hulsmann S, Ohno K, Eulenburg V, Szoke K, Richter D, Betz H: Inactivation of the glycine transporter 1 gene discloses vital role of glial glycine uptake in glycinergic inhibition. Neuron. 2003 Nov 13;40(4):785-96.

In brainstem slices from GlyT1-deficient mice, in vitro respiratory activity is strikingly reduced but normalized by the glycine receptor (GlyR) antagonist strychnine.
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17267752 Janssen D, Derst C, Buckinx R, Van den Eynden J, Rigo JM, Van Kerkhove E: Dorsal unpaired median neurons of locusta migratoria express ivermectin- and fipronil-sensitive glutamate-gated chloride channels. Mol Pain. 2006 Feb 17;2:8.

Together with type A GABA and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors, glutamate-gated chloride channels (GluCl) are members of the Cys-loop family of ionotropic receptors, which mediate fast inhibitory neurotransmission.
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8997600 Papp M, Moryl E, Maccecchini ML: Differential effects of agents acting at various sites of the NMDA receptor complex in a place preference conditioning model. Neuroscience. 2005;133(1):175-83.

A conditioned place preference paradigm was used to assess the potential rewarding properties of the uncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonist, MK-801 (dizolcipine), the two competitive NMDA receptor antagonists, CGP 37849 (DL-(E)-2-amino-4-methyl-5-phosphono-3-pentonoic acid) and its (R)-enantiomer CGP 40116, as well as the partial agonist at strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors, ACPC (1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid).
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8982680 Papp M, Moryl E: Antidepressant-like effects of 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid and D-cycloserine in an animal model of depression. Biochem Pharmacol. 2004 May 1;67(9):1789-99.

Antidepressant activity of partial agonists at strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors, 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid (ACPC) and D-cycloserine, was studied in a chronic mild stress model of depression.
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9466452 Lin HH, Wu SY, Lai CC, Dun NJ: GABA- and glycine-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in neonatal rat rostral ventrolateral medulla neurons in vitro. Eur J Pharmacol. 1995 Feb 15;288(3):399-401.

Inhibitory synaptic potentials were reversibly eliminated by the GABA (A) receptor antagonist bicuculline (10-20 microM) in six of nine neurons, by the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (0.1-1 microM) in two and by a combination of bicuculline and strychnine in one neuron.
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7714570 Wu SH, Kelly JB: Inhibition in the superior olivary complex: pharmacological evidence from mouse brain slice. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2002 Sep;302(3):1135-45.

GABA had a powerful blocking effect on extracellularly recorded action potentials evoked by current-pulse stimulation of the trapezoid body in seven LSO neurons tested after adding the glycine receptor antagonist, strychnine (1 microM), to the bath.
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8968539 Mascia MP, Machu TK, Harris RA: Enhancement of homomeric glycine receptor function by long-chain alcohols and anaesthetics. J Neurochem. 2007 Mar;100(5):1143-54. Epub 2007 Jan 8.

The effects of n-alcohols (ethanol to dodecanol) and anaesthetics on strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors were studied in Xenopus oocytes expressing homomeric alpha 1 or alpha 2 glycine receptor subunits, with the two electrode voltage-clamp recording technique. 2.
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8032902 Bohlhalter S, Mohler H, Fritschy JM: Inhibitory neurotransmission in rat spinal cord: co-localization of glycine- and GABAA-receptors at GABAergic synaptic contacts demonstrated by triple immunofluorescence staining. J Physiol. 1997 Aug 1;502 ( Pt 3):609-21.

Most spinal cord neurons respond to both neurotransmitters, suggesting co-expression of GABAA- and strychnine-sensitive glycine-receptors in individual cells.
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9522353 Simpson RK Jr, Huang W: Glycine receptor reduction within segmental gray matter in a rat model in neuropathic pain. table of contents.

Using a unilateral sciatic nerve constriction injury model of neuropathic pain, the strychnine sensitive glycine receptor population was studied using immunohistochemical techniques.
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16125853 Deleuze C, Runquist M, Orcel H, Rabie A, Dayanithi G, Alonso G, Hussy N: Structural difference between heteromeric somatic and homomeric axonal glycine receptors in the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system. J Neurosci. 2005 Jul 13;25(28):6490-8.

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16396929 Balse E, Tessier LH, Forster V, Roux MJ, Sahel JA, Picaud S: Glycine receptors in a population of adult mammalian cones. J Neurophysiol. 1996 Feb;75(2):902-19.

These glycine-elicited currents were sensitive to strychnine but not to picrotoxin consistent with the expression of alpha-beta-heteromeric glycine receptors.
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16168470 Findlay GS, Harris RA, Blednov YA: Male transgenic glycine receptor alpha1 (S267Q) mutant mice display a hyperekplexia-like increase in acoustic startle responses. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2005 Sep;82(1):215-22.

However, decreases in glycine-stimulated strychnine-sensitive radioactive chloride (36Cl-) uptake were not observed in spinal cord and brainstem synaptoneurosomes from transgenic mice.
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8387072 Ling L, Karius DR, Speck DF: Pontine-evoked inspiratory inhibitions after antagonism of NMDA, GABAA, or glycine receptor. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2003 Mar;4(1):60-73. Epub 2002 Aug 19.

After systemic injection of MK-801, bicuculline, or strychnine (antagonists to NMDA, GABAA, or glycine receptors, respectively), responses to stimulation were again recorded.
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8137816 Taleb O, Betz H: Expression of the human glycine receptor alpha 1 subunit in Xenopus oocytes: apparent affinities of agonists increase at high receptor density. Br J Pharmacol. 1997 May;121(2):324-30.

The low-affinity receptors were readily blocked by nM concentrations of the competitive antagonist strychnine, whereas the high-affinity receptors were more resistant to antagonism by this alkaloid.
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17522628 Zhang LH, Gong N, Fei D, Xu L, Xu TL: Glycine uptake regulates hippocampal network activity via glycine receptor-mediated tonic inhibition. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1994 Apr;269(1):95-102.

Antagonists of GlyT type 1 (GlyT1) but not that of GlyT type 2 (GlyT2) induced excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)-spike depression, which was reversed by the specific GlyR antagonist strychnine.
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12183673 Martin G, Siggins GR: Electrophysiological evidence for expression of glycine receptors in freshly isolated neurons from nucleus accumbens. Eur J Pharmacol. 1998 May 22;349(2-3):245-52.

The glycine current was not blocked by 200 microM picrotoxin and 10 microM zinc, was weakly antagonized by 1 microM strychnine, and was not enhanced by 1 microM zinc.
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15081878 Jensen AA, Kristiansen U: Functional characterisation of the human alpha1 glycine receptor in a fluorescence-based membrane potential assay. Brain Res. 2006 Dec 13;1125(1):46-59. Epub 2006 Nov 16.

In the patch-clamp assay, the alpha1 GlyR exhibited the properties expected from a strychnine-sensitive glycine-gated chloride channel.
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11738262 Tapia JC, Mentis GZ, Navarrete R, Nualart F, Figueroa E, Sanchez A, Aguayo LG: Early expression of glycine and GABA (A) receptors in developing spinal cord neurons. Neuroscience. 1998 Jan;82(2):429-42.

Using fluorometric and immunocytochemical techniques, we found that high glycine concentrations or blockade of glycine receptors increases neurite outgrowth in developing mouse spinal cord neurons.
The use of various receptor antagonists (strychnine, bicuculline, DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate [APV], 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione [CNQX]) revealed that this activity was predominantly glycinergic, and to a smaller extent, GABAergic.
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19617896 Wang HD, Lu XX, Lu DX, Qi RB, Wang YP, Fu YM, Wang LW: Glycine inhibits the LPS-induced increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration and TNFalpha production in cardiomyocytes by activating a glycine receptor. J Neurophysiol. 1998 Jul;80(1):71-82.

GLY did not inhibit TNFalpha production induced by LPS at concentrations below 10 ng/mL but did significantly decrease TNFalpha release stimulated by 100 microg/mL LPS and prevented an LPS-induced increase in [Ca2+] c, which was reversed by strychnine, a glycine receptor antagonist.
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9372227 Karlsson U, Haage D, Johansson S: Currents evoked by GABA and glycine in acutely dissociated neurons from the rat medial preoptic nucleus. Anesth Analg. 2007 Aug;105(2):386-92.

The currents evoked by glycine were largely blocked by 1 microM strychnine.
In conclusion, the present work demonstrates that neurons from the medial preoptic nucleus of rat directly respond to the inhibitory transmitters GABA and glycine with currents that can be attributed to GABAA receptors and glycine receptors respectively.
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7774687 Yadid G, Goldstein DS, Pacak K, Kopin IJ, Golomb E: Functional alpha 3-glycine receptors in rat adrenal. . J Neurophysiol. 1999 Apr;81(4):1608-16.

The adrenal medulla contains high-affinity strychnine binding sites, presumed to be receptors for glycine.
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14570250 Rotolo TC, Dacheux RF: Evidence for glycine, GABAA, and GABAB receptors on rabbit OFF-alpha ganglion cells. J Biol Chem. 2009 Dec 25;284(52):36128-36. Epub 2009 Oct 27.

Inhibitory synaptic transmission via GABA and glycine receptors plays a crucial role in shaping the excitatory response of neurons in the retina.
The amplitudes of strychnine-sensitive glycine-activated currents were always larger than the currents elicited by GABA.
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8289185 Kane JM, Staeger MA, Dalton CR, Miller FP, Dudley MW, Ogden AM, Kehne JH, Ketteler HJ, McCloskey TC, Senyah Y, et al.: 5-Aryl-3-(alkylthio)-4H-1,2,4-triazoles as selective antagonists of strychnine-induced convulsions and potential antispastic agents. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2005 Jan;29(1):27-37.

The anticonvulsant profiles of these 4H-1,2,4-triazoles suggested that they were acting functionally like glycine receptor agonists.
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11698544 Bourque MJ, Kolta A: Properties and interconnections of trigeminal interneurons of the lateral pontine reticular formation in the rat. Brain Res. 2006 May 23;1090(1):134-45. Epub 2006 Apr 21.

All EPSPs induced by stimulation of PeriV, PCRt, or NVmt were sensitive to ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonists 6-cyano-7-dinitroquinoxaline and D,L-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid, while IPSPs were blocked by bicuculline and strychnine, antagonists of GABA (A) and glycine receptors.
All EPSPs induced by stimulation of PeriV, PCRt, or NVmt were sensitive to ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonists 6-cyano-7-dinitroquinoxaline and D,L-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid, while IPSPs were blocked by bicuculline and strychnine, antagonists of GABA (A) and glycine receptors.
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9636118 Cleland TA, Selverston AI: Inhibitory glutamate receptor channels in cultured lobster stomatogastric neurons. Hear Res. 2000 Sep;147(1-2):125-36.

Inhibitory glutamate receptor channels (IGluRs) are ligand-gated ionotropic receptors related to ionotropic gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine receptors and expressed in neural and muscular tissues.
The IGluR was weakly blocked by the chloride channel blocker furosemide and the excitatory glutamate receptor antagonist6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX), but was not inhibited by bicuculline methiodide, strychnine, kynurenic acid, gamma--glutamylglycine, or aspartate.
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15243140 Schilling T, Eder C: A novel physiological mechanism of glycine-induced immunomodulation: Na+-coupled amino acid transporter currents in cultured brain macrophages. J Physiol. 1995 Apr 15;484 ( Pt 2):505-21.

Glycine-evoked currents of brain macrophages were unaffected by strychnine, Cl (-)-free extracellular solution, N-[3-(4'-fluorophenyl)-3-(4'-phenylphenoxy) propyl]) sarcosine (NFPS) and amoxapine, but were abolished upon omission of extracellular Na (+).
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18497354 Petit-Jacques J, Bloomfield SA: Synaptic regulation of the light-dependent oscillatory currents in starburst amacrine cells of the mouse retina. J Neurophysiol. 2000 Aug;84(2):1006-11.

Strychnine, the blocker of glycine receptors did not affect the initial peak but strongly decreased the oscillations frequency.
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16781687 Molchanova SM, Oja SS, Saransaari P: Taurine attenuates D-[3H] aspartate release evoked by depolarization in ischemic corticostriatal slices. J Biol Chem. 2007 Dec 7;282(49):36057-67. Epub 2007 Oct 2.

The taurine uptake inhibitor guanidinoethanesulfonate (5 mM), the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (0.1 mM) and the GABA (A) receptor antagonist bicuculline (0.1 mM) did not block the taurine effect.
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9236256 Sandkuhler J, Chen JG, Cheng G, Randic M: Low-frequency stimulation of afferent Adelta-fibers induces long-term depression at primary afferent synapses with substantia gelatinosa neurons in the rat. Neuroscience. 2003;122(3):831-41.

Bath application of the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline and glycine receptor antagonist strychnine did not affect LTD.
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15224153 He DF, Chen FJ, Zhou SC: GABA mediaties the inhibitory effect of lateral amygdaloid nucleus stimulation on the acoustic response of neurons in A I cortex: An in vivo microiontophoretic study. Neuropharmacology. 2002 Dec;43(7):1087-98.

In contrast, application of strychnine, a glycine receptor antagonist, could not reverse the inhibitory effect of LA.
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17173871 Molchanova SM, Oja SS, Saransaari P: Inhibitory effect of taurine on veratridine-evoked D-[3H] aspartate release from murine corticostriatal slices: involvement of chloride channels and mitochondria. J Neurophysiol. 2004 Sep;92(3):1658-67. Epub 2004 May 12.

The glycine receptor antagonist strychnine and the GABA (A) receptor antagonist bicuculline did not block the taurine effect, although picrotoxin, a less specific blocker of agonist-gated chloride channels, completely prevented the effect of taurine on veratridine-induced D-[3H] aspartate release.
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11274795 Imboden M, De Saint Jan D, Leulier F, Korn H, Goblet C, Bregestovski P: Isolation and characterization of an alpha 2-type zebrafish glycine receptor subunit. J Neurol Sci. 1996 Aug;139 Suppl:76-82.

These homomeric channels were activated by glycine and taurine, with apparent affinities similar to those reported for zebrafish alphaZ1 glycine receptor, and were also effectively antagonized by nanomolar concentrations of strychnine.
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9551830 Shefchyk SJ, Espey MJ, Carr P, Nance D, Sawchuk M, Buss R: Evidence for a strychnine-sensitive mechanism and glycine receptors involved in the control of urethral sphincter activity during micturition in the cat. Pain. 2004 Nov;112(1-2):156-63.
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9432062 Krenning J, Hughes LF, Caspary DM, Helfert RH: Age-related glycine receptor subunit changes in the cochlear nucleus of Fischer-344 rats. Anesthesiology. 2009 Feb;110(2):326-32.

Previous studies have shown that levels of binding for the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor in the cochlear nucleus (CN) of Fischer (F344) rats decrease with age.
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19369365 Kutscher A, Covey E: Functional role of GABAergic and glycinergic inhibition in the intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus of the big brown bat. Neuroscience. 2005;135(2):475-83.

To address the question of what role inhibitory synaptic inputs play in the INLL of the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus), we recorded sound-evoked responses of single neurons and iontophoretically applied bicuculline to block GABA (A) receptors or strychnine to block glycine receptors.
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20117983 Cheng J, Wu M, Wu ZH: [Effects of glycine on the discharge activities of the inspiratory neurons in neonatal rat medulla oblongata slices.]. Brain Res. 1997 Sep 26;769(2):203-10.

The effect of glycine on the rhythmical respiration was investigated by administration of glycine receptor agonist and its specific antagonist strychnine (STR) into a modified Kreb's perfusion solution (MKS).
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8713181 Chiba C, Saito T: Responses mediated by excitatory and inhibitory amino acid receptors in solitary spiking cells from normal newt retina. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2001 Feb;17(2):354-63.

Bicuculline and strychnine strongly suppressed the responses to GABA and glycine, respectively, suggesting the existence of GABAA receptors and conventional glycine receptors in the spiking cells.
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12651653 Koshizaki M, Kawamata M, Shimada SG, Saito Y, Collins JG: 5-HT3 receptors partially mediate halothane depression of spinal dorsal horn sensory neurons. Brain Res. 1993 Feb 19;603(2):207-14.

We recently reported that gamma-aminobutyric acid type A- and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor systems partially mediate halothane depression of spinal dorsal horn low-threshold neurons.
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17913992 Zhang HX, Thio LL: Zinc enhances the inhibitory effects of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in mouse hippocampal neurons. J Neurophysiol. 2003 Jul;90(1):89-99. Epub 2003 Mar 26.
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9084588 Kremer E, Lev-Tov A: Localization of the spinal network associated with generation of hindlimb locomotion in the neonatal rat and organization of its transverse coupling system. J Physiol. 1993 Nov;471:729-48.

Bath application of the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine, or the gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptor blocker bicuculline, induced in the presence of NMDA and 5-HT a bilaterally synchronous rhythm in any intact or detached segment of the cord and in midsagittally split preparations with few bilaterally intact upper thoracic or lower sacral segments.
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15494196 Cronin JN, Bradbury EJ, Lidierth M: Laminar distribution of GABAA- and glycine-receptor mediated tonic inhibition in the dorsal horn of the rat lumbar spinal cord: effects of picrotoxin and strychnine on expression of Fos-like immunoreactivity. J Neurosci. 2001 May 1;21(9):2974-82.
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12960774 Meier J, Schmieden V: Inhibition of alpha-subunit glycine receptors by quinoxalines. J Neurosci. 1999 Sep 1;19(17):7434-49.

Quinoxalines are widely used compounds in electrophysiological studies to separate excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission mediated by the strychnine-insensitive and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor (NMDA, GlyR), respectively.
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17981090 Salih MA, Mustafa AA: A substance in broad beans (Vicia faba) is protective against experimentally induced convulsions in mice. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2009 Jul 23.

Various doses of strychnine and picrotoxin were used to explore the effect of VF extract on strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors and GABA (A) receptors.
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15224160 Li Z, Luo C, Sun YY, Chen J: [Effects of etomidate on local synaptic transmission in substantia gelatinosa neurons of the adult rat spinal cord]. Eur J Pharmacol. 2007 Mar 8;558(1-3):37-42. Epub 2006 Dec 12.

Under this condition extracellular superfusion was made with 1 micromol/L TTX and 1 micromol/L strychnine, an antagonist of glycine receptor, for 2 min, and then with consistent application of 50 micromol/L ET, 1 micromol/L TTX and 1 micromol/L strychnine for 1 min.
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9294970 Lanza M, Bonnafous C, Colombo S, Revel L, Makovec F: Characterization of a novel putative cognition enhancer mediating facilitation of glycine effect on strychnine-resistant sites coupled to NMDA receptor complex. Kidney Int. 1996 Feb;49(2):449-60.

The effects of (S)-4-amino-5-[(4,4-dimethylcyclohexyl) amino]-5-oxo-pentanoic acid ((S) CR 2249), a new chemical entity selected among a series of glutamic acid derivatives, were investigated on N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-evoked release of [3H] noradrenaline from rat hippocampal slices. (S) CR 2249 facilitated glycine-mediated reversion of kynurenate antagonism at strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors coupled to the NMDA receptor.
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9313270 Khandwala H, Hodge E, Loomis CW: Comparable dose-dependent inhibition of AP-7 sensitive strychnine-induced allodynia and paw pinch-induced nociception by mexiletine in the rat. Sheng Li Xue Bao. 2004 Jun 25;56(3):413-8.

The blockade of spinal glycine receptors with intrathecal (i.t.) strychnine produces segmentally-localized allodynia in the rat; a reversible and highly reproducible effect that is attained without peripheral or central nerve injury.
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11516560 Nakayama K, Nishimaru H, Kudo N: Developmental changes in 5-hydroxytryptamine-induced rhythmic activity in the spinal cord of rat fetuses in vitro. J Biol Chem. 2001 Aug 10;276(32):29657-63. Epub 2001 Jun 6.

Bath application of strychnine (5 microM), a glycine-receptor antagonist, reduced the frequency of the rhythmic activity to 37% of control at E14.5.
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8032669 Loscher W, Wlaz P, Rundfeldt C, Baran H, Honack D: Anticonvulsant effects of the glycine/NMDA receptor ligands D-cycloserine and D-serine but not R-(+)-HA-966 in amygdala-kindled rats. Vis Neurosci. 2005 Nov-Dec;22(6):825-38.

Pharmacological intervention at the strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor by high-efficacy partial agonists with systemic bioavailability may be an effective means of increasing seizure-threshold without concomitantly inducing PCP-like adverse effects.
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10360746 Cordi A, Lacoste JM, Audinot V, Millan M: Design, synthesis and structure-activity relationships of novel strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor ligands. Neurosci Lett. 1994 Oct 24;180(2):285-9.
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19782664 Yin H, Lee KE, Park SA, Bhattarai JP, Suh BJ, Jeon JG, Kim BG, Park SJ, Han SK: Inhibitory effects of somatostatin on the substantia gelatinosa neurons of trigeminal subnucleus caudalis via somatostatin type 2 receptors in juvenile mice. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 1996 May;54(1):73-7.

The SST-induced hyperpolarizing response was maintained in the presence of TTX (Na (+) channel blocker), AP-5 (NMDA receptor antagonist), CNQX (non-NMDA glutamate receptor antagonist), picrotoxin (GABA (A) receptor antagonist) and strychnine (glycine receptor antagonist), respectively, suggesting that SST has direct effects on the postsynaptic SG neurons.
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9665886 Jonas P, Bischofberger J, Sandkuhler J: Corelease of two fast neurotransmitters at a central synapse. . J Med Chem. 1994 Jan 7;37(1):125-32.

Unitary inhibitory postsynaptic currents generated at interneuron-motoneuron synapses consisted of a strychnine-sensitive, glycine receptor-mediated component and a bicuculline-sensitive, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor-mediated component.
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7905831 Paul IA, Layer RT, Skolnick P, Nowak G: Adaptation of the NMDA receptor in rat cortex following chronic electroconvulsive shock or imipramine. Brain Res. 2003 Jun 6;974(1-2):243-8.

These changes were manifested as: (1) a reduction in the potency of glycine to inhibit the binding of 5,7-dichloro [3H] kynurenic acid to strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors; and (2) a reduction in the proportion of high affinity, glycine-displaceable [3H] CGP-39653 binding to NMDA receptors.
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8255354 Yadid G, Maor G, Youdim MB, Silberman M, Zinder O: Autoradiographic localization of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor in bovine adrenal medulla. Neuroreport. 1994 Mar 21;5(7):777-80.
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10414351 Betz H, Kuhse J, Schmieden V, Laube B, Kirsch J, Harvey RJ: Structure and functions of inhibitory and excitatory glycine receptors. . Vis Neurosci. 1999 Mar-Apr;16(2):205-19.

The strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor (GlyR) is a pentameric chloride channel protein that exists in several developmentally and regionally regulated isoforms in the CNS.
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19860809 Chau P, Hoifodt-Lido H, Lof E, Soderpalm B, Ericson M: Glycine receptors in the nucleus accumbens involved in the ethanol intake-reducing effect of acamprosate. Anesth Analg. 2008 Dec;107(6):1875-83.

BACKGROUND: We have previously demonstrated that strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors (GlyRs) in the nucleus accumbens (nAc) and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the ventral tegmental area are involved in mediating ethanol (EtOH)-induced elevation of dopamine in the rat mesolimbic dopamine system.
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7689044 Siebler M, Pekel M, Koller H, Muller HW: Strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in cultured primary neurons from rat neocortex. J Neurophysiol. 2003 Nov;90(5):3490-500. Epub 2003 Jul 16.
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8762070 Downie DL, Hall AC, Lieb WR, Franks NP: Effects of inhalational general anaesthetics on native glycine receptors in rat medullary neurones and recombinant glycine receptors in Xenopus oocytes. Eur J Pharmacol. 2005 Oct 3;521(1-3):39-42. Epub 2005 Sep 21.

Bath application of glycine gave strychnine-sensitive currents which reversed close to the expected equilibrium potentials for chloride ions.
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14614909 Devignot V, Prado de Carvalho L, Bregestovski P, Goblet C: A novel glycine receptor alpha Z1 subunit variant in the zebrafish brain. . Toxicol Sci. 2006 Jul;92(1):270-8. Epub 2006 Apr 12.

Heterologous expression of homomeric GlyRalphaZ1L in human embryonic kidney-293 cells generates glycine-gated strychnine-sensitive chloride channels with no obvious discrepancy with pharmacological properties of GlyRalphaZ1.
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15046720 Young TL, Cepko CL: A role for ligand-gated ion channels in rod photoreceptor development. Mol Pharmacol. 2004 Feb;65(2):453-60.

Here, evidence is presented that signaling through glycine receptor alpha2 (GlyRalpha2) and GABA (A) receptors plays a role in photoreceptor development in the vertebrate retina.
Taurine potentiates the production of rod photoreceptors, and this induction is inhibited by strychnine, an antagonist of glycine receptors, and bicuculline, an antagonist of GABA receptors.
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19528247 Morkve SH, Hartveit E: Properties of glycine receptors underlying synaptic currents in presynaptic axon terminals of rod bipolar cells in the rat retina. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001 Feb 27;98(5):2781-5. Epub 2001 Feb 13.

Glycinergic IPSCs, recorded in both intact cells and isolated terminals, were strychnine sensitive and displayed fast kinetics with a double-exponential decay.
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9565032 Kirsch J, Betz H: Glycine-receptor activation is required for receptor clustering in spinal neurons. Neuropharmacology. 2005 Sep;49(3):338-49.

Here we show that the competitive GlyR antagonist strychnine and L-type Ca2+-channel blockers inhibit the accumulation of GlyR and gephyrin at postsynaptic membrane areas in cultured rat spinal neurons.
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9744942 Tian N, Hwang TN, Copenhagen DR: Analysis of excitatory and inhibitory spontaneous synaptic activity in mouse retinal ganglion cells. Eur J Pharmacol. 1995 Sep 15;284(1-2):109-18.

Both GABAA and glycine receptor-mediated sIPSCs had rise times (10-90%) of < 1 ms.
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14568560 Kondratskaya EL, Pankratov YV, Lalo UV, Chatterjee SS, Krishtal OA: Inhibition of hippocampal LTP by ginkgolide B is mediated by its blocking action on PAF rather than glycine receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Nov 9;96(23):13421-6.

The effect of ginkgolide B on LTP did not alter considerably if GlyRs were blocked by strychnine (2 microM).
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11860460 Pierobon P, Minei R, Porcu P, Sogliano C, Tino A, Marino G, Biggio G, Concas A: Putative glycine receptors in Hydra: a biochemical and behavioural study. Neurochem Int. 2004 Feb;44(3):171-7.

Here we report the identification and characterization of glycine receptors in the freshwater polyp Hydra vulgaris (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) by biochemical and behavioural studies.
Saturation experiments revealed the occurrence of one population of binding sites of nanomolar affinity (KD = 33 nm) and low capacity (Bmax = 79 fmol/mg protein) for [(3) H] strychnine.
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17196941 Yan L, Suneja SK, Potashner SJ: Protein kinases regulate glycine receptor binding in brain stem auditory nuclei after unilateral cochlear ablation. Neurosci Lett. 1999 Apr 16;265(2):83-6.

We found previously that unilateral cochlear ablation (UCA) in young adult guinea pigs decreased [3H] strychnine binding activity in several brain stem auditory nuclei.
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8120831 Krupp J, Feltz P: Synaptic- and agonist-induced chloride currents in neonatal rat sympathetic preganglionic neurones in vitro. Anesthesiology. 1999 Jan;90(1):165-73.

These results suggest that the inhibitory synaptic activity recorded from SPNs in thin, transverse slices of neonatal rat spinal cord is mediated by glycine receptor-gated Cl- channels.
It reversed at the chloride equilibrium potential (ECl) and could be reversibly blocked by strychnine (1-10 microM), but not by bicuculline (10 microM) or SR95531 (5-10 microM). 4.
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10938255 Krolo M, Stuth EA, Tonkovic-Capin M, Hopp FA, McCrimmon DR, Zuperku EJ: Relative magnitude of tonic and phasic synaptic excitation of medullary inspiratory neurons in dogs. J Neurophysiol. 1997 Mar;77(3):1155-70.

The silent expiratory phase is produced by phasic inhibition of the tonic activity, and approximately 80% of this inhibition is mediated by gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors (GABA (A)) and approximately 20% by glycine receptors.
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16420443 Ivanova E, Muller U, Wassle H: Characterization of the glycinergic input to bipolar cells of the mouse retina. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2000 Aug;279(2):R639-49.

Here we evaluated the functional properties and subunit composition of glycine receptors (GlyRs) in bipolar cells.
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8714526 Aprison MH, Galvez-Ruano E, Robertson DH, Lipkowitz KB: Glycine and GABA receptors: molecular mechanisms controlling chloride ion flux. Neuroreport. 1994 Jan 12;5(4):489-92.

In addition, amino acids also involved in stabilizing the interaction between the antagonists strychnine and R5135 at the glycinergic and gabanergic receptors, respectively, have been shown to fit our complex model.
We also present two computer-generated color prints, one for the glycine receptor and one for the GABA receptor, which show the quantum mechanically geometry optimized complex formed between receptor side chains, i.e., the part of the amino acids in the polypeptide that interacts with the zwitterionic inhibitory neurotransmitters.
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9027402 Virginio C, Cherubini E: Glycine-activated whole cell and single channel currents in rat cerebellar granule cells in culture. J Neurobiol. 1996 Dec;31(4):503-11.

Glycine current density change drastically during days in culture, the maximal expression being between day 4 and 7, suggesting that the expression of glycine receptor channels is developmentally regulated.
The responses to glycine were antagonized by strychnine and picrotoxin with an IC50 of 58 nM and 172 microM, respectively.
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11082440 Dawson GR, Wafford KA, Smith A, Marshall GR, Bayley PJ, Schaeffer JM, Meinke PT, McKernan RM: Anticonvulsant and adverse effects of avermectin analogs in mice are mediated through the gamma-aminobutyric acid (A) receptor. Brain Res. 2000 Apr 17;862(1-2):74-82.

Although avermectins weakly inhibited [(3) H] strychnine binding in rat spinal cord, and inhibited glycine responses on primary cultured cortical neurons, activity at glycine receptors did not correlate with either anticonvulsant activity or toxicity.
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14551290 Cheng JK, Chou RC, Hwang LL, Chiou LC: Antiallodynic effects of intrathecal orexins in a rat model of postoperative pain. Neurochem Int. 2008 Jan;52(1-2):235-40. Epub 2007 Jun 21.

The effects of orexin A and B were abolished by their respective antibodies, but not by naloxone, and were attenuated by suramin and strychnine, the P2X purinergic and glycine receptor antagonists, respectively.
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15140905 Bieda MC, MacIver MB: Major role for tonic GABAA conductances in anesthetic suppression of intrinsic neuronal excitability. Eur J Neurosci. 1998 Nov;10(11):3556-64.

Propofol-induced depression of intrinsic excitability was completely reversed by bicuculline and picrotoxin but was strychnine-insensitive, implicating GABA (A) but not glycine receptors.
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17537680 Li DP, Yang Q: Membrane and synaptic properties of nucleus tractus solitarius neurons projecting to the caudal ventrolateral medulla. Br J Pharmacol. 2004 Sep;143(1):19-26. Epub 2004 Aug 9.

While the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine had no effect on the firing activity, blockade of GABA (A) receptors with bicuculline significantly increased the firing rate in the majority of labeled NTS neurons.
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9829177 Rodriguez-Contreras A, Calderon F, Lopez-Colome AM: Strychnine-insensitive [3H] glycine binding to synaptosomal membranes from the chick retina. J Med Chem. 2004 Dec 2;47(25):6384-91.

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10430508 Li P, Yang XL: Zn2+ differentially modulates glycine receptors versus GABA receptors in isolated carp retinal third-order neurons. J Physiol. 1998 Feb 15;507 ( Pt 1):25-40.

It was previously reported that strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors and GABAA receptors co-existed on carp retinal third-order neurons (amacrine/ganglion cells) (Li, P. and Yang, X.-L., Strong synergism between GABAA and glycine receptors on isolated carp third-order neurons.
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14563849 Chen Z, Dillon GH, Huang R: Molecular determinants of proton modulation of glycine receptors. . Mol Cell Neurosci. 2002 Oct;21(2):324-40.

The proton effect was voltage-independent and pharmacologically competed with glycine receptor agonist glycine and antagonist strychnine.
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7686901 Reddy GL, Iwamoto T, Tomich JM, Montal M: Synthetic peptides and four-helix bundle proteins as model systems for the pore-forming structure of channel proteins. Biochem Pharmacol. 1995 Mar 1;49(5):687-92.

A synthetic 23-mer peptide (M2GlyR) with the amino acid sequence of the putative transmembrane segment M2 of the strychnine-binding alpha subunit of the inhibitory glycine receptor forms anion-selective channels in phospholipid bilayers.
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14581726 Swiader M, Gasior M, Wielosz M, Czuczwar SJ: Influence of some convulsant agents on the protective activity of a novel antiepileptic drug, felbamate, against maximal electroshock in mice. J Neurobiol. 1997 Jun 5;32(6):579-92.

It may be concluded that GABAergic inhibition and strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor-mediated events may contribute to the anticonvulsant activity of felbamate.
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8939452 O'Connor V, Phelan PP, Fry JP: Interactions of glycine and strychnine with their receptor recognition sites in mouse spinal cord. Behav Brain Res. 2007 Mar 12;178(1):70-81. Epub 2007 Jan 17.

The reagent 2,3-butanedione caused an increase in total and strychnine-specific [3H]-strychnine binding (which we have shown elsewhere to be at a site unrelated to the inhibitory glycine receptor).
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10097172 Garcia-Colunga J, Miledi R: Modulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by strychnine. . J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2003 Dec;307(3):1065-71. Epub 2003 Oct 9.

Strychnine, a potent and selective antagonist at glycine receptors, was found to inhibit muscle (alpha1beta1gammadelta, alpha1beta1gamma, and alpha1beta1delta) and neuronal (alpha2beta2 and alpha2beta4) nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AcChoRs) expressed in Xenopus oocytes.
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8728541 Przegalinski E, Tatarczynska E, Deren-Wesolek A, Chojnacka-Wojcik E: Anticonflict effects of a competitive NMDA receptor antagonist and a partial agonist at strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors. Vis Neurosci. 2003 May-Jun;20(3):285-96.
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8590073 Velisek L, Roztocilova L, Kusa R, Mares P: Excitatory amino acid antagonists and pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures during ontogenesis: III. J Androl. 2000 Jan-Feb;21(1):99-106.

In these experiments, we tested the anticonvulsant activity of strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor (at the NMDA site) antagonist kynurenic acid and nonspecific excitatory amino acid receptor antagonist glutamic acid diethylester (GDEE) in the pentylenetetrazol-induced seizure model in developing rats 7, 12, 18, 25, and 90 days old.
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12560122 McCool BA, Frye GD, Pulido MD, Botting SK: Effects of chronic ethanol consumption on rat GABA (A) and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors expressed by lateral/basolateral amygdala neurons. Neuropharmacology. 2009 Sep;57(3):242-9. Epub 2009 Jun 11.

Chronic ethanol exposure increased the functional expression of GABA (A) receptors in acutely isolated basolateral amygdala neurons without altering strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors.
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7860652 Warner DS, Martin H, Ludwig P, McAllister A, Keana JF, Weber E: In vivo models of cerebral ischemia: effects of parenterally administered NMDA receptor glycine site antagonists. Neuroscience. 2001;108(3):493-506.

We conclude that pharmacologic antagonism of glycine at the strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor presents a neuroprotective profile similar to that previously observed for antagonists of glutamate at the N-methyl-D-aspartate complex with a potential for fewer side effects.
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7498252 Kretschmer BD, Bubser M, Schmidt WJ: Behavioral and neurochemical actions of the strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor antagonist, 7-chlorokynurenate, in rats. Brain Res. 1993 Nov 19;628(1-2):263-70.
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7752562 Akagi H, Majima T, Uchiyama M: Function and modulation of the cloned glycine receptor channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Jun 7;102(23):8345-50. Epub 2005 May 31.

Homomeric glycine receptor channels consisting of alpha 1 or alpha 2 subunit expressed in Xenopus oocytes had an ability to generate Cl- currents, and the currents were suppressed by strychnine, a selective antagonist.
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12598250 Sonner JM, Zhang Y, Stabernack C, Abaigar W, Xing Y, Laster MJ: GABA (A) receptor blockade antagonizes the immobilizing action of propofol but not ketamine or isoflurane in a dose-related manner. Anesth Analg. 2003 Mar;96(3):706-12

The ED (50) for propofol was also antagonized by strychnine, a non-GABAergic glycine receptor antagonist and convulsant, to determine whether excitation of the central nervous system by a non-GABAergic mechanism could account for the increases in propofol ED (50) observed.
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11067975 Nunez-Abades PA, Pattillo JM, Hodgson TM, Cameron WE: Role of synaptic inputs in determining input resistance of developing brain stem motoneurons. Transplantation. 1996 Dec 15;62(11):1549-58.

Spontaneous postsynaptic potentials were sensitive to the combined application of glycine receptor antagonist, strychnine, and the GABA (A) receptor antagonist, bicuculline.
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8126564 Grothe B, Sanes DH: Synaptic inhibition influences the temporal coding properties of medial superior olivary neurons: an in vitro study. J Neurophysiol. 2000 Nov;84(5):2317-29.

The glycine receptor antagonist strychnine influenced the response to simulated interaural time differences.
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16806306 Carta M, Murru L, Botta P, Talani G, Sechi G, De Riu P, Sanna E, Biggio G: The muscle relaxant thiocolchicoside is an antagonist of GABAA receptor function in the central nervous system. J Neurophysiol. 1993 Oct;70(4):1326-38.

Thiocolchicoside (TCC) is used clinically for its muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties, and it has been shown to interact with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A receptors (GABAARs) and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in the rat central nervous system.
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7635092 Guillet R, Dunham L: Neonatal caffeine exposure and seizure susceptibility in adult rats. Pflugers Arch. 2001 Jan;441(4):444-9.

At age 70-90 days, each rat was infused intravenously (i.v.) with picrotoxin (PIC), bicuculline (BIC) [convulsants acting at the gamma-aminobutyric acid/benzodiazepine (GABA/BDZ) receptor], pentylenetetrazol [PTZ, possibly acting at both GABA/BDZ and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors], caffeine (acting at adenosine receptors), strychnine (STR, acting at glycine receptors), or kainic acid (KA, acting at the NMDA receptor).
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10587285 File SE, Fluck E, Fernandes C: Beneficial effects of glycine (bioglycin) on memory and attention in young and middle-aged adults. J Neurophysiol. 2001 Nov;86(5):2583-96.

This complex can be manipulated in a number of ways, one of which is through the strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor coagonist site.
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8951107 Sanes DH, Hafidi A: Glycinergic transmission regulates dendrite size in organotypic culture. J Neurophysiol. 1994 Jul;72(1):169-79.

Cultures were generated at 6-7 days postnatal and grown in serum containing medium with or without the glycine receptor antagonist, strychnine (SN), at 2 microM.
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10962179 Potashner SJ, Suneja SK, Benson CG: Altered glycinergic synaptic activities in guinea pig brain stem auditory nuclei after unilateral cochlear ablation. J Neurosci Res. 1996 Feb 1;43(3):372-81.

The specific binding of [(3) H] strychnine was quantified to measure synaptic glycine receptor activity and/or expression.
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10327174 D'Hooge R, De Deyn PP, Van de Vijver G, Antoons G, Raes A, Van Bogaert PP: Uraemic guanidino compounds inhibit gamma-aminobutyric acid-evoked whole cell currents in mouse spinal cord neurones. Eur J Neurosci. 2001 Nov;14(10):1659-66.

Guanidine, however, evoked inward whole-cell currents, which were almost completely blocked by strychnine, indicating that the guanidine-evoked current might have been due to glycine receptor activation.
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17921866 Zhang M, Cao LH, Yang XL: Melatonin modulates glycine currents of retinal ganglion cells in rat. Eur J Neurosci. 2006 Jan;23(2):350-64.

By using patch clamp techniques, we demonstrate for the first time that glycine-induced currents from a population of isolated ganglion cells in the rat retina are potentiated by melatonin of nanomolar concentrations by increasing the efficacy and the channel conductance of the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor.
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9145798 Kling C, Koch M, Saul B, Becker CM: The frameshift mutation oscillator (Glra1 (spd-ot)) produces a complete loss of glycine receptor alpha1-polypeptide in mouse central nervous system. Biochemistry. 1994 Jun 21;33(24):7718-30.

Symptoms of this disorder mimic poisoning by strychnine, the antagonist of the inhibitory glycine receptor.
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19020133 Ahrens J, Leuwer M, Stachura S, Krampfl K, Belelli D, Lambert JJ, Haeseler G: A transmembrane residue influences the interaction of propofol with the strychnine-sensitive glycine alpha1 and alpha1beta receptor. J Physiol. 2007 May 15;581(Pt 1):203-19. Epub 2007 Mar 1.

BACKGROUND: Propofol, well known for its anesthetic effects, acts as a positive allosteric modulator of the alpha-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA (A)) receptor but also enhances the function of the glycine receptor.
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8793743 Harty TP, Manis PB: Glycine-evoked currents in acutely dissociated neurons of the guinea pig ventral cochlear nucleus. Neurosci Lett. 2007 Jan 10;411(2):92-7. Epub 2006 Nov 15.

The glycine receptors are therefore principally permeable to chloride. 6.
The glycine antagonist strychnine was added to the extracellular solution at concentrations of 0.5-500 nM to evaluate its effect on glycine-evoked responses.
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12885784 Li Y, Wu LJ, Legendre P, Xu TL: Asymmetric cross-inhibition between GABAA and glycine receptors in rat spinal dorsal horn neurons. J Cell Sci. 1998 Feb;111 ( Pt 3):335-45.

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16631121 Zhang LH, Xu L, Xu TL: Glycine receptor activation regulates short-term plasticity in CA1 area of hippocampal slices of rats. Eur J Neurosci. 2001 Oct;14(7):1082-90.

Moreover, glycine application increased the paired-pulse ratio (PPR) of PSCs significantly, an effect largely abolished by the GlyR specific antagonist strychnine.
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9927632 Moorhouse AJ, Jacques P, Barry PH, Schofield PR: The startle disease mutation Q266H, in the second transmembrane domain of the human glycine receptor, impairs channel gating. Anesth Analg. 2003 Apr;96(4):1027-31

This was not accompanied by similar changes in agonist displacement of strychnine binding, suggesting that the mutation affects functions subsequent to ligand binding.
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11278873 Shan Q, Haddrill JL, Lynch JW: Ivermectin, an unconventional agonist of the glycine receptor chloride channel. Anesthesiology. 2000 Oct;93(4):1075-84.

Relative to glycine-gated currents, ivermectin-gated currents exhibited a dramatically reduced sensitivity to inhibition by strychnine, picrotoxin, and zinc.
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15654289 Molander A, Lof E, Stomberg R, Ericson M, Soderpalm B: Involvement of accumbal glycine receptors in the regulation of voluntary ethanol intake in the rat. Br J Pharmacol. 1994 Oct;113(2):471-8.

Here this hypothesis was further challenged by examining the influence of bilateral accumbal application of glycine (a GlyR agonist), strychnine (a GlyR competitive antagonist), or Ringer on EtOH intake and preference, as well as on the concomitant DA output in the nAc, in EtOH high-preferring male Wistar rats.
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7826634 Rajendra S, Lynch JW, Pierce KD, French CR, Barry PH, Schofield PR: Mutation of an arginine residue in the human glycine receptor transforms beta-alanine and taurine from agonists into competitive antagonists. Hear Res. 1999 Dec;138(1-2):106-14.

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12154171 Mangin JM, Guyon A, Eugene D, Paupardin-Tritsch D, Legendre P: Functional glycine receptor maturation in the absence of glycinergic input in dopaminergic neurones of the rat substantia nigra. Tissue Cell. 1998 Apr;30(2):236-50.

The application of 1 microM gabazine blocked spontaneous or evoked inhibitory synaptic current, while the addition of 1 microM strychnine had no effect, suggesting a lack of functional glycinergic synapses on DA neurones.
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12401451 Meier J, Juttner R, Kirischuk S, Grantyn R: Synaptic anchoring of glycine receptors in developing collicular neurons under control of metabotropic glutamate receptor activity. Neurosci Lett. 2007 Feb 8;413(1):16-20. Epub 2006 Dec 4.

Two distinct stages of inhibitory synaptogenesis in cultured collicular neurons were defined on the basis of strychnine sensitivity of IPSCs, presence of EPSCs, KCC2 expression, and transmitter-induced Ca (2+) responses.
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10938323 Chery N, De Koninck Y: GABA (B) receptors are the first target of released GABA at lamina I inhibitory synapses in the adult rat spinal cord. J Physiol. 2003 Nov 1;552(Pt 3):975-91. Epub 2003 Aug 22.

However, whereas both glycine receptors (GlyRs) and GABA (A) receptors (GABA (A) Rs) are expressed on the postsynaptic target, under certain conditions inhibitory events appeared to be mediated by GlyRs only.
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8159999 Hu QK, Chen YZ: [Glycine receptors] J Neurochem. 2002 Sep;82(6):1343-51.

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12405966 Chepkova AN, Doreulee N, Yanovsky Y, Mukhopadhyay D, Haas HL, Sergeeva OA: Long-lasting enhancement of corticostriatal neurotransmission by taurine. . Neuropharmacology. 2007 Jun;52(8):1586-95. Epub 2007 Mar 14.

The fast and reversible inhibition by taurine was accompanied by a depolarization and conductance increase in medium spiny neurons and was sensitive to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A and glycine receptor (GlyR) antagonists.
The LLETAU was not prevented by N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)- or by GABAA receptor-antagonists, but was sensitive to the GlyR-antagonist strychnine and blocked by the competitive taurine uptake inhibitor guanidinoethylsulphonate (GES, 1 mm).
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11312281 Hatton GI, Yang QZ: Ionotropic histamine receptors and H2 receptors modulate supraoptic oxytocin neuronal excitability and dye coupling. Brain Res. 1996 Oct 14;736(1-2):189-201.

SON oxytocin (OX) neurons respond to single TM stimuli with fast IPSPs, whose kinetics resemble those of GABA (A) or glycine receptors.
IPSPs were blocked by the Cl (-) channel blocker picrotoxin, but not by bicuculline or strychnine, and by histamine H (2), but not by H (1) or H (3) receptor antagonists, suggesting the presence of an ionotropic histamine receptor and the possible nonspecificity of currently used H (2) antagonists.
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16672662 Graham BA, Schofield PR, Sah P, Margrie TW, Callister RJ: Distinct physiological mechanisms underlie altered glycinergic synaptic transmission in the murine mutants spastic, spasmodic, and oscillator. Vis Neurosci. 1993 Sep-Oct;10(5):907-14.

Spastic (spa), spasmodic (spd), and oscillator (ot) mice have naturally occurring glycine receptor (GlyR) mutations, which manifest as motor deficits and an exaggerated "startle response." Using whole-cell recording in hypoglossal motoneurons, we compared the physiological mechanisms by which each mutation alters GlyR function.
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11500467 Li X, Bradford BU, Wheeler MD, Stimpson SA, Pink HM, Brodie TA, Schwab JH, Thurman RG: Dietary glycine prevents peptidoglycan polysaccharide-induced reactive arthritis in the rat: role for glycine-gated chloride channel. Am J Physiol. 1997 Jun;272(6 Pt 1):G1581-6.

The inhibitory effect of glycine was reversed by low concentrations of strychnine or chloride-free buffer, and it increased radiolabeled chloride influx nearly fourfold, an effect also inhibited by strychnine.
Further, mRNA for the beta subunit of the glycine receptor was detected in splenic macrophages.
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20173309 Nishikawa Y, Sasaki A, Kuraishi Y: Blockade of glycine transporter (GlyT) 2, but not GlyT1, ameliorates dynamic and static mechanical allodynia in mice with herpetic or postherpetic pain. Vis Neurosci. 2007 Jul-Aug;24(4):503-11.

Intrathecal ALX1393 suppressed dynamic allodynia induced by intrathecal strychnine and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA).
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12684256 Raiteri L, Paolucci E, Prisco S, Raiteri M, Bonanno G: Activation of a glycine transporter on spinal cord neurons causes enhanced glutamate release in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Biol Chem. 2007 May 11;282(19):14447-53. Epub 2007 Mar 23.

Potentiation of the spontaneous release of both amino acids is likely to be mediated by activation of a glycine transporter, since the effects of glycine were counteracted by the glycine transporter blocker glycyldodecylamide but not by the glycine receptor antagonists strychnine and 5,7-dichlorokynurenate.
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9928321 Kudo N, Nishimaru H: Reorganization of locomotor activity during development in the prenatal rat. Hum Mol Genet. 1994 Nov;3(11):2025-30.

The spontaneous activity was not blocked by kynurenate, the glutamate receptor blocker, although it was completely abolished by strychnine, the glycine receptor antagonist.
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18182833 Ahrens J, Leuwer M, Haeseler G: Strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors mediate the analgesic but not the hypnotic effects of emulsified volatile anaesthetics. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2000 Mar 1;163(2):188-94.

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8717357 Handford CA, Lynch JW, Baker E, Webb GC, Ford JH, Sutherland GR, Schofield PR: The human glycine receptor beta subunit: primary structure, functional characterisation and chromosomal localisation of the human and murine genes. Nat Neurosci. 2002 Jan;5(1):34-40.

Neither [3H] strychnine binding nor glycine-gated currents were detected when the human GlyR beta subunit cDNA was expressed in the human embryonic kidney 293 cell line.
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18562558 Kilb W, Hanganu IL, Okabe A, Sava BA, Shimizu-Okabe C, Fukuda A, Luhmann HJ: Glycine receptors mediate excitation of subplate neurons in neonatal rat cerebral cortex. Eur J Neurosci. 1998 Dec;10(12):3823-39.

Glycine-induced responses were blocked by the glycinergic antagonist strychnine, but were unaffected by either the GABAergic antagonist gabazine, the N-methyl-d-aspartate-receptor antagonist d-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid, or picrotoxin and cyanotriphenylborate, antagonists of alpha-homomeric and alpha1-subunit-containing glycine receptors, respectively.
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15566307 Maksay G, Nemes P, Biro T: Synthesis of tropeines and allosteric modulation of ionotropic glycine receptors. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2005 May;313(2):751-64. Epub 2005 Feb 1.

These (nor) tropeines inhibited [(3) H] strychnine binding to glycine receptors in synaptosomal membranes of rat spinal cord.
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19726200 Maksay G, Vincze Z, Nemes P: Synthesis of heteroaromatic tropeines and heterogeneous binding to glycine receptors. Bioorg Med Chem. 2008 Feb 15;16(4):2086-92. Epub 2007 Nov 4.

Tropine esters displaced [(3) H] strychnine binding to glycine receptors of rat spinal cord with low Hill slopes.
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11212206 Busselberg D, Bischoff AM, Paton JF, Richter DW: Reorganisation of respiratory network activity after loss of glycinergic inhibition. Science. 1998 Nov 13;282(5392):1277-9.

Strychnine (0.03-0.3 microM) was given systemically to block glycine receptors (Gly-R).
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11893603 Dutschmann M, Paton JF: Trigeminal reflex regulation of the glottis depends on central glycinergic inhibition in the rat. Pharmacology. 2009;83(5):270-4. Epub 2009 Mar 21.

In an unanesthetized decerebrate in situ arterially perfused brain stem preparation of mature rat, strychnine (0.05-0.2 microM) blockade of glycine receptors caused postinspiratory glottal constriction to occur earlier, shifting from early expiration to inspiration.
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9503338 Russo RE, Nagy F, Hounsgaard J: Inhibitory control of plateau properties in dorsal horn neurones in the turtle spinal cord in vitro. J Neural Transm Suppl. 1997;49:235-44.

Blockade of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) and glycine receptors by their selective antagonists bicuculline (10-50 microM) and strychnine (5-20 microM) enhanced the excitatory response to stimulation of the dorsal root and facilitated the expression of plateau potentials. 3.
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10065998 Wick MJ, Bleck V, Whatley VJ, Brozowski SJ, Nixon K, Cardoso RA, Valenzuela CF: Stable expression of human glycine alpha1 and alpha2 homomeric receptors in mouse L (tk-) cells. Neuroscience. 1997 May;78(2):411-7.

Patch-clamp electrophysiological recordings revealed that the alpha1 or alpha2 glycine receptor subunits expressed in these cells form functional glycine receptors that are inhibited by strychnine and picrotoxin.
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10683407 Darstein M, Landwehrmeyer GB, Kling C, Becker CM, Feuerstein TJ: Strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in rat caudatoputamen are expressed by cholinergic interneurons. J Physiol. 2002 Oct 1;544(Pt 1):253-65.

Strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors are ligand-gated anion channels widely expressed in spinal cord and brainstem.
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15094457 Nguyen L, Malgrange B, Breuskin I, Lallemend F, Hans G, Moonen G, Belachew S, Rigo JM: Striatal PSA-NCAM (+) precursor cells from the newborn rat express functional glycine receptors. Neuroreport. 2007 Oct 29;18(16):1675-8.

To ascertain whether glycine receptors were functional in vitro, whole-cell patch-clamp recordings demonstrated that glycine triggers inward strychnine-sensitive currents in the majority of these cells.
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7582092 Pastor A, Chvatal A, Sykova E, Kettenmann H: Glycine- and GABA-activated currents in identified glial cells of the developing rat spinal cord slice. Brain Res Bull. 1995;38(6):525-9.

The involvement of glycine receptors was inferred from the observation that the response was blocked by strychnine and that the induced current reversed close to the Cl- equilibrium potential.
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11919275 Broch L, Morales RD, Sandoval AV, Hedrick MS: Regulation of the respiratory central pattern generator by chloride-dependent inhibition during development in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). J Exp Biol. 2002 Apr;205(Pt 8):1161-9.

The glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (2.5-25.0 micromol l (-1)) and the GABA (A) receptor antagonist bicuculline (1-10 micromol l (-1)) inhibited fictive gill ventilation and increased fictive lung ventilation in tadpoles.
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12954867 Findlay GS, Phelan R, Roberts MT, Homanics GE, Bergeson SE, Lopreato GF, Mihic SJ, Blednov YA, Harris RA: Glycine receptor knock-in mice and hyperekplexia-like phenotypes: comparisons with the null mutant. J Comp Neurol. 1997 Sep 1;385(3):405-14.

Strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors (GlyRs) inhibit neurotransmission in the spinal cord and brainstem.
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9007841 Fedele E, Bisaglia M, Raiteri M: D-serine modulates the NMDA receptor/nitric oxide/cGMP pathway in the rat cerebellum during in vivo microdialysis. J Neurophysiol. 2009 Apr;101(4):2134-45. Epub 2009 Feb 18.

The effect of 200 microM NMDA was largely attenuated by 30 microM 7-chloro-kynurenic acid and completely abrogated when the concentration of the strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor antagonist was raised to 100 microM.
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14742688 Baker ER, Zwart R, Sher E, Millar NS: Pharmacological properties of alpha 9 alpha 10 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors revealed by heterologous expression of subunit chimeras. Neuropharmacology. 1997 Jan;36(1):31-7.

In agreement with evidence that alpha9alpha10 nAChRs exhibit an atypical pharmacological profile, we have identified specific high-affinity binding of several non-nicotinic ligands including strychnine (a glycine receptor antagonist), bicuculline (a GABAA receptor antagonist), and atropine (a muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist).
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18412628 Czarnecki A, Magloire V, Streit J: Local oscillations of spiking activity in organotypic spinal cord slice cultures. Mol Pharmacol. 1998 Oct;54(4):639-46.

Blockade of glycine receptors by strychnine caused a prolongation of oscillations and their spreading in the slice, suggesting that these receptors are mainly involved in the spatial and temporal restriction of oscillations.
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18196445 Yamada T, Terashima T, Kawano S, Furuno R, Okubo T, Juneja LR, Yokogoshi H: Theanine, gamma-glutamylethylamide, a unique amino acid in tea leaves, modulates neurotransmitter concentrations in the brain striatum interstitium in conscious rats. Neuropharmacology. 2006 Sep;51(4):805-15. Epub 2006 Jun 30.

Co-injection of glycine receptor antagonist, strychnine, reduced theanine-induced changes in dopamine.
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7500153 Lev-Tov A, O'Donovan MJ: Calcium imaging of motoneuron activity in the en-bloc spinal cord preparation of the neonatal rat. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 1999 May 17;9(10):1409-14.

Substantial changes in fluorescence of calcium green-labeled motoneurons were also observed during motoneuron bursting induced by bath application of the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine or the potassium channel blocker 4-aminopyridine (4-AP). 7.
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11118498 Smith AJ, Owens S, Forsythe ID: Characterisation of inhibitory and excitatory postsynaptic currents of the rat medial superior olive. J Neurophysiol. 1996 Mar;75(3):1271-82.

Following blockade of glutamate receptors, a monosynaptic strychnine-sensitive response was evoked on stimulation of the MNTB, indicative of a glycine receptor-mediated IPSC.
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9227496 Ikejima K, Qu W, Stachlewitz RF, Thurman RG: Kupffer cells contain a glycine-gated chloride channel. . Int J Neurosci. 2003 Mar;113(3):293-305.

Low concentrations of strychnine (1 microM), a glycine receptor antagonist, reversed the inhibitory effect of glycine completely; however, high concentrations of strychnine (1 mM) mimicked glycine.
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8834483 Sherman SE, Loomis CW: Strychnine-dependent allodynia in the urethane-anesthetized rat is segmentally distributed and prevented by intrathecal glycine and betaine. Brain Res Dev Brain Res. 1997 Jan 2;98(1):30-40.

The blockade of spinal glycine receptors with intrathecal strychnine produces a reversible allodynia-like state in the rat.
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8836221 Kumamoto E, Murata Y: Glycine current in rat septal cholinergic neuron in culture: monophasic positive modulation by Zn2+. J Neurosci Methods. 1997 Sep 5;76(1):21-8.

Rat septal cholinergic neurons in culture were endowed with a Cl (-)-selective glycine receptor channel whose activation was sensitive to strychnine and picrotoxin.
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9105687 Mascia MP, Bleck VG, Harris RA: Glycine receptors from long-sleep and short-sleep mice: genetic differences in drug sensitivity. Eur J Pharmacol. 1994 May 23;257(3):217-25.

To determine the role of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in genetic differences between these mice, effects of propofol, ethanol and pregnenolone sulfate on glycine responses were compared in Xenopus oocytes expressing mRNA extracted from spinal cord of LS and SS mice.
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15654287 Molander A, Soderpalm B: Glycine receptors regulate dopamine release in the rat nucleus accumbens. Brain Res. 2005 Mar 10;1037(1-2):99-106.

Recently strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors (GlyR) have attracted some interest in this matter.
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14645455 Han Y, Li P, Slaughter MM: Selective antagonism of rat inhibitory glycine receptor subunits. Neuroscience. 2007 Apr 25;146(1):427-34. Epub 2007 Mar 7.

In this study we examined whether strychnine and DCKA selectivity correlated with the subunit composition of the glycine receptor.
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9878183 Suneja SK, Benson CG, Potashner SJ: Glycine receptors in adult guinea pig brain stem auditory nuclei: regulation after unilateral cochlear ablation. Mol Pharmacol. 1999 Sep;56(3):464-72.

In young adult guinea pigs, the effects of unilateral cochlear ablation were determined on the specific binding of [3H] strychnine measured in subdivisions of the cochlear nucleus (CN), the superior olivary complex, and the auditory midbrain, after 2, 7, 31, 60, and 147 postlesion days.
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9488503 Tapia JC, Aguayo LG: Changes in the properties of developing glycine receptors in cultured mouse spinal neurons. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 1997 Apr;45(1):169-72.

Picrotoxin (10 microM) inhibited the current to a larger extent in early neurons (46+/-6% of control), and the sensitivity of these receptors to strychnine (IC50) increased from 23+/-3 nM to 9+/-1 nM in mature neurons.
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17911099 Pless SA, Dibas MI, Lester HA, Lynch JW: Conformational variability of the glycine receptor M2 domain in response to activation by different agonists. Neuroscience. 1997 Jul;79(2):425-34.

The inhibitors strychnine and picrotoxin elicited fluorescence and current changes as expected for a competitive antagonist and an open channel blocker, respectively.
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11139233 Llanos MN, Ronco AM, Aguirre MC, Meizel S: Hamster sperm glycine receptor: evidence for its presence and involvement in the acrosome reaction. J Biol Chem. 2001 Apr 20;276(16):12556-64. Epub 2001 Jan 18.

This stimulation was completely inhibited by 50 microM (+)-bicuculline and by concentrations of strychnine as low as 10-50 nM; both agents are antagonists of neuronal GlyR when used at the concentrations reported in this study. beta-Alanine, another agonist of the neuronal GlyR, also stimulated the AR.
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16111839 Chan MH, Lee CC, Chen HH: Effects of toluene on seizures induced by convulsants acting at distinct ligand-gated ion channels. J Neurophysiol. 1995 Sep;74(3):1109-17.

Electrophysiological studies indicated that this solvent directly affects various ligand gated ion channels including NMDA, GABA (A), nicotinic and glycine receptors.
Mice were pretreated with toluene (100-1000 mg/kg, i.p.) or corn oil followed by a timed intravenous infusion of NMDA, bicuculline, picrotoxin, nicotine or strychnine to induce seizures.
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11751269 Bray C, Son JH, Kumar P, Harris JD, Meizel S: A role for the human sperm glycine receptor/Cl (-) channel in the acrosome reaction initiated by recombinant ZP3. J Neurophysiol. 2000 Oct;84(4):1726-36.

Furthermore, incubation of human sperm with an antibody directed against the alpha1 subunit of the human spinal cord GlyR or with 50 nM strychnine caused significant inhibition in the rhZP3-initated AR.
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8176438 Trombley PQ, Shepherd GM: Glycine exerts potent inhibitory actions on mammalian olfactory bulb neurons. J Physiol. 2002 Sep 1;543(Pt 2):643-53.

At moderate concentrations (> 1 microM) strychnine nonselectively antagonized both glycine- and GABA-evoked currents.
Recent immunocytochemical and molecular biological studies have demonstrated, however, a widespread distribution of glycine receptors through-out the CNS, including the olfactory bulb.
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15287902 Lobo IA, Trudell JR, Harris RA: Cross-linking of glycine receptor transmembrane segments two and three alters coupling of ligand binding with channel opening. J Physiol. 1996 Apr 15;492 ( Pt 2):545-58.

In contrast with the wild-type receptor and single cysteine mutants, the S267C/A288C double mutant displayed unusual responses, including a tonic leak activity that was closed by strychnine and a run-down of the response upon repeated applications of glycine.
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16223757 Gameiro A, Reimann F, Habib AM, O'Malley D, Williams L, Simpson AK, Gribble FM: The neurotransmitters glycine and GABA stimulate glucagon-like peptide-1 release from the GLUTag cell line. J Neurosci Methods. 1995 May;58(1-2):163-6.

Expression of GABA (A), GABA (C) and glycine receptor subunits was confirmed by RT-PCR.
In support of this idea, glycine-induced currents and GLP-1 release were blocked by strychnine, and currents showed a 58.5 mV shift in reversal potential per 10-fold change in [Cl-], consistent with the activation of a Cl (-)-selective current.
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19543795 Ericson M, Clarke RB, Chau P, Adermark L, Soderpalm B: beta-alanine elevates dopamine levels in the rat nucleus accumbens: antagonism by strychnine. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2003 Apr;284(4):R1000-9. Epub 2002 Dec 5.

Glycine receptors (GlyRs) in the nucleus accumbens (nAc) have recently been suggested to be involved in the reinforcing and dopamine-elevating properties of ethanol via a neuronal circuitry involving the VTA.
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9875360 Brockhaus J, Ballanyi K: Synaptic inhibition in the isolated respiratory network of neonatal rats. Neuroscience. 1995 Jan;64(1):153-64.

Hyperpolarizing IPSPs mediated by GABAA and glycine receptors provide a characteristic pattern of membrane potential oscillations in respiratory neurons, whereas GABAB receptors rather appear to be a feature of non-respiratory neurons, possibly providing excitatory drive to the network.
GABAA, receptor-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) with bicuculline and/or glycinergic IPSPs with strychnine.
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12242098 Luo DG, Li GL, Yang XL: Zn (2+) modulates light responses of color-opponent bipolar and amacrine cells in the carp retina. J Physiol. 1998 Aug 1;510 ( Pt 3):793-804.

The Zn (2+) effects persisted in the presence of picrotoxin and strychnine, suggesting that modulation by Zn (2+) of GABA and glycine receptors was unlikely involved.
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7916452 Minami T, Uda R, Horiguchi S, Ito S, Hyodo M, Hayaishi O: Allodynia evoked by intrathecal administration of prostaglandin E2 to conscious mice. J Neurophysiol. 2007 Apr;97(4):2642-50. Epub 2007 Jan 31.

Intrathecally administered strychnine and the GABAA antagonist bicuculline also induced allodynia in conscious mice.
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16469191 Yu D, Eldred WD: Gycine and GABA interact to regulate the nitric oxide/cGMP signaling pathway in the turtle retina. J Neurophysiol. 2009 Aug;102(2):1004-16. Epub 2009 Jun 10.

Our data show that blocking glycine receptors (GLYR) with strychnine (STRY) produced moderate increases in cGMP-like immunoreactivity (cGMP-LI) in select types of amacrine and bipolar cells, and strong increases in NO-induced fluorescence (NO-IF).
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17112484 Heesch CM, Laiprasert JD, Kvochina L: RVLM glycine receptors mediate GABAA and GABAB) independent sympathoinhibition from CVLM in rats. J Neurobiol. 2004 Aug;60(2):166-75.

The addition of strychnine (300 pmol, 100 nl) to the RVLM eliminated responses to CVLM inhibition, suggesting that a GABA (A) and GABA (B) independent sympathoinhibitory influence from CVLM to RVLM is mediated by glycine receptors.
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8723704 Fubara BM, Casseday JH, Covey E, Schwartz-Bloom RD: Distribution of GABAA, GABAB, and glycine receptors in the central auditory system of the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus. J Neurophysiol. 1995 Jan;73(1):256-69.

In the subcortical auditory nuclei there appears to be at least a partial complementarity in the distribution of GABAA receptors labeled with 35S-TBPS and glycine receptors labeled with 3H-strychnine, GABAA receptors were concentrated mainly in the inferior colliculus (IC) and medial geniculate nucleus, whereas glycine receptors were concentrated mainly in nuclei below the level of the IC.
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9772232 Burger RM, Pollak GD: Analysis of the role of inhibition in shaping responses to sinusoidally amplitude-modulated signals in the inferior colliculus. J Neurosci. 2001 Aug 15;21(16):6045-57.

We recorded responses from ICc neurons evoked by SAM signals before and during the iontophoretic application of several pharmacological agents: bicuculline, a competitive antagonist for gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptors; strychnine, a competitive antagonist for glycine receptors; the GABAB receptor blocker, phaclofen, and the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor blocker, (-)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5).
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7703434 Eckenhoff RG, Yang BJ: Absence of pressure antagonism of ethanol narcosis in C. elegans. EMBO J. 1996 Mar 15;15(6):1275-82.

Because of previous results implicating glycine receptor antagonism as a mechanism of pressure reversal, and our current inability to observe significant behavioral effects of strychnine or glycine inhibition of high affinity strychnine binding, we suggest that an absence of glycine receptors in these organisms is the basis for a lack of pressure antagonism of ethanol immobility.
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20331561 Adermark L, Clarke RB, Olsson T, Hansson E, Soderpalm B, Ericson M: Implications for glycine receptors and astrocytes in ethanol-induced elevation of dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens. Exp Neurol. 1999 Nov;160(1):215-25.

EtOH-induced dopamine release was antagonized by local treatment with the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (20 microM) or furosemide (100 microM or 1 mM).
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9605343 Koch U, Sanes DH: Afferent regulation of glycine receptor distribution in the gerbil LSO. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 1997 Jan;355(1):43-7.

Glycine receptors were either labeled with tritiated strychnine (3H-SN) or with an antibody directed against gephyrin, a protein closely associated with the receptor complex.
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8015346 Miller GW, Schnellmann RG: A putative cytoprotective receptor in the kidney: relation to the neuronal strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor. Neuropharmacology. 2009 Oct-Nov;57(5-6):551-5. Epub 2009 Jul 18.
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12888217 Kawa K: Glycine facilitates transmitter release at developing synapses: a patch clamp study from Purkinje neurons of the newborn rat. J Appl Physiol. 1993 Mar;74(3):1265-73.

Facilitatory effects of glycine were suppressed by strychnine (1 micro M), a specific blocker of the ionotropic glycine receptor, while the effects were also induced by other glycinergic agonists, including alpha-L-alanine (1 mM), L-serine (1 mM) and taurine (500 micro M).
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9144769 Gready JE, Ranganathan S, Schofield PR, Matsuo Y, Nishikawa K: Predicted structure of the extracellular region of ligand-gated ion-channel receptors shows SH2-like and SH3-like domains forming the ligand-binding site. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2003 May;27(5):743-55.

Using the glycine receptor alpha 1 subunit, which forms homopentamers, the monomeric and pentameric models define the agonist and antagonist (strychnine) binding sites to a deep crevice formed by an extended loop, which includes the invariant disulfide bridge, between the SH2 and SH3 domains.
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9147024 Tonohiro T, Kaneko T, Tanabe M, Iwata N: Picolinic acid and indole-2-carboxylic acid: two types of glycinergic compounds modulate motor function differentially. J Neurophysiol. 1996 Oct;76(4):2447-54.

A putative agonist for the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor picolinic acid was tested for its anticonvulsant activities in mice and muscle-relaxant activities in rats and compared with indole-2-carboxylic acid (I2CA), an antagonist for the strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor.
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10591891 Jovanovic K, Petrov T, Stein RB: Effects of inhibitory neurotransmitters on the mudpuppy (Necturus maculatus) locomotor pattern in vitro. J Physiol. 2009 Aug 1;587(Pt 15):3813-30. Epub 2009 Jun 15.

Addition of glycine receptor antagonist strychnine or GABA (A) receptor antagonist bicuculline disrupted the phase relationship between antagonistic motor pools during ongoing locomotion, thereby changing the normal alternating pattern into synchronous EMG bursts.
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16006112 Krause G, Lehmann S, Lehmann M, Freund I, Schreiber E, Baumann W: Measurement of electrical activity of long-term mammalian neuronal networks on semiconductor neurosensor chips and comparison with conventional microelectrode arrays. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2006 Jun;47(6):2606-12.

The GABA (A)-receptor blocker bicuculline was applied to both tissue cultures, the glycine-receptor blocker strychnine to spinal cord cultures.
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9266432 Fossom LH, Skolnick P: Chronic administration of a partial agonist at strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors: a novel experimental approach to the treatment of ischemias. Epilepsia. 1995 Aug;36(8):743-9.
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10575119 Chen L, Kelly JB, Wu SH: The commissure of probst as a source of GABAergic inhibition. . Amino Acids. 2009 Jun 19.

Inhibitory postsynaptic responses (IPSPs) evoked by stimulation of the CP were blocked by the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline, but were unaffected by the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine, supporting the conclusion that the crossed inhibitory projection to DNLL from the contralateral DNLL is GABAergic.
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11396606 Lopez-Corcuera B, Geerlings A, Aragon C: Glycine neurotransmitter transporters: an update. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 1993 Oct;46(2):275-81.

This action of glycine is mediated by the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor, whose activation produces inhibitory post-synaptic potentials.
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16805771 Betz H, Laube B: Glycine receptors: recent insights into their structural organization and functional diversity. Brain Res. 1997 Oct 31;773(1-2):173-80.

Strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors (GlyRs) are known to mediate synaptic inhibition in spinal cord, brainstem and other regions of the CNS.
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12718443 Zhang K, Weinberg JM, Venkatachalam MA, Dong Z: Glycine protection of PC-12 cells against injury by ATP-depletion. J Biol Chem. 1993 Jul 15;268(20):14608-15.

In addition, we have examined the role played by glycine receptors in cytoprotective effects of the amino acid.
Of interest, strychnine, an antagonist of glycine receptor, was also protective.
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16554506 Ghavanini AA, Mathers DA, Kim HS, Puil E: Distinctive glycinergic currents with fast and slow kinetics in thalamus. . Brain Res. 1994 Apr 11;642(1-2):59-69.

We examined functional properties of inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) evoked by medial lemniscal stimulation, spontaneous IPSCs (sIPSCs), and single-channel, extrasynaptic currents evoked by glycine receptor agonists or gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in rat ventrobasal thalamus.
We identified synaptic currents by reversal at E (Cl) and sensitivity to elimination by strychnine, GABA (A) antagonists, or combined application.
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10188956 David-Watine B, Goblet C, de Saint Jan D, Fucile S, Devignot V, Bregestovski P, Korn H: Cloning, expression and electrophysiological characterization of glycine receptor alpha subunit from zebrafish. J Neurophysiol. 2001 Oct;86(4):1632-43.

When expressed in Xenopus oocytes or a human cell line (BOSC 23), alphaZ1 forms a homomeric receptor which is activated by glycine and antagonized by strychnine.
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16107637 Lozovaya N, Yatsenko N, Beketov A, Tsintsadze T, Burnashev N: Glycine receptors in CNS neurons as a target for nonretrograde action of cannabinoids. Toxicol Lett. 2006 Jan 25;160(3):179-84. Epub 2005 Aug 18.

We also demonstrate that, in the presence of a GABA (A) receptor antagonist, GlyRs may contribute to the generation of seizure-like activity induced by short bursts (seven stimuli) of high-frequency stimulation of inputs to hippocampal CA1 region, because this activity was diminished by selective GlyR antagonists (strychnine and ginkgolides B and J).
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10886333 Belachew S, Malgrange B, Rigo JM, Rogister B, Leprince P, Hans G, Nguyen L, Moonen G: Glycine triggers an intracellular calcium influx in oligodendrocyte progenitor cells which is mediated by the activation of both the ionotropic glycine receptor and Na+-dependent transporters. J Physiol. 2003 Sep 1;551(Pt 2):617-33. Epub 2003 Aug 8.

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10462533 Schmieden V, Kuhse J, Betz H: A novel domain of the inhibitory glycine receptor determining antagonist efficacies: further evidence for partial agonism resulting from self-inhibition. Br J Pharmacol. 1996 Dec;119(7):1331-6.

The antagonists strychnine, nipecotic acid, and isobutyric acid displayed reduced potencies at recombinant GlyRs formed from alpha1 subunits, in which lysine 104, phenylalanine 108, or threonine 112 were replaced by alanine.
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7861131 Jursky F, Nelson N: Localization of glycine neurotransmitter transporter (GLYT2) reveals correlation with the distribution of glycine receptor. Neurochem Int. 1995 Oct-Nov;27(4-5):301-11.

A correlation was observed between the pattern we obtained and previously reported strychnine binding studies.
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11564428 Fontana G, Taccola G, Galante J, Salis S, Raiteri M: AMPA-evoked acetylcholine release from cultured spinal cord motoneurons and its inhibition by GABA and glycine. Synapse. 1998 Mar;28(3):185-94.

The release of [(3) H] acetylcholine evoked by alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate (AMPA) and its inhibition mediated by GABA (A) and glycine receptors were studied in superfused cultured rat embryo spinal cord motoneurons prelabeled with [(3) H] choline.
Glycine, acting at strychnine-sensitive receptors, also inhibited the effect of AMPA, but only in part.
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7728534 Koch M, Friauf E: Glycine receptors in the caudal pontine reticular formation: are they important for the inhibition of the acoustic startle response?. Am J Pathol. 2001 Mar;158(3):1021-8.

First we provided evidence for the presence of the strychnine-sensitive inhibitory GlyR on PnC neurons by immunocytochemical labeling using an antibody against the alpha 1 subunit of the GlyR.
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9133365 Han Y, Zhang J, Slaughter MM: Partition of transient and sustained inhibitory glycinergic input to retinal ganglion cells. J Neurophysiol. 2004 Jan;91(1):248-57. Epub 2003 Jul 23.

Physiological and pharmacological properties of possible subtypes of the native glycine receptor were investigated in retinal neurons using whole-cell voltage-clamp techniques.
The responses could be distinguished pharmacologically: one was sensitive to strychnine and the other to 5,7-dichlorokynurenic acid.
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10799671 Ye J: Physiology and pharmacology of native glycine receptors in developing rat ventral tegmental area neurons. Br J Pharmacol. 1994 Sep;113(1):165-70.

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11024065 Ali DW, Drapeau P, Legendre P: Development of spontaneous glycinergic currents in the Mauthner neuron of the zebrafish embryo. Channels. 2008 Jan-Feb;2(1):13-8. Epub 2008 Mar 12.

Point-per-point amplitude histograms of the decay of synaptic events at all stages resulted in the detection of similar single channel conductances estimated as approximately 45 pS, indicating the presence of heteromeric glycine receptors (GlyRs) from the onset of synaptogenesis.
Miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) were isolated and recorded in the presence of TTX (1 microM), kynurenic acid (1 mM), and bicuculline (10 microM) and were found to be sensitive to strychnine (1 microM).
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15928085 Hirata H, Saint-Amant L, Downes GB, Cui WW, Zhou W, Granato M, Kuwada JY: Zebrafish bandoneon mutants display behavioral defects due to a mutation in the glycine receptor beta-subunit. J Neurophysiol. 2008 Aug;100(2):698-707. Epub 2008 Jun 18.

Similar simultaneous contractions are observed in wild-type embryos treated with strychnine, a blocker of the inhibitory glycine receptor (GlyR).
Similar simultaneous contractions are observed in wild-type embryos treated with strychnine, a blocker of the inhibitory glycine receptor (GlyR).
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12919385 Kirchner A, Breustedt J, Rosche B, Heinemann UF, Schmieden V: Effects of taurine and glycine on epileptiform activity induced by removal of Mg2+ in combined rat entorhinal cortex-hippocampal slices. J Neurosci Methods. 1996 Oct;68(2):253-7.

Strychnine at concentrations <1 micro M abolished these effects.
Recent studies indicate the expression of glycine receptor (GlyR) in hippocampus and neocortex.
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9114241 Shao XM, Feldman JL: Respiratory rhythm generation and synaptic inhibition of expiratory neurons in pre-Botzinger complex: differential roles of glycinergic and GABAergic neural transmission. J Neurosci. 2000 Nov 1;20(21):7905-13.

Bath application of the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (STR; 5-10 microM) reversibly blocked these inspiratory-phase IPSPs, whereas the gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABA (A)) receptor antagonist bicuculline (BIC; 10-100 microM) had no effect on these IPSPs.
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11900860 Kondratskaya EL, Lishko PV, Chatterjee SS, Krishtal OA: BN52021, a platelet activating factor antagonist, is a selective blocker of glycine-gated chloride channel. Br J Pharmacol. 1994 May;112(1):97-106.

When co-applied with strychnine (STR), a competitive glycine receptor antagonist, BN52021 does not alter the IC50 value for strychnine.
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8816361 del Carmen Garcia M, Enero MA, Celuch SM: Hypotensive and hypertensive effects of catecholamines intrathecally injected in anesthetized rats. Eur J Pharmacol. 2008 Dec 3;599(1-3):86-90. Epub 2008 Sep 30.

The glycine-receptor antagonist strychnine (25 micrograms, i.t.) did not modify the hypotension induced by either noradrenaline (in the presence of prazosin) or adrenaline.
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15209420 Biro T, Maksay G: Allosteric modulation of glycine receptors is more efficacious for partial rather than full agonists. J Physiol. 2002 Feb 15;539(Pt 1):191-200.

Allosteric modulation of [3H] strychnine binding to glycine receptors (GlyRs) was examined in synaptosomal membranes of rat spinal cord.
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19286654 Pless SA, Lynch JW: Ligand-specific conformational changes in the alpha1 glycine receptor ligand-binding domain. J Physiol. 2003 Dec 15;553(Pt 3):895-909. Epub 2003 Sep 26.

In an attempt to resolve ligand-dependent movements in the ligand-binding domain, we employed voltage-clamp fluorometry on alpha1 glycine receptors to compare changes mediated by the agonist, glycine, and by the antagonist, strychnine.
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16630584 Bongianni F, Mutolo D, Nardone F, Pantaleo T: GABAergic and glycinergic inhibitory mechanisms in the lamprey respiratory control. Brain Res. 2009 Dec 22;1304:49-56. Epub 2009 Sep 24.

Similar effects were observed after glycine receptor blockade by strychnine.
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17704076 Fournier S, Allard M, Roussin S, Kinkead R: Developmental changes in central O2 chemoreflex in Rana catesbeiana: the role of noradrenergic modulation. J Neurosci. 2004 Oct 13;24(41):8961-74.

Blocking GABA (A)/glycine receptors with a bicuculine/strychnine mixture (1.25 micromol l (-1)/1.5 micromol l (-1), respectively) or activation of GABA (B) pre-synaptic autoreceptors with baclofen (0.5 micromol l (-1)) prevented the lung burst response to hypoxia and to the alpha (1)-agonist phenylephrine (25 micromol l (-1)) in both stage groups.
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11406196 Balduini W, De Angelis V, Mazzoni E, Depoortere H, Cattabeni F, Cimino M: Autoradiographic localization of [3H] thiocolchicoside binding sites in the rat brain and spinal cord. J Neurophysiol. 2007 Feb;97(2):1610-20. Epub 2006 Nov 22.

Furthermore, the observed sensitivity to strychnine in the spinal cord indicates an interaction also with strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors, suggesting that the pharmacological effects of thiocolchicoside may be the result of its interaction with different receptor populations.
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8220914 Yadid G, Pacak K, Golomb E, Harvey-White JD, Lieberman DM, Kopin IJ, Goldstein DS: Glycine stimulates striatal dopamine release in conscious rats. Anesthesiology. 2004 Nov;101(5):1167-76.

The results suggest that dopaminergic cells in the substantia nigra synthesize strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors and transport the receptors to terminals in the striatum.
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9401974 Boehm S, Harvey RJ, von Holst A, Rohrer H, Betz H: Glycine receptors in cultured chick sympathetic neurons are excitatory and trigger neurotransmitter release. J Neurophysiol. 1997 Apr;77(4):1853-60.

The classical glycine receptor antagonist strychnine reversibly reduced glycine-induced currents, with half-maximal inhibition occurring at 62 nM.
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8103091 Zhou ZJ, Fain GL, Dowling JE: The excitatory and inhibitory amino acid receptors on horizontal cells isolated from the white perch retina. Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban. 2006 Aug;31(4):534-7.

GLY-activated currents were inhibited by the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (STRYCH).
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19091929 Sanchez A, Mustapic S, Zuperku EJ, Stucke AG, Hopp FA, Stuth EA: Role of inhibitory neurotransmission in the control of canine hypoglossal motoneuron activity in vivo. Biosens Bioelectron. 1997;12(8):827-35.

Multibarrel micropipettes were used to record extracellular unit activity of individual IHMNs during local antagonism of GABA (A) receptors with bicuculline and picrotoxin or glycine receptors with strychnine.
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9268120 Friauf E, Hammerschmidt B, Kirsch J: Development of adult-type inhibitory glycine receptors in the central auditory system of rats. Acta Otolaryngol. 1996 Sep;116(5):697-704.

Here we have investigated the spatiotemporal distribution of adult-type, strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors (GlyRs) in the rat auditory system by using a specific antibody against the ligand-binding alpha1 GlyR subunit.
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14552874 Song Z, Hatton GI: Taurine and the control of basal hormone release from rat neurohypophysis. . Brain Res. 2004 Sep 24;1021(2):232-40.

The other receptor (s) involved in taurine actions is postulated to be strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors.
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15381290 Srinivasan G, Friauf E, Lohrke S: Functional glutamatergic and glycinergic inputs to several superior olivary nuclei of the rat revealed by optical imaging. Neurosci Lett. 1996 Feb 23;205(2):75-8.

Postsynaptic components were distinguished pharmacologically with the glycine receptor blocker strychnine and the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA)/kainate receptor blocker 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX).
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15756069 Miyazato M, Sugaya K, Nishijima S, Morozumi M, Ohyama C, Ogawa Y: Rectal distention inhibits the spinal micturition reflex via glycinergic or GABAergic mechanisms in rats with spinal cord injury. Br J Pharmacol. 1996 Jun;118(3):493-502.

Isovolumetric cystometry was performed before and after distention of the rectum by inflation of a rectal balloon, followed by intrathecal injection of strychnine (a selective glycine receptor antagonist) or bicuculline (a GABA (A) receptor antagonist) into the lumbosacral cord.
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16360285 Otsuguro K, Ohta T, Ito S: Zinc modulates primary afferent fiber-evoked responses of ventral roots in neonatal rat spinal cord in vitro. Exp Neurol. 2003 Oct;183(2):330-7.

Unlike Zn (2+), strychnine (5 microM), a glycine receptor antagonist, and (S),9 (R)-(-)-bicuculline methobromide (10 microM), a GABA (A) receptor antagonist, potentiated both fast polysynaptic reflex potential and slow ventral root potential.
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18367344 Venard C, Boujedaini N, Belon P, Mensah-Nyagan AG, Patte-Mensah C: Regulation of neurosteroid allopregnanolone biosynthesis in the rat spinal cord by glycine and the alkaloidal analogs strychnine and gelsemine. J Physiol. 2000 Dec 15;529 Pt 3:681-98.

The alkaloid strychnine, well-known as a glycine receptor (Gly-R) antagonist, blocked glycine stimulatory effect on 3alpha,5alpha-THP formation.
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8930257 Straka H, Dieringer N: Uncrossed disynaptic inhibition of second-order vestibular neurons and its interaction with monosynaptic excitation from vestibular nerve afferent fibers in the frog. Neuroscience. 2008 Apr 22;153(1):154-61. Epub 2008 Feb 19.

Disynaptic IPSPs superimposed upon apparently pure EPSPs were revealed by bath application of the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (0.5-5 microM) or of the gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptor antagonist bicuculline (0.5-2 microM).
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8815212 Ramirez JM, Quellmalz UJ, Richter DW: Postnatal changes in the mammalian respiratory network as revealed by the transverse brainstem slice of mice. Eur J Neurosci. 2000 Mar;12(3):994-1001.

Blockade of glycine receptors by strychnine increased the frequency of rhythmic XII activity in neonatal and older mice (P0-22).
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9019549 Galante RJ, Kubin L, Fishman AP, Pack AI: Role of chloride-mediated inhibition in respiratory rhythmogenesis in an in vitro brainstem of tadpole, Rana catesbeiana. Jpn J Physiol. 1994;44 Suppl 2:S91-6.

To investigate the role of chloride channel-dependent inhibitory mechanisms mediated by GABA (A) and/or glycine receptors on fictive lung and gill ventilation, we superfused the isolated brainstems with agonists, antagonists (bicuculline and/or strychnine) or a chloride-free solution while recording multi-unit activity from the facial motor nucleus. 2.
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12356896 Johnson SM, Wilkerson JE, Wenninger MR, Henderson DR, Mitchell GS: Role of synaptic inhibition in turtle respiratory rhythm generation. Biol Reprod. 2002 Jan;66(1):91-7.

Strychnine (a glycine receptor antagonist) increased amplitude and frequency, and decreased burst duration, but only at relatively high concentrations (10-100 microM).
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11770058 Weber M, Richardson R: Centrally administered corticotropin-releasing hormone and peripheral injections of strychnine hydrochloride potentiate the acoustic startle response in preweanling rats. J Neurophysiol. 1994 Feb;71(2):761-7.

In the present study, the authors report that peripheral injections of strychnine hydrochloride, a glycine receptor antagonist, and intracerebroventricular infusions of corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) both potentiated the acoustic startle response (ASR) in 16-18-day-old rats.
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19200346 Lee EA, Cho JH, Choi IS, Nakamura M, Park HM, Lee JJ, Lee MG, Choi BJ, Jang IS: Presynaptic glycine receptors facilitate spontaneous glutamate release onto hilar neurons in the rat hippocampus. Neuroscience. 1999 Apr;90(1):303-17.

This facilitatory effect of glycine was blocked by 1 microM strychnine, a specific glycine receptor antagonist, but was not affected by 30 microM picrotoxin.
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12153532 Gisselmann G, Galler A, Friedrich F, Hatt H, Bormann J: Cloning and functional characterization of two glycine receptor alpha-subunits from the perch retina. Eur J Neurosci. 2002 Jul;16(1):69-80.

Functional expression of the perch subunits in HEK-293 cells yielded robust glycine-gated currents sensitive to strychnine.
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7578693 Melendrez CS, Meizel S: Studies of porcine and human sperm suggesting a role for a sperm glycine receptor/Cl- channel in the zona pellucida-initiated acrosome reaction. Biol Reprod. 1995 Sep;53(3):676-83.

We then employed 1) strychnine, an antagonist of neuronal glycine receptor/Cl- channels at nanomolar concentrations and of GABAA receptor/Cl- channels at micromolar concentrations and 2) (+)-bicuculline, an antagonist of neuronal GABAA receptor/Cl- channels that inhibits glycine receptor/Cl- channels only at higher concentrations.
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11395484 Breitinger HG, Villmann C, Becker K, Becker CM: Opposing effects of molecular volume and charge at the hyperekplexia site alpha 1 (P250) govern glycine receptor activation and desensitization. table of contents.

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12660352 Thio LL, Shanmugam A, Isenberg K, Yamada K: Benzodiazepines block alpha2-containing inhibitory glycine receptors in embryonic mouse hippocampal neurons. J Med Chem. 1995 Sep 15;38(19):3720-40.

Glycine, beta-alanine, and taurine activate strychnine-sensitive chloride currents in a dose-dependent manner.
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9374187 Tapia JC, Espinoza F, Aguayo LG: Differential intracellular regulation of cortical GABA (A) and spinal glycine receptors in cultured neurons. Neurochem Int. 2006 Nov;49(6):577-83. Epub 2006 Jun 19.

Activation of G proteins with internal FAl4- induced an inhibition of the GABA (A) current, but potentiated the amplitude of the strychnine-sensitive Cl- current.
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17357155 Speranskiy K, Cascio M, Kurnikova M: Homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulations of the glycine receptor ligand binding domain. Neuroscience. 2001;104(4):1043-55.

In addition, a complex structure with strychnine antagonist in the putative binding site is proposed based on docking simulation using Autodock program.
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15836436 Pan C, Bai X, Fan L, Ji Y, Li X, Chen Q: Cytoprotection by glycine against ATP-depletion-induced injury is mediated by glycine receptor in renal cells. Neuroscience. 1998 Jul;85(2):383-94.

Furthermore, the mutation of Tyr202 to phenylalanine in GlyRa1 blocked the glycine-mediated cytoprotection, while the mutation of Tyr202 to leucine abolished the cytoprotection by strychnine.
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16449194 Maas C, Tagnaouti N, Loebrich S, Behrend B, Lappe-Siefke C, Kneussel M: Neuronal cotransport of glycine receptor and the scaffold protein gephyrin. Neurosci Lett. 1994 Feb 28;168(1-2):147-50.

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10670525 Sato Y, Son JH, Meizel S: The mouse sperm glycine receptor/chloride channel: cellular localization and involvement in the acrosome reaction initiated by glycine. J Neurochem. 2006 Jun;97(6):1600-10.

The glycine-initiated AR was significantly inhibited by 50 nM strychnine, a neuronal GlyR antagonist.
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11549740 LeBeau FE, Malmierca MS, Rees A: Iontophoresis in vivo demonstrates a key role for GABA (A) and glycinergic inhibition in shaping frequency response areas in the inferior colliculus of guinea pig. J Physiol. 2005 Dec 15;569(Pt 3):761-72. Epub 2005 Oct 13.

Application of bicuculline or strychnine in these neurons, to block inhibition mediated by GABA (A) or glycinergic receptors, respectively, increases firing rate primarily within the boundaries of the control response area.
In this group, blockade of GABA (A) and glycine receptors increases firing rate but also changes response area shape, with most becoming more V-shaped.
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11246169 Hatta K, Ankri N, Faber DS, Korn H: Slow inhibitory potentials in the teleost Mauthner cell. Neuroscience. 2010 Mar 31;166(3):1008-22. Epub 2010 Jan 6.

This suggests developmental modifications and/or a switch in the assembly of glycine receptor subtypes.
That is, they persisted in the presence of strychnine at doses that abolished the fast ones and they were more sensitive to bicuculline.
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9622238 Kira T, Harata N, Sakata T, Akaike N: Kinetics of sevoflurane action on GABA- and glycine-induced currents in acutely dissociated rat hippocampal neurons. J Neurophysiol. 2009 Jun;101(6):3063-74. Epub 2009 Mar 25.

The reversible and differential modulation of GABA (A) and glycine receptors might underlie a part of the anaesthetic actions and less adverse clinical effects of sevoflurane.
Pretreatment with 3 x 10 (-8) M strychnine markedly prolonged the time to peak of the glycine-induced ICl.
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16645195 Orer HS, Gebber GL, Barman SM: Medullary lateral tegmental field neurons influence the timing and pattern of phrenic nerve activity in cats. Exp Neurol. 1998 Dec;154(2):473-88.

Fourth, blockade of glycine receptors significantly decreased central respiratory rate by causing proportional increases in Ti and Te and significantly reduced I-burst amplitude.
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19826900 Hernandes MS, Troncone LR: Glycine as a neurotransmitter in the forebrain: a short review. Neurosci Lett. 1994 Mar 28;170(1):167-70.

The description of its involvement in the mechanism of action of the potent neurotoxin strychnine pushed further the concept of inhibitory transmitter.
This review encompasses a few of these aspects as the role of the different glycine receptors (GlyRs) in intracellular chloride balance, glycine transporters, GABA/Glycine co-release, glycine/NMDA receptor interaction, glycine receptors in acute alcohol effects and advocates a more relevant role for glycine as a stimulatory transmitter in forebrain areas.
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17604007 Eto K, Arimura Y, Nabekura J, Noda M, Ishibashi H: The effect of zinc on glycinergic inhibitory postsynaptic currents in rat spinal dorsal horn neurons. J Neural Transm. 2009 Dec;116(12):1551-60. Epub 2009 Oct 14.

These results suggest that, in addition to an action on the postsynaptic glycine receptors, zinc may depolarize the presynaptic nerve terminals, leading to an activation of voltage-dependent Na (+) and Ca (2+) channels that in turn increases glycine release.
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7982280 Komatsu H, Nogaya J, Ueki M, Yokono S, Ogli K: Possible participation of NMDA and glycine receptors but not GABAA receptors in enflurane-induced opisthotonus in mice. Neurochem Int. 2002 Jun;40(7):647-53.

The effects of pretreatment of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists dizocilpine (MK-801; DIZ) and ketamine (KET), GABAA antagonists picrotoxin (PIC), pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) and glycine antagonist strychnine (STR) on the incidence of EIO were determined.
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12205196 Dutschmann M, Paton JF: Glycinergic inhibition is essential for co-ordinating cranial and spinal respiratory motor outputs in the neonatal rat. Eur J Pharmacol. 1995 Jun 23;280(1):37-45.

We developed an arterially perfused neonatal rat preparation (postnatal age 0-4 days) to assess the effects of blocking glycine receptors with systemically administered strychnine (0.5-1 microM).
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15777757 Xu YX, Shi JS, Jiang ZL: Inhibitory influence of ginsenoside Rb (3) on activation of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in hippocampal neurons of rat. Behav Neurosci. 2001 Dec;115(6):1273-82.
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9824468 Belachew S, Rogister B, Rigo JM, Malgrange B, Mazy-Servais C, Xhauflaire G, Coucke P, Moonen G: Cultured oligodendrocyte progenitors derived from cerebral cortex express a glycine receptor which is pharmacologically distinct from the neuronal isoform. J Anat. 2002 Oct;201(4):319-23.

The oligodendrocyte progenitors glycine receptor (GlyR) differs from the corresponding neuronal receptor: [3H] strychnine binding data and the strychnine inhibition curve of glycine-induced currents in oligodendrocyte progenitor cultures suggest the existence of two strychnine binding sites on the oligodendroglial GlyR.
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19628662 Venard C, Boujedaini N, Mensah-Nyagan AG, Patte-Mensah C: Comparative Analysis of Gelsemine and Gelsemium sempervirens Activity on Neurosteroid Allopregnanolone Formation in the Spinal Cord and Limbic System. J Physiol. 2007 Jan 15;578(Pt 2):439-50. Epub 2006 Oct 26.

The stimulatory action of G. sempervirens and gelsemine (5 cH) on 3alpha,5alpha-THP production was blocked by strychnine, the selective antagonist of glycine receptors.
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8387928 Maksay G: Kinetic cooperative effect of glycine receptor agonists and antagonists on the dissociation of strychnine binding. Neuroscience. 1995 Aug;67(3):713-9.
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8545484 Layer RT, Popik P, Olds T, Skolnick P: Antidepressant-like actions of the polyamine site NMDA antagonist, eliprodil (SL-82.0715). Eur J Pharmacol. 1996 Dec 27;318(1):201-4.

Chronic treatment with eliprodil produced both a significant downregulation of beta-adrenoceptors and a reduction in the potency of glycine to inhibit [3H] 5,7-dichlorokynurenic acid binding to strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors in neocortical membranes.
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8071846 Faiman CP, Viu E, Skolnick P, Trullas R: Differential effects of compounds that act at strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors in a punishment procedure. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1994 Aug;270(2):528-33.

The anxiolytic and memory-impairing effects of compounds that act at strychnine-insensitive (SI) glycine receptors were examined and compared with those of a competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist, 2-amino-7-phosphonoheptanoic acid (AP7); a use-dependent channel blocker, dizocilpine; and a benzodiazepine agonist, diazepam (DZP).
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12614680 Vale C, Fonfria E, Bujons J, Messeguer A, Rodriguez-Farre E, Sunol C: The organochlorine pesticides gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (lindane), alpha-endosulfan and dieldrin differentially interact with GABA (A) and glycine-gated chloride channels in primary cultures of cerebellar granule cells. J Neurosci. 1998 Jun 15;18(12):4646-55.

The strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor also regulates Cl (-)-flux inhibitory responses.
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19409375 Liu Y, Hu C, Tang Y, Chen J, Dong M, Song T, Zhang X, Zhao J: Clozapine inhibits strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in rat hippocampal neurons. Rev Neurol. 2008 Dec 16-31;47(12):648-52.
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7700536 Luque JM, Nelson N, Richards JG: Cellular expression of glycine transporter 2 messenger RNA exclusively in rat hindbrain and spinal cord. Neuroscience. 1998 Jul;85(2):427-41.

The distribution of glycine transporter 2 messenger RNA-containing cell bodies was very different to that of other glycine transporter messenger RNAs (glycine transporter 1a and glycine transporter 1b), but similar to that of known glycine-immunoreactive neurons and correlated very well with that of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors in most CNS regions except cerebellum.
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14593111 Breitinger U, Breitinger HG, Bauer F, Fahmy K, Glockenhammer D, Becker CM: Conserved high affinity ligand binding and membrane association in the native and refolded extracellular domain of the human glycine receptor alpha1-subunit. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006 Jun 9;344(3):721-6. Epub 2006 Apr 17.

The strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor (GlyR) is a ligand-gated chloride channel composed of ligand binding alpha- and gephyrin anchoring beta-subunits.
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19382904 Ye JH, Sokol KA, Bhavsar U: Glycine receptors contribute to hypnosis induced by ethanol. . J Neurochem. 1994 Jun;62(6):2457-63.

We compared the LORR induced by systematic administration of ethanol and of ketamine in the absence and presence of the selective glycine receptor antagonist strychnine.
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17294103 Polina YA, Amakhin DV, Kozhanov VM, Kurchavyi GG, Veselkin NP: Three types of inhibitory miniature potentials in frog spinal cord motoneurons: possible GABA and glycine cotransmission. Nature. 1998 Apr 16;392(6677):717-20.

Strychnine (1 microM), a blocker of glycine receptors, led to a reduction in the number of fast receptors and an increase in the number of slow potentials.
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10517820 Iizuka M: Intercostal expiratory activity in an in vitro brainstem-spinal cord-rib preparation from the neonatal rat. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2009 Jun;33(6):1069-74. Epub 2009 Mar 23.

The coordinated reciprocal motor activity between the C4 ventral root and IIM changed to a largely overlapping pattern when strychnine (5-10 microM), a glycine receptor antagonist, was added to the perfusate. 5.
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9658029 Koch U, Grothe B: GABAergic and glycinergic inhibition sharpens tuning for frequency modulations in the inferior colliculus of the big brown bat. J Neurosci. 1999 Sep 1;19(17):7342-55.

We recorded the response of 56 single units in the central nucleus of the IC to SFM stimuli before and during the application of the gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptor antagonist bicuculline or the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine.
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12888218 Cheng G, Randic M: Involvement of intracellular calcium and protein phosphatases in long-term depression of A-fiber-mediated primary afferent neurotransmission. Neuroscience. 2003;122(3):799-805.

LTD of both monosynaptic and polysynaptic EPSPs was induced in 16 of 24 SG neurons by HFS of dorsal root in either the presence or absence of the GABA (A) receptor antagonist bicuculline and the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine.
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8774451 Kotak VC, Sanes DH: Developmental influence of glycinergic transmission: regulation of NMDA receptor-mediated EPSPs. Brain Res Dev Brain Res. 1993 Jun 8;73(2):289-92.

Second, continuous release of a glycine receptor antagonist, strychnine (SN), was used to decrease transmission.
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11024105 Narikawa K, Furue H, Kumamoto E, Yoshimura M: In vivo patch-clamp analysis of IPSCs evoked in rat substantia gelatinosa neurons by cutaneous mechanical stimulation. FEBS Lett. 1994 Aug 15;350(1):71-6.

The evoked IPSCs were blocked by either a glycine-receptor antagonist, strychnine (4 microM), or a GABA (A)-receptor antagonist, bicuculline (20 microM).
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19321642 Iwamoto Y, Kaneko H, Yoshida K, Shimazu H: Role of glycinergic inhibition in shaping activity of saccadic burst neurons. J Neurophysiol. 1995 Aug;74(2):495-505.

To elucidate the role of this inhibition, we studied discharge patterns of horizontal MLBNs following iontophoretic application of strychnine, a glycine-receptor antagonist, in alert cats.
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8624016 Onaka M, Minami T, Nishihara I, Ito S: Involvement of glutamate receptors in strychnine- and bicuculline-induced allodynia in conscious mice. Neuroscience. 2000;96(1):33-9.

Intrathecal administration of strychnine (strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor antagonist) or bicuculline (GABAA antagonist) was reported to induce allodynia.
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8088343 Wlaz P, Baran H, Loscher W: Effect of the glycine/NMDA receptor partial agonist, D-cycloserine, on seizure threshold and some pharmacodynamic effects of MK-801 in mice. J Neurophysiol. 1996 Nov;76(5):3555-8.

Acute treatment of mice with D-cycloserine (a high efficacy, partial agonist at strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors) resulted in dose- and time-dependent increases in the threshold for electrically induced tonic seizures.
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16942030 Gelmi ML, Pocar D, Pontremoli G, Pellegrino S, Bombardelli E, Fontana G, Riva A, Balduini W, Carloni S, Cimino M, Johnson F: 3-demethoxy-3-glycosylaminothiocolchicines: Synthesis of a new class of putative muscle relaxant compounds. J Med Chem. 2006 Sep 7;49(18):5571-7.

The biological activity of the 3-demethoxy-3-glycosylaminothiocolchicines (7) was evaluated on GABA and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors present in rat brain and spinal cord.
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9143005 Kimura N, Perry SF, Remmers JE: Strychnine eliminates reciprocation and augmentation of respiratory bursts of the in vitro frog brainstem. Neurosci Lett. 1997 Mar 28;225(1):9-12.

The nature of neurotransmission responsible for burst reciprocity and augmentation was investigated by applying the glycine receptor blocker, strychnine.
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12183767 Fuzessery ZM, Wenstrup JJ, Hall JC, Leroy S: Inhibition has little effect on response latencies in the inferior colliculus. J Neurosci Res. 1995 Aug 15;41(6):775-81.

To test this hypothesis, response latencies were measured in the inferior colliculi of the pallid and mustached bats before and during the blockade of GABAa and glycine receptors.
Multibarrel "piggyback" electrodes were used to iontophoretically apply bicuculline and strychnine sequentially while recording from single neurons.
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9518706 Grudt TJ, Henderson G: Glycine and GABAA receptor-mediated synaptic transmission in rat substantia gelatinosa: inhibition by mu-opioid and GABAB agonists. Neurochem Res. 1995 Aug;20(8):915-22.

Bicuculline-sensitive and strychnine-sensitive inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) could be evoked in neurones of the rat substantia gelatinosa of the spinal trigeminal nucleus pars caudalis. 2.
The decay of the glycine receptor-mediated mIPSCs was fitted by a single exponential, whereas the decay of the GABAA receptor-mediated mIPSCs could in some instances be fitted by a single exponential, but in other instances required two exponentials. 3.
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10537076 Vafa B, Lewis TM, Cunningham AM, Jacques P, Lynch JW, Schofield PR: Identification of a new ligand binding domain in the alpha1 subunit of the inhibitory glycine receptor. Gen Pharmacol. 1997 Apr;28(4):555-60.

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10077667 Han Y, Wu SM: Modulation of glycine receptors in retinal ganglion cells by zinc. Neuroreport. 2004 Mar 22;15(4):583-7.

This biphasic regulatory action of zinc acted selectively on the fast component of the glycine-induced current mediated by the strychnine-sensitive GlyRs, but not on the slow component mediated by the 5,7-dichlorokynurenic acid-sensitive GlyRs.
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10218865 Wlaz P, Ebert U, Loscher W: Anticonvulsant effects of eliprodil alone or combined with the glycineB receptor antagonist L-701,324 or the competitive NMDA antagonist CGP 40116 in the amygdala kindling model in rats. Neuroreport. 1998 Aug 24;9(12):2875-9.

The discovery that glutamate's activity at the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor is positively modulated by glycine and polyamines has led to a new pharmacological strategy that NMDA receptor-mediated events could be antagonized indirectly at the strychnine-insensitive glycine co-agonist site (glycine (B) receptor) and the polyamine modulatory site.
Recently we demonstrated that ifenprodil and L-701,324 (7-chloro-4-hydroxy-3 (3-phenoxy) phenyl-2 (H) quinoline), polyamine and glycine, receptor antagonists, respectively, at subeffective doses markedly increased after-discharge threshold (ADT) when applied together in amygdala-kindled rats.
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18303577 Wu J, Kohno T, Georgiev SK, Ikoma M, Ishii H, Petrenko AB, Baba H: Taurine activates glycine and gamma-aminobutyric acid A receptors in rat substantia gelatinosa neurons. Sheng Li Ke Xue Jin Zhan. 1993 Jul;24(3):267-8.

We found that taurine seemed to have higher efficacy than glycine on glycine receptors in SG neurons.
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17656439 Mitchell EA, Gentet LJ, Dempster J, Belelli D: GABAA and glycine receptor-mediated transmission in rat lamina II neurones: relevance to the analgesic actions of neuroactive steroids. Neuropharmacology. 2004 Dec;47(7):985-93.

In this study, we have compared the actions of 5alpha3alpha and minaxolone upon inhibitory transmission mediated by both GABA (A) and strychnine-sensitive GlyRs in lamina II neurones of juvenile (P15-21) rats.
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15302677 Miller PS, Harvey RJ, Smart TG: Differential agonist sensitivity of glycine receptor alpha2 subunit splice variants. Eur J Neurosci. 2006 Jun;23(12):3225-9.

The sensitivities of the splice variants to the competitive antagonist, strychnine, and to the biphasic modulator Zn (2+), were comparable.
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15066993 Castaldo P, Stefanoni P, Miceli F, Coppola G, Del Giudice EM, Bellini G, Pascotto A, Trudell JR, Harrison NL, Annunziato L, Taglialatela M: A novel hyperekplexia-causing mutation in the pre-transmembrane segment 1 of the human glycine receptor alpha1 subunit reduces membrane expression and impairs gating by agonists. J Physiol. 2009 Jun 1;587(Pt 11):2499-510. Epub 2009 Apr 9.

Gly-gated Cl (-) currents were similarly antagonized by low concentrations of strychnine in both wild-type (wt) and R218Q GlyRA1 channels, suggesting that the Arg-218 residue plays a crucial role in GlyRA1 channel gating, with only minor effects on the agonist/antagonist binding site, a hypothesis supported by our molecular model of the GlyRA1 subunit.
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19699270 Wang H, Brozoski TJ, Turner JG, Ling L, Parrish JL, Hughes LF, Caspary DM: Plasticity at glycinergic synapses in dorsal cochlear nucleus of rats with behavioral evidence of tinnitus. J Neurosci. 1993 Jul;13(7):2749-57.

Consistent with decreased alpha (1) subunit protein levels, strychnine binding studies showed significant tinnitus-related decreases in the number of GlyR binding sites, supporting tinnitus-related changes in the number and/or composition of GlyRs.
Message and protein levels of alpha (1-3,) and beta glycine receptor subunits (GlyRs), and the anchoring protein, gephyrin, were measured in DCN fusiform cells 4 months following sound exposure.
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10077865 Zhang H, Xu J, Feng AS: Effects of GABA-mediated inhibition on direction-dependent frequency tuning in the frog inferior colliculus. Life Sci. 1996;59(17):1415-21.

We performed single unit recordings and investigated the unit's free-field frequency tuning, and/or the unit's response to the interaural level differences (under dichotic stimulation), before and during local applications of antagonists specific to gamma-aminobutyric acid A and glycine receptors.
Application of strychnine produced no change in frequency tuning.
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9121816 Sorkin LS, Puig S: Neuronal model of tactile allodynia produced by spinal strychnine: effects of excitatory amino acid receptor antagonists and a mu-opiate receptor agonist. Neuroreport. 2002 Sep 16;13(13):1653-6.

In this study, we sought to characterize the effect of focal glycine-receptor inhibition on spontaneous and evoked activity in dorsal horn neurons of the chloralose-anesthetized cat.
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15730878 Hinckley C, Seebach B, Ziskind-Conhaim L: Distinct roles of glycinergic and GABAergic inhibition in coordinating locomotor-like rhythms in the neonatal mouse spinal cord. Br J Pharmacol. 1997 Oct;122(3):584-90.

Strychnine (0.5 microM), a glycine receptor antagonist, did not change the pattern of spontaneous activity that consisted of random single spikes and discharges of variable durations and intervals.
Blocking glycine receptors increased tonic discharges, and in most preparations it reduced the phase correlation between the alternating rhythms.
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10465348 Shuto H, Kataoka Y, Fujisaki K, Nakao T, Sueyasu M, Miura I, Watanabe Y, Fujiwara M, Oishi R: Inhibition of GABA system involved in cyclosporine-induced convulsions. . Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 1994 Jun;21(6):495-9.

Cyclosporine (50 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly enhanced the intensity of convulsions induced by bicuculline (GABA receptor antagonist), but not those induced by strychnine (glycine receptor antagonist), N-methyl-D-aspartic acid, quisqualic acid or kainic acid (glutamate receptor agonists).
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8867136 Wu SH, Kelly JB: In vitro brain slice studies of the rat's dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. Mol Pharmacol. 1993 Jul;44(1):198-203.

The IPSPs evoked by stimulation of the lateral lemniscus were blocked by the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine, but not by the GABA receptor antagonist bicuculline, whereas the IPSPs elicited by stimulation of the commissure of Probst were blocked by bicuculline but not strychnine.
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8313155 Gundlach AL, Kortz G, Burazin TC, Madigan J, Higgins RJ: Deficit of inhibitory glycine receptors in spinal cord from Peruvian Pasos: evidence for an equine form of inherited myoclonus. Infect Immun. 2001 Sep;69(9):5883-91.

We now report the occurrence of similar stimulus-induced myoclonus in individual, pure-bred Peruvian Paso horses and an associated, specific deficiency in the density of [3H] strychnine binding to inhibitory glycine receptors sites in spinal cord of these animals.
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15033889 Weir CJ, Ling AT, Belelli D, Wildsmith JA, Peters JA, Lambert JJ: The interaction of anaesthetic steroids with recombinant glycine and GABAA receptors. Neuroscience. 1994 Sep;62(1):205-16.

BACKGROUND: Anaesthetic steroids are established positive allosteric modulators of GABAA receptors, but little is known concerning steroid modulation of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors, the principal mediators of fast, inhibitory neurotransmission in the brain stem and spinal cord.
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10896896 Goodchild AK, Van Deurzen BT, Sun QJ, Chalmers J, Pilowsky PM: Spinal GABA (A) receptors do not mediate the sympathetic baroreceptor reflex in the rat. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2004 Jun;138(2):193-202.

Spinal GABA (A) receptors were blocked by an intrathecal injection of bicuculline methiodide, whereas glycine receptors were blocked with strychnine.
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10440100 Balduini W, Cimino M, Depoortere H, Cattabeni F: Characterization of [3H] thiocolchicoside binding sites in rat spinal cord and cerebral cortex. Vis Neurosci. 2000 Mar-Apr;17(2):243-54.

Thiocolchicoside, a semi-synthetic derivative of the naturally occurring compound colchicoside with a relaxant effect on skeletal muscle, has been found to displace both [3H] gamma-aminobutyric acid ([3H] GABA) and [3H] strychnine binding, suggesting an interaction with both GABA and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors.
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10557336 Palma E, Fucile S, Barabino B, Miledi R, Eusebi F: Strychnine activates neuronal alpha7 nicotinic receptors after mutations in the leucine ring and transmitter binding site domains. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1995 Mar;15(2):188-96.

Recent work has shown that strychnine, the potent and selective antagonist of glycine receptors, is also an antagonist of nicotinic acetylcholine (AcCho) receptors including neuronal homomeric alpha7 receptors, and that mutating Leu-247 of the alpha7 nicotinic AcCho receptor-channel domain (L247Talpha7; mut1) converts some nicotinic antagonists into agonists.
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11380521 Patten D, Foxon GR, Martin KF, Halliwell RF: An electrophysiological study of the effects of propofol on native neuronal ligand-gated ion channels. J Neurophysiol. 1998 Nov;80(5):2229-36.

To gain some insight into the effects of propofol at a range of native neuronal receptors, the present study has used an extracellular recording technique and determined its effects at GABA (A), 5-HT3, P2X and nicotinic acetylcholine (nACh) receptors of the rat isolated vagus nerve and the GABA (A) and strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor of the rat isolated optic nerve.
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7602541 Paton JF, Richter DW: Role of fast inhibitory synaptic mechanisms in respiratory rhythm generation in the maturing mouse. Eur J Pharmacol. 1998 Aug 7;354(2-3):239-44.

On-going inhibitory postsynaptic potentials of neurones located in the ventral respiratory group region of tilted sagittal slices from both immature and mature mice were sensitive to low concentrations of either bicuculline or strychnine (1-5 microM) indicating an absence of a maturational change in the sensitivity of GABAA and glycine receptors to their respective antagonists.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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7500136 Cowley KC, Schmidt BJ: Effects of inhibitory amino acid antagonists on reciprocal inhibitory interactions during rhythmic motor activity in the in vitro neonatal rat spinal cord. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2009 Aug;30(8):1107-14. Epub 2009 Jul 20.

However, addition of the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline, or the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine, transformed alternating flexor-extensor and left-right activity into patterns characterized by bilaterally synchronous rhythmic activation of all hindlimb ENGs.
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20018830 Jiang Z, Shen W: Role of neurotransmitter receptors in mediating light-evoked responses in retinal interplexiform cells. J Neurochem. 1993 Nov;61(5):1692-7.

The light-evoked inhibitory postsynaptic currents (L-IPSCs) in IP cells were primarily mediated by strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors with a small component of GABA (C) receptors.
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19959465 Melzer N, Villmann C, Becker K, Harvey K, Harvey RJ, Vogel N, Kluck CJ, Kneussel M, Becker CM: Multifunctional basic motif in the glycine receptor intracellular domain induces subunit-specific sorting. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1999 Mar 16;96(6):3234-8.

The strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor (GlyR) is a ligand-gated ion channel that mediates fast synaptic inhibition in the vertebrate central nervous system.
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19523966 Mok MH, Fricker AC, Weil A, Kew JN: Electrophysiological characterisation of the actions of kynurenic acid at ligand-gated ion channels. J Neurosci. 2005 Aug 17;25(33):7499-506.

KynA inhibited AMPA-evoked currents to a similar degree in cultured hippocampal neurons and a human GluR2 (flip/unedited) cell line (IC (50): 433 and 596 muM, respectively) and at higher concentrations, kynA also inhibited the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor ( approximately 35% inhibition by 3 mM kynA).
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9819238 Moore DR, Kotak VC, Sanes DH: Commissural and lemniscal synaptic input to the gerbil inferior colliculus. Neurosci Lett. 1999 Jul 9;269(2):75-8.

Excitatory and inhibitory synaptic responses were characterized by sequentially exposing the slice to ionotropic glutamate receptor antagonists [6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) + aminophosphonpentanoic acid (AP-5), or kynurenic acid)], a gamma-aminobutryic acid type A receptor antagonist (bicuculline), and a glycine receptor antagonist (strychnine).
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7562904 Bigge CF, Malone TC, Boxer PA, Nelson CB, Ortwine DF, Schelkun RM, Retz DM, Lescosky LJ, Borosky SA, Vartanian MG, et al.: Synthesis of 1,4,7,8,9,10-hexahydro-9-methyl-6-nitropyrido [3,4-f]- quinoxaline-2,3-dione and related quinoxalinediones: characterization of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (and N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor and anticonvulsant activity. J Physiol. 2009 Aug 15;587(Pt 16):4063-75. Epub 2009 Jun 29.

The compounds were tested for their affinity to the AMPA, kainate, and strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor sites.
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17122321 Kulesza RJ Jr, Kadner A, Berrebi AS: Distinct roles for glycine and GABA in shaping the response properties of neurons in the superior paraolivary nucleus of the rat. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2003 Jun 27;306(2):376-81.

To determine the roles of glycine and GABA in shaping SPON responses, we recorded from single units in the SPON of anesthetized rats before, during, and after application of the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine, the GABA (A) receptor antagonist bicuculline, or both drugs applied simultaneously.
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12431848 Papp M, Gruca P, Willner P: Selective blockade of drug-induced place preference conditioning by ACPC, a functional NDMA-receptor antagonist. Neuropharmacology. 2001 Jun;40(8):1044-9.

ACPC (1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid) is a partial agonist at the strychnine-insensitive glycine receptor site on the NMDA receptor complex, and a functional NMDA antagonist.
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11238050 Dong Z, Venkatachalam MA, Weinberg JM, Saikumar P, Patel Y: Protection of ATP-depleted cells by impermeant strychnine derivatives: implications for glycine cytoprotection. J Med Chem. 2007 May 3;50(9):2245-8. Epub 2007 Apr 6.

The glycine receptor antagonist strychnine shares this protective activity.
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8845730 Heilbronn E, Jarlebark L, Lawoko G: Cholinergic and purinergic signalling in outer hair cells of mammalian cochlea. Eur J Pharmacol. 2006 Jan 13;530(1-2):15-22. Epub 2005 Dec 20.

Strychnine, a glycine receptor blocker suggested to interfere with cholinergic sites of the efferent OHC synapse, was found to bind to OHC (cold strychnine for unspecific binding).
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11516417 Su CK: Intraspinal amino acid neurotransmitter activities are involved in the generation of rhythmic sympathetic nerve discharge in newborn rat spinal cord. J Appl Physiol. 2006 Aug;101(2):521-30. Epub 2006 Apr 27.

In contrast, strychnine (Stry, glycine receptor antagonist) consistently reduced qSND in a dose-dependent manner.
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16951512 Chen YP, Cao DQ, Tan CH, Xu JM, Chang YT: [Effect of morphine on dorsal horn projection neurons in neuropathic pain rats]. Brain Res. 1995 Feb 6;671(1):63-72.

The glycine receptor antagonist strychnine at 4 micromol/L significantly decreased the effect of morphine in nerve-injured, normal, and sham operation rats.
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10368424 Bieda MC, Copenhagen DR: Sodium action potentials are not required for light-evoked release of GABA or glycine from retinal amacrine cells. J Neurophysiol. 1999 Jun;81(6):3092-5.

To isolate release from GABAergic amacrine cells, we used the glycine receptor blocker strychnine.
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16182281 Jensen AA: Functional characterisation of human glycine receptors in a fluorescence-based high throughput screening assay. Pharmazie. 1999 Dec;54(12):923-5.

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8859906 Roberts RJ, Shelton CJ, Daniels S, Smith EB: Glycine activation of human homomeric alpha 1 glycine receptors is sensitive to pressure in the range of the high pressure nervous syndrome. Neuroscience. 2006;138(1):281-91. Epub 2005 Dec 19.

Glycine elicited a concentration-dependent inward current which reversed polarity at -25 mV and was antagonised by nanomolar concentrations of strychnine.
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7910635 Wahl P, Elster L, Schousboe A: Identification and function of glycine receptors in cultured cerebellar granule cells. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1993 Mar;264(3):1248-52.

In contrast, strychnine (20 microM) antagonized the inhibitory effect of glycine (1 mM) but not that of isoguvacine (150 microM).
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17646495 Milutinovic PS, Yang L, Cantor RS, Eger EI 2nd, Sonner JM: Anesthetic-like modulation of a gamma-aminobutyric acid type A, strychnine-sensitive glycine, and N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors by coreleased neurotransmitters. Mol Pharmacol. 1999 Feb;55(2):386-95.

METHODS: We tested this prediction by applying acetylcholine to a NR1/NR2A N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor, glycine to a wild-type alpha (1) beta (2) and anesthetic-resistant alpha (1)(S270I) beta (2) gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA) type A receptor, and GABA to a homomeric alpha (1) wild type and anesthetic-resistant alpha (1) S267I glycine receptor.
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7595762 Saitoh I, Suga N: Long delay lines for ranging are created by inhibition in the inferior colliculus of the mustached bat. Neuroreport. 2008 Feb 12;19(3):333-7.

STR (glycine receptor antagonist) and/or BMI [gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABAA) receptor antagonist] injections into the ALD shortened the best delays of delay-tuned neurons in the FM-FM area with little change in their response patterns.
Responses of single delay-tuned neurons in the FM-FM area of the auditory cortex were recorded with a tungsten-wire microelectrode, and the effects of iontophoretic microinjections of strychnine (STR) and/or bicuculline methiodide (BMI) into the ALD were examined on the responses of these neurons. 2.
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9183739 Withers MD, St John PA: Embryonic rat spinal cord neurons change expression of glycine receptor subtypes during development in vitro. J Neurophysiol. 2008 Aug;100(2):993-1006. Epub 2008 May 21.

However, the extent to which responses to glycine were blocked by the antagonist strychnine differed significantly between the first few days and 8 days in culture.
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15745952 Ster J, Colomer C, Monzo C, Duvoid-Guillou A, Moos F, Alonso G, Hussy N: Insulin-like growth factor-1 inhibits adult supraoptic neurons via complementary modulation of mechanoreceptors and glycine receptors. J Physiol. 2006 Mar 1;571(Pt 2):391-401. Epub 2006 Jan 5.

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15976053 Chesnoy-Marchais D: The estrogen receptor modulator tamoxifen enhances spontaneous glycinergic synaptic inhibition of hypoglossal motoneurons. J Physiol. 1999 Oct 1;520 Pt 1:121-37.

The increase in miniature amplitude is consistent with the increase in postsynaptic glycine receptor sensitivity previously reported.
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10963763 Huang RQ, Dillon GH: Direct inhibition of glycine receptors by genistein, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1998 Nov 16;860:306-17.

Coapplication of genistein with glycine reversibly inhibited the strychnine-sensitive, glycine-activated current recorded from hypothalamic neurons.
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15748848 Grudzinska J, Schemm R, Haeger S, Nicke A, Schmalzing G, Betz H, Laube B: The beta subunit determines the ligand binding properties of synaptic glycine receptors. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2007 Mar;100(3):165-9.

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11172926 Sergeeva OA, Eriksson KS, Haas HL: Glycine receptor mediated responses in rat histaminergic neurons. . Curr Top Med Chem. 2002 Aug;2(8):903-13.

We compared strychnine-sensitive glycine-mediated currents with maximal currents activated by gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA, 0.5 mM) which were blocked by gabazine.
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16503963 Kusudo K, Ikeda H, Murase K: Depression of presynaptic excitation by the activation of vanilloid receptor 1 in the rat spinal dorsal horn revealed by optical imaging. Neuroscience. 2009 Dec 1;164(2):747-59. Epub 2009 Aug 20.

The inhibition of excitation was unaffected by bicuculline and strychnine, antagonists of GABA (A) and glycine receptors, respectively.
The inhibition of excitation was unaffected by bicuculline and strychnine, antagonists of GABA (A) and glycine receptors, respectively.
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15490133 Barth A, Nguyen LB, Barth L, Newell DW: Glycine-induced neurotoxicity in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. J Neurophysiol. 1997 Nov;78(5):2296-308.

Purely excitatory glycine receptors composed of NR1 and NR3/NR4 NMDA receptor subunits have recently been described, raising the possibility of excitotoxic effects mediated by glycine alone.
Stimulation (taurine, beta-alanine) or inhibition (strychnine) of the inhibitory strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors did not produce any neurotoxicity.
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19515958 Peterson DC, Nataraj K, Wenstrup J: Glycinergic inhibition creates a form of auditory spectral integration in nuclei of the lateral lemniscus. J Neurophysiol. 2008 Aug;100(2):598-608. Epub 2008 Mar 19.

To understand the mechanisms underlying this suppression in NLL neurons, we examined the roles of glycinergic and GABAergic input through local microiontophoretic application of strychnine, an antagonist to glycine receptors (GlyRs), or bicuculline, an antagonist to gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABA (A) Rs).
To understand the mechanisms underlying this suppression in NLL neurons, we examined the roles of glycinergic and GABAergic input through local microiontophoretic application of strychnine, an antagonist to glycine receptors (GlyRs), or bicuculline, an antagonist to gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABA (A) Rs).
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14658766 Rotolo TC, Dacheux RF: Two neuropharmacological types of rabbit ON-alpha ganglion cells express GABAC receptors. J Neurophysiol. 2006 Jun;95(6):3438-48. Epub 2006 Mar 22.

In conclusion, the presence of different functional GABA and glycine receptors determined physiologically correlated well with the specific GABA and glycine receptor immunolabeling for two neuropharmacological types of rabbit ON-alpha ganglion cells.
Both cell types demonstrated strychnine-sensitive glycine-activated currents and bicuculline-sensitive GABAA-activated currents.
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10517806 Ehrlich I, Lohrke S, Friauf E: Shift from depolarizing to hyperpolarizing glycine action in rat auditory neurones is due to age-dependent Cl- regulation. Br J Pharmacol. 1996 Nov;119(5):1013-21.

Glycine-evoked currents were reversibly blocked by strychnine.
This indicates that Cl- is the principle ion permeating glycine receptors, but is also consistent with a low relative (10-20 %) permeability for HCO3-.
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18417693 Manookin MB, Beaudoin DL, Ernst ZR, Flagel LJ, Demb JB: Disinhibition combines with excitation to extend the operating range of the OFF visual pathway in daylight. Eur J Pharmacol. 2009 Jun 24;613(1-3):68-73. Epub 2009 Apr 24.

Furthermore, the CNQX/d-AP-5-resistant response was blocked by l-AP-4, meclofenamic acid, quinine, or strychnine but not by bicuculline.
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10670445 Ishikawa T, Marsala M, Sakabe T, Yaksh TL: Characterization of spinal amino acid release and touch-evoked allodynia produced by spinal glycine or GABA (A) receptor antagonist. J Neurosci. 2001 Sep 15;21(18):7110-6.

Intrathecal strychnine (glycine antagonist) or bicuculline (GABA (A) antagonist) yields a touch-evoked agitation that is blocked by N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonism.
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12144849 Chitravanshi VC, Sapru HN: Microinjections of glycine into the pre-Botzinger complex inhibit phrenic nerve activity in the rat. J Neurophysiol. 2003 Mar;89(3):1339-42. Epub 2002 Nov 6.

The specificity of strychnine as an antagonist for glycine receptors was established by its lack effect on GABA (A) receptors; muscimol was used as a GABA (A) receptor agonist.
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18053729 Maksay G, Nemes P, Vincze Z, Biro T: Synthesis of (nor) tropeine (di) esters and allosteric modulation of glycine receptor binding. J Neurochem. 1999 Nov;73(5):2158-66.

Modulation of [3H] strychnine binding to glycine receptors of rat spinal cord was examined with a ternary allosteric model.
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10675640 Devau G: Glycine induced calcium concentration changes in vestibular type I sensory cells. Neuroscience. 2004;128(3):617-34.

Glycine may also activate the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor-gated channel.
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9661296 Fatima-Shad K, Barry PH: Morphological and electrical characteristics of postnatal hippocampal neurons in culture: the presence of bicuculline- and strychnine-sensitive IPSPs. Brain Res. 2007 Mar 2;1135(1):102-6. Epub 2007 Jan 2.

The coincident reversal potentials for IPSCs and for GABAA and glycine-evoked currents, and the sensitivity of the IPSCs to bicuculline or strychnine, indicated that these IPSCs were Cl-(-) dependent and mediated by either GABAA or glycine receptors.
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7477420 Dar DE, Zinder O: Strychnine affects catecholamine secretion from bovine adrenal medulla chromaffin cells. table of contents.

Strychnine might be acting on a regulatory site of the nicotinic-cholinergic receptor, which is genetically similar to the strychnine-binding 48 KD subunit of the glycine receptor.
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9157329 Sato K, Momose-Sato Y, Hirota A, Sakai T, Kamino K: Optical studies of the biphasic modulatory effects of glycine on excitatory postsynaptic potentials in the chick brainstem and their embryogenesis. Br J Pharmacol. 1997 Feb;120(4):690-4.

The enhancing effect was insensitive to strychnine, but the reducing effect was blocked by strychnine, suggesting that the former effect was induced by glycine which increased glutamate binding to N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, and the latter resulted from an increase in chloride conductance through the strychnine-sensitive inhibitory glycine receptors in postsynaptic neurons.
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8714523 Puebla L, Arilla E: Glycine increases the number of somatostatin receptors and somatostatin-mediated inhibition of the adenylate cyclase system in the rat hippocampus. Brain Res. 2007 Sep 7;1168:32-7. Epub 2007 Jul 27.

This effect seems to be mediated by inhibitory strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors since pretreatment with the antagonist strychnine (80 micrograms/100 g body weight, intravenously) abolished this response.
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12937280 Morrison JL, Sood S, Liu H, Park E, Liu X, Nolan P, Horner RL: Role of inhibitory amino acids in control of hypoglossal motor outflow to genioglossus muscle in naturally sleeping rats. Chembiochem. 2002 Nov 4;3(11):1042-52.

Microdialysis probes were implanted into the hypoglossal motor nucleus for perfusion of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF) and strychnine (glycine receptor antagonist, 0.1 mM) either alone or combined with bicuculline (GABAA antagonist, 0.1 mM) during room air and CO2-stimulated breathing.
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8930324 Peng YB, Lin Q, Willis WD: Effects of GABA and glycine receptor antagonists on the activity and PAG-induced inhibition of rat dorsal horn neurons. Jpn J Physiol. 1995;45(5):849-67.

The GABAA receptor antagonist, bicuculline, was tested on 19 cells, whereas the glycine receptor antagonist, strychnine, was tested on 17 cells.
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7475222 Ueno S, Nabekura J, Ishibashi H, Akaike N, Mori T, Shiga M: Photolysis of a newly synthesized caged glycine activates the glycine receptor of rat CNS neurons. J Neurophysiol. 1995 Jul;74(1):1-11.

The functions of 12 different newly synthesized caged glycines were examined on strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors on rat hypothalamic neurons using photochemical and physiological methods.
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15045581 Scappaticci AA, Jacques R, Carroll JE, Hufnagel LA, Kass-Simon G: Immunocytochemical evidence for an NMDA1 receptor subunit in dissociated cells of Hydra vulgaris. Br J Pharmacol. 1998 Sep;125(2):263-70.

They support other behavioral and biochemical evidence for a D-serine-sensitive, strychnine-insensitive, glycine receptor in hydra and suggest that the glutamatergic AMPA/kainate-NMDA system is an early evolved, phylogenetically old, behavioral control mechanism.
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9915325 Hall SR, Milne B, Loomis C: Spinal action of ketorolac, S (+)- and R (-)-ibuprofen on non-noxious activation of the catechol oxidation in the rat locus coeruleus: evidence for a central role of prostaglandins in the strychnine model of allodynia. Cell Tissue Res. 2004 May;316(2):263-70. Epub 2004 Mar 25.

BACKGROUND: Blockade of spinal glycine receptors with intrathecal strychnine produces an allodynia-like state in the anesthetized rat.
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8951717 Nishimaru H, Iizuka M, Ozaki S, Kudo N: Spontaneous motoneuronal activity mediated by glycine and GABA in the spinal cord of rat fetuses in vitro. J Biol Chem. 2005 Nov 11;280(45):37877-84. Epub 2005 Sep 6.

The glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (10 microM) completely blocked spontaneous bursts at E14.5-15.5.
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8242398 Layer RT, Bland LR, Skolnick P: MK-801, but not drugs acting at strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors, attenuate methamphetamine nigrostriatal toxicity. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2002 Nov;27(5):727-43.

The objectives of the present study were to examine whether comparable reductions in METH-induced damage could be obtained by compounds acting at strychnine-insensitive glycine receptors on the NMDA receptor complex.
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8334524 Kubin L, Kimura H, Tojima H, Davies RO, Pack AI: Suppression of hypoglossal motoneurons during the carbachol-induced atonia of REM sleep is not caused by fast synaptic inhibition. Nutr Cancer. 2001;40(2):197-204.

The inhibitory amino acid receptor antagonists, strychnine (glycine receptors) or bicuculline (GABAA receptors), were injected (100-250 nl; 1.0-2.5 mM) into one XII nucleus (the other served as control) in an attempt to reduce or abolish the depression subsequently induced by pontine carbachol.
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17522127 Johnson SM, Wiegel LM, Majewski DJ: Are pacemaker properties required for respiratory rhythm generation in adult turtle brain stems in vitro?. J Exp Biol. 2007 Sep;210(Pt 17):3015-26.

During synaptic inhibition blockade with bicuculline (50 microM; GABA (A) channel blocker) and strychnine (50 muM; glycine receptor blocker), rhythmic motor activity persisted, and burst frequency was directly correlated with extracellular KCl (0.5-10.0 mM; P = 0.005).
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7730987 Yoshimura M, Nishi S: Primary afferent-evoked glycine- and GABA-mediated IPSPs in substantia gelatinosa neurones in the rat spinal cord in vitro. J Cell Biol. 2006 Jan 30;172(3):441-51.

The short IPSP was reversibly blocked by the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (0.5-2 microM), while the long IPSP was reversibly blocked by the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline (10-20 microM). 3.
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16467527 Kato G, Yasaka T, Katafuchi T, Furue H, Mizuno M, Iwamoto Y, Yoshimura M: Direct GABAergic and glycinergic inhibition of the substantia gelatinosa from the rostral ventromedial medulla revealed by in vivo patch-clamp analysis in rats. Brain Res. 2001 Jun 15;904(1):112-25.

Serotonin receptor antagonists were unexpectedly without effect, but a GABAA receptor antagonist, bicuculline, or a glycine receptor antagonist, strychnine, completely suppressed the RVM stimulation-induced increase in IPSCs.
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9300767 Willott JF, Milbrandt JC, Bross LS, Caspary DM: Glycine immunoreactivity and receptor binding in the cochlear nucleus of C57BL/6J and CBA/CaJ mice: effects of cochlear impairment and aging. Neurosci Lett. 2001 Jul 6;307(1):1-4.

The number (Bmax) of strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors (GlyR) decreased significantly in the dorsal CN of old C57 mice.
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9421890 Harsch A, Ziegler C, Gopel W: Strychnine analysis with neuronal networks in vitro: extracellular array recording of network responses. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2000 Jul;279(1):R320-31.

This paper reports on substance-dependent major changes in spontaneous native activity patterns by the synaptically active (glycine receptor blocker) strychnine.
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